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<br /> the con�icting provislon. To ihts end t�e pravlsion� at thla Sec:urity Inatrument and the Note ere dectared to 6e smrcrnbte.
<br /> 15. Borrowar's Copy. BoROwer ahaH ba gNen one contonncd coQy ot this Secur4ty instrument.
<br /> 10, A�alpnm�a�t ot R�nts. Barrower uncanditlonaky oa3lyns and tnnsia�s to Lender wN ihe rente �nd revanue� ot the Property,
<br /> 8ortowet authnrixae Landec a Lander'��genta to co(kct the renta and rrvenues and hereby dkecte sach tenant of the PropeAy to pay the
<br /> � rant�to Lender or lenda's �yx�te. Hawever,prio►to Lender'a nolice tn Bartower ot Borrowa'e� brsach o1 any covanmt or��eement in
<br /> ths S�curlly Instrumans,8a�sawer ahaq coAect and recaive aq ranta and revat�uta ot th�Properry aa tru�tee for the benefit oi lender�nd
<br /> BortowK. 'Rda asa�t o!rsnts cansUtutea a�absolute tsslqnment�rtd noi�n aaalDnment tor�d�itipaAt security only.
<br /> N Lartda�lves notice ot breach to Boaower: (�)aq rents recdv�d by Barowar ahaN bs held by Borrower aa truatee tor banefit ot Lender
<br /> nnPy,to be�pptiad lo tha sums aecured by tAe Securiry Instrument; (D)la�du shall be enttttad to coNe�t and roceiye�N oi the �e�ts ot'
<br /> the Propary; and (c)e�ch tenmt o1 the Prpperty aheN pay aN�enta due and unpald to Lender or Le�dor'a agent on Lendtx'a written demand
<br /> to ths t�wnt.
<br /> 8arrowK h�s nol axecuted any prior�sstynmant a9 4he�ents and haa not�nd wiN oot perform any aM that would p�event Lvnder f�om
<br /> , exatr.hic�y�dta ci�ht�uncier thb par��aph 16. : . .
<br /> • , lmdK thaM not ba n$uiMd to�nter upan,Sake canUoi ot or ma�nWn th�Propary beton ot �fter p�rk�p�oUcs of brsteh to Borrowe�.
<br /> . ;1 Hnwever,Under or�jurYd�ty�p�whted reeeive►ma�p do ao a1 anX time thero b �brach. My appBcaUon of•ronts ahaN not cure or
<br /> waivs�ny det�ult or hv�Ndat��ny other tlqht or remedy o1 Lender. Thia aaalpnment of�enta of the Property ah�A terminate when the
<br /> debt s�au�d by th�S�curAy Mitrument is paid in t��.
<br /> NON•UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Botrower end Lender tuKher coven�nt and a�ae�s toilows:
<br /> 17. Fonclasur�Proc�dur�. If L�nd�r ��qulros imm�diat� paym��t in full und�r p��sar�ph 9� L�nd�r
<br /> may I�vok�th�pow�� oi al� �nd �ny olh�� r�m�dl�s p�rmKt�d by spplic�bf� law. L�hd�� �h�il b�
<br /> •ntRi�d to colloct �II �xp��s�s i�cu���d in pu�sulnp th� ��mRdios u�d�r thta pa��p�aph 1 T� includinq,
<br /> but not lirolt�d to. ��asonaW� attorn�ya' i��s and costs o�f tltl� �vid��c�.
<br /> H th� pow��o�f�al� is invok�d. T�ust�� shall r�co►d � notic� of d�fauR In �ach county in which �ny
<br /> part at th� Prop�rty ts locatod and �hall mail copl�s of wch notic� t� th� mann�� pr�scrib�d by
<br /> applicabt� law to Borrow�r and to th� ot�r p�rsons pr�acrib�d by appUcabf� Isw. AR�r th� tim�
<br /> r�qulr�d by sppllc�bt� Ina, T�ust�� shall �iv� public notic• of sal� to th� p�nons and in th� man���
<br /> ��' �dt� �pplicabl� law. T�ust��, without damand on Bor�ow��, shall sali th� P�op�rly st public
<br /> hl�st Wdd�r at th�tim� snd plsc� a�d und�� th� t�nri� d�si�nat�d in th� notic� of
<br /> sal� in on� o� mor� pa�c�ls a�d in �ny ord�r T�ustN d�t�rmin�s. Trun�• m�y postpon� ssl�of all �
<br /> o� �ny parc�l af th� P�op�rty by publlc announc�m�nt at th� tim� and plac� W any pr�viously scheduled
<br /> sal�. L�nd�r or it� d�sipns� msy purchas� th� Prop�rty at any sal�.
