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<br /> � :. .
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<br /> � .
<br /> � D�EQ t)F TRUST
<br /> � - .��-- ;a����
<br /> �
<br /> THi3 E7EE�l OF 7RU&T is mad�lhls 30th �Y Qf April
<br /> t� 9�..�.��1Q�Tft1�Mr, pennis_12. Niemann and Aerna ine M. ��,�nann. _ _ _
<br /> 'fiuebaml and rr�fe - (h�r�in"8onowsr").Fi�8�nk.N1ltbnal Aqocl�tion.
<br /> Onw�N,N�bre�ka.(hK�i�"T�")��nd B�rwticNry.f1nTh►9�nk,Nallonal AstociaNan.Omaha�Nebraica.s
<br /> c�orpo�r�or�Mt�d and ucis��g s�t�d��tlrs f�vrs ot Tha UMt�d St�la ot America,whos�eddress is t70Q
<br /> . Fam�en 9en�t,�rNtN, Nebrs*k�.�tOQ-2183(iwrNn"ler�dsr"). -
<br /> � SORR�WER.in consid�ra�iai ol th�ind�bbdnNS h�r�in recited and the t�wt herei� c�eiMd,insvocabty
<br /> � �ran�s�nd oonwysbTrwlN,in tn�N,with powsr of sate.thetoHowing dsscribed propsry located in ths County
<br /> � xaii ,3lete of Ne�raska:
<br /> i.ot Eighteen (18), ir� Meadow Lane Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> : , i
<br /> � � 3
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<br /> i�'
<br /> �.��i
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<br /> . which hes ths address of 2g36 Roselawn Drive Grand Is2and
<br /> Hebxaska 68801 (herein"Property Address"y: (�
<br /> �.�.ra za caaN
<br /> tOt3ETHER with all the improvemeMs now or hereatter erected on the property.end al!easements.ri�hts.
<br /> appurienar�cMs�,iw�ts(subject twwev�ta the ri�hts end authoReties gtven herein to tender!o co!lect and eppty
<br /> z:,::�k�'��.r~�.��.':� �ir�t�l.�i!�t���ss�h�an��!o!':l�.:�r�±Ai.w�!tM righM.�nd Mrnaer stock:and atl fizt►s[es
<br /> ; now or I�li�r a1l�chrd to ths prop�ry.eil of which.inciudinq replacemenb and edditions t�ereto.shali'be
<br /> Ae�medtv be and rem�in e pah ot ths property covered by this Dsed of Trua�and ali of the f�regaEng,to�ether
<br /> with saiC propsrty(or the leaaehold rstate ii this Deeaf o1 Trust is on a leashold)a�e herein referred to as the
<br /> „Pr��... :_----
<br /> �
<br /> TO SECU�E i LF�N�ER(a)the repayment oi the indebtedness evidenc�d by 8orrower's note clated
<br /> Apr i 3g, 990 (h9t8in"NOte"),in the prirtcipal sum of Fouxteen thousar.d and no/100-
<br /> -'-- '�=�°-"---�------�= Oo!{ars,with interest thereon,providing for mbnih{y installments
<br /> of principel and interest. with ti»balance�of the indebtedness,if not sooner paid,due and payable on
<br /> Apr il 30� 1995 ;the pa,yment ot all ather sums,with interest thereon,advanced �
<br /> LIR accordanCe h�rewith to protect the securiry af thia Qeed ot Trus�and the perTormance of the covenants and
<br /> s9reement�of Borrower herein conteined;and atl renewats,oxxensions and modifications thereoi;and (b)the
<br /> repayrnent otanytutare advances,with interest in thereore,ma�le to Borrower by Lender pursuantto paragraph 21 r`
<br /> heteof(hcrein "Puture Advances"►. �
<br /> BpRR�WER cavenants that Borrowar i9lawfully seiz�d of th�estate hereby cOnvByed and has the right to • '�
<br /> grant and conveylhe Property,tha4 th°propsrty is urtencutr�bered,and that Borrower will warran�t�n�f delend ' '
<br /> g�nerally the title to the Propeety against all claims and demands.subject to any declarations, easements or
<br /> restrictiorts listed in a schedule of exCeptions to coverage in any title�nsurance pol�cy insur�ng Lender's inte�est
<br /> in the PrOperty.
<br /> ��
<br /> v.tim�me.-�ucilS.'�i"It'�4in°t'}3�uGt�S..rir''YSi...t=x. . .._I-��- . ^. . ._ '�Z:'!.�,'�,_�.�.� �_�_��. _ _ .._.—.
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