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<br /> gQ-�-�,0213E
<br /> UN�FORM CoYf:NANTS. �prtpwer itnd Lendei Covenent and agrer ns fi�llows:
<br /> !. Paye�t of Pstetip��td Iettsrst;Pe'e�tyrecKS!�std I.a!=('h�tsRes. l3orrc�wer shall pn,mptl4 pag �h�n duc
<br /> the principal aPsnd int:rest on ihe debt evidented by the Note and any prrpa}�mrm and late ch�rdes due under�he Note.
<br /> 2. Fu�uls ior Tsxes�tud l�tustuicc. Subjec:t ta upplica6le law Qr to�written wairer by Lrndcr.Burruw•rr Shall pay
<br /> � to Y.rnder an the�iay monthly Mymrnts�re due under thc Nota,until the iVote is paid in full,a�um("f'und�')cyuul to
<br /> ane-qw•etfth �F. (a) yearly taxrs and assr.�sments which may attain priority over this Security lnstrumenr, (b) ycarly
<br /> lsucliold pnyrments or Rcaustd rents an tlic Pr�gerty, ef any; (c? }early ha�erd ins►�rancc premi►►m�; nncl 1d� }carlg
<br /> �s,ort�e insuraace premiums,if Any.'Y'hesr item�s are uslled"�.�scrow items,"Lender may eslimate tt�e�FundS due on thc
<br /> bRSi�c�t'current d�t�and re�so�sable estimates of fi�turs escrow i tcros.
<br /> The Funds shali be held in an inst�tution the deposits or accaunts nf which are insured or guarunterd by a fcderal or
<br /> stste a�ency(inetudina i.ender iP Lender is such an institution). Len�er shalt app;y the Funds to pay the escraw itcros.
<br /> I.es�der may nat chstge for holding and applying the Funds,s�Alyzing the account or verifying the escrow items. unless
<br /> i,ender p�ys Borrovrer i��terest on the Funds�nd spplicsbte law permits Lender to maice such a charge Barrower and
<br /> I�ender msy agree in writing thxt interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an ugreemen� is made or applicable law
<br /> � requira i�terat to be paid,l..tnder shall nat be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br /> s1�11 Sive to Borcowtr�without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> , parpose Por which each debit to the Funds was made.The Fund.s are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by
<br /> tAis Security lastrumrnt.
<br /> If tht amount of the Funds held by Lender.together with the future monthly payments os Funds payablc prior to
<br /> the due dates of the escrow items,shall exceed�he amount required to pav the escrow items when due,the excess shall be,
<br /> at Borcower's option.either promptly repaid to Borrow�cr or credited to Barrow•er an monthly payment�of Fundc. lf the
<br /> amaunt of thc Funds held by l.endcr is not sutHcient to pay the escrow items when due.Borrawer shall pay to Lender any .
<br /> amaunt aecessary to make up tho deficiency io one or more payments as reya�ired by l.ender.
<br /> i Upon payment in full of aU sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower
<br /> , any Funds held by l.cnder.1P under paragraph 19 the Propeny is suld or acquired by Lender.Lender shal!apply, no Ipter
<br /> ; ihan immediately prior to the sale of the Property or�ts acquisitian by l.cnder.any Funds held by Lender at the time uf
<br /> appticatian asacredit against thesumssa:ured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. A�pUptiop of P�ya�tab. Unles.c applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firsb to tate charges due under the Note;sec:ond,to prepayment�harges due under the
<br /> Note;third.to amounts payable under�aragraQh 2:fourth.to intcrrtit due;and last,to princ�pal duc.
<br /> 4. G�uges; Liens. 13orrower shall pay all taxes, assessn►ents,rharges,fines and im�+c�sitiuns attributable to the
<br /> Property which may attain priority over thi� Security Instrument, and Icasehold payments or ground rents, if any.