<br /> Upon r�c�ipt of paym�nt af tho pric� bid, Trust�� shall d�llv�r to th� pu�chasor Trust��'s do�d conveying
<br /> th�P�op�rty. Th� roclt�is in tho T�ust��'s da�d shalf t,� p�ima faci� �vid�nc� 01 th�truth of tho �
<br /> st�t�m�Ms m�d� tho�oln. T�ustoo shall apply th� p�acv�ds of th� ssl� in ti» followin� ord�r: (a) to � __
<br /> aU �xp�ns�s oi th� sal�, includin�. but not limitod to� Trust��'s f��s ss parmittod by appilcaoi� �aw -
<br /> _ an�l ��ssqnablo�ttornavs' feaa: !b) to all sums s�curod 6y thla S�curHy Instrumor�h anei 4e1 �t�y AYPARA _ -
<br /> fo th� psnon or persons teg:lly�ntitisd to it. �
<br />' 18. R�conwyan�o. Upon payment o}as sums secured by this Securit�r InsUumant,lender shaq request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Property and shaN su�re�de►thi�Security tnaWment aa►d aN notes evicle�cin�debt secured by this Security InsUument to Trustee. Trus4ee ,' �''—
<br /> ahall roconvey the Propety without wamnty and witt�aut cAupe to the person or persons Ieg�Ny eeUtfed to it. Such perso�or peraons ahail '� _
<br /> WY�►Y�ca�d�tbn ooats.
<br /> 19. Substitut� TrustN. lender, at fts opi3on, may trom Wne to time rernove Tn,stee and appoint t succesaor truatee to any f
<br /> Truetee appok�ted hereunder by an insVume�t recorded in the eounty in which thia Security tnstrument is �ecorded. Wrthout conveyance oi t�:e r
<br /> Property. the successor trustee ahaM succeed to aM t�roe tide, power and duties conteRed upon Tnastee herein and by appNcabb law. i,
<br />' � ,
<br /> � 2Q. R�qu�st for Notie�s. Borrower requests that copiea of the noUces ot detauit�nd a�Ie ba sont to Borrow�r'a tddresa which is '
<br />, the Property Addrese. 'Borrower further requests that coples of the notices ot deTautt and sale be aent to the person set tarth hereln.' �
<br /> Aec�loration Clauso. Borrower agrees thal shouid this Securiry Instrument end!he note secured thereby no16e eNgibte ��
<br /> #
<br /> iw insurartce under the NaUonal Houstng Act wfthin sixty days trom tha date heraof, Lender may, at its opiion and
<br /> notwithstandin9 anylhing in Pati�aph 9,require Immediate payment In full oi aq sums secured by thls Security tnstrument. �
<br /> A written atetement ol any authorized agent of the Secretary deted subsequent to sixty daya trom the dete hereoi, dedining to tnsure
<br /> this Security Inatrument md the note secured thereby. shaN be deemed conciusNe proof of such ineligi�iiity. Norivithstanding the
<br /> toreyotnQ,this option may not be exercised by Lender when the unavailabiGty of tnsurence is solely due to Lender'a taiture to remit
<br /> •moR9tye inaurance prert►ium to thu Secretary.
<br /> Rid�n to thii S�curity Instrument. If ona or more riders are exeCUted by Borrower and recorded together with this Seeurity
<br /> Instrument, the covenente of each such ridcr shal! be incorpomied into and shal!amand and supplement the covenanls end egreecnents ol
<br /> thts Security(nstrument as N ihe rider(s)were in a part o}this Sea,riry Instrument. [Check appNCable box(es)J
<br /> � Condominium Rider � Adjustable Rate Rider � Growing Equity R;der
<br /> -------
<br /> � Plnnned Un�t �evelopment Ri�er � Graduated Payntent R1der Q Other � --��--
<br /> 'Note: See FIfA Mcrtgage Addendum hereto attachod and said to be a part thereof*
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