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<br /> insu�arrce pr@mlums,ground rents,ertd al►other c�harges�vhatsoeve�levied upon or assessed,placad or modo�gainst the T�ust
<br /> Property.Trusfor furthQr agraes,upon writtQn roquest by Boneficlnry,to promp!!y deliver to�enolicrary all recoipls for tho payment ol
<br /> such ChArges. T iustor L�kewl5e agrees to pay aIi taxes,assessments and athei charges/evied upon o�assessed,placed or mada
<br /> ' Qagalnst,or measured By,thls peed of T�ust pr th��ecorosrlon herQOf.
<br /> 5. qpptication of Paymsnts. All payments received by B�neficlary as to any debt,liabiliry o�oDligafion owod to Banelrclary by Trustor
<br /> � may bA apnliad�y Beneficlary ta the payment al the Indebtednass�r ta any such other dabt,/iaDi�ity or ebligatlon,!n�ny order er
<br /> � manne�of pppJication which Beneficlary,in its absolute d+scratlon,deems appropriato. Unless othonvise e/ecced by Beneficiary, ar�y
<br /> � such peyrttent sha/l b,9 d�emed apQlieal first fo the payment of any debt,lia0!!iry or o�li�ation pther than the lYote.
<br /> � 6. CAarges;Liarts. trtrsbr wiI!keep tha Trust Prpperiy free from all Ilens Ana�encumbrances whlch rn any way may,in the jut,rgrr�ent oJ
<br /> � Rensfrclary.have priwi y over,or impair the securiry o% thls Deod ol Tiust but Tiustor need nof dlSCharge sny such rfen so!o►rg as
<br /> 1 Tr�stor sAaN aQree,in wrlNng.to pay tha obligatian sect�red by such tien In e manner accepfa6te to Benaflctary and shal►in gpod laith
<br /> contesi sucA tien by appropriate fegal proceedings effective fo prevent the enforcement of the lien and the loss of eny interest ln or
<br /> parf of ihe Trust Prope�ty.
<br /> � 7. Haza�d Insurance.Tiusta shaU keep the buildings and other improvements now exlsting or hereaRer erected on the Trust Property
<br /> lrisu�ed by Ir�surar►ce carrieis saUstactory to Benefrclary agalnst loss by Nre,hazards lncluded!n the term"extended coverage"and
<br /> such other harards,casuames and contingencles as may be requlred by 8eneficlary,in such amounts and for such per�ods as may De
<br /> requireO by BeneNclary.The po!!cy of insu�ance shal!be in form aaceptable fo Beneficisry,provide that the same may noi be
<br /> cence�►led or modilled without 6f(een(15)days pdor writien noLlce to Benefic/ary.and shall have loss payable prov/siar►s►n tavor ol and
<br /> 1n fwm acCeptab/e to BeneNclary.Alf prem�ums on insurance policies shall be paid in tha manne�p�ovided under paragraph 4 hereof
<br /> a,f1 not paldln sach manner,by Trustor making paymeni at least fifteen(15)days pdor to the due date.directy to the ins�rance
<br /> camler. Beneficiary shall have the�igl►t to hold the poficies and renewals thereo/and Trustor shai!prompfly furnlsh to Bene�iclary all
<br /> renewal nopCes and ail paid,oremium receipts received by it.In no event shall Benefrciary or Ti�stee be hetd responslb/e for failure io
<br /> pay insurance premtums or for any loss or damage arising out ol a defect in any policy or arislrtg out of any lailure of any lnsurance
<br /> campany to pay tor any loss or damage insured agalnsi or for failure ay Trustar to effeci the insurance required he�eunder. In the event
<br /> olloss, Tiustor shall give prompt notice by mai!fo fhe rnsurance car,r�r and Beneficlary. Beneffcrary may make p�oo1 of/osS rinot
<br /> made piomptiy or in prope�lorm by Trustor.Ad7 policies of Insurance and any and ail refunds of uneamed premlums are hereby
<br /> asslgned to�enefYclary es addidonat secwity for the payment of the lndebiedness./n the event of Beneficlary's exerclse of the power
<br /> o/sale contalned hereln,a!n the event ol fo�eclosure,a!!c�r�ht, title and interest o!Tiusior in and to any insurance policy then!n torce
<br /> shai!pass b the purchaser at the trustee'�safe or forecla�sz:re sale.In case of any loss,[he insurance proceeds may,at the opdon of
<br /> 8eneficiary,be applied by�eneliciary upon tha/ndebtedrrass, or any part fhereof,and i�such order and amount as 8eneficiary may
<br /> dete�mirre;or said insuranca proceeds,at the option of Beneficlary,may either be used in replacing or restoring the Trust P�roparty
<br /> partlally�r tota0y destroyed to a condition safisfacfory to Beneficiary;or sald insu�ance proceeds,or any pation thereof,ma�be
