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<br /> DEED �F TR�lST :�vc��� i�i���ti��i �i `� �z��i�•��s
<br /> i�rt�K�.� �i��`:rt , �`t•.
<br /> _- •cccsu��r �.ur�rT
<br /> GRANTORISI: 949602478 9p� �Q�t���
<br /> � �w�T anwr .�s�i �hrr�ea �w�r n�tis s�ws• �n�r��.. "- �
<br /> 1� t�Ir��l
<br /> � rw���w��oPwiq c�TV ftw�t s..coas
<br /> ��BARAR�
<br /> 7H1S DF.ED OI'TRUST.Macle this Sth day of �RIL _. 19 4p t+ch�•cenGILLBAM— Hj�S_�lT�i?A�?I�IE�
<br /> , lxr�elnafter qlkd TRUSTOR, whase audmss is 439 EAST SQU1'H ST.�GRAND ISLAND, NE ��� CI.AY AI. ROGER5
<br /> : ,hereinaPter ralled TRUSTFI�,whow addcesc is lOfiS N 115 ST., SUITE 100� OMAHA� NE 6 15
<br /> and AYCO l�INANCIAI. SERYICES lNTERNATIONAL, INC., � Nebraska curporatiun, R2reinaftet called BENFI�ICIARI', �ehou addtess Is
<br /> � 1425- NOR� ROAD� GRAND ISLAND. NE 68803_
<br /> WITNESSETH: That Ttwtor GRANTS. CONV�YS, 5ELL5.4ND W.1RRAyTS TO "fRUSTFf, IN TRUST,IL'ITH PO\�'ER Ol� S:1L1,the tuUuuing desrribed
<br /> property.situated ln- A� Count),Nehraska:
<br /> IAt Ninety—Three (93) in Buenavista Subdiviaion, a� addition to the c3ty of Grand Island,
<br /> , Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> s
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> : together witii alf huitdings and improvemeots no�v ur hercatter enctrd thrm�n and aU scrcrns,;�wmnFs,shades, storm sach and blindc,and heatin�,lighting, +
<br /> pt�mt+ing, gas, eleetric, ventilating, rci'rigcratinc a�t3 air-conditioning cyuipment used in connection ►herewith. :�II of ��•idrU, fur the purpose of this Deed oP
<br /> Trust, shaU be deemed fixturca and subjeet to the Iizn hrtrrf,and the hereditanunts and aCpurtenances�ertainine to the property aboce described, and all
<br /> ' strcots, lanes, alleys, passiges, �cays, u•aters, water courK., r�Qhts, liberties and pricilegea, +�ha:sorccr thcrrunto h1�nFine ur in any�vik appertaininc and the �
<br /> reversions and remainders,all af r•hich is referred to hcre:n:�Stcr as.the "prctnises". � •-
<br /> ' TO HAVE AND TO HAl��1�1e, i s�9, with thc a urtcnanrcc and 17�turrs,unto thc xaid Benef�riary,itc wrrraorc and assicnc, forever, for "
<br /> , the �urpozs and usrc���1���} '�`d ht~�nd beni its undcr and h�- vi�tue of any Homestead 1'�rmption L�as uf thc State nf Nehraslc�
<br /> -- --- - »at3:..ra:;:a::..:ci�:."�3� i3.�iiw i'venei sine�ia�n►stor�aec neret�}�r�prec�i�• retease and �eai►�es. - - - -
<br /> • Trustor ala ast3jta to ne�i���ipi�es�al�d proflt�of sa9d premises.&ranting the riKht to colle�t and use the samc,u'ith or u•ithout taking possession of .
