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<br /> r !f Lender ��quired morigAge insurance �s A cnnclition of rnaking the loan securtd by this Security Instrument,
<br /> B�reower sh�ll pay the pr�miums requircd to maintain the insurance in effa:t until such time as the rcquirenzent for the
<br /> : insutan�c ttrminates in accardance w i!h Horrovvsr's and Lender's writgen agreemen!or applicabk Iaw.
<br /> 8. I�ectton, i.ender or its ageat may make ressonable entries upon and inspections at'the Praperl�r. Lender
<br /> : ah�ll give Borrower��tice a1 the time oPor prior ta an iospt�ction specifying reasonablt cause fur the inspection.
<br /> 9. Co�dea�aation. '�'he prc�cerd�of any award or cfaim for damAges,direct c►r consequential,in cannection with
<br /> euy condemnateon ur other taking af any pan of the Praperty, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby
<br /> �ssianed and shall be paid to I..ender.
<br /> , In the event of a total taking of the Praperty. the praceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> � Instrument,whezher ar not then dtte,with any excess gaid to Borrower.In the event af a partial taking�f the Propeny.
<br /> ualess Borrower and Lender atherwise agroe in writing,the sums stcured by this Security In�trument shall be reduced by
<br /> the amount oP the proec�cds multiplied by the fallawing fractivn:(a)the total amaunt of the sumS secured immediately
<br /> befoa the taking.divided by(b)the fair market value nf the Proprrty immediately before the taking.Any balance shal)bt
<br /> - psid toBonower_ �.
<br /> lf the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,aEier notice by Lender tQ Borrower that the condemnor ofTers to
<br /> make an award or set[le a claim for damages,Borrower fails to respond to Lender withi►i 30 days after the date the na�ice is
<br /> givea,Lender is authorized to collect and apply the procetds,at its option,either to rcstaration or repair of the P�openy ar �
<br /> to the sums secured by this Security lastrumen6 whether or noi then due.
<br /> Unlas I�.ender and Bo;tower otherwise agree in writi�g.any application of proc�eds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postponc the due date of the monthly payments referrcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount os such paymcnts.
<br /> 10. Bonower Not Rekued; Forbear�nce By I.ender Not � Waiver. Eatension ai'the time for payment or
<br /> , modification oP amanization of the sums sec�red by this lecurity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor i�
<br /> interest of Bonower shall not operate to reteas,r the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successar�in interest.
<br /> Lender shall not be required to commence ptoceedings;�tainst any successar in int�rest �r refuse to extend time for
<br /> ' payment or otherwise maiify amortizalion of the sums sec�ved by this Security Instrument by rea�on of any demand made
<br /> by the original Barrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearancr by Lender in exerc�sing any right or remedy�
<br /> shal!not be a waiver of or preclude the cxercise of any right or remed}. .
<br /> 11. Succeswrs and As.�igns Bound;Joint and Sever�l I.iabiliE}:Co-signers. The c�venantc�nd Agrcements of �
<br /> . this Security Instrament shal!binct and benefit the successon and a.�.��gns of Lender and 8orn�wer,rubject to the pr�wisio��s
<br /> of paragraph 17. 9orrawer's cacrnants and agreements shall be joint artd tie�•crai.A�zs f3arrower who casigns th�s Security-
<br /> tnstrument but does not exccut�the Note:(a)is casigning this Security lnst�ument��nlv to mortca¢e. urant and con.ev -
<br /> that Horrowcr's iRterest in thc Propeny undee the terms of this 5ecurity Imtrument;(h)is n��t perconaU��obligated ta psy .T_
<br /> the sums secured bti this Sr.�curity Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Horrc,w•er may agree to extend. '
<br /> modify,forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of th�s Srcunty ln.trument or the �lutc withouc `
<br /> _. -
<br /> _ - inai wrrawer s Consent.
<br /> 12. L.o�n Charges. If the loan tiecured by this Secunty lnstrument �s subject to a law which sets maximum luan -
<br /> charges, and that taw is finally interpret�d tio that thr interetit c�r utt►rr loan charFes calleeted or to t�e collected in �
<br /> cannection with the lnan exceed the permitted hmits, then: (a):�n} �.�;h luan ��harge tihall M: redur�d by Ihe amaut�i
<br /> ntcessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(bj any�um`alrcady coflected fmm Hnrrow�er which exceede� -
<br /> permittM limits will be refunded to Borcower. Lender may rha�se t�� make this refund b� rrduc�ng the principal owed
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces pnnc�pal,the reduction will be Ireated as a
<br /> p�rtial prtpayment u�ithout any prepayrnent ciharge under the Note. �
<br /> 13. Legislation AReeting Lender's Rights. IP enactment e�r eap�ratian c�f applicahte laws has the effert �Tf
<br /> rondering any provision oPthe Note or this Security In�trument unenfarceable aca�rding t��tti terms.Lender.s�us opuon.
<br /> may require immediate payment in full of all sums securcd hy th�� Secunty lnstrumcnt and map im•c�ke anr remed�es '�
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.If Lcnder eaerciscs th�s o t�on.Lender�hall take the�te c s �'
<br /> paragraph 17. � p E►ec�fied m the second paragraph of �
<br /> ��,-
<br /> 1�. 1�otiets. Any noucc to Borroa•er pro�ided for m thn Sccunty ir��trumem tihall t►e g��cn by delnenng n or hs • �.
