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<br /> ��a��Aa� 90�.- 10��o�
<br /> �uMort�eWenbredintobetween __K�fstine ,I�olan clar�, � sinq]e,_,�����
<br /> �.,.____._..� (he�ein"Mort�a�or")and
<br /> � Five Pointa 8ank of Grand Island ��n�n��Mortp�re"�>
<br /> Uto:tp�or ii ip&bted to 111ortp�e in t�a pttnctpal�nm at�..$�54�,erfdenml by Mortpror'�note
<br /> �d 4-19-9Q (1�rrdn"Note")providin�fa pagmcnts of pr[ncipa��nd interest,rith the balance of the
<br /> indebt�d�,if nQR�ooeer p�fd,dWe�nd pnrable oa 6–I 5-9�Q ,
<br /> . 7b�ecure tl�e p�ym�at ot tbe Note.wlth intere�t as pmvided theaein�the paytnent of Rll otlte3 sums,�rith i�terest,
<br /> adr�nce�d ay Mort�ee W protsct the ucurlRy ot thb lliioetp�e.and the pedorm�nce ot tlee co�en�nts and Kreementa of
<br /> We �N,�or eonfainrd beMa. ldortpKor doa hereb� �sart��e �nd convey ta Motyatee the foilowing desaribed
<br /> ; �ty Eocahd la Ha 11 CountY� IVebwiu:
<br /> , Lot Td�irteen (13) We�t Bel Air Fifth (5th) Subda�,•asion to the Gity of
<br /> Grand Island, Hall C�unty, Nebraska.
<br /> , ., .
<br /> 4b�ether with tll buftdinpi.imOrov�menu,Axtura�strreta,dleys.pwa�eways. earements,ri�hts, privile=es and
<br /> aneuitsnanoes located thetron or la anvwlse OerWNaR thereto.and the ren4,i�snes and Qrotib.[ev�islom and rrtnafndtis _ . _
<br /> tbierot;lncludin�,but aot Ilmtted W�hatin�and coolin�equipmeet�nd�ach peaon�i pwp�rty that b attaci�ed to the
<br /> lmpronements w a�to constitute� tlxtutr;dl ot whkh.includin�replacemenb and�dditions th�erto,b hereby declued
<br /> _:.--_ -
<br />: - to be 1�p�et o[the real esfate ucured by tlie lien oi th4 Mortri�e and W of tite fore jain�bete�r![M7�td t8 seteln u the �
<br /> ..�P��Y,•, x
<br /> �.
<br /> Mortp�or further con�enmt�and ap�ees,with Mort�ee�as fdlow�s:
<br /> �:
<br /> l. Paymea�. To pay the indebtedness and the intere:t thereon u provided in thb Mortp�e�nd the Note. �
<br /> Z. TftM. Mortp�or!s the o�mer ot the Ptoperty.has the ri�ht and authority to mori�a�e the?roperty.aad
<br /> rra�rranb that the Ikn cratrd bertby is a Rnt and prior Ikn on the Ptoperty.except ac may otherxiie be�et forth derefn.
<br /> ❑T�e Properiy is:ubject to a Mort�a�e whenin �`' -:
<br /> i�tbe Mat�ee,recorded at Book ,A�e o!the Mort�e Records of County, s
<br /> Ne�ntica.which ll�ortp�r is a lkn prlor to the lien created brreby. �`�`
<br /> O Other prior liens or encumbrances: ���
<br />. 8, Ta�ces, Aswioents, To pay when due�tl taYes.�pecial wessments�nd all other chu�ta a�alnst the Property
<br /> and,upot�wtitten denLnd by 1Koet�ee,to�dd to the p�yments requind under the Notr�ecurM herrby,tuch smount u
<br /> msy be wMcient to eMble the Moetp�ee to p�y such tuces.aueumen4 or other chas�es�s they become due.
<br /> �. Iiwieiwce. To keep the improvementa now or hereatter located on the cral estatr de:cribed henin insund
<br /> �iast d�m�+e by Mr'�nd wch other ha:ardr at�ott��ee m�y requfn,in amaut►ts and wilh comptnies acreptaWe to tnr
<br /> Yoet��ee, aad with lo� p�y�bie to the Mort�a�ee. In case of ioa under iuch policies the Mortp�ee is author�ud to
<br /> �djYtt, coilect and aontpeemiie,in i4 di�ctetioe,aU cWms thereuntkr at 14 sole option, �nthorized toeither�pply the
<br /> peoaeds to tAs nstor�tion ot tb� Ptop�rty or upoe the indebtednas xcured hereby�but paymen4 hereunder�fll caa-
<br /> tinue-un►til t6e wtdr aecured hereby are ptid in fWl. -
<br /> S. O E�ero� For Ta�s�nd Inunnee. Notwithstandin;aa�t6in[rnntalned fn pan3rapAs 3�nd 4 hereot to the � —� -_-
<br /> contta�y,�[ottp�or st��11 paY W tht Mortsa�ee at the time ot p�yini the monthly ius4allments oi princip�[aad interest. •
<br /> one•t�reClth of tht yeufy taxec,asaet�ments.basard incu�na pnmiums,and�round e�entc (it any)wrhich msy at4in a
<br /> peiotiCy over this Mort�a�e. �tl ai teaanaWy estiauteA trom time to titne by the Mortp�ee.'ITtie amounta so ptid shtll be
<br /> held by tbe Mort;a�ee�►1tAtwt interat and�aplied to the p�yment of the iierns�n rrspert to which such amounts wern
<br /> depo�iteQ. 7!u wa��id to MoriR�ee Aereander are pled�ed ao addf��Eonal secufity for the ia�#e�tedness secured by thSs
<br /> ?�loet�r.Mortpiotsh�ll pay to Most;apee ebe amouni ol�rny defrciency between the�ctual wcss,auessmears, insurance ��
<br /> ptemt'araa and Qound rentc �nd the deposits hereun�der within 10 days aiter demu�d is made upon Mortgigor requesting `
<br /> Lpsytrseni thcrtot. ��C
<br /> �
<br /> 8. Rlpair,lltalntenance�nd Ufe. To prompdy repzir, testote or re6uild anv buildings or impruvemenfs naw ur �
<br /> hereafter�wt the Ptoperty;to keep the Property in good condltion tnd repair,withaut w�ste,and free [rom mechanic�or �
<br /> �
<br /> other iiens not rxprnsly 6uboMlnzted to thQ lien�ereot;not to make.su(fet or perm�t any nuisance to exlst,nor to dim�n- ,,
<br /> ish aT Im�tir the vdue of the Ptaperty by tny� act or omission to act;nnd tc, comply wish a11 rpyuirements of law w,th
<br /> respect to lhe Propettv.
<br /> �
<br /> _ . ..... . .. . ,. --- -.__.. . ...___ ,.—.:. .... ....— --�.,:. .:-.y,:. .. . . _ . .. .. _ _ , .. .-. -__.. ..__..- � . _ — r
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