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<br />. ,�:
<br /> _ � �
<br /> t6. Covenanls o!Trusior w;th Hespact c�l.eases. V►Pithout tho prior writtan consent oP 8enetrciary. 1'rustor sha11 rrot, direc�ly or inrlirectry,
<br /> � Wlth�@Sp6Cf l0 80y!@8S8 OI SpAC9!A thP TfGSt PCpp@ffyl. O/Any ppni0fl fhBrG't>1,whether SuCh 1e8s6 is n�w or heroafter in 9xiStonCe:
<br /> (aJ Accept or permlt any prepayniertt,dlscount o�edvertca payment of rent haraundar in excass�t one month,
<br /> (b) Cencel or tertnlrrate the same,or accept any cancellation,�e�minadon or surrender the�eai, or permit any event to occur which wovld
<br /> C�i'��!�Ik'!+9ilF1I�!�!'t0!°ffTT.'!?ufB Qt C3�C�:tha sama,Oi sar then tar�►�Inaiion Fo►nonpayment oi renf,
<br /> � (c1 Amend or modify the same so as to reduce t�re ta�m thereol,th�►ental payable thereunde� or fp change any rertewal provislons
<br /> theiein contained,
<br /> (d) Wa�ra anY detauK thereunder or breach thereot
<br /> (e} (��ty con�►t, M�IYOf Of 8f1�110V81[hdf61lRdB/Ol fBkB @Rj/Oih@F 8Ci101t IA COnRACfiOli fh@fBWlfh,o�w+tA e lessae[hereunder,which
<br /> wqt�d lra�ns Ehs Mlbc�t W/rr►petring the vatue of the/essa's int�tr3st tAeieunder or the p�op�rtyr suD(eci thereto,or of impairing the
<br /> p�osiMon ar!nh»c�t ol 8�r�a1Yclary therain,a
<br /> (� SeM.ess�gn,pkdys;mortQaqs or otherw/se dispose ol.or encumber its interes[in any sald/ease or any rents,issues,profits issuing
<br /> � a arising thereundei
<br /> � Q 17. WiJver ol Statulr o/UmitaHons, 7ime!s of the essence in e;l of Tiustnr's obligadons and dutles heieunder,and to tha extent permiK�d
<br /> � l� by/aw�Tiustw waives al!present or future statutes ol Nmiiallons with respect to any debt,demand a obligatlon secured hereby and
<br /> ; � any ectton or proceedJng tor the purpose ol enforcing this Daed ol Trust a any dghts or remedies contalned hereJn.
<br /> ' 0 1@ AsslQnmsni ol aeposlts.In the event corrshuctlon of lmprovements!s contempleted by the loan evldenced by the Note secured
<br /> � haeDy,as addiitl�ona/secwiry there/ore, Tiustor hereby iransfers and esslgns to Beneficiary,all right 6tle and lnteresi io any and a!!
<br /> moMss deposibd by or on beAslf of Trusta wiih any city,counry,pu6lic body or agenc�,sanitary district utiliry company,and
<br /> � p er►y od�body a agsncy.lbr the insfallation a ro secu�e the lnstaflaBOn of any uGlity by Tiusta,peRairring to the Trust Properry.
<br /> Q� 19. CorpaaGion a Partne�sMp�iclstenca.H Tiustor is a capo�ation,genera/partne►shlp,or lrmited partnershtp,it wid do all thtngs
<br /> necessary to proserve its corpaate a paRnership exisience. as tAe case may ba,and all rigAis end priviteges under ihe laws of the
<br /> staM ot its lncorporatla►a organrrauorr.
<br /> . 20. Forbs�vance by 8ene!'rclary Not a Wai�er.My fabearance by Beneflciary irr exerclsing any right or remedy he�eunder,or otherwlse
<br /> a1l�►dsd by appNcable law.shall not be a watver ol a preclude the exercise oleny such right or remady.The p�ocu�ement oi
<br /> j Insurance or Me payment of taxes or the dlscharge o!liens or charges by BeneHclary shall not ba a waiver of BeneBciary's right to
<br /> accelerate dre maturiy of the Indebtedness. �
<br /> � 21. Rsmedies Cumulative.All reme0ies provided in thls Oeed of Trusi are dlstinct end cumu/ative ro eny other right or remedy under this
<br /> D�eed M Trusi a aftorded by law or equity,and may 6e exercised concurrently,lndependently or successivety. '
<br /> � 22. Successas and Asslgns Bound;Jdnt and Several Uabiliry;Captions.The covenants and qqr�eements herein contaJned sAall Dind, and
<br /> � the rights 1►ereunder shaU inure fo,the respective successors and ass�gns of Beneliclary. �rustee,and Trustor.All covenants and
<br /> ! agreemenfs of Tiusta sha11 t�e joint and severel. 7he capdons and headings of the paragraphs of thls Qeed of Tiust are fa
<br /> � convenlence onty and are rtot to be used fo lnterpret or define the provislons hereof.
