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<br /> _-J-��
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<br /> �
<br /> � , i i �. (1 Year Trcaauty lndrx-Ratc Ceps� �"""' i„O��s�
<br /> �
<br /> THlSADJUSTABLER!►T6RIDBRismadctAix _ ��h�d�yof AAri1 ��g�p_.
<br /> � and is l�karponted into aad aluU be deemcd to amend and supptemenc the Mort�e, Decd of Trust. or Security Deed (the"Szcurity
<br /> ImtrunKnt")of the aame due�i�Yn by tl►t undere�ned(the"Bonower")to secure Borrower'a AdjustAbte Rate Note(che"Nate")to HOME
<br /> �,�1(}�i tOAN Al�SOCIATtON OF QEiAND IS{.AP1DiNEQ�tASKA(the"L.ender")of the sa►ue date and coverins the
<br /> �a�ty clacrihed in the S�uriry Mstrvment and ioc�ted at:
<br /> 3511 Andrew Ave., Grand Islar�d, NE $8801
<br /> (PaoDertY�►ddress)
<br /> � TW �els co�W� pro�tdo�arowla� ior cMnsa i� �r i�icr�at nte�sd yr �tiy�
<br /> !` MX�b.TMa�ote abo Hiaib t�e��ow�t s�I�teral rate eaN el�aKe at���o�e Nr�e��
<br /> �Ye t�e��wi tbe�ul��a�nk i edt�r.
<br /> i
<br /> � ADDITIONAL COVBNAN7'S,I�additian to the covenanta�nd�reementa made in the Security irotrummt.Borrowa and Lender
<br /> � iWtLer oovetiat and yree ar fdlow�:
<br /> . �
<br /> � '11M Nak provida for an inisisl interat r�te of �1•75 �1'�.Section�nf the Noto provides tor chanta in the interat rue and the
<br /> , aiontht�r payn�rnt:,a�follawa: �
<br /> �
<br /> <A) CwC�DNM
<br /> � The intaat rate 1 v►�Il pay may c1u�n�e on the first dsy of .I�e ,19��.and on that day every
<br /> �
<br /> � (.�� �YELYp_months thereafter.Each date on which my interes!rate could change is c,�lled a"Change Date."
<br /> i
<br /> I (f) TI�IMat
<br /> • Be�innin�with tde rnt Chu�e Date,my interest rate wiU be based on an Index.The"lndea�"is thc wakly sverase yield on Flnited Stata
<br /> Treaiury seeuritks adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 year,as made available by the Federa! Raerve Board.The most recent Index fiauce
<br /> av�ilabk�s of the dau 4S day�betore ach Ch�c Date is c�lled the"Curreni Indtu." ,_
<br /> , If the Indac is no lontet available,th�Note Holder will choase a nea•index whicb is 6ased upon comparaD:e Bnformation.The Note `
<br /> Holder wiU sive dx aoHce of thi�chotce. •
<br /> i
<br /> � (� C��otCW�ea , ';
<br /> Hefae adi Chsn�e Oate,the Note Hotder will c�iculute my new interest nte by adding thiee 8nd one half p��tye -
<br /> 1 �nx,�� 3.S �1b)to the Gbnrnt lnckx aM roundIn�t to the nearat 1/8th of f qi.sub9ect to the limits stated in Section 4(D)below. !==ffi
<br /> _ �
<br /> Thti rouoded amount wiU be my new interat rate untll the nact Chan�e Date. �'F='
<br /> --- - ' - - -1'hw Nntw H���vill th�n tl�t�th�amn.a� erf t,�,i�y�nm�li iA�� �_l�*t u.�n)rl IY S!Sff:�t^:�'^r..�.��L`fnit t1M R,n,�,.i�t /w� `-
<br /> _._�. .. . -'--'----•-..' --�..�......� � _ �
<br /> expected to owe on that Chan�e Qate in substantially eQual payments by the maturity date at my new interat rate.The rault of this cileulatlon
<br /> � �viq be the ae�r�mount of my monthly payment.
<br /> � •t'
<br /> � (D) Li�ia o.Inaat wee As�a
<br /> ? 'IUe entanst nu I am required to pay at the first Chanae Date wiU not be greater than 13.�5 1y � �� �� �
<br /> � 9•75 �.7hereafter.my intaest rate wiIl ae►�be increased or decrcased on any single Change Date by�ore thaa t�ro
<br /> jpercen t from the nte aginterat J hav�been pa�ier�for,the prcading twelve moattu.The minimum interat rate on this loan will nevcr be
<br /> � kss thu� 9•� yi and the maximum interat rate will never be gteater than 16.O �1�,
<br /> '. (�7 Flfectl�e D�te ot CYa�a
<br /> iMy nea interat rate will baotne effective on c�ch Change Qate.l wiU pay the amount of my new monthly payment beginning on the first
<br /> � monthly p�ymcnt date aftet the Chan�e Date until the airsQ4�t oi my monthly payment changa again.
