;� _ �,.�. _ _
<br /> .. . . . . __ �__ _ ______ __
<br /> .., --
<br /> �
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<br /> � �
<br /> MOATGAQE 9�--� i(D 2 54�
<br /> 7hia l�tort�ir enl�nd Into D�tw�r� ■� .�:.. .St1IIM+ and Pamnla H� Snow' h�c �.ocL
<br /> and wife _�, (hsrcin"Mort���or")and
<br /> � r FIv..�Pni^ti�{Rj�,.s:ranrl ielanri��lebr�aka -- --- --- _(herein"Mo�e,�).
<br /> Uia�t�y(r,tr i�t�sd+hted to Iriact{�+�!n iha prtadp�3 �um of i ��-��a�—.��nced dy MoK�ot°s note
<br /> d�ted M�� 3- 149Q (hteein"Not�°)ptaridin�faf p�ymea►b of principai and lnteres!*Mrlth the D�lana o!the
<br /> IadRlstecLxsr,it aot sooner psid,�e�nd p�yade oa��t �. �Q�� .
<br /> 'ib wcun tl�e p�yaKnt ot the Note.M►lth taterst at pm�idtd thecein,the p�yment of all othe:sura�,with intensl.
<br /> •d�anord by Yo�ttp�te ta prot�et tbe ucutity of thts adoctpre,and the pertor�ance ot tNe co�entnts snd��eements of.
<br /> the ldoet�o► coaWned herein, Mo�t�or does h�reby moetpre �nd conrey to Mort�e the followin� ckscdDed
<br /> p�o�eety loeat�d in Hall County, Ntbr»ka:
<br /> Mayer, Mehri�g Subdivision; Lot Six (6) Addition to the City of Gra�d ISEand,
<br /> Hal! County, Nebraska,
<br /> � . � , , .
<br /> 'db�ther with all buUdinp,impmvements�tlxtures,street�,alleq�.pwt�ewaya, easea�enb.ri�hts,Privlleres and
<br /> appurt�tanoe�located thenon or in anywik pertatnin�thercto,andthe rents,iuues and protlts,rev,enions and remainden
<br /> t6�riot;iadudinj, but not Ifedted !o�heWn�and codins eqwpment md such pe�sond property thtt is attached to tAe '
<br /> inenraremen4 in at to mnetitnte a II�tture:W nt whlcd.inciudina ts�i�xiurnL::nd ad�3itans!ls2rta,!t lsert3t;d!t�!!..re�! .�. _
<br /> to be�p�rt of tfie red eitate �ecured by ihe lien af ehis Ma�e�ad�110!the fon=ole�beint referred to henin as the '
<br /> �.pio���+.
<br /> Mort�ot Nrther conren�nd�and aQrea,wiN Mort��ee,aa toilows: , =
<br /> . .�
<br /> � 1. P�+men� To p�y the indebtednese and the interest t6ereon as provtded In th9s Mort�e and the Note. � �
<br /> 3
<br /> 2 Titk. Mort�or is the owner of the Property,has the ri�ht and wthorlty to taort;a�e the Property,and
<br /> wamwts that the lien cnated henby is a tlist and pdor lien on the Ptoperty,eYcept as msy otberwise be set forth hereln.
<br /> ■ Tlu Yroperty is Rub�'ect to a Mort�pse wherein Five Points Bank� Grand Island Nebrasl�a � ,
<br /> as Doc. �87-100965 � Doc �8g 1001Z6 ` �
<br /> �tl�e 11[[ortp�ee,tecoM�d�I[��rdt ,p9�e o�the lldort�a�e Record�oi Ha I I County, ;
<br /> Nebrak�,which Mortp�e is a 11en prlor to the llen cteated hereby. �
<br /> ' e�
<br /> ❑ Other prlor liens or encumbtances: _
<br /> $. 1yt�, A�nts. To pay when due�ll taxea,speci�l useasments and all othet ehar�es a�ainst the Property
<br /> aod,ypoo writteq demaad by Moetpiee,W add to the psymeats rtauind under the Notr�ecured hereby,auch unount u
<br /> msy be wMdent to enable the Mortp=ee to p�y such taxes,as:essment�or other cdu�es ss they become due.
<br /> �. Iiqmana. To keep the Impmrement+aow or Hereafkr ixated on the rna! estate described herrin insured
<br /> �inst daina�e by IIce'and surh otHer 6azuds�Mort��ee m�y requne,ia amount�and �v3th cotsfpanies acceptable Lo thc
<br /> Mott�ee, and rrit]i lon payable ta the Mort�. In t�ot loss untkr sur.h polides the Mortgagee is tuthorized to
<br /> �diust, coilect atid compromise,in it�discntian,�ll claims thenunder at tts soie option, authorized to eltherapply the
<br /> ptoceed�to tUe restoratloo of th� Properiy or upon the indebtedness�ecused hereby,but payments hereunder ahall con-
<br /> tinue•unt31 the�um��ecured 3�ereby u�e pRid ia full. �
<br /> 6. ❑F.reroN For Taue�and Iewattce. Not�ith:tandin��nythint contained in pangraphs 3 and 4 he:eof to the . _-�--
<br /> contruy,Mort�or shall pay to the Mott�a�ee at the #�me of�p�y[n�the montlhly inst�liments of princip�l snd interest, •
<br />- , onahrelfth of the yeuiy ta:a,a�essments,haz�rd insurtnce premiums,and ground renis(Y �-sy)rrr�;rh n�ay:tta6�o
<br /> ' prE�x9lty►over this Mort�e�e,dl ae reason�My esurzuted trom time to time by the Mort�agee.'Ilie amounts so paid shall be
<br /> lte�d by the Mort�a�e �ithout interest and applied to the payment of the iteiees in respect to which sncte�raoants were •
<br /> depocited. TAe sua�pdd to Mort�aaer Gereunder�re pled�ed is�dditiona! security for theindebtedness secured by thls
<br /> '!4�ort�e.Mott�or�hall pay to Mori�s�te th4 amouat of my defcc'sency brtween the tctval tutes,assessments� insuranrn N�
<br /> � preminma an�grotind rents and the de�oslts hereunder within 10 days atter demand is made upon Mortgagor rnquesting �
<br /> paym�ent thereof.
<br /> �
<br /> 6. Rtpair,Maintenan�e�nd Use. To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any buildings or improvements now ot �
<br /> here�fter on the Property;to keep the Property in good condition tnd repair.without waste,and[ree from mechanic's or �
<br /> othetilens not expressly subordinated to the lten hereof;not to make,suffer or permit any nuisance to exist.nor to dimin• �..�
<br />; is:: or imgair thc �slue ot ihr Pragrrty by any act or umission to ezt;ans� to comply �rith ell requiremenGs of 18w with •
<br /> respect to the Property.
<br /> �
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