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<br /> � �Kti �L f�SES A!1!O REttf 7'
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<br /> This AssiQnman�,made this �'3rd day of February �., �9 9Q_ by and
<br /> b�twwn,.T,[Ls�.��g�'tiea Limited Partnerahip. By Triad Iceveetg�en�s Ca�ora��o�,�Geaeral
<br /> ("Assi9nor'),and NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NAT/ONAL ASSUC/ATIOIV("Assignee"1. Partner
<br /> , WITNESSETH:
<br /> � lt is qr�eed as follows:
<br /> � f, Dafrnitions. As used rn this Agreement:
<br /> , A. "MortQage"shal/medn that certarn De�ed of TrLSr in the principa�sum
<br /> of S ebrua 2 , �g_�0 ,
<br /> : exe�cuie�d 6y �ustor, to NORWEST BANK
<br /> N�BRASKA,NAT/ONAL ASSOCIATION,as Beneficiary,up 4 estate and improvements
<br /> described in Exhibit "A'; which is����w d by this reterence ineoipo�ated herein.
<br /> B. "Note"shall mean that ce�tain note secured by the S 247.00(1 0�
<br /> Deerl of Trust,executed c�ntemporaneously therewith by TRIAD PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, HY
<br /> NA F60NAL ASSOCIATION,as payee,and sec�cred by the�eed of Trust. -
<br /> C. "Loan"as hereinafter used,shatl mean the loan in the amaunt of__�.47.Q00.0�
<br /> .__as evidenced by the nt�te and seeured by rhe Deed of Tiust,as w�ll as any other �
<br /> se�uring instruments. '
<br /> NOW, THEREFORE, Eor and rn consideratron of the inaking and Jundiny olsaid ioan,and to� '
<br /> other ood and valua6/e cons�derarion,ihe rece�pt wherenf is hereb acknow/ed ed,Ass� nor, for itself '� `
<br /> 9 Y 9 9 . �_ii'
<br /> its successors,personal representatives,heiis and assrgns, has bargained,sofd, transferred,assigned, � -
<br />. . --�- ��- ' vs'���c���oci�'irvi v'irv�iirv!"�v i�v'irv vj%iiDcSc jvrvaviriS Nvir.i iicicr�'i�%�Troir'=�ac:i� iivir�rci,v�ilyir�viov - - -�-.
<br /> conr+ey as secur;ty for the repayment of the above described indebredness and rhe paymentand per- .
<br /> formance of all of the terms and condidons of the Note and Morryage evidenc+ng the same,and any _
<br /> and a/I amend►r�ents, exte»sions and renewa/s rhereo%al!leases now or herea/ter execured affecfing
<br /> ihe Mo�tgagied Piem;ses,and al!rents,issues,profits and income and sums of money which may naw
<br /> or here�fter be or hecvme due and arving under anr/by virtue of said leases,it being the intention
<br /> hereby to establish a comp/ete transfpr and assig»rrrent ot the leases hereby assigned and al/ihe avai/s
<br /> thenunder unto the Assigne+e,its successors a�d ass����:s, Ldg�e��ter with ihe�ight,but without the '
<br /> obligation,to collect all of the said rents, issues,profits and rncome arising or acc�c�i,r<g,or whr'ch may
<br /> bc+come dus at any time during the/ife�f this Assignment. Assignor further agrees,upon demand
<br /> thereof, to deliver to and deposit sard leases rvith Assignee.
<br /> Assignor h�rehy designates,coirstrtutes and appo�nts Assiynee, its successa�s acr�i assi.gns, with
<br /> full pow�er of sr�bstitution,its true arac�Fawful a�tomey w�tlr�ower !or!t and in iis rame,place and '`��•
<br /> ste�ad, for in the name of Assignee, :a ask, demand,co/lect,receive, receipt a»d give full and com- `
<br /> plete acquittances for any and al!re»ts,rssues,profits and incame hereby assigned whrch may become
<br /> due and payab/e by lessees or other occupants of the Morrgaged Premises;and ot iis,ditcretion ro /ile
<br /> any c/airn er take any other actron a.r�roceeding to make any serr/ement ofany claim,eiiher in;ts
<br /> own name or rn the name of Ass�gnor,or otherwrse, whrch the Assigr�ee,or any suECesst�r may deem
<br /> desi�ab/e in orc�t to collecf and enforce the,�ayment of any and aN rents,�issues,profits and incame
<br /> herein assigned. The/essees and occupants of the Mortgaged Premises, or any pait hereof,are irereby
<br /> • express/y authorired and d��ected to pay a!l rents and su.ms herein assr'�rned whrch would be Rayab/e
<br /> M ASS�gnnr, ex(wpt fpr thiS Acs�gtrment, #n th�.45cr�neP•,artri FC�trc�nsmrt and��!l�vp:svC.h p�7ym�nt
<br /> . [o the Assig�ee or such nominee as rr may designate in wrrt;rry, delivered to and�eee��ved#�y such
<br /> /�ssee or occupant, who+s expressly relieved vf an y and a/l dut y,��a!�:�rtv o�ahlrya�,nn to the
<br /> Assignvr in respect af a11�aymenrs so rrade. .
<br /> Assr'.9��eesl�al!be.and herebv rs. vested wirh full vo�ver *o use a11 sueh measc�•:zs, leQal and
<br /> ' et�uit�b!o,a.r in ;ts discretion rn�y tre deemed necessary or proper [o er,forr.e thrs �greement and .
<br /> to caltect the rents,issues,profits ancJ rircome assigned hereunder, %n�la;u�rrg the r�ght ta enter upon
<br /> , � the,premrses and to takeposs�ssion ther�of,�ai�d Assi,qnor hereby gram�s fu/l powsr and autho-•ty
<br /> e t�th8 Assigriee to exercrsQ aI!rights, privileqes and pQwers her�in yar.ted at any and a!l times her�- •
<br /> �fle�,wilhoe;t e�vtice to�45s�gnor, w�th fui/1�vw�r to use anv'an��;�.�rr'of the rents, �ssues,protits and r
<br /> R t vme hereQn assignE�.t!to the payments vi ariy r»debtec/R�ss ;r �.a'���,�y r,l the Ass�ynor �u the �
<br /> L `A�iyr�ee, +n such order as Assignee may Uetern��ne.
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