<br /> ! 23. Nodce.Except for any nodce required uRder applicabfe/aw to be given in anoU�er menner,(a)any noiice to Tiustor provided!or in thls �
<br /> � Deed ol Tiust shal/be given by mailing sucd rwtice by certiHed mail,return recelpt requesied addrossed to Trusfor at its m�iling .
<br /> address sef forth above or af such oMer address as Trustor may deslgnate dy notir.e[o Beneficlary as provided herein,and(b)any •
<br /> ' , noG'ce b BeneBclary or Trustee sha!!be given by ceR'died maii,retam receipt requesied. to Bene�rciary's and Trustee's marJrng '
<br /> ! address stated herein or to such other address as Benef;cJary or T�ustee may designate by notice to Tiustor as provided heiein.My
<br /> no8ce provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given to Tiustor, Beneflciary or Tiustee wAen given in the ;
<br /> , manner designated herein.
<br /> � e:. Goveming Law;Severa��ltry. Thls Deed of Tiust shall be govemed by the laws of the 57ate of Nebraska_ !n the event any provisloe o� ` _
<br /> - s:��a;,t�is�;.:�::r�v�����arw�3�;�„aN;��;dyrn r�w,3tr�n i,�viriin;i airdif rwi&iidci oindr prorisions vi ihis�eed oi irusi witicn Cam
<br /> De given eflect without the conflicSng provlsions and to this end ihe provision&of this Deed of Trust are dec/ared to be severable. -
<br /> ' 25. Events ot Dsfault.Each o1 the lo/lowing occu�rences shall constitute an event o�defauJt he�eunder. (herelnalter ca!!ed an"Event
<br /> ' of Defau/t'): �
<br /> � (a) Tiastor sha/l faif to pay when due any princlpal,ir►terest,or principal and irr:erest on the Indebtedness. �# —
<br /> ' � (b) My wa►ranty o/tit/e made by Tiustor herein sha11 be untrue.
<br /> (c) Tiustor sha/l fail to observe or perlwm any of the covenants,ag�eements,o�conditions+n this Oeed of TiusL
<br /> (d) My representadon or warianty made by Trustor on any financia/statements or repoRS submiited to Beneficrary by or on behatl of
<br /> i Tiusta sha/l prove fe/se or materialty mislesding, r
<br /> (e) Trustor sha11 fail M perform or observe any of the covenants,conditions or agreements contained in,or binding upon Trustor under i
<br /> any bu/lding/oan agreement,securiry agreemenL loan ag�eement,financing statement,or any other agreemeni,instiument o�
<br /> dxument executed by Tiusior in conrtecbon with the Iaan ev�denced by the Noie,
<br /> ; (� A hustee,receiver or liquidator of tire Tiust Property or of Trusta shall be appointed,or any of the credifors of Tiusbr shaN file a .�
<br /> � petition in bankrupicy against Tiustor,or 1br the reorganization of Trusior Qursuant to the Federal Ban.kruptcy Code,or any similar ..,.,�
<br /> ; law.whether federal o�siate,end ff such ordet or pefition shall not be discfrarged or dismissed within thirty(30)days after ihe date
<br /> � on which such order or petiUon was filed, �
<br /> (g) Trusior sha/l file a petifion pursuani io ihe Fede�al Bankruptcy Code or any simi/ar law, federaJ or stafe,or it Tiustor shall be
<br /> , adjudged a bankrupi.or be dectared insolvent,o�shall make an assignmerrt fa the berefit of creditors,or shall admit in writing its •
<br /> lnability ro pay its debts as they become due,or shal!consent to the appointment of a�eceive�of all or any pari ot the Tiust Property,
<br /> (h) F/rtel judgment for the payment of money shall be rendered against Trustor and Trusior shaU noi discharge the same,or cause it fo
<br /> be d/scharged,withrn thrrty(30)days alter the entry ihe�eof,or shall not appeal therefrom or trom the order,dec►ee or process upon
<br /> whtch or pursuent fo which said judgment was granted,based,or enfered, and secure a stay of execution pend+ng such appeal,
<br /> (i) Tiustor shal/sell or convey the Trust Properry,or any part thereof,or any interest thereirr,or shali be divasied of its title,or any interest
<br /> therein,in any manner or way,whether vo/untarily or involuntarily, without the writlen consent of Beneficiary being lirst had and
<br /> . obtarned,or
<br /> (J) Il Tlvstor ls a corpoiation or partnership and more than iilty percent(50°io)of the shares or beneficia!interests in such corporaGan or
<br /> paRnersMp,eS tAe case may be,shall he transfe��ed or conveyed,whether volunfa�ily or irtvoJuniarily, �.+ifhaut the written consent�:
<br /> Beneficiary being fi�st had and�krfained.
