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<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lendor covenant end agrea as to��ows: �/0�V���v
<br /> r i. P�yn�t of PrM�cipal at�d InNrNt. Bc►rrower shmll promptly pay when dua thp principal of and interest on tn�
<br /> I indebtsdnesssvid�ncedbythsNate,prepa mentandlatechar�esaspravldedlntheNote,andthepnncipalatandintereston
<br /> �ny Fufute Adven�w�urad by th��o!True�
<br /> un� a o �pA n u ,asum(herei�
<br /> "�untl�")�qwl!o orta•twelfM of the ysarly taxq�nd�asss=ments which msy attain priority ove�thi�Deed ofi T�ust,and
<br /> �roundnnbonfh�Prop�rty,it�ny,plusone-twNtthotye�riypremiumin�tallmeMstorhazardlnauranca,�lu�orte-twelfthot
<br /> ye�ny pr�mium Mshlim�nta tor morfga�s Insu�ence,ti eny,atl as reaaonably eatimated initially and from time to time by
<br /> Lander on Ms b�s(s of asseeam�►nts andbills and�essonsae esNmates thereot.
<br /> Thf�Fundt sha�ll b�hNd in en insHtution the deposlM or accounta of whtch are insured or gua�anteed,by a Federal o�atate
<br /> a�ency�includiny L�nder if Lendar le such an institution). Lender shA�l apply the tu�ds to pay said taxes,assessments, .
<br /> inau�anc�pnmiumsandproundrsr�b.Landarmay notchargefo�soholdlnpandapplyinptheFunda,analy:inpsaidaccount
<br /> ar wtityin�and compilinp said�menb end blll�,untess�e�der pays Bo�rower inte�eat on the Funds and appllcaDte law
<br /> permib Lende�to maks auah a charQe.Bo��ower and Lender may ap�ee In w�iting atthe time of execution of this Deedot Trust
<br /> that intersst on the Funds shall be paid to 8or�owe�,end unless such agreement is made or appUcalbe taw requtres such
<br /> inNtaat to Dspaid Ler�det shall not b��equi�ad to pay Bor�ower an�inte�est or earni�ga on the Funds.Lender shall give to
<br /> Borcovr�r.w3thout cha►�e An snnual accountin�of the Funds ahowinp credita and de6its to the Funds and the purpose tor
<br /> whia�sach debitto theFunds wa�made.The Funds e�e pledged as additional securiry tor the sums secured by thia Oeed oi
<br /> Trus�
<br /> M the amount of tha iunds held by lende►,toyeMer with the iuture monthly installments oi Funds payable prior to tne due
<br /> daks oi t�xq,isssaamenb,insurance premiums and ground rents,ahall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes. �
<br /> assessmsrfb,insurance premiums and rou�d rents a�they fall due,such excess shatl be,at Borrower's option,either
<br /> p�omptly repaid to Barower or crsdiled�o Borrower on monthty installmere4a of Funds.If the amount o�Me Funds hetd by
<br /> Lenderahallnott►esuiNcienttopayqxes.assessments�insurancepremiumsand yroundrentsastheyta;idue.8orrowershall
<br /> pay io Lende�anY amount necessary to make up the deficiency with�n 30 days f�om the date notice is mailed by Lender to
<br /> Borrovrer requeadn�payment thereof.
<br /> Upon payment in full 01 sll aums secured by thia Deed of Trust,Lender shal l promptly refr�rtr�,to Bor�owe�a�y Funds held by
<br /> L.ender.If unde�parayraph 18 hereof Me Prope�ty Is sold or the P�operty is otherwise acqe�i�ed by l.ender,Lender shall appiy,
<br /> no I�ter than immedi�tely priorto the eale of the Propertyo�itaacquisit�on by lender,and Funds hefd by Lender at thetime ot
<br /> application as a crsdit e�inst the suma secured by this Deed oi Trust.
<br /> - 9. AppNcatbn o�Pa��n b.Untess appUcable law provldes otherwise,ali payments received by Lender under the Note
<br /> and para�raphs 1 and 2 he►eof shall be appiled by Lender iirsl ir�payment ot amounts payabte to Lend�r by Borrower under
<br /> p8ra raph2hereof.thentointe�estpayableontheNote,thentotteepri�cipaloltheNote,andthentointerestandprinciRaton
<br /> any�uture Advances.