<br /> � (F) Nolke ot Chw�s :_�.+.,.
<br /> � The Note Holder will mail or deliver to me a notice before each Change Date."fhe notice will advix me of: i -�;.
<br /> (i) the new interat rate an my toan as of che Change Date; '
<br /> ('ri) the amouat of my monthly payment following the Change Date;
<br /> (iii) any additionil matters which the Note Hofder is requirerl to disclose:and
<br /> (iv) the address of the sssoriation you coutd contact regarding any questio�s about the adjustment notia. �
<br /> Uaiform Covea�nt 4 of the Security instrument is amended to read as foUows:
<br /> ' 1.CYr=es;Iler.Borrower shW pay all tauca,assessments.and other charges,Gnes,and impositions attributable to the Propeny which may
<br /> attein a prios3ty ova this Secutity I�uuument,aad leauhold�saymrnts of ground ren�.c,if any,in thc mar.ner provided under paragraph 2 hercof
<br /> _ _ _ ' ot,if not p�ia in tuch manner,by Borrower making payment,when due.directly ta the payee thereof.Borrower shall promptty furni�h Lender
<br /> all notias of amounu due under this puegraph.and in the event Borrower shalt anaie payment directty, Borrower shali promptiy fumush to
<br /> I.ender reveia.i evidencing such paymrnts. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has paority over this Security Instrument;
<br /> ho�veva, Bonowtr shall not be required to discharge any such lien so tong as Bonower: (a)shall agree in writing to the payment of the
<br /> oblitation secured by such lien in the manner acaptabie to Lender;(b)shall in good faith contest such lien by,or defend against enforcement of
<br />_ _- such lirn in,1ejs1 proceedengs which in the opinion of Lender operate to prevent the enforccment of tte[;tn ot furfeitute of the Praperty or any � �
<br /> . put thtteof:or(c)shall secure�From the halder of such lien an agrament in a form satisfactory to Lender svbordinating sach lien to this
<br /> Stcusity Instrument.
<br /> !f Lerxler determines that all or any patt of the Pro�erty is subject to a lien which may atZain a prionty o�-cr this Security Instrument, �
<br /> Ltnder sha3f give Borrower a noGa identifying such�icn.BorcoKes s��t satisfy such lien or take or.e or mure of th:actions s�t forth above
<br /> within ttn days o!the givirtg of the notice.
<br /> �
<br /> � C. NO'i'ICE
<br /> Uniform Covtnant 14 of thr Security Onstrument is amended ta read as toilows:
<br /> ti
<br /> U. Notke,fixcept for any nolicc reqwred under apphcablr law tn be gi.en in another manner,(3)dfl}'COi1CC IO Ri�lION'Cf�(C/VI(�Ca�0��fl II115 !�Q
<br /> Securit fnsumneat shali be ��•e�n b deh.•erin t or b�mail'sn u by first class mail to dnrroucr at shc F'ro criy Addresti ur at tiuch other addres� ���
<br /> Y H Y 8� Y � p �
<br /> ns F3orrower may eiecignate'by notice to Lend.r a.�r�n�ded here�n, and(bl am not��e to 1 endcr nhall he Kiticn hti hns �lati�rnail in I endcr'c r, ,"
<br /> °-° �tIQf:55:t;;(�'Y!l:Ct:srt A7(p:u:h O:hCt 1i'.�:C.+a;i.nd�v mar dici�?ru�t�hy r�oa�c t���iv1 Wwr� ���p�i��r�c�i iirrr�n. ��n�nnt iie pn��iucJ io�in tiu�
<br /> _ �tunty Instrumcnt�l�slt he deemed to ha�c hcen gi�en tu[i��rt�+wer .+r I c�rdcr �.hen Fi�en �u the in.ar7ucr dc•.�Kn.�tcd hrrciri
<br /> � `
<br /> -�! �J
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<br /> Ll�r.
<br /> ✓�!
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<br /> ,�i���{� �. , � .._... . ,i. . . . ` . . �' 7 . , _ . . ' ' _ _
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