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<br /> 7. C�ar.demFaticn. ln�,a��ni a�fi+e Fru}►erty.or�ny p�rt tAernoP,shtll 6e taken hy eminent domdn�thc Mortp�ee
<br /> ��mpowe[ed to coltrct�nd recehe�lf comp�nwtion whlch rtuy be pald for�ny praperty taken or for d�m�e5 to property
<br /> � not taken,�nd Mortpyee ah�l apply iucA compensatlon.at Its option�etther to��ductioe�t the indebtednesau�u�ed
<br /> lwrebg ar to c�palr u�d rrstorn the pmprrty w dam�ed.
<br /> 0. Twrioefn�nte by Mort��. ll�Iortpsee m�y,but s6a1!hare no obitptfon,to do any ict rrhich thr Mort��or
<br /> Ar a�teed but l�ilt to do�and l�do�ee m�y abo do�ny act It derm�ne�ewry to protect the Uen heteof.Mortp�or
<br /> �eea to np�y,apon cMm�nd,�oy�um�so e:peaded by the l�ort��ee for the above purpoas,and�ny:utru w expended
<br /> by the �lortp�ee �h�li b� addMl to tAe indebtednea ucured hereby and becartK�ubJect to the Uen hereof. Mori�ee
<br /> tbill aot incur aay petsonalllabUity bec�tae o[anythin�lt m�y do ot omit to do hereunder.
<br /> : 9. O�t�Wt;Asl�m�at ot A�nts. 71me 1s o!the eaence hereat,�nd upon INortp=or'�defatilt in any covenant
<br /> or�rsetaeat oitl�s litart�e,iaeludin�crnenu�N to psy when due the sun��ecnnd by tbi�Mo�t�e.theMort�ec ahall
<br /> be eatitied,at i4 sole optlou a►d writhout noiice�ta dcdue�!1 surru iecured by this Mort;�e to be immediately dua�nd
<br /> p�yaWe aad naty oorna�eaoe tonclaure ot Wis Mortp�e by judici�l procKdlnp;�d,provld�d turlMr,that upoa�uch
<br /> � d�hult tM Nortp�,or a e�eeetrer aypoiat�d by a court,niay�t lt�apilon �nd wltliouit nprd.to the ad�quacy of tbe
<br /> �ecurity,eater upoa and take poaes�ion ot the Pcoperty�nd colleet the nnb,iuues and protits tderelMm�nd apply them
<br /> ML to the cost ot coUectton md ope:ation oG�e Property and then upon the indebtedners aec�red by this lKort�ee;
<br /> . atd rent�,it�t�es and prolits be�adpied t�n tAe Mort�a�ee �u lluthe:�eeurlty for the p�yment ot the indebtedne�s
<br /> . �ectued �ereby. . . -
<br /> ' 10. 'I�ander of Property. If all or any put of the Property is sold or tranaferred wlthout the express rPtntten con-
<br /> ,: fent of the Mortp�ee,Mort;a�ee tnay at its sole option,deelue dl sut�s tecured by this Mortpge to be immedlately due
<br /> and p�yable.
<br /> , 1�. Ftit�tr� Advu�ces. Ltpon request of MortN�or, Mortp�ee m�y m�ke �ddltional and future �dvances to
<br /> Alort�ato=.Such adv�nca,with intere�t thereon,ahdl be aecured by this Mort��e w�3en eddenced by pmmiasory notes
<br /> st�tin� th�t afd notes are secured hereby. At no time ahdi`the princip�J unount ot the indebtedneas secured by thjs
<br /> Nortp�e,aot ineludins�ums adranad to pmtect the�ecurlty oi this Mort{are.exceed tAe oriand Nok.
<br /> 12. Mhc�lt�n�ow Prorbion�.
<br /> , (a) Mp fonebeanrtce in exercisin�any H�ht or temedy sAall noL be�w�ver tAercot.
<br /> (b) All remedla pmvided herein ue distiact snd cumulative to any othet r�tht aftorded by law or equity,
<br /> and m�y be exescised roncurrently.independently or succes�lvely.
<br /> (c) 'Ihe co�enants and �tre�ments contained herein ahall bind. aad the �ights inuze to, the respective _� —_
<br /> succes�o�a and assipm of the Mortp�ar and the Mort�a�ee. •
<br /> (d) All corenanu and a�reements of the Mort�agor�re iolnt ancl ceveral. _
<br /> �
<br /> ,z) :ls:5eadla�.s o:tl:e�a.:�a��s of th;'l:origsge a,r�;conzr�ience only tnd sh�ll not�used tu inter- -
<br /> pret or define the protitisioas hereof. _�
<br /> • 13. Rekase. Upon psymeat of a!t s�ms secured by thI�Mortgage, Mortgagee shall dischuge this Mort�age and =
<br /> ah�ll execute and deliver�satlattctory releue therefor.
<br /> IN WITNFSS WHEREOF,Mortga�or has executed this Mortgage on the�.Cd d�y of Ma� ,399.Q._.
<br /> ,:.
<br /> ; ,
<br /> � • z
<br /> rc J. Snow) ���*��• `�`
<br /> � - �s
<br /> (Pamela H. 5now) s��aw�: y
<br /> Sttte of Nebrasta, Hall County ss: •
<br /> Y On thls 3rd day ot May ,19_�,before rae.the unde�signed. a Notary Public
<br /> dnly�ommissioned�nd qwlified futsald caunty,peisonally cune Marcuz �_ Snnw an Pamala H_ Cnn�u,
<br /> hue6and and wifp , to me known to be the
<br /> identieal petson(s) whose name(s) ue sut�scribed to the[orn�aing instrument and acknowled;ed the execuNon thereof
<br /> �be thei r , voluntszy act ana deea.
<br /> 'A:fiess my hs.-sd an�nofarial seal at Grand Island. Nebraska in said coanty,the
<br />' date aforrs�id.
<br /> My Commission expires: �������� ' ' _-=T -
<br /> Ok1AtA IIAcEtAO� � .�C
<br /> ���� NotarY Publlc
<br /> _y,`V� � x (Space 8elow This Line Aexrved For l,ender wd Recorder) � �*G.
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