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<br /> 7, Cond�mt►�t4on, In the event the Propeety,or any put thereot.�hall be taken by eminent domdn,the Martas�ee
<br /> b empovrered to colbct�nd eecelre W comp�naUon wfilch nu�y be p�id tor�ey prapeKy uken or for dama�n to property
<br /> � pot t�kcn,and I�tott�r�er rhail�pp1y wch comperuatlon. �t lu optloa,either to�ceduction o1 the Indehtednes�secured
<br /> lrere�y ar to rep�lt a�d r�t�tA�p�p�dy ro d�n��ed.
<br /> g.hioe�t�!�r�.Mort�+e msy,bu;sA�li hRrr no obll�atian,to do any act w1hich the 1�tori�o;
<br /> AM �wd but taW to do��nd liioetpy�e may aiw do�ny act it d�em�nEawry ta protrcE the Uen henof.lkortp�or
<br /> �pres to rePq, upoe de�ad.�ay�nm�so atpeudtd by the I�ioet�qer tar tl���r4 pu�po�es,�nd�ny sueb so eYp�nded
<br /> by tM 11Wt�t���Mall be �ddcd to tRe indeat�dnea�ucured hcreby and bec<►me�ubject to the Ikn hereo[.Mortp�e
<br /> �hall not incur�ny pee�a�i li�bility b�cau�e ot�ny W in�it m�y do or omit to da heteunder, .
<br /> !. D�Gwlt;Ari�n�t ot R�nta. Tla�e 1�ot the eWena hereot�and upon Mart�ar'�deiauit in any covenuit
<br /> oe apwp�nt of!bM l�lort�.includia=eonnanb to py when dua the aau recured by thl�Martp�,the�tort�ee shdl
<br /> b� ea�itied,at its wk optloa�nd�rithou!aotlee,ta declare�I sunu�ecured by thb�Iortp�e to be immediately du�sad
<br /> PMY�and s�y com�a�aoe iondauua ot thls Moit�e by J�dlci�l praca�dinl:�nd.Dro►dded tureber.tbat upon�uch
<br /> d�fanit t6e lfo�tppe,or a r�ai�er�ppolnted by►a court,mq► at 14 optloa and wit6out n�rd to tAe�dequscy►of the
<br /> �ee�uity.enter upon wd tate poMwion ot the hop�ety�nd edlect tAe r�ats,iruM�nd protfts tAeretrom�nd�pply th�m
<br /> lhst to t6e eat of collsetlon �na opentloa af tAe ltop���ud thtn upon the indebtednas�ecur�d by tAis Moetp�ee;
<br /> pW e�sts,iMws�nd protlt�beie�a�ipkd to Ne l�ott�ce�s Rutber tecurlty tor the p�+ymeat o!t�e in3ebteeEnes�
<br /> �cured beredY-
<br /> � �,0. 'l4ra[et o�C P,'r,a{eectY. If�il or�eay gar:t vt the Pmperiy is sold or tnnsterrecl�thout the express vrritten c�n.-
<br /> unt o[tJte,li�rt/yer„��ee e�►a�a��6s sa�+e opNon,declue all aurru secured by thEs.xQrt�ate to be immedlate�r c�e
<br /> � wd p,FSb�r. ,
<br /> 11.bypue A,deMea. Y�poa: :equest of Mortp�or,Mort��eo c�vrg m� m�fifilic�aal and fut�ue sdvacces to
<br /> 11lortt�.SYch adrat�ees�xith inEee�a! tAereaey s�all be secttreQ.by� iAft Mo�tp�e a�tt�m erideneed b�Bmtttia�oey notes
<br /> � tt�tinr t�a�id aotes ur iecutr8 h:e�r'bY. At �za tJ:� stisti t�princlptl amount o£tite indelttrder�ss serured by this
<br /> MartpNr,aot lncludin�sunu a�dranarci�to protectLhe secadty of tAl�Mortp�e.e:ceed ttw asiQnil Note.
<br /> iZ. MrdU�ssoa:rro.i,lom.
<br /> ' (�) My torebeuance 1n exerclsin=u►y rl�ht or remedy shall not be a�rdvet thereof.
<br /> (b► All remedia provlded herein arr distlnct and cumulative to any ather ri�ht�itoided by law ar equity,
<br /> tnd may be exerci�ed concurrently.independently or sucaufvely.
<br /> (C) Tt1! tOYlMflLt u1d aj�.'elnenit COetaineti heTein si�aii o'tnu. +u�d ine ci�i�is inurr iv� ii�e rrsEeeciirr : --
<br /> wccesw�and anipn�o!the Mottp�or end the Mortas�ee.
<br /> (d) All cor�enantc ind itreements a!the Mort�or aro joiat�d several.
<br /> (e) 'Rie headinp ot the panQapha of thls Mort�a�e ue [or mnrenience only and shall not be used to inter- _
<br /> pret oT define the provWons heteof. `R_
<br /> 18. Rek�e. Upon p�yment�oi all aums iecured by this Mort�a�e. Mort�aYee shall d�charEe thls Mortp=e md
<br /> �hall execute�ad delirer a s�tisi�toy�r'_n�e i*rr^f^r• ;
<br /> IN WITNES��HSREOF.Mort<a{or has execute this MortQ,aQe on the 19 day oi Apz i 1 �ig 90 ,
<br /> , � } �
<br /> - r s ine o a ar� eonaw�r• ;
<br /> �
<br /> ' :*
<br /> " � eoROw�r s
<br /> Staee oi Nebt�sk�, Hal 1 County sa: '
<br /> - � � �� 19th d�y at April 1g90 �y�[ore me, the undersigned.�Notary Public
<br /> daly►commis�lored ind quallfied tor aald county,personaliy cime K r i s t i n e N e 1 an G 1�r e, a
<br /> Single Person . to me known eo be the
<br /> identical peiwn(�) whae name(s)are subscribed to the fore�oinQ instrument and acknowled;ed the execution thereaf
<br /> , tp� ��� veiunury act aaa deeci.
<br /> Witness my hand md naaui�l se�l ac_ Grand Is land � Nebraska in aiid county,the
<br /> d�te ttoers�id. . ,,�
<br /> GENEMI 1�OtAar•Ssxr�o�Ihl� .`,� � . � n t�,
<br /> , My�'+a�aiiuisr, expisps: � MAqK O STELK -f- � �`; '! I� `���� .
<br /> • Y1y fa+tpr Et�7 MzY l.l .-------='=-
<br /> ;:ot�.-b Cubl:r
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