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<br /> r ti' l.ender ��quired martg�aa insurance ai a condition oP making the loan secured by this 5crurity Ins��umcnt,
<br /> Borrowcr shal!pa} the premiums requtred ta maintain the insurunce in eScct until such�ime as ehc requircmcnt ibr t he
<br /> insurance termin�lrsin atcordance wilh Bortawtr's and L.endcr's wcitten agreement or applicable law.
<br /> 8. lnspeettoe, Lender or its�gent may make r�ssonab!e entries upan and �ns�+eetions of the Preperty. l.ender
<br /> chA{1 givG A�rs�woc�oticeat ti�o timc oPc+r�+ri�r ta a��inspeclion speciPying�easpnablo cause for�he inspection.
<br /> � 9. Condemn�tion. The praceeds of any award or claim for dumages,direct or censequential, in connectian with
<br /> any condemnatlon or other taki�g of any part of'the Property, or for conveyance in lieu af condemnation, are hereby
<br /> ' assigned and shpll be paid to Lender.
<br /> � In thc event of a total taking of the Property,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this SECUrity .
<br /> � Instrum�nt,whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Praperty,
<br /> � unless Bonower and Lender othenvise agree in writing,the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be seduced by
<br /> � the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the fvllowing fraction:(a)the total amaunt of the sums secured immediately
<br /> � before the t�king,divided b}r(b)the fair market value ot'the Property immediately before the taking.Any balance sha11 be
<br /> � paid to Borrower.
<br /> . If the Properiy is abandoned by Horrower, or if,afier notice by Lender to Bonower that the condemnor offcrs to
<br /> make an award or settle a claim far damages,Bonower fails to resgocsd to Lender within 30 ds�s after the date the notice is
<br /> giver�,Lender is authorized to�llect and a�ply the proceeds,at its c�ption,either to r�toratioa c�s repair of the Propefly or
<br /> ta thesums secured by this Sectuit�Instrument,whether Qr not ihen due.
<br /> .L'�nlas Leader and Bc.*rrow er otherv►ise agrce in�aiaing.any application of p�raceeds to principal slta��nat extend or
<br /> postpon�the due alatc mf the monthly pay ments refened to in paragr��hs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of such pa�aner�cs.
<br /> 10. Sorrox�er Nat Released; Forbeuance By I.ender 1�'at a �'aiver. Extension of the time for pay��en8 �r
<br /> � modi6cation oP amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> . interest of Bonower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borraw�er or Borrower's successors in interest.
<br /> I.ender shall not be required to commence prceeedings against any successor in interest or refuse tc*eatend time for
<br /> � pay�nent or oiherv�asemodit'y amonizatio�n Qff the sums secured by this Security lnstrument b�re:�sQn of an�-demnnd made �
<br /> by the original Borrower or Borrower's successots in interest.Any for�Zearance by Lender in esetcising any�ight or reme�r �
<br /> shal!not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. �
<br /> • 1 i. Successora�nd Assigns Bound;Joint and Seve�xl Liab9lity;Co-signers. The covenants attd agreements of � '
<br /> this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the sucassors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions �
<br /> � of paragraph I 7.Harrower s covenants and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Barrower who co-signs this Security :
<br /> Instrument but does not exe�ute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage.grant and convey
<br /> that Borrower's interat in the Property under the terms of this Security lnstrument;(b)is not personally obligatcd to pay , _
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument; ana (c)agree�ti�at Ix,�der and anj ot2ter Bur:owCi u�ay agi� ta eAte�-.d, _— --
<br /> modify, forbear or make any accommodations with reRard ro the term�of this Security lnstrument or the Note without --
<br /> that Borrorrer'sconsent.
