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<br />•s
<br /> . . r �
<br /> � �
<br /> � �Q._... �.0238 9
<br /> EASEHEI�T
<br /> Orentor, in conaideration of (1ns Doller ($1.d4). receigt of which ia heseby
<br /> �Fknowledaed� herebp �rents nnd canveya unto the
<br /> , s wunicipal corparation in Hell County, Nebreeke, herein cnl�ed the Grantes,
<br /> � s permnnent nnd perpetnal eeeen��n� end right-of-wey to aurvey, construct,
<br /> : inspect, �naintain, repeir, replece, extend, remove, and operete thereon,
<br /> ,
<br /> ! overheed and underground utility lines, �n�fns, aonduita, cebles, pipea,
<br /> ? polea, transformere, terminale, surface merkers, snd other utility
<br /> Jappurtenances coY►r�ected therewith, placed in, upon, above. elong, ecross,
<br /> i
<br /> underneath, and through e sixteen (16.0) foot wide eesement located in part
<br /> of the Southeaet querCer of the Southeast Querter (SE�, SE}), Section Five
<br /> (S), Townahip Elevan (ll� North, Renge Nicne (9) WeaL of the 6th P.M., �
<br /> ' . �
<br /> � Grend Ialand, Nnll County, -Nebrnake; the centerline of the easement being
<br /> ; iaore particule�rly deacribed ae follows: � -
<br /> i .--
<br /> -;:=--
<br /> _- � ����...���s .r � .,:,�r .,n thw No�t_harlg right-of-�ay line of CApit�l _
<br /> ---i ar... a -- r-
<br /> ; Avenue, being thiriq three (33.0) feet north and eight hundred eight
<br /> ' (808.0) feet West of rhe Southeest corner of Section Five (S), Townahip -
<br /> Eleven (11) north, Range Nine (9) �'est; thenca Northarly parallel to Lhe
<br /> � Eaat line cf seid Section Five (5), a diatance of two hundsad aeventy
<br /> N (270.0) feet; thence deflecting rig�t 31°00' , s dfatance of thirty five
<br /> ; (35.0) feet; the midelinea of the aUoue deacribed easenent ta terminets
<br /> . ' elong a line paral�cl with the East line of seid Section Five (S).
<br /> The ebove described ensemen� containing 0.112 ncre, more or leas, aa
<br /> " shown on tQ�e plate marked Exhibit "A", dated 10/16/89, ettached here�o, ,
<br /> and incorporated herein by reference,
<br /> ���
<br /> . ;:�
<br /> ' together with ttee following rigtat5:
<br /> � ,
<br /> � Unrestricted ingress and egress to the above described easement tract •
<br /> � for the inatallation, mafntenance, operatfon, end removal of such overhead
<br /> � � and undergroun� utilities and appurtenancea.
<br />� � . Such righta of ing�ess and egress shall inc lude all rtghts necessary for .
<br /> the full and coeiplete use, occ�pation, a�za enjoy�$nt �f t�s ���e��*�t here�n
<br /> granted including, but not 1lmitea to, rne �cighr co axcava��e amd rpfill .
<br /> ditches and tren�hes; to remove, cleer, and keep clear trees, buahee, hedges, ___=___-
<br /> undergrowth, and other obstructiona interfering with the aurveying,
<br /> construction, inspection, maintenanc�, repa3r, replacement, extons ion, � �
<br /> Lremoval, os operation of su�h ovexhead and underground utilities and
<br /> gppurtenances.
<br /> ti
<br /> to
<br /> . tn�
<br /> -1-
<br /> �
<br /> • - ., - _— -- — — —
<br /> - :-..___ .. ,..�..,.� _
<br /> =�Ti°YP`?Tt1*',"..—.. � �...--..-.4:-. �-...—i;o._�t,n,,.,.,,,,��,vw�±fan�Q„�� ` mm.�...�.. . - . _ . :*�s.x�+,*:!-T+13.'^'___._. ,-....._„ ,�„r?C2'STrT" r�: .r
<br /> . .. • t . ' ' - • 1 � i� � o ' . , ., _ ; . .. �. n ' . �, ' ' . t9 . .^r, .
<br />