<br /> 26. Acceleration of Debt;Forec%sure. Upon the occurrence of a�ay Evenf of DefauR,o�any time thereafter, Beneficiary may,at its option,
<br /> dec/are a!1 the lndebtedness secured he�eby immediate/y due artd payabla and the same sha!/beai inierest at the default rate,if any, __ ____
<br /> set lorth in the Note,or otheiwise at the highesr raie permitted by law,and,irrespective of wheihe�Beneticiary exercises said opi;on, it � �
<br /> mey,at its option and in its so/e dlscretion,witlrout any fuRher n0!iG9 or dBm2nd in or��p�n Trustor,d�4!I9 Q!//)O!B 0/!h9 f0!l4�1IR�;
<br /> (a) Benoflciary may enter u�on,take possession of,manage and operate thA Trust Property or any peR thereof,•make repairs and
<br /> alterations and do arry ects which Beneficiary deems proper to protect the securiry thereo�, and either with or without taking
<br /> possession,!n its own name,sue lo�ur othenvise collect and receive rents, issues and profits,rnc/uding ihose past due and unpaid, '
<br /> and apply the same.less costs and expenses of aperation and coNection,including reasonable attarney fees and Beneliciary's �
<br /> costs,upon the Indebtedness secured hereby and In such order as Beneficiary may determine. Upon iequest of Beneliciary, Trustor ?�
<br /> L shall assemble and shall make availablo to Beneficiary any ot the Trusi Pioparty which has been removed. The entering upon and
<br /> taking possession ol the Tiust Pioperty, the collection ol any rents,issues and pr�fits,and rhe appl;cat�on thereof as afwesa�d.shal! a�
<br /> not cure or waive any de/ault theretofore or thereafter occuning, or affect any notice ol deiault or nobce ol sale hereunder or �
<br /> invalidate any act done puisuant to any such notice.Notwithsfanding Beneficiary's contrnuance rn possess�on ar rece�pt and f �
<br /> appJlcatior3 of rents,issues o�profits.Banalrcrary shall be entlt/ed to exerase every rrght prowded fo�,n this Deed of Trust or by lew �
<br /> upon or etter the occurrence of an Event of Default,includ�ng the nght to exe�c�se the power ol sa�e Any of the act�ans refened to�n �
<br /> fhls patagi�ph may be taken by BeneftCisry at suCh Ume as BenehCiary may defermme vvdhout reyard !o the adequacy ol any y,
<br /> Security fpr the Indebfedness secuied Fe�eby.
<br />- (b) Benaficrary shall, without�egard ro the adequacy o�an y secunty fa the lndebtedness securea nereby be ent�ded ro fhe `
<br /> appointment of a receiver by sny court hav�ng�unsd�ct�on,wdhout nohce.to take possessron ol, p�otec t,and manage tne 7rust
<br /> Piopertyand oper�te the same and collecf the rents.rssues antJ pro/rt�fherelrom
<br /> (c) 8eneficrary may b�mg any acban rn any court ot competont�ur�sd�cUOn�o loreciose th�s Deed ol J�ust v�eniorc•e any vf Ihp �
<br /> covenants hereol.
<br /> ._ �-- �m�c9
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