<br /> the pteml�es,durin{co ttft Aeteunder.and during continuance of wch default aathorizing Bene6clary to enter upon said premises and/or to collect =
<br /> and enforce the sune without regud to adequacy of any securlty£or the indebtedness hereby secured by any lawfu!means including appointment of a receiver in
<br /> the name of any party heteto, and to apply the sune less costs and expenses of operation and coUection,iacludinQ reasonable attorney's f'ees,upon any Indebted- �
<br /> , nefs�ecured horeby,In such order u Heneticiary r.aa�;determine. �a
<br /> FOR TNE PURPOSE OC SECURING: (1) Performance of ea:h agreement of Tiustor contained herein;r2) payment of the principal suin with iaterest, as
<br /> ptovided in accorAsnce with the terms and provisions oE a Promissory Note! Loan Agreeuient (hereinafter referred to as ••promiasory nate'h dated
<br /> APRIL 5, 1�9� , l:�:eu•ith c�ecuted by Trustor and payabte to the ord r f�g efliriary, in thc Princi�r.5 sum of
<br /> j- 73SA•24 ,and having the date of its Pinal p;►yment duc.�n ����y� ,ur�s e�tended.
<br /> defetred ot reschedc�:ed by renewal ot refinar,:�- t31 Payment of any additianal advances, a•ith interest thereon as may hereafter be"esned by� Heneiiriary j s
<br /> 7350.�L �r��
<br /> to Trustor in a ma�imum sum of S �cithin 1S y�ears from the date of this �R;ed oi Trust:ho�ve��er,
<br /> this p:tcagraph does not consiitute a commitment by Benetirt�3 to make future advances; (4) The payment of any money that may be ad�•anrel by the
<br /> Ben�ciscy to Truator fot any rason or to third parties, µith i^.:esest thereon, �vhere the arr�nts are �dvanced to protect the security in accordanee a•ith the K
<br /> covenant�of this Deed of Trust:(5)Any ronewal, refinancing or crtension of�aid promiu��:�note,or any nther aLreement to pay���t�'.h ma>•be substituted �•�'
<br /> ', therefor.
<br /> All payments made Dy Trustor on ti�e obligatten s:��uted by this Ueed ��f Truct chall he applied in the followinF otd�r:
<br /> FiRST: To the payment of tazes and assess::��nt� that ma• l�r Ie�•ird.+nd eweaed ag�i2s� caid premices, inairancc premiums,repairs,and all other charges
<br /> and expenses agreed ta be paid by�tte 7rustor.
<br /> SECOND: To the payment of irt eerest due on said I<.an. �
<br /> THIRD:To the psyment of priR�ipal.
<br /> TO PR01'ECf THE SECURITY HEREOF,TRUSTOR(S)COVENAN75 AND AC3REE5:(1)To keep sud premises insured ogainst toss by fire and other hw�tds,
<br /> cawattY aad coetiqa�ies up to the tull value of�II Improvemrnts for the protection af Beneficiuy in such manner,in such amounes,asd in such companies aa
<br /> Deneficltry may from iitne t0 timeapp�ove.and t6at loss proce�ds(las expense of collection)shall,at Beneficiaryr's option,6e appGed on said indebtedness.whether
<br /> due or not or to the ttatorukn of au'd improvenKnts,[n event of loss Trustor will give immediata ootice by mail to ihe�eneficiary,who may make proot of loss if not
<br /> t�dt pramptly by Trustor.aad ach ins¢�aaoe eo�nyany concemM is hereby authorized and dirmed to make payment for such luss directly to the Beneficiary'u-,,uead of
<br /> to tLe Tnuta.(2)To pay W taxa aad speclal atsessmenes of any kinQ[hat have been or may De teviod or asstssed upon said premis..�s�aad Lo delivery to&:r,.�ciary,
<br /> — , - upan�equat vF t6e BesefiCiuy.the offkial rettipt sha�ving paymen�of atl such ta�ces anQ asssssments.�3)!a the eccnt of Qefsn}t by Tsastor anQcr paf�raphs i or 2
