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<br /> � thQ P�op�rry-i�oo takan or dama�ad,Lender sha�t hav�the oAt�an,in fis sato and absoluto dtscretlon,to appty nfl much Pruseeds,
<br /> �ftv d�duatlnp fh���tram al!coais and expenses irtcurred by it in conntctian with euch Proceed�,upun eny Indabtednese a�curecl
<br /> ��nrby�nd in�uCh order�s Lereder may determ�ne,Qr t�apply ell euch Rr�ceeda,after nuch deducilans,to the rasturetlon uf t'�e
<br /> � P�opsny upon such conditlan��a lender m�y determine.Any eppltcetion of Prnceeda to Indebtednea�ahall not extend or postpone
<br /> M�du�d�a n��ny paymsnte undar the Nate.ar cura any detault thereunder a�heraunde�.Any unepplled funda e�a�il be pald to
<br /> Trusto►.
<br /> 9. P�ionrl�ne�by lsndK. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Dai�ulthereunder,or II eny e�t is taken or legal pra,eedin�
<br /> comnrinG�d whkh m�NrMfly�fNot�Lfr�der's Mtarest In the Rropeity,Lender may i�Ita awn dlscretlan,but withaut obityation to do
<br /> so,and without nMice to or damand upon Trustor and without releaainp Trustor f�om any obUpation,do any act which Tre�stor has
<br /> �rNd but taiN to do and may al�o do any other act It deems necessary to proteat the isecurity hereof.Truator ehall,immsdiatety
<br /> upon d�mand the��tor by Lender.pay to Lsnde�all co�ts and expensos incurred and sum�expended by Lender in connection wltt�
<br /> the exercl�e by lender ol the loreyoinfl�iphts,topether with Intareat thereon el the detault�ate provlded in the Note,which ahnll be
<br /> � �dd�d to Ms indsbtedness :ecured hereby. lender ahall �al Incur any Uabiliry because of anythlnp it may do or om(t to do
<br /> • hereunder.
<br /> 1 9. N�rdout MaMtiah.Trustor ahall kaep the P�operty in aomplisnce wlth all applicable lawa,ordlnances and�eQuletiana
<br /> rslatinp to indu�trlal hyplsns or envlranme�tat protectlon(collentively referred to hereln a���nvl�ur���,ental lswa"►.Trustor shall
<br /> kasp the Property iree irom all substanaea deemed to be haza►doua or toxlc under Any Environmental lawa(colleative�y reterred to
<br /> hsraln as"Haztrdau�Mate�lele").Trustor hereby warranta and reprasents to Lender that the�e are no Hazardoua MetKials on o�
<br /> uoder ths P�opafty.Truator hereby ayreea to ir�demnily and hotd harmless Lende�,its directars,aHicere,employee�end agents,and
<br /> any auccessoro to Lende�'s Inlereat,lrom and apainst any and all clafms,damages,Inssea and liabilities ariainfl in Connectlon wiM
<br /> the presence. use. diaposal or transpoN of any Hazardous Materials on, under,trom or about the Property. THE FOREQOING
<br /> � ' 10. Assl�nm�nt ol RMb.Trustor hereby assigns to Lende�the rents,issues and profits of the Property;p�ovided that T�ustor
<br /> j ahall,until the occurre�ce of an Evenl ot Qefault hereunde�,have the right to collect and retain such rents,isaues and profits as they
<br /> � become due and payable. UpOn the occur�ence of an Event of Detault,Lender may,either in person o�by apent,with or without •
<br /> � lxsu�ln�any action or proceedinq,o�by a receiver apRolnted by a court and without regard to the adequacy of its securlty,ente+
<br /> � upon and take possesslon of the Property,or any part thereot,in its own name or in the name ot the Trustee,and do a�y acte which et
<br /> deems necessary or deslrabteto preserve the value,marketability or rentability of tha Property,or any part the►eo1 or interesl therein,
<br /> i�crease the income therefrom or protect the secu►iry horeof and, with or without taking possession of the P►operty,sua for or
<br /> , et�srwise collect the rents. issuea and protits thereot,inctuding those past due and unpaid,and apply the same,lesa costa and
<br /> eny�ensea oi operatlon ancf�Ql.�ecUon inctuding attorneys'tees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender
<br /> cr�mq�determine.The enteriRg upon and taEcing possession of the Prope►iy,the collection o1 such re�ts, issues and profits and the
<br /> application thereot a�atoresaid, shall rtut cure or waive any default or notice o1 defauN herou�de�or�nvatidate any act done t� , ;
<br /> � responaeto suCb detauN or pursuant to suCh notice ot default and,notwithstanding the continuance In possession oi the Property or .
<br /> the collection, receipt and app8cation ol rents,issues or profits,and Trustee and Lender shaU be entitled to exercise every right �
<br /> provided tor in any of the Loan Instrumenta or by law up�n occurrence of any Event of Default,including without limitation the right �.:'.
<br /> to exercise the power otaale.Further,Lender's rights an�remedies undar this R��agraph shall be cumutative with,and in no way a ���'��
<br /> � timitation on.Lender's Nghts and remedies under any assignment of teases and rents recorded against the Properly.Lender,Trustee �.•'�'=-
<br /> and the receiver ahall be liable to account onty tor those rents actuaiiy rece�vad. - -
<br /> 11. Ewnfs 01 DMault. The following shall constitute an EveM of Oelault under thls Deed of Trust �.,�..
