<br /> .� .. • �_.�.d
<br /> - t� ----1
<br /> A;srgnee sh�l!he ur�der�fo abligation to Assrgnor to press any of the rign�s or clai,r�sassi,qn�d
<br /> ��:• .. �.torRhdreundAi�t�r to perfvrm or carry o�e any of ihe obligaliorts undertak�n ��AssigrroEUnder the
<br /> leases, and it daes not ass�jrrre any of the liabilities in connectran with, or rising or g�n►nrii�g ou�Df,
<br /> � the covenants anct agreements of the Assignor;and Auignor cove�tants an�l agrees that�t wi!!faith-
<br /> fully periarm alf uf the obfigations impnser9 u�n» it u��rler the Jeases herein asslgned,sr��agreas ra
<br /> - i►ttkm�ify�Assig�ee,an{i hc�ld Assiy�ee hArmless, fsom any anti all fiabilrtv,loss or dar»as�e wR1�h
<br /> may or might be incurred by Assi,qnee una►�r the/eases or�na�er or by re�ason vf thr's Ass�9nsnsnt,ar�d
<br /> Fso�n any�nd alf ct�ie»s ar�d derr:anc� wfiatsaever which De assertecf ag�tinst Ihe Ascr'gn�e by reasoa of
<br /> sny al/tged obligation ar undertakings on its part to perform or discherge any of�he ter.ms, cov�enants
<br /> . or shall not operate to pface responsiaility ior the control,care management ar roparr of said le�ased
<br /> piemises upon Assryn�e,nor►or the canying out of ihe terms and conditrons oi the/eass's,nor shall
<br /> Et operFte to make Assrgnee responsib/e or/iab/e for an y waste com�mitted an ihe property by tenanis
<br /> or o�cupsnts�nder such/eases or an y other�ariy,or for an y dang�erous or defective condition of the
<br /> • premises or lor�ny neg!iyence in ihe manag�ement,upkeep,repair or contro/o�said premis�s resu/ting
<br /> in loss,in%ury or death ta any tenant, licensee,emp/oyee,occupant or any o[her p�rso�s.
<br /> flpvn paymeni in iu/t of the rndebtedness for ryhich thrs 1l�reement is additional security,
<br /> this Assignment shal!be,and become,null and vaid lrom and after said dare;and otherwise,ic
<br /> � s,hatl�emain and be rn fu!/ torce and effecf as herein pro�ided, and tog�eiher with ihe covenants and
<br /> wtarraniies h�rein contained,shall inure ro t�ie benefit of the Assigrree and any subsequen�holder
<br /> of said indebtedness,and shall be binding u,00n Assignor,its heirs, executors, adminrstrators,
<br /> successors and assigns and any cubseque»t owner of the mortg�aged premises.
<br /> /N WITNESS WHEREOF, Assrgnor has execured thr's Ayreement as af the da y artd year above
<br /> written.
<br /> ' •. _ i— I .� i.
<br /> ` t.=�
<br /> �'_����_ " — —
<br /> Bichard ,1.���k President z'
<br /> /S.S. -
<br /> COUNTY aF HAI,L 1
<br /> /-� qp °��
<br /> pn this��_day of_ ��Lt� _�_�!.` A O., or� No�� =—
<br /> P�blic in and!or said County,pe�sonally appeare� ._ �C �ztA�.� -���-,��
<br /> to me known ta he Yhe pers�o named in and wha exe�eured the foregoing rnst ment, and � J
<br /> acknawl�r�ged thar_�'LC_�_ _ exe�uted the same as_�...15-— - ----
<br /> � vo/untary aCt and deed. �
<br />. :�
<br /> WITNESS�ny hand and Neraria!Seal on the tlay and year last above written.
<br /> : �.
<br /> ' ���M�i� ___.�� �� . . �
<br /> w�AKlry��ll� Notary Pub/ic
<br /> IyAwa6�►IN�el�,1lM
<br /> �
<br /> .._..�������-�.,� �?� . _/9��
<br /> My commissraT expires
<br /> . EXHIBIT "A"
<br /> � o:�
<br /> Lots Three (3) And Four f4) , in Argo Subdivision, in Hall Coun[y, \C'
<br /> , �JebiasRri. , � --_ --
<br /> ?f '"' .
<br /> r �\�� fll x s � � � T
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