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<br /> " (�)I1e�a�lt.l.endtr may,exr.ept as Iimite�!by regulatiorty issued I�y ib�Sccre9iry 1n tt�c ctwe of payenent dcfautts, reQuire
<br /> irtimedl4te�+a,r�r.eat in full of sil sums secured by thiA Srcurity]sr,Arax�heat iQ:
<br /> (i)Bono�vrr cleftults by fa911n�to pay in fuA any manthly payaneAt requirecl by this Security Instrume�t prior to ar o»
<br /> � the due date oP the�ext monthly payment,or
<br /> ('�1 Botrowrr drtautu by failins,ior�period ai thirty daye,to perform any othes obligations contained in this Security
<br /> Insuument.
<br /> (b)S�k Wit6ort t'�^et�t A�o��l.Lernier shalf.if Prn�td try+�pPiicade taw and with the ptiar apprav�!of the Secrrtary.toquire
<br /> immedi�we W►yn�at in full oF dl the eums recttrad by thi�Sec�urity tt�ndument ii:
<br /> (i)A!1 or prt of the Properiy�i aAerwiae tr�mferred(otlrcr thm by devix cx de�een)by the Hcxn►wer. �nd
<br /> (ii)The P�opeKY f�nat occuQkA b9 tho{xrrchiuer or�nmee a his a Irrp�m�ry or aeca�d�ry�esidenoc.or�he purcha�er or
<br /> s�ee aoa w oa,�py d�e P�rapaty ei,e w cx ber creait Iw na t�on,.ppoved 'in u�a�d�r�eo with die roqui�of u�e sec,a.ry.
<br /> � (e)N�Ndr:.lf cirrumettace�occur th�t woukt permit 4ends�ta reQuire immeditte p�ymeat i�full�bu�Lend:r does not
<br /> �equire�uch p�ymenp� Lmder doa not walve its N�hte wiih reapcst to�ubsequent event�.
<br /> � (�)R�qtlor of NUD 9�creqq.In m�ny circumstanca rejulation�issued by�he Sec�eury wtp limit Lender's ri�ht�.in
<br /> the c�e oi payment detaulta,to rcquire immediate p��rment in fuli and toreclox if�ot ptid.Thf�3..-zurity Instrument doea
<br /> not authodze accekr�tioo or torecto�ure if not permitted by re�ulatbn�of the 5ecretary.
<br /> 1�• R�hle��l. BoROwer has� rijAt to be reinstated if Lender h�s rcquired immediate paymcnt in full because of
<br /> ' BorraMer's tdlurs to pry an amount due under the Note or thls Security lnstrument.This ridht applies e�en after forcclosure
<br /> • prooeedin�ue institnted.To relnst�te the Security I�strutnent. Bonower shall tender ia+�lump sum all amounts required to �
<br /> � bdn�Horrower's�ocaunt cunent iRCludins, to the extent they ue obli��ttiona af Borrower under this Sccudty lnstrument.
<br /> (orecbsure costs �nd reasontble and customary attorney's fees and eapenses properly itssociated with the Foreclosure
<br /> proceedin�.Upon reinstatement by 6orcower.thl�Security lnstrument and the obligations thit it secure�sh�ll remsin in effect u
<br /> if Lender had aot�airod immediate paymeat in full.Howtver.Lender is n�t requircd to permit reinstatement if:(i)Lender hu
<br /> �cceptod reinsutement after the commencement of foreclosure proceedings within two yeus immediatdy preceding the
<br /> commenament af a current foteclosure proceedia�, (il) reinstatement will preclude foreclosure on dlfferent grounds in tho
<br /> ' future.or(iii)rtinstatement will adversely affect the priority of ihe lien created by this Security instrument.
