<br /> g _
<br />_�
<br /> � r �
<br /> � 90-- 10
<br /> ` NON•UNIFOAM C9YENANT3. 8orrowK aad L�ndar NnhK cov�nt �nd�a�e�s tallowa: 25 60
<br /> , 19. ACCii�fitiOil: R�m�dii�. landar ahaA giva notka to BasoNrar prf�r to scee�erattan tollowbtQ Bosrower�� b��ch of u�y
<br /> covenant or�prren�t tn thie S�cudly Inetrumm't (but not prio►to�ccMaratior► und� p�r�Qraphs 19 a 17 unMss �pplk',�bN Mw provides
<br /> othawi��). TA�notla sAaN spacMy: (�)th�dMwN; (b)the�cdon rpuk�d to curo tha d�ult; (c) �d�t�, not Ns�than 30 d�Ys kom ths
<br /> � d�t�tM notla is qlwn to F3ortowu, by vrchkh th�dM�uyt must b�ax�d; �nd (� that tYun to cun th� da1�uN on or Mton tM d�t�
<br /> ap�oNf:� h 1P�RoMw nw�y n�uN in aocM�yNott ol th�wm� t�ax�d by tAb S�curlty MsWmmt�d�ala of tl» Prop�N• m�nottc��hu
<br /> fuAfiK h/am 6arowK of 1M �ipht to �elnsLt� �ttr acc�nUa��nd th� �ht to b�inp�court �dion to�sa�t th�non-�ocist�,c�ut a
<br /> d�liw�1 vr �ny atMt d�I�fa ot BorrowK to�cciN��tbn and s�.M M�d�t�ult i� not cw+ed on or b�los�the cMN e{�cJMd tn tM aotlee.
<br /> LwxIK�t Its opt�on m�y nqi�in tnn�t�p�yment in w�l ot�N wna ssc�x�d by thb S�axily{n�tnenent wilhaut WAh�r d�nu►d�nd rn�y
<br /> tnvoic�tM powK ot�aN �eM �ny otMr nrtwdi���mktid by appNcabM i�w. l�nd�shal b��nW«!to eW�d a1 a��nus haerted h
<br /> pursuk►v th�t«nK�p►ovld�d in thb p�ragapA 19. hdudn9,but not M�INd to,n�sawbl�attom�ya'hM and oosb W tltl��vkl�na•
<br /> N 1M pow�r of�N hvok�d. T�ust�s shv noord� �sofiw ot d�ult b�ach co�xdy in which �ny part of tM P►op�h►b loat�d�nd
<br /> sA�1 m�oopiM a wch notla in tM nwmK P���bY�PP� faw to Bortow�and to tM ahK pKSOes pnsaib�d bIl M�
<br /> . Mw. AMr tM tin�►��kyd D'f►�PP�M�, T�ustM sh�A �iw pub�o not�of s�N to tM p�sons�nd M tM m�nnw P�ab�d bS►
<br /> •pplaiDl�Mw. T�ushs. wlthout d�rtw�� on Bort�ow�,shal seN tM PropMly W pubto au�stbn to th�Mph�st bidd�►d th�tNn��nd PM«
<br /> � a�dw IM twnM.dNi�Nd b tM nolia d aaN In oM or mon p�rotls�nd in anf►adK TruatM d�t�s.T�ustN maY P��
<br /> ..a a�«.�+�►v.rai a a,.�a�► �r �•�«,�,�,,.�e n tn.u,».�,a�.a a.rry p..�o��y.on.�.d:.a. �«,a�. «k:
<br /> ��»�Y P�'��s�tM Rq�rty at any aNe.
<br /> Upon no�t d p�ym�►t oQ the prke bid, Tniate�ah�deNver to tlw purcha� T�us1M's desd co�veyinp th� P�'ape�tY• T1w��+ h
<br /> tM T�urt�s's dsed shaM bs p�in�t�cis rvkience of th�dutte of ths atatements m�ds thenk�.Tnrit�s ahaN appy th� procs�d+ of the �ak
<br /> in tM to�ewin� orMc (a) to a��cpmses of tM s�ie, �ncludnQ, but nol Nn+ited to, Trustw's ha+�s pannitt�d bY appNc�bl� I�w�d
<br /> ro�soeabN attomys'iMS: (b)to M sums s�cund bY thb Sew►iry Inst�ment; and (oj any�ocass to the pe►son or pKao�s M9My �nHtlsd
<br /> to�.
