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<br /> ` � �
<br /> � ir�surana�prenrrums, grvund ronts..�nd elt oth�r chnrc�as�Yhptsoovor fErwed upon o�Rssessed,placed or made agarnst the 7rust
<br /> ' � Proporfy. Trusfor Author t��rcos, upon wntton rQpuost by Qenal�ciary,to promptly do��ver to Benof�c�ary a/!re�e�pts far the payment ot
<br /> � suCh ehArges. Trustpt hkewrso ag►oes to pny o�l f�axes, t�ssossments and other c.harges lewed uporr or 2ssesseC/,placad a mado
<br /> Q egpinst,or mo8sur�td dy,this p�od ot Trust or tho rocord��hon herool.
<br /> L!'35 AnnlicaUOn at PaYmQnts Afl paymonts►�ce�voei Uy Bvnel�ciary�s to any debt, 6abiliry or obi�gafion owed to 9eneficiary by Trustor
<br /> � mey ba appliod by QBnefiC��ry to Uie ppym[�nf c►/tho U�dobtedness or to any suCh other dobt.liabiliiy ur�uliyaiiurl,n�any oruar�,
<br /> � r►tanner oi application whlch donohcinry.�n ds EibS01uf0 diSC�etrpn, doems approprtate. UNess othenvise elected by Bene/iciary,any
<br /> � such payment shall be doomed appGed l�rst to tho pt�ymont at any de�t,Irabiliry or obligation other than tho Note.
<br /> �j�. Gharges;Liens. Tnrstor w��l keep the� 7�usf Proparty Ireo from all lrons and encumb�ances which in any way may,in the judgment of
<br /> � genefic/ary,havo p�iority ovQ�,or irnpalr tho sot�unry of,this Daed af trusf bui Trus[or need noi discharge any such lien so long as
<br /> Treuta shalJ agree,in�sr�lung,to Ray tho Qbtrqanan se�urec�by suGh►i�n in a manner accepEab►e to 8sneficit�ry and shall ir�g�!faith
<br /> Q: contesi such I�en by appropr�ato tegal prvicead�nys effec6ve to Qrevent the enforcement ot the lien and tha toss o1 any imarQSt in or
<br /> pAR ol the Tiust Prope►iY.
<br /> 7. Hazard Insutance.Trusfor shatl kesp the Duddings ertd ot►ter improvements rtow ex��sting or hereafter ereCted on fhe=rusf Frope�Jy
<br /> insu�ed by Insurancs carrie�s satrslactory ta 9enaliciary agAinst/oss Dy li�c�,hazards is�4luded in the term"extended cove�age"and
<br /> s�ch oiher haza►ds,casualties and contrngencres as may 4s required by 8eneficiary,in sach ar�ounts and!or such perlods as may ba
<br /> requlred by 8eneficiary. The poficy o1 lnsurance she116e Jn form acceptable[0 8eneficiary,�rovide iha!the same may not be
<br /> cancelled or madilled without f;Raen(15)days prio�writtsn notice to Benefic�ary,and shaN trave toss payable provlsions in favor of and
<br /> d� !n fam acceptable to Beneficiary.Al►promiums on msurance poGCies shall bg pa�d in the manner prav�ded crnBar paragraph 4 hereof
<br /> � or,i!not pald in such manner,by Trustor makirrg payment at lE�ast fifteen(15)days prior to fhe due date, directly to the insurance
<br /> ' I � aarrier. Beneficiary shall have the ric�ht to hold the policles and�ertewa/s thereol end Tiustar shaU promptty furnish to Beneiiciary ail
<br /> renewa►nokces and a1J pa�d p►ernlum recelpts received by it. In no evenf shali Beneficiary or Trustee 6e held responsible for failure to
<br /> Q pay insu�ance premiums or for any/oss or damage ar�sing out ol a defect�n any policy or arising out al any failure of any insurarrce
<br /> company to pay for any(oss or dama�a insured against or tor lailure by Trusto�ta elfect the insurance rer�uired hereLnder.!n the e�sent .-
<br /> � of/oss, Tiusta shall give prompt notica by mail to the�rtsurance canier and Beneliciary.Beneficia.�r may�make proof ot loss if not
<br /> made promptiy or in proper torm by Trustor.A!I policles o!insu►ance And any and atl refunds ot unearned premiums aro hereby
<br /> � essigned to Beneficiary as additional socu�ity lo�the payment ol the Indebtedness.In the event o!BenefiC+ary's exercise of ihs pow•e.r .
