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<br /> I H l�ndar nquirod mort�pe Inauwncs �a • condition of m�kiny ths ban secured by the Sacurlry InsWmetit, BorrowK sM�l pay ths
<br /> p���nis►equirad to �w�iWn ths fneucanca(n dfect unt�euch time aa tha requkemenl tdr ihe (nsurance tertnhate� in �ccard�nc4 with
<br /> BoROw�►'s ar�d lender'e mftten n�eement,or�ppYcabl�.i�w�.
<br /> 8. (�lp�Ctlalf. L�n��Its {pM►t m�y n�sloi�Mtbh��N�trir� upon�nd inspacttona of ths Propary. le�der sh�N �hr� 8orrowar
<br /> � noUc��t tM tkn�o!or�ior 10 an ape�,^tioi�,�piCRyin� n�pnapM quse tor the Inspectio�.
<br /> �. Cond�tnnatlotl. 1M ,.�oa�lii of�nyr aw�rd ar drm tbr d�rtw�s. dtroct or owupuentwl, b coomctbn veith �ny cond�mnatbn
<br /> a oiM►WJn�of�ny part of th�Properfy. or ior corn�yanc�in Nu ol cond�nwdon.w h�by assi�n�d�nd ahal ba p�d to L�nd�.
<br /> in th��wnt d • tai�i takfifl oi the Propwy, the proc�eds ah�be�pp��d io tM sum�s�currd by thFs SRO�xky Mstrum�nt, whMhK
<br /> or not tMn du�, wlth any�ncwss pNd to Bort�wa. In th��wnt of a partMl takfn�of th� R'op�rry, unlsss BortowK�d lend�►othNwiss
<br /> prM In wtitln�, tM swna s�xrd by tht�S�cud[y Inst�un�nt shM b��Muo�d�y tM amax�t ot tM proow�a muittpMd Dy tha tobwhp
<br /> trcllon: (�) th�toW�rnatMt ot th�wms s�cund kisrt�tmry�fore th�takln�, dvided by (b) tM t�k m�ic�t valu� of th�Property
<br /> Nmwd�tMy b�Mr�th�Wdny.My bMmo��hW b�p�fd to Bo�rowK.
<br /> M the Prap�fy is�Mndoe�d by Barower, or N, Nter noiice by L�dw to Barowr tMt th�condannor oflers to m�ke�n awWd or
<br /> •MM� � oMim for d�rtNpN, Borrc�w�t�ts to respaid to La�xNr withb 90 days�Rer the d�ts tAa nodo�h �tven. L�ndv h authaited to
<br /> ooM�ct �nd appy the proa�ds. at Rs optbn, either to re�tontbn or repatr of ths Prop�rry or to th�aums aecut+ed by this Sscudty
<br /> In�lnxn�M�vrMRha or not ttNn du�.
<br /> lJnl�s L�ndr a�d Barower oth�wis�a�in wrMM�p, any eppNc�tbn ot proceeQs to pHr►ctpd shM not�Rend or postpon�th�due
<br /> � d�t� ol tM monthy p�ynMnM Meerd to h para�aph� 1 �nd 2 or ch�n�ths�mount of such µ�ymmts.
<br /> 1 O. 9onaiwr No! R�I�as�d; Forb�aranc� By L�nd�r Not a W�W��. Extets�on of tM�irtie ior p�yrtwnt a rt�otlMc�tlon
<br /> of�morlMtion d the surta s�cursd by thia Security Inatrument yranted by Lender to any s�aor b i�tenst oT SoROwK shar oat
<br /> oprat� to niMS� the N�bNKy of the o�F�l Bortower or Borrowar's suoe�saas tn Inter�sL L�nder shd not be nquind to oarnrience
<br /> ProoMdngs a�k�at any sucoesaor tn i�2erost or rotuse to axtend tkoe for paym�t a oth«wase modfy�ation ol th�aums s�axsd
<br /> by thM S�cudly Instruma�t by ro�aon of any d�riand rrwds by the od�l 8ortowar ar Bortow��au�ea�ors h hteres�My lwbeuanos
<br /> by Lender in �ocerdsin�any�iyht or�emsdy ahaN not be a walver of or praclude tha axerdse of any right or remety.
<br /> 11.Succ�tsors and Assl��s Bound; Joint and S�v��al Llabilfty; Co-si�n�n. The oovenants and �aeeme�ts ot
<br /> thit S�curUy Inatrument ahN bind and benelff the auccessora and asal�na ot lender�nd Barawer, subject to the provfalons ot par�gaph
<br /> 17. 8arrowK'a covenants�nd �yrsen�ta ahaN be Joint and several. My BoROwe►who caal�na thfa 3scurily Inatru�ne�,t Du!doe�nol
<br /> ex�cut�ths NWs: (a) is oasipniny tA�Security Inatrument only to mort�ye, yranl and oonvey th�t Bomower's interoat in the Roperty
<br /> un�tM tama of thia S�eucipr Inatrument; (b) is not personaNy obMp�t�d to pRy the aums securod by thb Securily insfnxnen� and
<br /> (c) agNe that Lender a�d any other Borrower miy aproe to extend. modiy. torbe�r a m�ks any accomrtwtl�tlons wUh np�rd to t'he �
<br /> tem�s M M�s Secudty InsOument or the Kote without that Barower'a conaent. '
<br /> 12. LO�! Chs��. H ths Iom aacurod by thia Securily MatrumeM la aubject to�law which ada nrxMnum lo� ch�r�es, and
<br /> that I�w h Anay htsrpnted so that the interoat or other foan chuyea coNscted or to be colected in connectlon with ths ban excsed ,
<br /> the permitt�d M�rats, then: (a) �ny auch ban charye shaN be reducad by the amount neoesa�ry to reduce ths chatps 4o the p�mittsd imit;
<br /> � N) �Y wms�ty coNscted irom 8orrowe►which axceedsd Qertr�tt�d Nmits wiN be rotundsd to 6otrowe►. Lender m�y choose to
<br /> m�k� this r+shxid by r�dudnp the pr(ndpal owed under the Note or by m�kin�a dtroct p�yrtbnt to Barower H �t rehmd roduces prku�pal.
