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<br /> •• � �RRECTIVF D�ed pf Trust
<br /> __ _ : � °�� 1����� ^�-= 1���L°
<br /> y,----
<br /> THfS DEED OF TRUST is made thls�_day o! Murch f 9.�
<br /> � Roberti E. Rosao and LaVonne L. Roseo.Husband 8 {J�fe o�e,(hereinafter ca�led the"Trusbr'�,
<br /> � w9�o,te malting address fs
<br /> NOF�IF�ST�4Ntf ebraska- �j���,�saociation (hE "�r�sree'),whass maiting eddress is
<br /> . . ox T� . ran is an . ,and NORWEST BANK Nebr�� Agaociatinn ,(herelnafier
<br /> caJled Nte"BeneNclary').whose malUng address is P• 0• Box 17� 68802 ,
<br /> � WITNESSETH:
<br /> j WHEAEA.S,Trustor is lndebted to Bene�ioiary in the principa!sum ot �I RTY ] �TD_I401100 ----------..__
<br /> � D�oNars(S ;S;�Q..Q�),which indabtedness is evldenced by Trustw's promissc �rch 19 ,�g 90 , (hereinaRer
<br /> � caNed the"Note'),payable fo the ader p!BaneSciary and having a maturity of� g 90
<br /> � NOYY. �HEREFORE,tor the purpose of sace:rir�g:
<br /> ' (a) payment af tt�e 11�:e, togefhet wIM.in.*��i thereon,late charges,p�epayment� �advances,and al!Nx�nsions,
<br /> � modiTrcalions.�.�i�siitutlonS ah�renewak ihereol,
<br /> (b) payment of s/l oMer sums,�u or cha�ges,together with interest therean,adv� r securiry ol this Deed of Trust as�d
<br /> tt►e perlormance of the covenants and agreements of Tiustor. whether or not si
<br /> (c) peAamance,dlscharge of and complracr�e with every term,co�ertant,obllgatii >f Tiustor contained herein or
<br /> tncaporated by re/erence or any oiher se�curity Instrument at an�ime given io; d
<br /> : (d) the repayment of all other sums or futvre advences,with intarest thereon,whicl ive been o�hereaRer be advanced
<br /> by BeneNciary to trostor or Trusior's successor in lnterest or dUe,
<br /> j aN of whkh is herelnafter collecAvef�caNed the"/ndebtedness",Tiustor Fsrevocabty c �to Trustee,in trust, W/TH POWER
<br /> � � OF SALE,the toltowing described properry:
<br /> t
<br /> �
<br /> B,,flts S & 6, in Westgate Subdiviaiot id, -
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska. ,
<br /> . toge�her with (i)all taerildings,structures,additic+ns,enlargements,modificaUons,repa ►nd improvements rrow o�hereafter �
<br /> _ /oCated thereor►,(ii)aJt equ/pment,machlnery and fixtures(including, without limitatioi �g, venG/at;ng,cooling,alr �=
<br /> � condidloMng,sprinkli»g and p/umbing lixtures,water and power systems, englnes, bc >,d/shWBShe►S,mnrors and mantels, --
<br /> - �� cavpetlng,lurnaces,al bumers,eJevarors end motors,refrige�atlon p/ants or units,co ns,dynamos,transbmrers,electrical -
<br /> inw�ww� .. ./..w«... ..� J :.
<br /> v^yv.rnrw.ry vi�ai�v vtnov�?ii�i►vc�ii'to�vGV►�.o:'riri.ry'S,6Frv�`nricie�j��uw or irrrroniier t lll�any buiiding orimp�vemeni
<br /> ; now w hereaRer/ocatied thereon. (i11)a/1 easements and rights of way appurtenant th� iold estate,right, title and interesf of
<br /> Trustor in and to al�1�-ases,wh�rthe�now or hereafte�existing or entered into(includ/n, , all cash and securiry deposits,
<br /> advence renfals and d'eposiis or payments of a simila�nature),peRaining thereto,(v)� �fits and income the�e/rom(suDject '��
<br /> ` to the right of Tiustor to cd/ect a►rd appty such rents,issues,prorts and income as th� I payable so long es no eve»t of � ' �
<br /> ; defaWt exx�issis hereunde�),(vi)all rayaltfes,m/neral,oil and gas rights and profits,wate water siock,(vil) a!!tenements, ; --
<br /> ' treneditaments,privileges and appunenances be�onging,used or enjoyed in connecti� iii)atl proceeds of converslon,
<br /> � +roluntary or invduntary,of any ol tfie foregdng iaio cbsh or liquidated claims�inctudi� i,proceeds of Insurance and
<br /> condemnation awaids),all of wh/ch is hereinaRer collectively called the"��ust F%aer
<br /> 1. T'rtle.Tiusto�covenants,waecants and agrees with Benerciary,its successors a istor owns the Trust Prope�ty lree ?�.,�=�..
