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<br /> T. Co�d�mnation. Th�prockd9 of any award or dalm for d�m��,dk�ct or con�pu�nN�l. In conn�ctbn wfi:h my
<br /> � cond�nxMNon or ather WJnp o!�ny paA of ths PropKty,or tor co�vfy�na In pi�c�of cond�nx�aMor►. �re hereby atiflnad pnd ah�M 6e pald
<br /> to lendK ta th�aR�nt ot th�T�N�mount ot th�indebtednei� iMt �rtWns unpdd undrr the Not��nd this Securtty Inatrumen� L�nder
<br /> shaM�pp�y wch proc�b to th�nducNon of ths hd�6t�dn�w under tM Not��nd Ihis 9�eurily Instruma�t,tkai to�ny delnquint �mounts
<br /> •p�d in th�oodK pravkMd b A�►�y�ph 3,�nd then to pre�+aymant ol prY�cipd. My 4�Non ot tha proc�ede�a the p�indpd ah�M
<br /> no!�d�nd or po�tpon�M� dw d�ts of the monthty paymenta. whkh w �red to In Pus�h 2, or cM��th��mount of:uch p�yment�.
<br /> My�xo�as prooNds ovK an�mount r�quirod tp p�y al out�tandtnp ind�bt�drnss undw tA�Note�nd thb 9ecurity Instrum�t eh�N be patd
<br /> , to 1M�ntky M�My�ntid�d therdo,
<br /> 9. FNS. L�dK m�y coltect hes�nc!chsr�ea wth�D�thm Sea�ta�y.
<br /> 9. �a+ounds io� Acc�l�rstion of Di+bt.
<br /> � • f sI D�taut� l�ndr ai+�. �ccept as inN�d Dy�iaau�fi I��ti'ne 5e�h the c�sa of p[yrn�nt d�„'r��ult�. . .
<br /> • . : �f P��in i�r@+sff aA auma aecund D�r tltl�.:3�u�r 6r,�o,au�a�r�t� � .. , . ,
<br /> • : �.s�rra��'�Fe('�ulr.�L��lal�rty,ra g�Y�ln fu�N a�or��,�,th�}'•r�an,+�n c.qulrsa�e}r cF�s s+�asft�'mat�um«►s p�ior to oi a+r . � ,
<br /> . the�cf��+cfili�r:at YRs r.�ct mo�thl���Y�na�nt�or '
<br /> � (i�Borrowe�dehuRa by tailinp, tor a period of thkry d�ys,to perfortn�ny other obWp�tlons contah�d h thia Sacu�ity
<br /> � Insbume�t�
<br /> (b) Sal� Without Cr�dit App�oval. lander sMN.B pe�rt�tted by appNc�ble I�w�nd with the prior�pprovd ot ihe Secretary,
<br /> nquin Inxtt�d{�t�p�yment In fuN of�N the auma aecu��d by this S�curitY InaWma�t N:
<br /> m AM or pWt of tha Property is otherwis�tramt�rted(other thu�by d�vis�or d�scant) by the Barow�r, and
<br /> , (li)Th� Prop�ty b not occupNd by th� purohas�r or qrant«�s hIs a hr prMrMry or seeondWy nsid�na,or the . ,
<br /> purcMsK a pnnte�does ao oecupy th�Propwty but his or her aadk Ms not been approved tn �ccordona with the .
<br /> nqut�rtwntt of th�S�cxetuy. �
<br /> (C) NO Wfitv��. fl ciramstances occur that would pe�tnit Lender to require Immedlate payment in tuN,but Lendx �
<br /> doe� not requin such paymenta,Lender does not w�Ne it�r19Ats wlt� respeCt to subaequent events. -_--
<br />- �__- �_- t..�.j .�.�::�ww::�� Vv� ��ri��i�i�� :r.�:r��'��.:,.:t"'_y�iSbi.�n�a�wiw�S'y iii3.c+6v�,�ir�'y� �i�.w vw o . . . -�...