<br /> Borrower shall pay thesc obligations in the rnanner prov�drd in paragraph 2,or if nM paid m that manner,Borrowrr ahall ,
<br /> pay them an time directly to the percon owed pa}�ment. Bc�rrowcr titeall pr�mptly Purn�sh to Lender all naticeti of amountc
<br /> ta be paid under this paragraph. If Borrower makc-,these payments d�rectly,Borrower shaU prompily Purn�sh t�� Lender
<br /> receipts evidGncing the payments.
<br /> �wrrower shaii p�umpiiy dix�:urgr uuy iic,.�t�iiC�'i iidS�'�iiui�i}vvei thi.�cus�iy iasirum.tit u��i�:ai uOiCvLL'Cf:�S} '_,�_'=�'
<br /> agrees in writing ta the payment af the obligarion secured by the lun in a manner acceptable t�Lender,(b)contests�n good
<br /> : Paith the lien by,or defends aga�nst enforcemont�f the lien in,legal pr�c:eedings which in the Lender's opin�on operate to '
<br /> - -_- w�v«,_,qI��o�,fnr�.,.m.,,�.t;,f�ti„a liw�s ne f�,ii'at�,�e�Mi'gr��rt�f t�ia V�.i€..rtw nr Jrl�ar��rPC frnm thP ht�lrlrr�f thF lirn art
<br /> agreement satisfaGtory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Secunty i�strument.lf i.ender dctermincw th�t any part oi' -
<br /> the Property is sub}ect tu a lien wh�ch may atta�n pnonty o�er thn Sctiunty In�trument, I.cnder ma�• g���e Bormw•er a
<br /> notice ident�fying the lien. Borrower chall satisfy tht I�zn�r take one or m�rc of thc act�nnt sct funh abo�e wuh�n l0 dayti � :—.
<br /> of the giving of notice.
<br /> � S. Ha7aM Insrranee. Borrower shaU keep the impruvemrnts nuw rxtsling ur hereafter cre�ted on the Property
<br /> ' insured against loss by fire,haza�ds included within the serm"extended ca�erage"and any other hac:ercis f.�r wh�rh �ender
<br /> requires insurance. This ins�rancc shall be mamtamed in thc amounts and for the peru�dti that Lender requ�res. Thc
<br /> insuranee camer providing the msucance shall tx rhosen by Horrower sub�ect t�� Lender's �ppro�al which shali not be
<br /> unreas�nabfy withheld.
<br /> A,It insurance polici�s and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and tihall�r�e:lude a 4tand:�rd mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shall hare the right to hold the polic�es and renewals.lf Lender re<}��rr�.Aorr��w•er�F�all promptly�gi�e to Lender
<br /> all receipts of paid prem�ums and renewa)noticeti. In the e�ent of lu�s.Borrow•er�halt gre prampt nottce to the tntiuranre
<br /> carrier and LcnCcr.Lcndcr may make proof of loss�f not madc promptly by i3orrc�wcr. �
<br /> Unless l.ender and Horrow•er otherw�se agree in wnting.�nsurance pFCxeeds�haLl be apphed t�+restor.it�on�•c�epu�r
<br /> of the Property damaged, iP the restoration or repa�r is ecunom�cally feaseblr and l.ender'�,erunt�� i,nc►t Ie.seneci If the
<br /> restoration or repa�r�ti n�t e.�onomically feasible or I,ender'�tiecunty aould be le�sened, the�nsursnce pr�erds tihall Ix
<br /> applied to the sums sctured by th�ti Serunt� InStrument, whether or nut the» ciue, w•ith �ny rxccwti pa�d ti� 8nrrower. lf
<br /> Bc�rrawer abandons the Property,e�r docs not unswer wuhen ZO davs a notue from Lender that the imuranrr carr�er has
<br /> offtred to sett[ea cla�m,then l.endrr may collect thc rosur�nce prureeds. Lender may u�c the prcxeedti to repuir or testore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by th��Secunty Instrument,whethcr or nin then duc. 7hr 3U-day prruxi w•�ll begin
<br /> whrn the notice�s�ivert.