<br /> (a) Failure to pay any inatallment ot principal or interest of any other sum secured hereby when due; ,_
<br /> - --- (b) A breach of or detault under any provision contalned In the Note,thns oeed ot rrus�any of tne Loan inatruments,or arry
<br /> other lien ar encumbra�ce upon the Property: �
<br /> (c) A writ oi executlon or attachment or any sim�tar process shall be entered against Trustor which shall become a lien an ,
<br /> � the Property or any portion thereof or interest therein; :
<br /> (d) There shall be iiled by or against Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or tuture federal,state or other -
<br /> st8tute,law o�regul8tio��elating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reUef to+debtors;or there shall be appointed any trustee,
<br /> receiver o�liquidator o8 Trustor or 6orrower or ot all or any part ot the Prope�2y,or the rents.issues or proflta thereof.or Trustor
<br /> or Borrower shall make any general assignmert4 for the be�efit of creditors; ;;•
<br /> . (e) Thesate,t►anster,lease,assignment,canveyance or further encumbrance ot all or any part ot or any intere�t in the ;j
<br /> Property. either voluntarily or inv�3:;�.tarily, without the express written consent of Lender provided that Trustor shall be
<br /> permitted to execute a ieasa o1 the¢Faperry that does not contain an option to purchase and the term of which does not exceed
<br /> one year,
<br /> (Q Abandanment o1 ihe Prope�y;or �
<br /> ,. , (g) !t Trustor is not an individuaJ..tt►e issuartce.sale,trans}er,assignment,conveyence or encumbrance of mOre than a total '�._
<br /> `.
<br /> ot percent of(il a corporat�on)its issued and outst�nding stock or(iP a partnership)a total of percent of ;,���
<br /> partnership Interesta during the period this Dee�of Trust remains a tien on the P�operty. ,
<br /> 12. R�rn�dl�s;AcaNKatbn Upon ONauN.In the evant of any Event of Detault Lender may,w�thout notice except as required Dy
<br /> law, declare all Indebtedness s�cured hereby to be due and payabte and tne same shall thereupon become due and payable �
<br /> without any preSentmenl,demand,protest or not�ce ot any k�nd.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> � .� (a) Oemand that Trustee exe°�se the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustor's
<br /> interest in the Property to be solQ ard the proceeds to be d�s•�r¢�uted.all in the manner prov�ded m ihe Nebraska Trust Deeds
<br /> , ACt; '
<br /> • (b) Exercise any actd all rights provided Pcc�^ any of the Loan Instrurr�ents or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of
<br /> DetaulX and
<br /> tC) CommenCe&n action to toreclose tfi�s�eed of 7rus:as a mortgafle,sppo�nt a re�e�ver,or spec�f�cally enforce any of the
<br /> covenan�u�+e�eot.
<br /> No remedy he�e!ss c,anferred upon o►reserved to Trustee or Lender�s mte�aded to be exct�s�ve ot any other remedy nerein,m the
<br /> Loen Instrument5 ar b�ta�provided or permittod:but each shatl be cumulativa.shail be�n add�t�on to every other remedy g�ven
<br /> hp�reunder,in the Loen Ens2�me�ts or now or hereaKer ex�stmg at law or in eqc�.Ry or by statute.and may be exercised concurrently.
<br /> independantly or successsvely.
<br /> 13. TrustN.The Trusteo m�y resign at any t�me w+thout Cause. antl Lender may at any t�rne and w�thout cause appomt a ;_____
<br /> suc:.essor ar�ubsl�lut8 Trust�.?!tstQtg sha��not bp i�able to any aarty,mcluding wdhout hm�tahon I.ender.8orrower.Trustor or any
<br /> purCheser Of the Property.:`Oreny loss or damago unless due to�eckless or w�Ilfu1 m�scondr�ct,and shall not be requ�red t0 take any
<br /> eCtiOn in ConneCtion w:tYt '.he entorcement of tn�s Deed ot Trust unless mdemmt�ed. �n wr�ting, tar all costs. Compensation or �
<br /> expenses which may beassociated therew�th In aa��tion,Trustee may become a purcnase�at any sa:e��the Property�ud�cial or
<br /> under the power of sale granted here�n�:pastpone;�e sale of all or any poition ot the Property.as��a�:ded by iaw.or sell the
<br /> Property as a whole,or m sepa�ate parcels or lots at Trustee s�scretion.
<br /> 14. FNS aed Exptns�s.In the eve�t Trustee se�ls the F�,�ie-ty by exerc�se o1 power of sale.Trustee shall bo entit�ed to app►y �
<br /> � any sale procseds first to payment oi all costs and expenses of exerc�smg power of sale.mciudmg ai1 Trustee's fees,and Lender's
<br /> nnd T►ustee's attornoy's fees.acSually�nCurred to exte�t perm�tted by appi�cab'e�aw In thE event Borrowe�o�Trustor exerc�ses an y
<br /> right provided by!aw tocurean Fvent at Delault.Lender shall be entitled to recovei from 7rustor all costs and expenses actualty
<br /> �ncurred as a result of Trustor's doteult. �nC�ud�ng w�thpu! i�m�t8t�on all truSteE'S an� at!o�ney�s fees. to the extent perm�tted by r
<br /> applicabte law. �
<br /> 15. Futul�Adwnc�s. Upon request of Borrower. Lender may. at ;1s opt�on, make add�t�o�a� ar:d future advonces and re-
<br /> advencQSto Borrowdr Suct�adva�ces a�d readvances.w�th�nterest tnareo� shan be secu�ed by th�s Deed of Trust At no t�me sna�l • ��•
<br /> the prmc�pal amouni ol lhe �ndet�tedness socured by this Deed u1 Trust.�o;,nClud��� S�^'S etiv7��ced��p�ofecr t►+e secu��ty of ih�s -' `
<br /> D�eu oi trust.e.�eed tt�e un���rd��innC�pB��mOunt cldl@d hCrt•��.v� � �v��?QQ.:�,.�e ��CrE:P' �S arCd7Cf
<br /> �
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