<br /> olsale confained hereln,or in fhe event ol forec/osure, all i�ght,title and inte�est of Trustor i�and tc�any irrscranwe policy then in fo.ce
<br /> shall pass to tt�e purchaser at the trustee's sale ar/oroclosure sate. In case oI any loss,the insu�nce praceeds may,at the option of
<br /> � Beneilciary,be app/ied by Beneficiary upon the fndeDtedness,or any part thereof,and in such prn'er artd amount ss Benefrciary may
<br /> datermrne;or sald insurance proceeds,at the option of Beneliciary,may eithe�be used i�replaair:�or resto�ing the Trusi Prope►ty
<br /> , paRially or totaliy destroyed to a condiGon satisfactory to Beneliciary:or said lnsurance proceeds,a-any portion thereol,may be
<br /> refeaser/to Trustor. lln:ess Beneficiary and Trustor othenvfse agree in writing,any such applica'ioc�olinsurance p�oceeds sha11 no;
<br /> extend or postpona ihe o'ue date of the Note,or any ir�stallrnents cafled tor the�ein, or change the a�ount o/such insia►Iments.!f the
<br /> � Trust Property is aCquired by Bene/iclary pursuant to the exercise al the power o/sale or oiher forectosure,a/l right, tille and inte�est a! �
<br /> Tiustor in and to any insurance proceeds payable as a result o!damage to the Trust Properiy prior to the sale or acquisifion shaJ!pass .
<br /> to Beneficlary and shall be appfied lirst to the costs and expenses.inc/ud�ng adorney fees, ;ncurred in collecting such proceeds,then
<br /> in fhe manner and in the orde�provided herein.
<br /> 8. P�eservation and Mainienance ol Trusf PropeRy. Tiustor w�ll keep the 6uildings and olher improvements no�v or hereaftei erecterJ on � . .
<br /> the Tiust Property in good reparr and condition and w�ll not commit or perm�t wasto.w�11 not alter the design or siruciura!characler. �
<br /> constituting any building now or hareaRer erected on and conshtutrng the Trust Properiy wiihout the pdor written consent o1 �.
<br /> Beneliciary,wil/not do any act or thing which wou►d unduJy�mpa�r o►deprec�ate the value o!the Trust P�operty and will not abandcn
<br /> thw Trusf Pmnwrfy.Tiuctnr will not remove any/ixtures constitutmg the Trust PropeRy unless the same are im.mediate►y replaced with ; �
<br /> like property subjeCt to the fien and securiry interest of this Deed o1 Trust and ol et least bqua!value ancf ui�f.-z}+. Tiusior wilf comply with �- -
<br /> all nrecent and fufure ordinances.reqWaLOns and revw►ements 0l any gOv�mmental body whiCh are ap�:cable to the Tiusf Properry
<br /> and to tha occupaacy arrd use thorcof.►t this Deed ol Trust�s on a ernrt in a condominrum or a planned unit deve/opment, Trusior shalF � .
<br /> psrform a!!01 Tiustor's obfigations under the decfa�atioAS or covenants creahng or govemrng the condominium a the planned unit `
<br /> development,the bylaws snd regutations ol ihe condomimum or plannad urnt deveJOpmRnt. and ths constituent documenfs.
