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<br /> NnN•lJN1�'ORM COVCN�N7's.BorrowCr anc�Lender funher co�•cnant nnd ug�ce as follows: 9�'' 10��6�
<br /> � 19. Aeeelee�tlon; Remsdire�. Lender shail �ire noHce to Bortoxer prior to �cceter�tion i'ollo�ieg Horro�r�r's
<br /> breach of any co�en�nt ar a�reemeet in thia Secueity Imtrument(but eot prior to accelcr�tIan under pa�AgrapAs 13 And 1?
<br /> unle��pplicabie I�w prorldes otharwise).The natic�ahall spe�ity: (U the default; (b)the acdoa requtred to cure the
<br /> � tkt�Ntt;(cl�d�tc.not Iea t6an 30 day�from thc d�tc the aatice is gtven to Borrower�by Nhish the del�utt must be cured;
<br /> and td)tiu�t[ailure to cuce the defi�ult on a�before the d�te specifled in the notice ma�resutt in acceleratiun af the suma
<br /> secwred by tMt�Secu�ity In�trument and s�le ot the Property.The notice shall turther lnform �orrower of the right to
<br /> reia�tate atter�ccekration�ed t�e N�ht ta bring R eaurt �ctlon to assert the non-ea�stence of a detault or any other
<br /> dafe�e o�Borrower to acceleratioe and sale.Itthe defiult is not cu�ed o�or before the d�te specifled in the nottce,Lender
<br /> at tts optton may reauire in�mediate psyiatnt in tull of tll sams ucured by thi9 Security Instrument xithout further
<br /> de�naad�d may inroke tNe power ot ule�d�ny othee remedies permitted by�pplicable law.I.ender shall be entitled to
<br /> coilect ail ea�peasa incurred ie pursutn� the remedtes pro�ided ln this paragraph 19, including; but not ltmited to,
<br /> reawuble�ttorneys'tees and co�ts of tltle erideace.
<br /> If tbe powe�of aale is in�oked,Traatee s6a11 record a noHce uf defaalt in each county in whlch any papt of the
<br /> , Property ia loc�ted�nd slnll majl copta of suc6 noNce In t6e manne�preacribed by applicable!aw to BorroKer and to the
<br /> othe�person�prac�ibed by applicable law.After the Nme requtred by appllcabte I�w,Trustee s6a11 gire publir noHce of
<br /> ' sak to the persc►u9 and in the msnne�prsscdDed by applicabte law.Trustee,without demand on Borrow�er�shall sell the
<br /> ' Pro*eMy at pobl�c�uctian to the highest bidder�t the Hme wnd pl�ce and unde�the terms des�lgn�ted in the notice of s�tte in
<br /> one or more puce�t and in any order 7lrustee deteraiines.Trustee m�y postpone ssde of ap or�ny pucel of the Property by
<br /> � pYDt�c announcement at the time and place ot any pre�iously scheduled sale.Lender or its desfgnee mAy purchase the
<br /> � �P��Y at�ny sale. '
<br /> �Jpo�eeceipt of payment vf t�e price l��ds,Trustee sha�t�delive� to the purctar�ser Trustee'?c deed co�e�e�cag tl�e � :
<br /> : P'ro�►e+�t�r.T6�recitds in the Trustce'r deed s1at16�e priwa f;�'eride�tce of the trutlee Qf the sta2eanents ms�L�rein.
<br /> . '�ee s1u�11�tpply the proceeds of the s�le in t�e�allo�ving ar�er.EatD tQ aJ;�expenses of the sale,i�clin�iag,but not limited
<br /> ��Trustee'a tees as pern�itted by appllcable la�aa�d reasonabk attw�ae!��s"�Eees;(b)to all sums ss�aci+cd by th9s Security
<br /> ' Instrument;and(c)any txcess to the person oe persans legatl��titled to it. � •
<br /> , . .