<br /> 1. ChsrqM;U�a.Borrowers shall pay all taxes,assessments and other charges,fines and impositions att�ibutable to the �
<br /> Property which may attain a priori over this Deed of Trust,and leatsehold payments or ground rents,if any,in the manner
<br /> provlded under parayraph 2 hereo�or,if not paid in such manner,by 8orrower making payment,when due,directly to the
<br /> p�yee thereof.Borrower shall p�omptly furnish to Lender all notices ot amounts due under thia paragraph,and in the event
<br /> 9orrower shall makepa yment directiy. 8or�ower shall promptly 1u�Nsh to Lender receipts evicSenCing such payments.
<br /> 8orrower shall promptly dischar�e any lien which has pnority over this Deed of Trus�provided,that Borrower shall not be
<br /> required to discharge any such lien so tong as Borrower shall agree in wrlting tothe paymenf of the obtigation secured by suah '
<br /> Uen in a manne�nc�.�tnble to 1.Ander,o�shau in gond faith c�ntest st�eh lien by,or defena srtforcernent o!�uch lien ia,lcga! -
<br /> p�oceedln�a which operate to p�event the enfo�aement of the lien or toKeiture of the P�operty or any part thereoi.
<br /> 5. Ha=ard InwranC�.pprrower shall keep the imnrnvements now exlstina nr hp�Raftnr ar�to.i.,��hQ p���.�,�n:,,,.,.�
<br /> agatnit tOSS by fire.haizard�Included wIthi�the term"extended eoverage",and such other 1ia=a�ds as Lertder may requ+re - �
<br /> and in suCh amounb and tor such periods as Lender may require:provlded,that Ler�der shall not require that the amount ot '
<br /> such coveraye exceed that amount ot covera�e required to pay the sums secured by this Deed ot Trust
<br /> ThisinaurancecarrlerprovidingtheinauranceshallbechosenbyBorrowersubJecttoapprovalbyLender;providerl,t�at -
<br /> such approval shall not be unreasonably wlthheld.All premiums on�nsurance poticies shall be paid�n the manner prov�ded -
<br /> under paragraph 2 hereof or,if no1 paid in such mart�ser,by Borrower making payment,when due,directly to the insurance °
<br /> carrler. �
<br /> All insurance policiea and renewaisritereof s�8tf be in torm acceptable to Lender and sha!I include a standard mortgage '
<br /> clauseinfavo►ofendinformacceptab�et�[.ender.�endershallhavether�ghttoholdtheR�l.ticiesandrenewatsthereot,and }—'
<br /> 8orrowershatl promptlyfurniah to LeRderall rea�ewa!noticesand all receipts o}paid prem�ums.In the event of loss.Borrower
<br /> shall glve prompt noticeto the lnsurance car�ier and�ender.Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptty by Borrower. i�
<br /> UnlassLenderandBoROwe�othenxlsaa9reeir►writing,insurance proceedsshallbeappliediorestorationorrepairalthe
<br /> P�operty dama�ed,provided suCh restoraUon or tepair is economtCa(ly}easible and the security of this Deed o}Trust is not • •
<br /> thereby impaired.If such restoration or repair is noi economically feasible or it the security of this Qesd o}Trust would be �-
<br /> impsired,the ieSUrance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by th is Deed o1 Trust,with tfi�e excess,if any,paid to
<br /> Bo�rower.tf the Property is abandonea by�orrower.or if BorrQwer fails to respond to Lender within 30 days trom the date
<br /> notice is maitedf�y Lender to Borrower that the insurance canEer offers to settle a claim for insurance benefits. Lender is �
<br /> authorized to colkct and appIy the insurance proceeds at lender's optio�either to restoration or repair o1 the Properry or to � :,�:
<br /> the sums secured by Mis Deed of Trust
<br /> Unless Lender and Bor�ower othenviseagree inv�r�tirtg,anysuch application of proceeds to principaf shall not ext�nd or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly installmersts reterred to�n paragraphs 1 and 2 hereQt or change the amount of such
<br /> mstallments.N under paragraph 18 hereot the Properry is acqu�re�by Lender,all right,title a�d interest ot Borrower�n a�d ta
<br /> any insurance p0liCies and in and to Me proCeeds thereot result�ng f�om damayeto the Property prior to the sale or acdu�sition
<br /> shall pas9 to Lender to the extent ot the sums secured by this Deed of Trust�mmediately prior to such sate or acquis�tion.
