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<br /> NON-UNIFORM COY�NA(37'S. 8amc�a�r�d I.erKkr furthet��cwtt�anl tnd agirc es fultows: �
<br /> ! l7. Parec3oane��eduri.if L,etkitr r • ���s imrs�odiatc�v}metst in Fu11 unekr �+en�ra�h 9. Isnder nuy in�oke the p�w•e<<�f sale
<br /> . uki�ny othtc remediex petntEat�cd Qy y�pt3�le law. ItMtr slsaU be e�trt�e�to colkrt n!l exprr►�s ir�curred�n pursuing the rcm�t!�rs
<br /> �em�kkd in thisE n�a�.�h 17. �nctudi+�. M�n�at limiacd�o. rr�D1e att�xneys' fres a�cl rnct���f ritk e�iJrix�e.
<br /> ttue�er of'�.re i�latoicre.7Yw�e��s wodce at aetauM io e�d caaaer tn�kA.ey p�n ot!!ir Pro�erty b loatea
<br /> a�d i�1 wi copia d wc!�oNce 1�the�ner by�lica�h� ta IlamaMCr�ad fo tlie otler P��P��
<br /> b�aAle hw.Mer t�e tL�e�ired��y����ia�.'ilrwlee AW�prbllc nadc+e ot e�le to the pe�ow+sad M!Me
<br /> � ���J'�Pl��bw�. � dew�d rw Mrtow�er� �Ire�ro�My M�c wctJos to!11!AI�M
<br /> biiiee M lie tiwe Md pYee oMi wder tMe t�w des�k�d i�ti�e�oHce oi�le is w�e or mae p�seic�t��ader Traeke
<br /> ��wi��s.'i�rM�c wl�e�ir af r ae�rreel d tie h�p+�r�w�e M tbe Nwe�d pl�ce ot�,y
<br /> weeMwl��e#��.l�i�ar Ib dwl���J p�s�e t�e ir! �Ie.
<br /> ��ecN�1�t M�r�lt�t tYe�rk+e Mi. �M�eNr�e a t�e pwrArer�'s dK!ca�reyi��P�ty.�
<br /> ndl�i i�1M 7'r�r�d�W M piic�!lkie ttiid�te a�trM�ot tM sta1�M�►a��de fMe�.'t1�Ma
<br /> af die�it Y Iie�oriR:(�l N Wa�a�d Nie rle, I��.MM�e111wN��1 to.Tr�slee'�hw M pe*wittA b�'�
<br /> p�asie I�w�d Mlararys'ka:(b)te aM wmt�eaw+ed�dY tMis Se+�vslt��Grtnrne�M:�d(c)asY e:ees to the pe�oa
<br /> r M�wIWM b It.
<br /> 1��!'+�•�P!Y�of rll sums�onuroci by d�ts Sc+curiry Insawnen,Erender elrll neyuest T�ustee ta reaxiveY��nY
<br /> aM�1W1 wneedes�bu Savrxy ins�nunent�nd all na�es evidencing deM�acw�ed by eNs Sacuricy tnuwnenc a Tcustee. Tn�stee atw11
<br /> raoavry the Propary rritho�K watranty url wNUaW cl�u�,te ta Ne peraon ur perxxis k�ally e�xitkd to it. Such persoa a penoaa sNrU
<br /> py yr�eoo�td�hoe ooMs.
<br /> 1f�9Nir11�1e 7'nreie.Lender.at ita aption.eny fmn time a dmc rem�ve Tnalee�od�pQoin�aa�asor wstee to�ny'iru�lee
<br /> he,eunda by an inRnrnene�ts..,oNe�d ia�he cauky in�vhich dw Savriry tmcnn��s rero�ded.wid�c�onvryaire o(die
<br /> . ' .d�e�uocd�ot tnMee�11 succeed w ali the tidc, Puwet aod duties oonfertai upon T�stae I�erein aed by �ppiraDk law.
<br /> !�e Nelieer.Bonower roquests that copie.a oF the rnxices of defwh s�d sak be x�r m Borrovrer's�ddless which is tAe
<br /> , PropMY Addret�.