<br /> re/eased to Tiusior.Un/ess Benenclary and Tiustor otherwise agree in rvridng, any such appiication of lnsurance proceeds srall not
<br /> , extend e�postporre tiie due date af the Note,o�any Installmenis called for therein,or change the amount of such installments.N ihe
<br /> Trust Property is acquired by Beaefrciary pursuant to the exercise of the power of sale or other fo�ec/asure,8Il►i�ht titfe eRd inte►eSt O1
<br /> Tr�stor in and b any rnsurance prxeeds payable as a result of damage to the Tiust Properry prio�to ihe sale or acquisitio�s-:�a!!pass
<br /> b Beneflciary and shalf be applled first to the costs and expenses,lncluding attaney lees,incurred In coqecting ssr�h proceeds, then
<br /> ln the atanne�an�in the order provided he�eir.. �
<br /> 8. PreservaEon and Maintenance oJ Tiust Propert� Trustor wil!keep the Gur7dings and other improvements now ar hereafle�e�ecfed or+
<br /> the TivsF Proparty rn good iepair a.-rd condition and wiil not commii or permit waste, wi8 noi aftei the design or strt�ctural cha►acte�
<br /> cons6tuting any building now or hereafter erecFed on and consUtudng the Tiust Property without the prior written consent of �
<br /> Beneficlary,will noJ do any aci or thing which would unduly/mpair or depreciate!he va/ue of fhe Tiust Property and wiU nod abandon �
<br /> the Trust Properry. Trusta wiU not iemove any fixtures constituting the Trust Prope►ry un/ess the same are immediate/y repfaced wifh
<br /> ' lfk8 pro��,r�ttbj�`!tp ltt;,!•gr antt�acurlty/nferast ot th;s DaaC of 7rusi and o:af teast eyu�/vcrlue n►rci uuliiy. i►u�for wili cempl,v w;th
<br /> - =»"F�°�^��rM vis:�vTs''ili�8�?t;e�,ieryuiauons and requiremenrs otany govemment�!body whlch are applicable to the Trust Propsrty ;
<br /> � arrd b the occupancy and use thereof.!f this Deed of Trust/s on a unii in a condaninium or a planned unit development, Trusior shall �
<br /> perfam all of Tn.istor's obUga6ons under the declarations o�covenanis creaLing or governing the condominium or the ptanned unit _�
<br /> deve/opment,the bylaws and regulations of the condomin/um o�Qlanned unit developmenL and the constituent documents. •
<br /> 9. Inspection.Beneflciary or its agents may,ai all eeasonable times,enter�Fon the Tiust Properry Io�the purpose of inspecbon. �
<br /> Benenciary sha/l have no duty to mako such rnspectian and sha/l not be liab/e to Tiusror or to an ?
<br /> faJls to make any such inspection. y person in possesslon if it makes or
<br /> 10. Protecbon o1 Securily. If Trustor fails to pedorm any of the covenanfs and agreements oontained rn this Deed of Trust,or if any action r
<br /> . . orproceeding is commenced which does or iaray adverse/y af/ect the Tiust Property or the interest of T�ustor or Beneficiary therein or ;
<br /> the tii/e of Trusfor therefo,then Beneficlary,af its option,may ps�lorm sueh convenanis and agreements,make such appearances,
<br /> defend agalnst and lnvestigate such action or proceeding and take such other action as Beneficiary deems necessary to p�oiect its � '�
<br /> inter�st inc/uding,but not llmited to, disbursement of reasonabie attaney/ees and entry upon ihe Tiust Property to make repairs.Any� '�"
<br /> amounts dlsbursed by Beneflciary pursuant to this paragraph 10, with inferest thereon,shall constitute Indebiedness of Tiustor
<br /> secu�ed by this Deed of Tiust Unless Tiustor and Bene�ciary agrse to other terms of payment,such�mounts shai/be payab/e upon '�
<br /> noi/ce from Beneficiary to Trustor requesting paymeni thereof,and shall ksear interest irom the date of disbursement at the default rate, '
<br /> if any,set foith in the Afoie,or othenvise af the highesf rafe permitted by/aw. Nothiag contained rn this paragraph shall require
<br /> Beneficiary to incu�any expense or take any actlon hereunder. Tiusior irrevocably authorizes and empowe�s Beneficiary to enter upon
<br /> the Trust Properiy as Trusto�'s agent and,in Trustor's name or othenvise to perform any and a11 covenants and ag�eemenis to bA
<br /> performed by Tiustor as herein p�ovided. Beneficiary sha11,at its option, be subrogated to any encumbrance,lien,claim or demand
<br /> and to al!rights and securit/es foi the payment thereol paid or discharged by Beneliciary under the provisions hereof and any such
<br /> subrogation Nghts sha11 be additionaJ and cumulaiive secu�ity for this Deed of T�usi.