<br /> 12. Loart Chargaa. If the laan secured by this Security Instrument is subject ta a law which sets rnazimum loan '
<br /> charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in _
<br /> connectio�with the loan eaceed the permitted limits, then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount ` `
<br /> ' nec�ssary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and (b)any sums already collected from Bonower which exceoded '�
<br /> permitted limits will be refunded so Borrower. Lender may choose to make this re`und by reducing the principal owed
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reciuces principal,the reduction will be treated as a
<br /> partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 13. I.egtslatlan Afiecting Lendpr's Rig6ts. If enactment ar expiration af applicable laws has the effect of
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable according to its terms,Lender,at its option, S -
<br /> may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies ,
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender eaetcises this option. Lender shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph of
<br /> garagraph 1�. �
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided Por in this Security instrument shall be given by deiivering it or by ?'�
<br /> " mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shaU be directed to the
<br /> Propetty Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any�notice to Lender shall be gi�en by .
<br /> first class mail to Lender s address stated herein or any other address Lender design�tes by notice ta Borrower.Any notice
<br /> provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been gi�•en to Borrower or Lender�vhen given as provided
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> 15. Gorerning I,aw;Sevenbility. This S�curity Instrument shall be go�•erned by federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event that any �+rovision or clause of this Secnrity lnstrument or the
<br /> Note contlicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other�ravisions of this Security Instrument ar the Nate
<br /> , whieh ean be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Securit}•Instrument and the
<br /> Note are dectared to be seversble.
<br /> 16. Bortower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one c�nformed capy af the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> 17. Transfer of the Property or � BeneBcial Interest in Borrower, if aii or any part af the Property or any
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural
<br /> person) without Lender's prior written ccnsent.Lcnder may,at its option,require immediate payment in full of all surns
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender tf exetc�se is prohibited by
<br /> federallaw as of the date of tnis Security Instrument. .-_ ___
<br /> i:Ixu�ier exercises thss�piion,Le�der sha!!gi:e 8orro:4�es not'sce nf accelerattion.;�;e r.atic�sh:.!!�roeide� �r.�d �
<br /> o4'not less thxn 3Q�ays from the date the a�!ice is dtli�ered or matled w�thin which 8orrower mutit pay all�ums sece.ered by
<br /> this Sccurity lnstrument.If Bonower fail9 cc�pay these sums priar to the expiration of thi�,percc�d.Lender may invokeany
<br /> remedies permitted by this Security Instrument withcTut further notice or dcmand on Borra«•er.
<br /> 18.8orro�er's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain canditi�ns. Borro«er shall have the nght to have �r
<br /> enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discont�nued at any time prior to the earher of:(a)5 days(or such other per�od as ��y
<br /> � applicable law• may specify for reinstatemen:)bef�re sale c�f the Property pursuant to any p�wcr of sate conta�ncd in th�s �
<br /> Security lnttrumc»i;or (b)entty of a�udgs-nent enforcmg this Secunt�• Instrurnent. Thosc c�nditic�ns are t hat Bosrourr
<br /> (a)pays Lender all s��ms a•h►ch then u•ould be due under�his Secur►ty ln�trumrnt and �he �ote had no acce,leraunn ��
<br /> �ccurred; (b) cure. any default of any ot}ier co:enants�r agreement�. (r) pa}t all expen5e� mrurred m enf��rc�nR thn �,y
<br /> Security (nstrumen[,in::luding,but not hmited lo, reasc�nable auurnr�t' freti. anJ (e1)take��uch art�nn �s� Lrndr r mu� j�
<br /> reasanably require to a�sure th�t the hen of tht� Securit} ln�trument. I.ene9cr'� nrht� in the Yr���xr1y and 6;c�rr<���rr'� °�'
<br />_ �hligati�n to �+,iy the �umti �erured b} th►s Sec!.�rit} In,tran?ent �halt iu!ilinuc• !1!?c}!r.ltj�cd E ;!m rr��,�t,!rm�•1i� h� .
<br />, Horrowcr,Iht�Sci unt� ins�rumcnt and thrc�hlictaUi�nti�ccurcd hcreh� �haU rrmeu� fuif�cR�c�h�c ,�ti�f n�+a._elcr.�tt.•n6._d
<br /> c�ceurrrd H��e�er.►hi�rieht toreintitate�h�ll n�,t:,���� �n �n<<a�e i�(.��icler.�u,�i�und��r��.�r.��raE�h. l;�,i f'
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