<br /> aoave.BeaetkfiTy.�t its optbn.m�y(a)piaee and icap such insurana above provideQ for in force throu�hout the life of this Deed of Trust and pay the reawnable
<br /> Area►lums aed cfw�es tAerefor•(b)pay vl said uus and assessment�without daerminln=the va(idity thereof-and(c)pay such tiens and atl such disbursements ahali be
<br /> deetec+d a patt of the lndebtedneu ucuted by this Deed of Trust and shall be immediately due and psyabte by Trustor to Beneficiary(4)To p�y a�hen due any lien on the
<br /> p�opertr which is senior to the lien of Hmeficiat}r and,nawithstanding any riyht or option granted by any senior lien or by an}�senior tienholdei to permit the principal
<br /> b�l�nce Of such senior lien to inereae.Trustor w�l{not pennit the ptinciptl balu�ee Qf any s�,yttior lien to increase alwve the balance at the time of the making of this Trust
<br /> De�d uoBl thii Tnut Aeed th�li have 17etn paid in full.(S)To Iceep the buildings and ather improvements now exating or hsrtaftet erected in good condition and repair,
<br /> net to eommit or suffer any wsste or iny ux of said prtmises contrary to restrictions of record or contrary to law,and to permit Beneficiary to enter at all reasonable "- -" "
<br /> times tor the purpox of inspectinjttte premises;not to rcmave or drmolish any 6uilding therton;to restore promptly an�in a gnnd anA u•orkm�nli�e mannr.r any , A
<br /> - bail3ir,r::•hi:.ls:r.��t:,tS:::a��.,asdc,;a��..i5eteuu,�uxi fo pay,when due,a0 ctums tor(abor performed and mnterials fumished therefor,(6)That,if a signcr of the
<br /> Pre�misary Nate.he will p�y,promptly tAe indebtedness securcd hereby.and perfa-m all aiher obligttioas in full compliance with the terms of said Promissory Note
<br /> 1uM this Deed of Tnut.(T)TLst tDetime of psyment of the indebttdness hereby secured,or oP any ponion tAereof,may be extendcd or rrnewed,and any ponions of the
<br /> premises therrin dacribnd may.without notice,be released from the lien hereof,without releasing or affecting th;personal Iiability of any person or the priority of thix
<br /> Dad of Trust. (d)That he does hereby farevcr warrant and will forever Gefend the title and possession thcreof against the lawful ctaims of any and all persons !
<br /> wMtsoever.
<br /> 11) Shoutd "fruslor fall to make any peymrnt ��r dn ,�n} e�t .�c hrrc�n pn�.�dcd. �.r �t .�ny .,,n�,n ��r �•r���rtdin,• �. ,��nnu�•n�ed .�.hch rneteri.ilt� :�ft�•�t.
<br /> fiertefici�ry's intcre�t in the i'rcnntis. �hen Rcheflcisry i�r fru�tce, hui ui�h�+ut ��b�ic�tum t�� A�+ .��, .,nJ u�?h��ut n��t�rc rn <�r Jr�:iend u�nn iruct��r, �nJ
<br /> a��thout retcasing Tructor from any ubh�et�on hcrcundcr, mey makc �,r du thc vmr. �nd iney p.n pur. h��c, ,,•n*c.� �,r cnmprumiw�m �n.�ar.ihr.,m. .h.+rtc
<br /> '� nr I�en. which in rhe�ud�meut vfeeihe�anpe�rc lu.iffei� �_ti:1 p•��peih.�nd m ��cr.h�ne .in) �w6 ��,�u,e..m.u� .�m h�f��6tt ,inii ��prnd ul��[rtict .�in„unt. cn ``t
<br /> the absulute diacte�ion uf Uene6n.+r> c•r Trutiter c�ther rna} drem nc.c�.�n itic�cl��r �tll �u�n, ti„ in,i,r�n; . .���.n,1:J h� Ftru��u.i.�ry .�r Iru.!cr �h�ll t�: M1'
<br /> udhuut demand imuied�alcl}• 6ucand pa>.+hk h� Iru,t,�r. sh.�ll heer mr�r;.t .0 �►i;lii,h:.i r.�rr ��.r�•�in; ! b� ; , _ •nd .1„11 h, .:. ,r�d I����bti ��
<br /> !21 Should t15c Prcmttec nr �ny F,�rt thrrc„f hr t.ikcn t+} �.•aa,r, ��t .�n1 .�•nJc•n�n��,..�i r� •.,�d,•�• 1;.•„�. �� . ��i� � �,�•i,•,� i.. .I� „n:� rn.��� ,� . • �, tA
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