<br /> 9. Inspeciion. Beneficiary or its agents may. at all reasonable nmes,ontor upon the Trust Properry lor ihe pu�pose of inspec6on. : _
<br /> BenefiC/ary shall have no duty to make such inspectran and shal/not bc1 liable to Trustvr or fo any persort ia eossession if it makes or , '
<br /> ,
<br /> ' far/s to make any such inspection. _
<br /> T 0. Protection of Security.If Tiusfor lails to perfor�n any of the covanants and dgreements contafned in this Dee�of Tiusi,or if any actiort ;�
<br /> o�p�oceeding is commenced which does ur may adversely�tlect Jhe Trust P�operry or the�nterest ot Trusior or Benefrciary therefR ar
<br /> , the fitfe o1 Tiusior thereto,then Beneficiary,at�ts option,may perfo�m such convenants end agreements,make s,:c�appearances. '
<br /> defend againsi and rnvesNgate such action or p�oceeding and take such olhe�ect�on as Benef�cia.ry deems necassa✓y to protect rrs. • ' ; .,i
<br /> • interest including,but not limited to,disbu�sement ol reasonable attorney�ees and entry upon the Trust Properry to cr:ake repairs.Ar:y •
<br /> amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to th�s paiagraph f0, w�th�nterest thereon.shall constrtute Jndebtedness of Trustw ,,�;:,,.
<br /> secured by this Deed af Trusi. Unless Trustor and Beneficrary agrae to other te�ms vt payment,such amounts shal!be payable upon
<br /> notice fiom Beneficiary fo Trustor requesting paymenF thereof, and shaU bear rnterest trom tne date o1 d;sbursement ai the defau/f rafe. .;„���
<br /> if any,set fonh in the Nofe,or otherwise at the hiyhest rate perm�tted by law. Noth�ng contarned rn th�s pa�egraph sha"'require 'a ;
<br /> Ber►eficiery to incur any expense or fake any actron he�eunde�. Trustor�rrovocably author�res and empawers Benefic:asy co enter upon . .
<br /> ihe Trust Properry as Trustor's agent and.�n Tiustor's name a othenv�se to perlonn any and a�i covenanfs and ac�reemertts fo be
<br /> per/ormed by Trusto�as herein provided. 8enetrciary shall,at�ts ophon.bv subrogated►o any oncumbrance, lien,claim or demand
<br /> and to all rights and seCUrities for the Faym�nt Phareol pald or d�scharged by Bor�ehc�ary unde�the provisions hereof ar.d any such
<br /> . subrogation righis sha!/be additiona!and cumulat�ve secur�ry for tn�s pQOd ot 1rusl
<br /> � 11. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. h�rgct o►cunsequent�A►,�n connechon w�th any canefer�rnatiorr or
<br /> � other taking of ihe Trust Property,or any part thereof, or lo�conveyance�n l,eu of or m antrcrpAt�on ol condemnation, are hsreby
<br /> � assigned to and shal!be pa+d to Beneficiary. Trustor wd►f;�e and prosecuro. �n good�a�ih and wNh due drhgence,rts clarm fo�ar,y such
<br /> award or payment,and wiil cause the same to be collected and,cd�d to Bonol�c�ary,r�nv,s�+vurd�t la+�t�do so. Trustor i�reyacably
<br /> authorizes and empoweis Beneliciary,in the nsme of Trustor or otherw�s�, ta I�IO,p�osecute. sett�e o�compromise any such clam anr�
<br /> to cflitect,rBCBipi lOt 8/td/Bta�A fhB ptOCeeds. If ihP Tr�1ct Prp�teriy�s wbandnne�d hy 7.ustor u,.�Itt r�intrce by Benelrciarp Co Trr�,tor