<br /> fiom any prior lien or encumbiance, that this Deed of Trust is and will remain a �le rrst lien�on the Trust Pioperly,
<br /> � that Trustor,at its expe►rse, wiif preserve such tifle artd will maintaln this Deed c y paiamount lien upon the Tiust �`
<br /> j Property and w��lt forever warrant and defend the validity and piioriry of the lien ;laims of a11 persvns and parties
<br /> ; whomsaever. Trustor,af its expense,wiN cause rnis Deed of Trusr,and each an �ment hereto,fo be fifed artd '°�
<br /> ' reCOrded as a moKgage af n"e Tius!Prope�ty in such manner and in such plac r action as in the opinion of Tius�ee �
<br /> • may be required by anypresent or iutu�e law in order to porle�t,mainiain and E is Daed of Trust, as the same may ��
<br /> ' be amended aa supplemerfed fiom fime to tlme. Trustor will make such further, �nces to pedect its title to the Tiust
<br /> � Property es rrna�r be requiied by Beneficrary. Tiusto�hereby relinquishes all rigt iestead in and to the Trust Prope�fy.
<br /> 2. Payment of lndebfedRess_ Trustor shali punciuslty pay the principa!of and inis� Iness secured he�eby.
<br /> 9• CcHrstruc6on of lmprovemc=rits.Trustoi shall compiete in good arsd workmanlike m impro�ements or repairs relabng
<br /> t�ereto which may be begu.n on the Tiust Prope�iy or cantemplated by ihe loarr lofe secured hereby,to pay when
<br /> . due a!I Cosis and liabilibes incurred iherefore, and not to pemait any constructio, Trust Properry. !n the evenf
<br /> consWCtion of buildings,improvements or repairs a�e contemplated,Trustor al.� in this Deed of Tiust io the conirary
<br /> , notwithstanding;(a)fo promptly commence any such work and fo comp/ete tha �rents prompiJy,(b)to complete the
<br /> sama in accordance with ths plans and spe�r�rcatrans as approved by Benefici, �ith all the terms of a building Inan
<br /> egreen:ent,if an,.betereer. ?r�siar snt!E�r.�'�ciary,ths ls:ms�t.:hfch�:slrr�a referencs and made a aa,�.he�eot,
<br /> (dJ to a/low Beneficiary fo inspect the Tiust PropeRy at all dmes during construc ace any work or materia/s
<br /> unsadsfacfory to Beneficiary within filteen(15)days after written nofice from Be, ;t.
<br /> 4. Funds fo►Payment of Charges.Subject to applicab/e!aw or to a written waivei� ;tor shall pay to Benefir,isry on the
<br /> Brst day of each month,or such other date each month as may be specified by, � Indebiedness is paid in full,a sum
<br /> (herelnafter called the"Fun,als'J equa/to 1i12ih ol the yea�ty taxes and assessn ain prror,ty over this Deed of Tiust - °-- --
<br /> and grvund rents on tna Trust Praperiy,i3 any,pfus 1�92ih ol the yea�iy premium :ard insurance,plus t r 12th of the �
<br /> yearly premium installments for moRgage insurancs,if any,ap as reasonabiy es� from time to time by Beneliciary on
<br /> the basis of assessmenfs artd bi1/s and reasonable estimates thereof. The Fund: �institution,the deposits or
<br /> accounis of which are insured or guaranteed by a fsdaral or state agency incluc �naflc�ary shall apply the Funds to
<br /> pey said taxes,assessments,insurance premiums and ground rents.Beneliciar �ed to pay T�ustor any rnterest or
<br /> eamings on the Funds.Benelicrary st,all g;ve fo Tiustor, wifhout charge, an anni 9 Funds shOw�ng credits and t
<br /> debrts to the Funds and the purpose lar which eactr debit fo the funds was ma: �ledged as add�honal secu�rty for �
<br /> L tha Indebtedness secured by this Deed ol Tn�st. Il the amount al the Funds held ether w�th the luture monthly �
<br /> Installments of Funds payabla prior tv!he due dates of taxes,assassments.�nsu d g�vund rents,sha/l exceed the
<br /> . flmount�equired to pay sard taxes,assessments,�nsurance piem�ums arr0 giou, due,such excess sha/l be,at '`�
<br /> jri�etnr'c pR�ipn.°_i!h.@!pr4.m.,•1tly.•gFged!�F!uS►_^•O•C�6d:t9d!� ?�us!�,a3alns!►� '/�'�entS nf Fiin�lc d�ha amq�m��f n
<br /> _ fhe funds held by 8ena/�ciary shal!not be su.Wic�ent to pay taxes.assessments, s and ground rents as they fali dus, t�t�.�
<br /> Tiustor shsll pay to Benel�c�ary any amount necessary to make up iha del�c�en;,; �om the d�te not�ce�s marlgd by �
<br /> --_ _ Bsnefic�ary b Trustor requesbng p�J,�rnert!thereot Upon payment�n fuii ot a!i Int •��ry sha�%p�ompt/y relund tn ..
<br /> -- riusiur any Fwrds held by Ecnefic�ary If the Trust l�roperty rs svltl under tne po� usf Properly�s othenv�se acquved
<br /> _ by Benefic�ary. Bene��c.�ary shaN apply.�mmedrately pno�ro tne saie �1 th�lrust �iS�frUn by BFnel�C�dry d�:y F ti��d5
<br /> -_- he:d by Bone%ciary at!he hme o/applrcatron as a cred�t aga,nst th.e Mdebtedne: �rutes a .�t�ntiBn w�r�cev�r� l�r�t!rv�
<br /> ���F; oblrgahons unde�lh,s parag�aph 4. Trustor rovenants and ag�ees�n u�+y hQlo�E� r.e�•r�q;;r��t .i��i ir(�, dSCF�44�71/�n�s
<br /> � ti i8i.,/�Of.rJ��O'..• �
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