<br /> ' 20. Lender In Posaession. U�n acceler,�t�en under �r�.�graph 19 or abandoament of the PFOperty, Lender (in
<br /> � person,by agent or by iudzcial2y ag�?iated receiFC�t)shall t�entitted to er.ter upoc�, tafie possess:vn.o4'ancE ctt�nage the
<br /> � 'E'roptrty and to collect Clie rents of tt�e Property:cttcluding those past due.A,cty rents�;Ije�:tes�G}1{.�:�es or the receiver • ' •
<br /> � �sY�all be applied first to�a}ment of tite costs.o�'risnagement of the Property and cul!ectic,?n of reacs,inelading, but not �
<br /> � ; fimited to, recaiver's fee�premiums on receiver s bonds and reasonable attvcneys'fee�.and then to the sums secured by
<br /> ! � ..thisSccurityInstrument. . :
<br /> ; 21.Reconveyance.Upon payment of a11 sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee to • .
<br /> j reconvey the Property and shall sunender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt se�:ured by this Security
<br /> I Instrnment to Trusta.Trustee shall reconvey the Property withaut warranty and without charge to the person or persons �
<br /> . legally entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. � �::
<br /> • i2.�MSaii�iuir T�usier.Ixn�ici.ai iiy upiiuu,may from t�me to[ime remov�i'rustee and appotnt a successor trustee - -
<br /> _ to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument re�orded in the county in which this SecuritY Instrumeot is recorded. ' �
<br /> -- Without conveyance of'the Property,the successor trnstec shal!succeed to all the title,power and duties conferred upon =
<br /> . Trustee herein and by applicable law. -
<br /> ', 23. Request for Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's =
<br /> address which is the Property Address.
<br /> ; ?A.Ritkrs to this Security Instrument.If one or more riders are eaecuted by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> ' this Security Instrument,the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> t supptement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> ; Instrument.[Check applicable box(es)]
<br /> � _ ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider [] Condominium Rider [] 2-� Family Rider i
<br /> i
<br /> ! ❑ Graduated Payment Rider � Planned Unit Development Rider
<br /> ; ❑ Other(s) [specifyj
<br /> . HY SIf3NING HELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees ta the terms and covenants contained in this Security �
<br /> : Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Borrov►er and recorded with it. :
<br /> ........................................................................................ :.�..��.............. .(Seal)
<br /> Ronald L. Hir —e��.ow�►
<br /> � ................_.............................................................._........ �. .................................... ......... ...... (5ea1)
<br /> Ramona R. Hird —eo..oW�.
<br /> . �
<br /> Hall County� ��:
<br /> On this 26ttt day of R�ril , 19 90, hcfore me, the undersigned, a No�ar? Publi�
<br /> duly commissioned and qualified f�r said re�untv. persona[[c came Ronald L. Hird and Ran�ona R. S�ith
<br /> WiZ'd, e�dl if1 h1S and her own right, and as spouse of each other , m mc k no�ti n tca h�• t hc �
<br /> identical person(s) �rhQSP name(s) arc tiubsrribed to the forcg��in_� in�trument and a�knrn�ledged the ct.rutic�n
<br /> thereof to be ttte].i� voluntary ar: at�d decd.
<br /> Witness my hand�nd notarial scal at Grand Island, Nebraska in tiaid�oucny, thc
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> y Commission ex ires: < - <' � /? f� �$
<br /> M p �� > 7 �
<br /> � ... . ... .�c. t�: ' L.•.L�6"'v�=-. . . . . . .... . . ... . .
<br /> ���II�W � �,".�.,;� �•���,�,, a
<br /> M�AJ.ALO�� _S7 FOR R!�('ONi'I•1'^ti( 1 �t�
<br /> T��TKUtit t �� �a..e�.t.�.?:��.�. N
<br /> .
<br /> Thc undcr���;nctl iti fh�hultJrt o�Ihc n��ic c�t nrir� �:•cu�c�1 h� tht� I)rcii �,t 1 i u�t. �,��il ni�tc ��� n��ii�,, t„rcil,ri ,, .
<br /> ��itii aii c�incr indchtednr.��rituc•cl hy ihi� 1)�rJ„f 1 ru��.h:��r hrcn��,int n� t ii! 1�,n.r,:h��r��� ,tn,,irJ ����.n���I..,�,f
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