<br /> ! 11,Mrrawer Nat Reksud;�orbata�ee Ey Le�der Not a Watrer. F.�tens9un of the time of payment ar modi�catioa of
<br /> , amoc'.3�.tion of the sum�secured by thi�Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in intertst of Borcower shall not
<br /> operate ta ctkax the li�bility of thc ori�inal Borrower or Borrowcr's successor in interest. Lender shall not bc rcquired to
<br /> commence proceedimgs�ainst�ny successor in interest or refuse co eatond t8me for payment or othenvise modify amortization '
<br /> of t6e sums sec�sea! €sy this Security Instrument by reasan of any demaad made by the otiginal Borrower or Eorrower's
<br /> suaasors in interest. Any forbcarana by Lender in eaercising any right ar remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> eaercise of�ny ri=ht or remedy. �
<br /> !2.w.::�::r,:,t w�i nwi��a 8waa0 iotei a�Q 5evenl l.hbititp: Co. =-=
<br /> ' Innrummt shaU bind and beneTit the auccesson and ass �•The covenant�and a�reements of this Security - _
<br /> igns of Lender and Basrower.subject to the provisions of paragraph 9.b. �
<br /> _ � Borrower'a covenants and aareements aha11 be;oInt and several.Any Bnrrn�rer who co.sians thie Ceruritv Inctn�mw�e�.l;►�,,,.v,�e `t- �"
<br /> - - nOt txeeute the Note:(sj is ro-siinin�this Security Instrumrat osily to mongsge. grant and canvey r,hat Borrower's inttr�st in '
<br /> We Property under the terms of this Saurity lastrument;(b)is not personaAy abligated to pay the sums secured by this Security , `,
<br /> Instrumrnt; and {c) sjrees th�t Lender and any other Borrower may agree to e�tend, modify. forbear or make any ;�
<br /> accommudations with reprd to the tertn oP this Security lnstrument or the Note without that Bonow•er's consent. , =-
<br /> , 13.Nodca.Any�otia to Borrawer provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by •�s
<br /> t'ust ci�w mdl ualps�pplicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be diretted to the Propeny Addras or any
<br /> other addras Borrawer dai�nata by notice to Lender.My�uotice to Lender shall be given by first class maii to Lender•s address �
<br /> stated herein or any�ddras Lender dai�nttes by notice to Banower.Any notice provided for in this Security Instrume�tt shall
<br /> � be deemed to havo been�iven to Borrower or Lendcr�`:e�given a9 provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 1�•Gorer�bi Law+5e�er�bWq.This SecuritK Fnswment shall be govcrned by Federal law and the taw nf the jurisdiction in !
<br /> whi�h ehe Propesty i�loctted. In the event that any provision or claux of this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts with ap-
<br /> pliab3e Iaw,such coafUct shill not afket other provisions of ihis Security instrument or the Note which can be�ven effect
<br /> withaut the conllicting provision. To thie end ihe provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to be
<br /> stveraDle.
<br /> ���
<br /> 3S.Ibrrowa•a Coyy.Borrower shall be given one amfarmed copy of ehis Security Instrument. '
<br /> lf.A�ue�t of Re�ls.�onower unconditionally acsigns and transfers to Lendsr all tht rents and revenucs of cEte Proptny.
<br /> Borrower authorizes Lendet or Lender'a agents to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each tenant of the Property
<br /> to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's�ents. Howevet,prior to Lender's notice to Bonower�f Borrower•s breacb of any cove-
<br /> nant or xgreement in the 5ecurity Instrument, Bonower shall collect and receive all rents and revenucs of the Property as trustee
<br /> fot the benefit of Ltnder and Borrowcr.This assi�,nmrnt of rents,.onstitutes an s�bsolute usignmcnt and not an usignmene for
<br /> addltional secutity on1y.
<br /> • !f Lrndtr�ires notice of breach to Borrower:(a)all rents received by Borrow•er shall be hetd by Borrower as trustce for benefit
<br /> of Lender oNy,to be applied to the sums secured by the Srcutity Irtslrumtns;(h)Lendet shail be entitled to t+�ltect and tts�eive aii
<br /> of the:ents of the Pro�rty;u�3{cy Fach tenans oi'tl�c Fr�perty sha3i pay-all ren[s due and �enpaid to Lender or Lender's agent
<br /> on Lender's written demmd to�he tenu►t.
<br /> Hottower hu not racecutetl any prior assignment of the rents and has not and will not perform any act that would prtvent
<br /> Lender from exercising its rights under this puagraph t6.
<br /> Lender shW not be requirrd to enter upon, take control of or maintain che Property betore or aiter giving notice of breach to
<br /> Bortower. However,Lendor or a judiciaily appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a breach. Any apnlicat�on of rents = <___
<br /> shall nat cure or waive any default ot invalidakeany other right or remedy of Lender. 7his assignrr.e�r of rcnts of the Propeny
<br /> shAll terminate wh�n the debt saured by the Security Instrument is paid in full.
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