<br /> �hts b th� caa�oi payment defauR�to requtro Inwr�te p�yment In iu�+nd tusdoae it not pwid. This Security -=
<br /> Instrume�t does not wthorize acceleraUon or taedosure H not pem9tted by re�ukUona ot the Sec►etary. --
<br /> 10. Rdnstat�nL Barower has a �ht to be roinstated M L�nder has required krxned.te pay�nent in fuN bsc.use ot . _
<br /> �3ortowK's i�Aun to p�y m amo�nt dua under the Note a this Security lnstrument Thia risht appRea even aRer forccbsure proceedin9s
<br /> ve instkut�d. To nhstate th�Saairity Instrument, Bomower ahall tender in�lump aum aN amounts required to brinp Borrower'a aocount
<br /> currer►t indudln�,to the en�tent thry are obAg*tioc�s ot Bortowx under th(s Security Instrumsnt,toreclosuro coata and reason�bla�nai
<br /> � customuy�ttomays'tees�nd expenses property assodated wiih the toreclosuro proceedinQ. Upon reinstatement by Borrowe�,this Security
<br /> insM�rt�nt and the obli�tUons that it securea shaq remain in etfect aa il Lender had not required immediate payment in iuM. Hov►erer.
<br /> • Lender is not roquk�d to pertNt rdnatatement it: (7 Lender has accepted reinatatement atter the eortrnencement ot t�rodosure proccedings ,�'
<br /> within two ya�rs Yin�ecititcly precedinp the commencement of a cuRent toredoauro pro�eediny,(i�reinatatement w�prec.�ude toreGosuro
<br /> � on dif(er�t�rounds tn the tuturo.a('ii� �einstatement wiN sdveroey atfect the priority ot the Nen ae�ted by this Security '
<br /> InsUUmen� ��
<br /> 11. Borrow�r Not R�I�as�d; Forboaranco By Land�r Not a Watv�r. Extension of the Ume ot payments or modification .
<br /> o/amatiutlon oi tha auma aecured by this Security Instrument yranted by Lender to any successor in intereat oi Barower ehaR not
<br /> operate to relw:�ths NabWly ot the oriyinal Barower or Borrower'a auccesaor in interest Lender ahap not be requked to commence '
<br /> proceedinps��inst�ny wccessor in Intereat or retuse to extend time fa p�yrtbnt a othervvls�modity amortizaUon of the aums aecured
<br /> by this Secwky MatrwrerM by ne�on of any demand made by the ori�inv 8arower a Barower'a suc�essors ln intercst. My forbearance
<br /> by lender in exerdsin�any�iyht or remedy shaa�ot be�walver of u preciude the exerdse ol any right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Ssec�easo� and Assigns Bessnd; .lotat snd Sov�ts! Liabil�ty; Co-Slq�o�. Ths covt�ants �d ggreesr�en:s
<br /> oi tlis Setwtity inat��u��'+i s:ia:b�-►d s��d ba���2lsa�u;,cessa�ard assi�.-+s oi i.a-+dor and Sorrawsr. ;ubJ�.,-t ta the p:av3a{a:.a ot
<br /> pany�ph 9.b. Bo►rower'a covenanta and agrnements shaN be joint and sevenl. My Borrower who casipns thl� Security Instrument but
<br /> does not �xecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiy Instrument onty to mortysge, gant and convey that Borrower's interest(n the
<br /> Property under the terms o1 this Securiry Instrument: (b) is not personaNy obNDtted to pay the sums secured by this Securily insUumenL•
<br /> and(c)a�rses tMt Lander a�d any other Borrnwer may apree to extmd,modily torbe�r or make any accommodaUons with regard to the term %-- _- --
<br /> of this S�curity instrument or iha lVOte without that Borrower's consent. '
<br /> i3. NOtIC�f. Any notico to Bonower provided fo�fn this Securiry lrstrument shall be given by delivering it or by mai�ing
<br /> it by first cless rr►�unlesa appliC�ble(aw requires use of enother melhod. The no2ice sha8 be direc3�to the Property Address or any �
<br /> other addresa Bortower designa�es by no4�ce to Lender. My notice to Lertder sha!!be glven by first c,'ass mail ta lender's eddress stated
<br /> hereie or any address Lender des'sgnates by notice to EorrowK. My notice provided t�r in thls Secunty tns!rument shaH be deemed to ha:e �
<br /> � been gven to Borrowe► a Lender when gives�as provlded irt this paragrapro.
<br /> �
<br /> 14. Governing Law; Severabilify�. This Security InsWment s"�all be governed by Federat law and the taw o! the yznsdiction (m
<br /> In whith the Property is located. In thd event that any prav�s:on or clause o1 thls Security Instrumenl or the No:e confticis Hith �W�
<br /> applicablv law, such conflict shatl not affect othes provlsions o1 thls Secur"ity Instrument or the Note which can be gnen eftect w�fhout �
<br /> t�iA D:eb•u�.,7 Drt•7 b1 L�-.1- �}•.,:
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