<br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicabk law reqwreti use of another methcxi. 7'he nut�ce tihall he d�rected t�the
<br /> Propect}•Address or any other address Bc�rrower des�gnate,by noure to Lender. .4ny not�ce to l.ender shall be gnen b4
<br /> 6rst cfass mail to Lender's address stated here�n or any other address Lender de��gnateti hy nc,nce�o Norrowcr.Am�noti�r
<br /> pr�vided�or in this Secunty Instrument shall bed.eemed m ha�e been giien t��13c�rr�wcr c�r lxndcr��hen gi�en as pr�•cided
<br /> in this pzragraph.
<br /> 15. Governieg I.ax;5everabilhy. Th�s Secunty In�trument �ltali hct g��ticrncd h} fedcral laa 1nd thc law uf thc
<br /> jurisdietion in whieh the Pruperty ts loeated. In the event thas ang prodis�on�r clsutie uPth►L Secuniy ln,tr�meat�r the
<br /> Note con8irts wuh applicable law,su�h confl�ct sha3l not affcc�t uthcr pro��tiionti�+f tht� Secunty In�trument or the tiote
<br /> whteh can be gi��en eflect w�lhout the confl�cuag provn�on. Ta thts enQ thr pr�»„u�n�uf th�,tircunty In��rument and the
<br /> � Notearedeclared tobese�rrable.
<br /> • 15. Sant3stes's Cap�. Rurii�wrr.haii be gi�•cn one�emformLd�a�p} ut�hc \i�1e•.�nd��f th�.Scti•unt} Imtrumeni
<br /> 17. Transfer ot the Property or a Eieneficial Interest in Burro�cr. If,,U ��r ,nn �art rf thc F'roperty ��r :�ny
<br /> interest in it is sold or transfcned(or if'a benefieial entcrryt�n lic�rrourt iti,uld vr trantilerrcd ati�i 13urruwer i,nut a natural
<br /> � pctson)w�thout Lender'�pnor wnuen consent,L.ender moy,at �ts uptiun.reyuur immrd�atc ra}mrnt in full uf all tiumti
<br /> seeured by this Seeunty Instrument. Nowr��er, Ihiti opiton ahall no� he rxr�cned b} L,ender �f rterci,r i� proh�h�teJ by
<br /> —_ f�eca,ia�; asattt-s�date.,fthis�ur���h��trwi�rn[. `_ -`--
<br /> !f l.ender exrrc�ties this opnon. I.ender ShaU gi�e 8orrnv►rr n�,uce uf.uceleruu��n. �1 h�nuttce�hall pre��ide.�pen�xi
<br /> a�not less than 30 day�c from thr dats the nohce ts del��ered ur niailed u�thin w hi�h R��rcuurr inu�t��y�U tium.tie�ured by
<br /> this Secunty Instrun�e�zt. li Bvrrow•er fails to p�y thesr,urn�pn��r t��thc�r���re���m��f th.�{xr�nef. !rnder mati in�r.ke am
<br /> remedtespermuted by th►SSecuntv Imtrument without further n��ti��e ur dem:�nd im H��rn��►cr �
<br /> ` lA, dorrower's FZigMt to Rceastate. If Bortc�Wer mec��certam�«nd�hiu�ti, B��rn���ci tihail h�tie the nght tn h.��c ��'
<br /> � � enforcrment of th�,Secur�ty ln�trument Ai�r�ntinurd at eny time pn��r te�shr c:irlier,�f la►S da}��„r ru�h���nt� r����,a.�.
<br /> applica�le laµ ma� ti(n�ity fc,r rcintitatc�mrcu)hefure hale of thc Yn,prrt} ��ur,u,�nt t�,;in� pr.�r� ,�f.,�Ir���r��.uu�•.i �n �h�.
<br /> _ S��cunt} lnstrumcr�t,or(t»rntry ufa�udp,rncnt enf��rc�ng thiti �ctunty In,u�.ezu•u� lh���r�:�.�n�sit�,,c:�.�rc �t,.:� ls::rr��ut�i �.
<br /> t.�)ps}ti Lender ull tiunt� whtih then �tiaultl hr duc wider thi� �e.urit� lr.tri�rnrs�t ,�u�1 th� \,•tr i,,�,t ��., ,.,,. ��•�,�i�,.,, �.
<br /> � cwcurred.�h!�U�C� :fI11 �C�.tU�l �i�JII� OI�IEf LU�C►l:l(11S ��f a�fCt'lllCht�. 1�1 �.ltiv .t�: ,t�:.hv. �7�.ufR'�: U� .i�l��r. ih�: I�i�� �
<br /> SCiUflt) �I1ti1f11flICItf. 1(tCf!I(�lO�;. hut n�tit Ilm�tcd t�+. rceti,enahlr Jlh�(tlC\�� 1Ct� ,1lli� tiSl l.f��� .I:_�t .1.!�.•:, -�. j ���.hl +I� � �
<br /> `tr �
<br /> fC:itiltfl;.lnl) fCI�UIIC l��ati�ure that ihc 1lCJl et(I�715 �f�llflf� �h�IIU111Ct�1. � (I��iCf�• fle!�ai� iii !fi� {'t����:��•. i�;�! �{ •ff"��cl �. �
<br /> '�t uhh�;ativn t�� {•<�y tt�c ,�nnti .c�utea hy thn tir�unt} Intitrur��cnt .I�.�G ��•nr�nu� ,:���f�.�u�,.l i �. � :t���.• ., ,���•�:1 �„ �..
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