<br /> 6. Pr�vatlon and Maint�nanc�of Property;L�as�holds;Condominfums;Plann�d UnN O�rNopm�nb.Borrower shal i
<br /> keep the Propertyr in good repair and shall not commit waste or permit impairrnent of deterioration o ti he Property and shall
<br /> compty w�th Me provi�ions of any�ease itthia DeeA o}Trust is on a[easehold.If this Oeed oiTrust is on a unit in a condem�r.�um,
<br /> or a planned unit devetopment, Barrower shall pertorm all of Borrower's obligations urtder the declaration or cavee;ants
<br /> creeting or governing the condomirtium or ptanned unit development,the by-laws and regulations ot the candorrrin;urn or
<br /> pIanned unit davetopment,and constituent documents.If a condominium or planned ur.s*development:ider is e=ti:;teti by
<br /> _ Borrower and tecorded together wiilt this deed ot Tress3,thP�ovenanis and a�reerr�enis of such rider sha�E�{�e�ncQrForafeci
<br /> - into And shall?m9nd 8nd 9s�pplemBnt the Co�esl8n+s�nd 8gteemenis of this..e r'a!T:L�t as i!fh;,s's��:;�ers s pa�h8:aol.
<br /> 7. P�OI�clion of L�nd�r's S�euMty.If Borrower fails to petiorm the covenants and agreements conte�ned in titis Qee�of
<br /> � Trust,or if any action or proceeding is commenCed with materially aifects Lender's interest in the Property,includirtg but not
<br /> timited to,en2sr�ent domain,insolvency,code enforcement,or arrangements or proceedi ngs involving a bankrupt or decedent.
<br /> ihen Lender at Lender's option,upor�rtotice to Borrower,may make such appearances,d�sburse such sums and taice such
<br /> action as is necessaryto protect lender's interes�including,but nflt limited to,disbursement of reasonable attorney's fees and
<br /> entx u-p-o�n the Propertyto make repairs.If Lender requiredmort$age insuranceas a condition of making the loan secured by � T
<br /> --= iii8 V�8i T:usL 8;,rrawa.Sha�i�3o'j Zh.^,�ivT.tU(Y13 i&(�(yfT6t�iv�ii8iiit8iil Sui.l'i cr�surni�Ce�in bii�ci uni�i 5uch iime 8S tne
<br /> requirementforsuchinsuranceterminatesinaccordancewithBorrower'sandLerder'swrittenagreementorapplicalbelaw.
<br /> � Borrower sh8�ll pay the amount of all moRgage insurance permiums in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br /> Any amounte disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with �nterest thereon, shall become addihonai
<br /> indebtedness of Borrower secured by t�is Deed vf Trust Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,such
<br /> __ amounts shall be payable upon notice irom Lender to 8orrower requesting payment hereat.and sha11 bear mterest from the ��.,
<br /> dateofdisbursementattheratepayablefromtimetotimeonoutstanding pnnc�palundertneiVOteuntesspaymentof�nterest ���
<br /> at suCh rate woutd be contrary to applicabte law,i� which event such amounts shalt bear mterest at the highest rate •
<br /> L permiSSible underapplicable law.Nothmg contained in this paragraph 7 shall requ�re Lender to mcur anyexpense or takp any ��"
<br /> action hereunder.
<br /> s. In l<r
<br /> splCtbn.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonabie entnes upon an� �nspecGOns of the Property.prov�ded ^
<br /> that Lender Shall g�ve Borrower notice pnor to any such�n,pect�c�^sFec+ty�ng r�aso�ab�e cause therefo�e�eiated to�ender�
<br /> - _! mterest m the Property. �c0
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