<br /> • thaf the condemnor oflers to make an award or settie a clarm for damaqos, l�usrc,r�a�►s ro��spona ro Benetrc�ary wirn�n rn�rtf r3oj days
<br /> after the date such notice is mailed, BeneliCiary�s author�zed to colloct and applp the�proco�ds���tn�m�nrres�nd�cated herein. The
<br /> proceeds of any award or clarm may,afie�deduchng ail reasonabla cos�s��nd o+rpe��ses,nec�uUu�y atromey lees,which may ha:e
<br /> been incurred by Beneficiary in the collechon thereot, at the sole drsc;enon vl t3e�►c.�h4�ary. no re�easod to lrusror,applied to
<br /> restorafion of Tiust Prope►fy. oi applied to the pay.n�ent of the lndoblodnoss Un�ess E{en�n� �dry,i��c1 Trustor oiherw�se agree�n wr'rag,
<br /> . any such eppliCation of proCeeds to Indebtedness sha�l not extend or postponc!he dr�o niitC(��ME• Norr�o�me pa yment of any .-- --
<br /> rnsfa!lmer+ts caltsd far,hercunder. �
<br /> 92. Trustor Not Re/eased.Extension ot the hme lor payment or mod�hcaGon ol any amvrt�r�+►�un n�rno���dont��l�1E,ss gra�ted by Benehaary
<br /> fo any suCCessor in interest ol Trusto�shall not operate b refeaso, m any nrannor. tne ��;il,�i�P�nl ►r„�.rnr,intl T�Uti1ttl S SUCC@SSOIS�/1
<br /> �infe�est. Benefrciary shall not be requ�red to cammen�e proceed�ngs aga�nst sucrr surcess c��n� ,�•h,tic !n r�a���d nme lor payment or
<br /> othen�rise mod�fy amort�zaUon o1 the Indebtedness by r4ason ol any clema���l mar�e�b� 1r,,,*,��,��.0 `�„•,t��+�. ��,�ceti�rn�
<br /> in�nierest. •
<br />. � 13. Finaneral lnlormation. Upon requesr of Benei�crary, Trusror w�ri,uru��cle tu E�c�nz���c��r�� ,::f��:n� �:�r� :�� -�r�.�,a n�m,�,rutie nl c�ach 6sca/ �
<br /> yea�of Trustor, the consolldafeqbalance sheet and statement ol frarn,nq;,,r 1�us!;v<�n�l,ir., ,u�.l,i .ip„r•�n�'����.��l NK'lncrehtedness �
<br /> secured hereby,ifany. and wil!pravrde and dei�ve�tc�Ben�.l:c��i�y su� n uu�r�; �,,�,�r�,.��,nr,�,•.,,,�,�„ ,,,,�.,. •„ �,,��,,n�„�, ,�., Benel�ciary
<br /> �t
<br /> rnay reasonabty request Irom Gme ro Ume �n.
<br /> :d. F�»an;,�Nr CiOV6?AAIS. �^uCf�'i;v%%i0 v:Tj�v:t"Jf�Illd^C7::�Cp:`.`.'^.i/1�S(rf��US!(�i •'�'�1(lf':I��tl���,!/ �• .bjr+ . ��, � • '���„�.,,!��r�fl�c umPnf. rn�
<br /> Trustor shall comply w,th and shall cause any anU illl qUJlril�fU/ti(��f�jf����d('fa!i'drf•'.• ��� i.•t•�,7'�� �• . , " !�. .t��' 'h(•��� �,��
<br /> �
<br /> CGmp/ranCe w�.h,the lollpwrng t�n�rfc�al cvven.:nls �T���s/•,r,ie��<<!•l������'�����• .+t��� , �' , � � r •� • •� � . . � � �' -�•r
<br /> !prth h�rCr^)
<br /> 15. SchodulnvlL�ases W11h1/7IBIl�1C11 (�Jy/S i1�fP� (1Prn,iru� 1�i��.lrn ti/r,�;t.:r,..,�. � •f{. • , i . i•. , , . , � . � � � t� , , .f ry•�q
<br /> fo:"tra���eases o�rhe T.ust J>roperty nr any pc��t�vn tnEVrct �nt �u:f�ny ���•.�� � r., � •� ,,� . � . , ' . , • , . , . . �
<br /> ot the space or.cu��ed by sucn ten,��n��� n�:ut�����r q•�•��••�r���J' �t ��•, �.. . . �. ., + � � � . • . .••�r, ., •n
<br /> .C��,et•r ra suc%i leat.et and ren�in��,t�ti��, f�t�n�•I„,.��y •��,i, •,•.,•.. � .ih, �;r.,� • �
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