<br /> Unlcss l.endes a�id Horrc�w•er utherwe,c agrre in wntmg,any appll�ation��f pr�xeedti tn pr�n�i�+31 tihnll nc�t c�tend c�r
<br /> posipone the due date of the month{} p3yment5 referred ta en par�gruphs f and 2�r chs:�ge the�maunt uf the rs}mrntti. If
<br /> un�er pzragraQh 19 the Pro�►ertr�s;x�:yu►red b�L�:nde�,Borrower's nght to any�msurarc.e po;ictc�ar�d prc�:ccd5 r�-tiulnn�
<br /> from damage to the Nrot+erty�+rior ta the acqu�siuon Shall ra•s to Lender r��thr extent��f the�um����ured hy ih�,5ecur�ry
<br /> lnstrunien��mme�iiatel��n��rt�•theacyui�it�on
<br /> 6. Preservytion and 1+laintenance of Piroperty;Leasehold9. flc,rruKrr .hell ni+t dr.tri�}.J�rT,agr nr�uh,tannally
<br /> change the Yrnperty�, aSlaw 1he Property to detenorate ur commit u:�.te If thn Serunty In�trumrnt i� �+n a Ica�ehold.
<br /> �?rtowc*�h�ll�•�,mply W uh�hs pruriti�ons of thc leax,and�f Horri�Hrr acawre�fre tnle t��the F'r��perty,the Icauh��ld and .-_ ---
<br /> fee tule�hall not mcrge unless Lcnder agrees tu the rncrger inµnt�ng •
<br /> 7. Protection of I.ender's RigAts in tAe Property: �tortp,�+Ke Insursnce. If Hc�rr�+urr f,iol. t�� �+ctfnrm the
<br /> eo�enants and agreementr r�mtained�n th��Serurit} Imtrument,or thcre i�a lrg.�l rr���ccd�ng Ih:+t ma} ��gniticantly aflcrt
<br /> L,ender's nght.m thc F'r��perty (�uch as a procerding �n banl.rurtc}. �r�•bate, G�r c��ndemr�auon nr 1� rnfvrre la�vti��r
<br /> regulaunn�).then L.ender ma} cfnand pay for wha���er�.nc-�:e�tian t��Y�re>tr�t the�alue��t the Pr���ert}and I rnder'ti r�ght�
<br /> m thr Yr��perty. Lender'� .ic��c�ns mu} mrlude payinp any tiumti,rcured by a l�rn «h�rh h�t, �n��nn ��L er thi. 5«unty '
<br /> L lnstrument. appeann�;in�i�uri. �aysnF re.sumahle an��rney ti fee.�ud cntermg��n thr Nrn�rri� t��m.�l�r rc�.nr� •�Ithuu�h �
<br /> l,fndrt ntay lai�c aiUi,n undet th�ti p:tragr,a�+h%.Lender d�x�not tia�c t��de�tii�
<br /> .in} 3nin�,+it.il�,hur.r�3 hy L rr►dcr u+�Jrr ti►t.4+ac;��;r aph 'cii:s)1 he�rrnr��idit��•i�.�l.irht�•t I;��rr,.K�r .c��ra}h� ihi- ar
<br /> Sc�cunl� In�lrun�rnt l'nlr��li�tirrrwer�in�i 1 endcr agrcc t„c�thc•r trrn��uf�.��mrn�. thr•r.�nn�ui�t.�hal1 hi.,r inti•ir,t tn,�n �
<br /> the d'ate nt di.huttiemcnt at the Ne�tr r.�te .�nd �hall he ��}.+hle. «ith tntcir,t. u���n n„ti,c trc�m l .•n.scr �,• N�•r,��w�r y�
<br /> reuursung pa�mrnt �
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