<br /> 11. Condemnatron. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequentia/,in connection with any condemnation or
<br /> other taking of the Tiust P�pperry,or any pari fhereof,or for conveyance in lieu of or in anticipation o/condemnanon,a�e hereby
<br /> assigrted fo and shall be paid to Benenciary. Trustor wil/tile and prosecute,in good faith and with due diligence,ris c/aim/or any such
<br /> award or payment,and wlll cause the same to 6e coUecied and paid to Beneficiary,and,shou/d it lai�to do so, Trustor inevocably
<br /> authorizas and empowers Beneficiary,in the name ol Trusior or oiherwise,to lile,prosect�te,settle or compramrse any such claim and
<br /> to cottect, receipt for and ietain the proceeds.If ihe Tiust Property is abandoned by Tiustor,or,aKer norice by Beneficiary to Trustor
<br /> fh�t!ha aondemr�s�ftets fo make an awarv'br�attte a claim for damages, 7rustor tails!o respond to Benefrciary within thirry(30)days
<br /> after the date such notice is mai/ed,Beneficiary is autho�ized to col/ect and App/y the proceeds in the manner indicated herein. The
<br /> proceeds of any award o�ctaim may,alter deduciing aU reasonabte costs and expenses,including attorney fees, which may have
<br /> been incuried by Beneficiary in rhe collectio►t thereof,at the sole discrerion of Beneficiary, be released to Tiustor, applred to
<br /> restoration of Trust Properfy,or app/ied to the p�ayment of the Indebtedness.Un/ess Beneficiary and�iustor otherwise agree in writing, � l A�
<br /> any such application of proceeds to lndebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due dafe of the IVate or fhe paymeni of any
<br /> insiailments ca!/ed for the�eunder.
<br /> 72. Trustor Not Released.Fxtension of fhe time for payment o�modification of any amortization of the lrrdebtedness granted by Bene�;c�ary
<br /> to any successoi in interest of Trustor sha1J r.�r operate to release,in any manner, the liability of Tic�st�r and Tiustor's successors in
<br /> interest Beneficiary shall not be required to ccmmence proceedings against such successoi or ref�se to extend time fo�payment or
<br /> othenyise modrfy amortization of the lndebtedness by reasan of any demand made by Trustor an�Trustor's successors �N
<br /> in inte�est. �
<br /> � 13. Frnancial lntormation.Upon request of BeneSciary. Trustor will previde to Benefrciary, within ninety(9Qi days of th.e ciose of each fiscal
<br /> year of Tiustor,ti►e consolidated balance sheet and statement of eamings of Tiustor and any and a;l guarantors of the Indebtedness `r
<br /> secured hereby.;f any,and will provide and deliver to Beneficiary such othe�f;nancia!information and m such manner as Benehciary �,�p
<br /> may reasonably�equest lrom time to time.
<br /> ��
<br /> 14. Financial Covenants.In addition to any other/inancia!coven�nts of Trustor made�n any other agresr.:ent.�nstrument or document. '
<br /> 7rustor shall comp/y with and shal!cause any and a/l guarantors of the lndebtedness secured hereby to comp/y w�th, o�be in
<br /> compliance wlth,the lollowirtg Imanc�al covenants:(This para�raph sha/l not apply�J covenants ar,C�equ��ements a�H r,nt cAr
<br /> torth herern.)
<br /> 15. Schedule o/Leases. W�thin ten(10)days alter demand, Trustoi shall lurn�sh to Benef�crary a schedu'e. cert�l�ed to by Yrusto�, semn�
<br /> loRh all leases ol the Trust Property,or any portion thereol, mc/udmg m each case. the name o�the 'e^ants o�occupants.a descnptron �
<br /> of the space occupied by such tenanf v�occupant, the�ental payable lor such space. and such ot!:e•-nlormat�on and documents w�1h
<br /> �espect to such/eases and tenanc�es as Benelicrary may reasonab/y�equest
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