<br /> Honnwu a��oes th�t ahauW d►is Securiry l�nument md the note socured therc�y nd be eligibk fcx insuratxx under the National Hausing
<br /> _.. Act withiu 90 Day s fram t�e dxte 6etsoi;Lender may,at its aption atd natwiduraMing itnything in Paragraph 9.�equi�e _.�
<br /> . , inat�liMe pymed in ful�ef�ll sumc secured by Nis Savrity Invaument.A wdtten Matm�eM ai any aulhorizcd�gent of tht Secictary
<br /> d�ed sub�apent to 9� �ByS from t�he�te heroof.doclining b inwtr�his Savrity Instnvnent atd the note savred
<br /> . d�enby.rh�be doernod oanclutive p�aaf ol snch ineligibility.Nothwidtiwandin6 the fix�egoing.this optioe may eot be eae[cisod by Lender
<br /> when the unnvailabiliry of inwrance is sokly due to l.eader's failure ta remit a mottgage insuryna premi�un a the Secr�etary.
<br /> • ltlders to Il�b Sec�rily Instrument.If one or marc ridcrs are cxecuted by Barrowrr and�eco�ded rogether with�his Secunty ,
<br /> ! . lnstrument. the cavenants of eaeh such rider shaL' tse incorporated into and shall amend and �upplement the cuvenants and t
<br /> agretments oi�his Secur'st}+Instrument as if the nder(s)were in a pan oE�his 5ecuri�y lnsuument. (Check appticabta box�esp. ' � ;
<br /> '; .:i•'`
<br /> � �_..� �
<br /> ;;,';;. .
<br /> (_1 Curxiominiun� K�ISI'/ I _J Al1�U�GIh�C �dll• '�lttjCl '---� tifa�4�iir, 3,yi1ii� ��ivCi —"'"Y't
<br /> �)F�_�.
<br /> r � �� ,
<br /> _-- - Iu� �.iil«.."^'iv �:w�tt .r.L...�°.:.y.:w.« .�.'.'ot.� 9`�� l:�..��...w.li...! .O`r'�'.Y'�°...» O"w�"..: � ; :::.n: �
<br /> ,i_�i, _
<br /> BY SiGNING BELOW, Borrower atcepts and agree� to the terms contained in this Security In�trument and in ar.�riderlc►
<br /> cxecuted by B�onower and recorded w,th n. �`�
<br /> Witncss:
<br /> ______________.. ��� ��'�!�� -�"15ea11
<br /> Scott C. ���'
<br /> Brokaw �{�.�,,,�,,
<br /> .�-----• ---- ..._______ ___ � y!/.Y����`� G� X`�/�¢'t--�/! 1 Scal l ,:J�r-
<br /> Barbara A. Brokaw ��••����u<< ; >��'
<br /> --— - (5cal) �
<br /> �t„�:., , .
<br /> , I Seal l
<br /> r,.,.,,,..
<br /> S'TATE OF NF.BRASKA. Hal l C°uncy`�,5:
<br /> �°�s 19th �Y �f ApTil . 19 9� .befort mc. the uldersignod. a Ndary PuMk
<br /> duly mmmissioned and qualiTiod tor said ccx,nry, pers�xully came Scott C. 3rokaiil and barbara A. Erckaw,
<br /> Musband and f�life . co me kn�,wn u�be�he
<br /> identics!}xrsonla) whcne nnnt(s):�re subhenbod to the forcgoing inunitnetp and acicnuwlodgod tfie execution theroof to be
<br /> their �olunu,y acs nrd aad. , .----_--- .
<br /> w'mc�.�"'y r"'d"'a��a1 Grand Isiand, �J raska '"��Y• � '
<br /> aate aforesaid. '
<br /> My is. ��-'� � � , �
<br /> �� � V I� Pu�tic ---
<br /> ����1{II�����t3
<br /> L � �21g2 REQI�EST FOR RfiC't)NVfr,YANCt-
<br /> TO TRU5TE�: e�-
<br /> The unrkn�gnecl is the lx+fdcr of the nac or notes sccurnd by Uus Derd of Trust.Ssxl nutr ur nrKes,tr�cti:�er w�th<dl uthe��txleht«1ne�ti tfl
<br /> secural by this Uenl oF Tcust,tu�r f+een Ntd in fu`l.Ynu ate hereby ctuectod to carkel w►id rx�te��r n.KC.anJ thi.lhxcl nt �ru.t.which �8
<br /> •ue deb�eral herehy,arr�t 1::�rrn+nve�.K�dKw!w;vr.snty. a11 thc etiWtc m�w hcld hy you undcr�hi�11�cti1„f 7 rv.t t��the rerx�n„r perum. . 'w
<br /> Iegally rnutl�d thcretn t.
<br /> t)ate
<br /> -- -- -- - - --� . . - - , , • . �
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