<br /> 20. I.�nd�r In Poss�sston. Upon accNeraUo� under p�rayniph 18 or abandonment of th�R�oMrry� L�ndK(h P�so^.bY
<br /> �!or by JudclMy appotnt�d naiver) shaA be anUded to aoter upon,Lke possssabn ol and m�na�e tha Prop�tY and to ooMd tM
<br /> n�ts of tM Rropery indudny tAos�past due. My ro�ta coAected dy Lender or ths reoeiver shal be appNsd ltrst to p�yment d th�
<br /> oost�d nwn�9enMnt of tM Prop�ty and ooNectbn oi ronq� indudlnQ, but not MnAted to, nceNer's taea. premtum�on r�oMrer's baids
<br /> and rMSOrMbI�attomys'ha,and th�n to t�he sums aewrod by thta Sscudly Instruma��
<br /> 21. R�COnwyanC�. Upan p�yment of a11 auma aeeurod by tt�le S�aaiy M�wn�t, I.ender shaM roquest Trustee to taconvey .
<br /> tha Rropa�ty and sh�l wrrender this S�cwity Instrumen't and�notea erlde�ctn�debt aecured by this Secudty Ins�rument to Trustee. • �
<br /> Truatw shaM nca►vay tM Prop�rty wlthout wartanry and without cts�rge to the peraon or persons le�ly entitled to�. Such person or •
<br /> persoes ahau p�y arry reeord�Uon coata.
<br /> �2. Subditut� TrustN. lander. at ps optbn, m�y lrom time to time romove Taatne and�ppotnt a aucc�ssor truatN to any �
<br /> Tru�Me�tad hereundar 6y an hslrument rocorded in the county(n whkh tha Seauily Inatrume�t is rocorded. Wlthout convey�nce i �
<br /> of ths Poope�y.th�successor trustes ahaN succeed to a�the Utle, pawar and duUes confert�ed upon TNatee herein ar�d by applc�bN M�►•
<br /> Z9. RNU�st tor NoNc��. Bomower re4��that coples of ttw notkxs of dehuN �nd saN be aent to Barower's �ddrese -
<br /> _ � whictr M th�PrqsMiy 1lddreu. Barrowar tutthar nquats that coples ot the rtotic:es ot de1wK�nd aate be aent to McN person wt�o is a : _-
<br /> pary heroto at the addr+sas ol auch peraon set forth heroin. �
<br /> 24. Rid�ra to this S�curity I�strum�elt. H ene or moro daers an execuced by Barowar.nd rocorded toydher with thia _—
<br /> �c�xRy InsWnNnt. th� coverw�ts and ageertients of e�ch such cider shaM bs incorporated hto�nd ahal art�d�nd suppkment the • _
<br /> oovarnnb �nd agMnwnts ol thts�ecurity Instnxne�t as M the rider(ay vrero� pNt of this Securily InaUumen� ;
<br /> �
<br /> (Chedc�PP��(es)l
<br /> p adj�,st.a.Rd.a+de� p ca,dank,iun,Rider p ,.a F.mih►aae�
<br /> � t�adwted P�yment Ridx � Pl�coned Unit Devetopment Rider i .,
<br /> t -
<br /> ❑ Other(s) Specih ,�*
<br /> 6Y 3t(3NIN0 BELOW. Borrowx�ccapta and agress to the tertns and covenanta contained in this Security tnatrument a�d in anY �ider�s� "°'
<br /> executed by Barower and recorcbd with R. -•�`:
<br /> `.�
<br /> (�L) ' �y.� (SEAI')
<br /> earo� e John W $arg��t
<br /> ��� �GC� �� ��y
<br /> eo�.o� �o�� attds M Sar�ent
<br /> � as.
<br /> COUNTY OF Adams
<br /> � On this ` _d�y ol `�� ,betore me.the undersigned,a Notary PubAc duly cortKnissioned ,
<br /> �nd QwlMed tor saW county,pers came John W Sar��nt and Wanda M Sar��nt Husband and Wifa ,
<br /> to me known to be the identicat person(a) whose name(s) are aubscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowkdged the executbn�
<br /> thexeot to be thYir voiuntary act�nd deed.
<br /> . 1KAness my hand and�owi�l aeal at Hsstin in saW county, the date�torcsaid. ,�
<br /> � � .
<br /> � My commission e�ires•&1-93 - ---- — � —�A � �
<br /> Notary b6c rry L Blaze► `i
<br /> ��
<br /> • ����� �
<br /> a,
<br />�_ ��"T'� e Ot 4 . .
<br /> r�..!�,r.' 0790) P(TAO� U(t/3,'?G� 00l1335051
<br />. �..�J
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