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<br /> • The (irant�r end the tirantt+e hereto agree thet the �rentor may use the
<br /> aasement ar�a herein gre�nted for eny use permitted by �aw, Chat doe9 not
<br /> 1 intexfere W�.�h tha opsratioa end aaeinLenanca of the overheA� ens� w�dQrground
<br /> � utilitieo and Appurtenences conetructed thersin; provided� if ths Gz�tttee
<br /> naeds to construat, i.napeat, maintain� repair, replacs� extend, re�eove, or
<br /> � operats any such overhend and underaround utilities and appurtenancea within
<br /> �
<br /> � such saee�ent, �the cost o� re�a►val and rspair of obstructioas of any kind
<br /> ' Mhataoever, pincetl in, upoa, ebove, elona, acroae, underneetb, or�tbroush the
<br /> � anseaent arad heraiA grantad, ahal! be paid for by the Graator.
<br /> ' All ovbr�ead and underaround uLility linea. msins, conduita, cablea,
<br /> : pip�a, polas, �ranafaraera� terwiis�sls, enrface merkers, and oLher utilftT
<br /> � J appnrtenancea connacted the,reWith, placed in� upon, abovs, alon,�, acroes,
<br /> i
<br /> j undernesth, nnd through auch eaaeaent ahall remain the propartp of the
<br /> Grantee. and maq be removed or repleced at any tine.
<br /> The Grantor far itaelf, ita hbirs, succa�sors, and asaigns hereby � ''
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> covenent that the righte and privilesas h�reia granted shall run wit'h the
<br /> � title to auch tract of land, and shall be biading upon ths Grantor� ell �__
<br /> - . _;� _
<br /> . _� heirs. eucceasQra. aad assiRna. -- _
<br /> �-...__�. - - - - .
<br /> � Dated YY1n� � � IqQa �
<br /> i .
<br /> � STA1E� OF NBBRl1S1CA
<br /> �
<br /> � Gr r. .
<br /> , BY= . �
<br /> � .
<br /> Title: �AGnCV �irtG�Or�C��a�TOr-• ,:�
<br /> , STA1E OF NEBRASRA ) . .
<br /> � COUN1'Y OF �n„�QS'I-Q,r' � as
<br /> -- O�t t2:!! _� �a; �€ L , 19!dl��sfose ��, t�s
<br /> tuidersigned, s Notary Public in and for sa d Covnty end Stete, personelly
<br /> � �PPeare�l: ' l.�l� �3. �'�r t�Sen , _
<br /> of �^�!�-. . »..�......., �E°AR'1T��.*: ...; ....,..... ..• , �•T�NS, to oe known ,
<br /> � personally te be the identical persoa and euch officer who signed the --"-
<br /> €!+±-ego±� Easse�sea*; �.ad ackasx�*�ss�s� ±hs ex�cut3an thersaf to ba l�is �
<br /> voluntnry act and deed ea auch officer on behalf of anid orgnnizetion, for
<br /> ths purposa therein expressed. ' �
<br /> WITNESS my hand end Notarial Senl the dnte above written.
<br /> L
<br /> � - "
<br /> ��IMr�M�I� Nota Publ ■�
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