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<br /> (4) All T�uvtuty shali bc Jointlg and ,���erall�� Iiabir fur fu1fi11�t�rrR ul" thcit i.��rn,mis J�1lI :IEINCIII�'ntv hrrein i�,nt.unrd. an�l all ���.��t�i��m ��f ihie UccQ ��F
<br /> Teu�t shall inurc tu�nd bo bindin�; upi�n iho�airs, c�rcutory, adminictratots, surrrsm�., Fr.intcrv, IrS,rre and ac;iFns ui thc pa�ticc h�rch� rcs,�rtircly. Am�
<br /> . . ft{�rrnrp in th;c I�Ced nf i'n�ct c�t Ihr sitl(CUlar shal!ha ro��sirucJ as p]ura! w�ihre appraptla�a.
<br /> ' (S) E�ch of the undcrsigned hereby ��ais:.s Ihv ciFht lr claim any d�mage fur ursp�i:,�n�ury oe ans turt uc.a,ioncd 1,�• ur rc.ultin• t�um the cxerc�se Fy the
<br /> Hi�ider oP thr rights given hcreunQrr ur any altrmpt tu e�erelse :my uther right the Nuld�r ir hrrein g�anled, ur an�� otticr►igh� y�iat the Ilotdcr hua or may
<br /> have,ta thc e�trnt permitk�d by law.
<br /> � (6) It►vali�fity ur unenfotceabiUty of uny Qrovlsionv herein shall not affect the vali�lity i�nd cnllureahiHt�•af any' uther pruvislunc.
<br /> (T) !f any af tha urxitrsigttad!s a mncr[rc!petsao,he raprarnts and t�ar:ants�hat lhls instruuunt h.s�eea e�ecuted in hts behalf,and fuc his u�le nnd�cp3ratc
<br /> u����nellt�nd th�t he has not exceuted the same as surety fot another,but thnt he i�thc Bartowar hereunder.
<br /> jta L t1e evmt oi defauk in the prrfocmance oi any ot the terms and condiUoas uf th19 Reed of T�ust.inciudinQ causin;or pamittin�the pdncip�1 balance ot any
<br /> �ior Yw W lncnae above the priacipl bwnca at the time of the Raicin4 of this Deed of Trust or the note secured by it,the eeneficiuy ehaq 6e entickd to immcdi�te
<br /> Ro�on of tht pcoperty tboir dacnbed.
<br /> (9) A copy oS any Tiotico of Ikfault and a copy af the Noti:e of Sule sh;�ll be malled tu each person who is a party thereta at the addtess of such person,set
<br /> forth thenin,at the same time and in tha samo manner required aa thoup,h a sepuate request had been fded by each.
<br /> 1T IS FULi.Y UNOERSl'OOD th�t the DeM of Tru�t to ba rxecuted by tho undcrs�gned ia�ot a mortgage,but a Dstd of Trust.and that thc power of s�le in the
<br /> �
<br /> Drd of Tnut provides wbsqnti�lly diffetent 'ryhta and oWlgaHons to the Tsustor than a morlgsRe in the event of a default or breach of obligaHon.
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<br /> , ' •s or-Bor r •
<br /> ' Tiustor-6orrower
<br /> IN WI'INF.3�'S WHBREOF�Trustor has o��:.uted this U0.�:d of Trust tRe day and ye�r first above HTi�ten.
<br /> � Sg�ted. Sealed ar�d 1?rSah�red bt tlte prese+�ce w�/�
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<br /> wir::�ss B�` rA��iA gG��iILeGILLHAM
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<br /> This S�h day oY �RIL . 19 90 .personally;�ppeared before me ��g SCO'i"i' ru,j,AAM _ '••—
<br /> ' AT� BARBARA GAIL GILLHAM h�� WIFE ,to me known to he the identical penons a�med .�-.=
<br /> in and u�ho executed the forc�oing Decd of Trust, s.^.d severa!!y ackrtowledged the exerution thereof m be Ihis)(her)(their)ftee anA vuldntary act and deed. _ - _
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