<br /> ths caduc!!on w�b�tre�t�d aa a pa�fW prepaymertt wkhaut any prepayrnent ctw�e under the Nota. • - �`
<br /> S
<br /> 13. I.�tslatlon Aif�ctin� L.�nd�r's Ri�hts. It enactrnent or e�irati�on ot apppc�,abls I�ws has ths dtsct of randadny anY s
<br /> P��M th�Not� or this S�curity Mstrumant unanforce�bis acoordn9 to Ita tertna, L�da,at Rs optbn� m�y�equks tnniadLte payment � �
<br /> in iW ol d wms seaxed by this Secudly InaUument and may invoke�nY��s P�K��P��Ph 18. li L�de► exerdses fhis �: '�=
<br /> optbn.lendr ahM Lke the steps sp�ciied tn ths aecond p�rayraph ot pvayr�ph 17. �
<br /> 14. NOtlC�t. My noUo� ta Bort�cw�r proWded tor in thb Securky Mafrument ahaN bs yiven by deNarh�h or dyr mdh�k by lirst
<br /> d�ss m�1 unlas a�pic�bis law roquiros use of another method. The notice ahaN be dlroded to ths Property Address or iny other addros�
<br /> Bort+owr dssiQ�atp by notlq to Le�der. My notice to Lender ahaM be piven by lkst clRSa rrnN to LendePa addross atat�d herein or any ;
<br /> other addrass Lender ds�fautes by ooUos to Barower. My notice provtded for in this Seourity Inshument ah�N bs dsemsd to have been ' < '
<br /> yiv�n to Bortowrr or Lender when �iven aa provided k�tRis paragraph. �+:,�
<br /> 15. Oowmtn� L,sw; Sw�Mbility. Thia Seeurity Instrument ahall be govaned by tederal t�w an.�i the kw of the Jurladictioe in
<br /> which �hs Property is loated. In the event that�ny�ovislon or dauae oi this Sawrity InaUument or tlie Note conlNcts with appic�Hte �`'�
<br /> f�w, such conwct shaM not affect other provlsbns of thia Seairiiy tnatrument a ths Note whkh can be glven e(fect without the cor�cting h
<br /> provision.To this end the provisions of thb Security Instrument and the Note are dedared to De aeverable.
<br /> 16. BO►IO�M�1''s Capy. Borrower shaN be given one eontortned copy of the Note and cf this Security tnstrumen� •
<br /> 17.Transfer of ths Property or a Bonoflclal Inter�st in Borrowor. H v or any paR of the PropeAy or any hterest
<br /> In R ia sold or transterted(er N a benelicW intereat in Borrowa ls sold or Uansfarcd and Borrower la not a natutil person)withart LaRdef's
<br /> pdor wrMten oonaeM, Lender m�y.at its opUon, rsauire knmedi�te payment in iu� ot ail aums aecured by this Sacurfty Insbument However.
<br /> this opUon ai�!not be axerdaed by Lander N exerotae Is prohibited by tederd law as o1 the d�te of thb Secu�rily InaUw�ent
<br /> M Lender axxcisaa thia optlon, Lender shaN give BoROwer eotioe of acceieration. The notiee ahaN provide a period oi not bss than 30
<br /> daya irnm the date ths notice 1� deWve�ed or rrniled within which the Borrower muat p�y aN auma aecurcd by this Secudty Instrumeat. N
<br /> Barrower faYs to p�y these suma prior to ihe e�iraUon oi thts period, lender may invoke any remedles pertnitiad by this Security InsWment
<br /> without 1uRhsr noHca or dertf�nd on Bortower.
<br /> 18. Borrow��'f Ripht t0 R�inatat�. N Borrowef ineets certain conditions, BoROwer ahaM have the right to h�ve entoroanent
<br /> of this Searity Mstrument disconttnued�t any tirne prior to the eufier o� (e) 5 deya (or�uch other pe�iod as eppiicable{sw rryy speciy for
<br /> retn�taternent) beforo eals o!the Property putauant to sny power of sale cantahed fn this Security InsUument; a(b) entry oi a judprt�ent
<br /> enforc�ng this Security fnaWment. Those conditbna ue that Barower. (a) paya Le�der eN suma which ther� would be due unde►this Security '- ---
<br /> InsUument and the Note had no �ccderatbn occurrod; (b) cures any de(autt of any othe► crovenant or apreenxnta; (c) paya d expensea
<br /> MIWR�lfl enioroing this Security Inatrument, induding,but not Nmited to, re�sonabie ettomeys'tees; and(�t�kes auch�cUon aa Lender
<br /> may re�aonaby tequire to assuro that the 8en ot this Security tnsUument. Lmder's righta in the Property and Borrower'a obNgaUon
<br /> to pay the aurra aecured Dy this Securiry InsUumen! shaN contlnue unchanged. Upon reinstetement by Botrower, this Security InsWment
<br /> and the oblig�tlorta secured hereby ahaA re�naln fuMy eftective as H no aceeleraUon had oa:urted. However, this dght to reinstate shaN not ��
<br /> aRply in the caae of accekYation unde►peragraphs 13 or 17. �
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