<br /> � __ . _-- . _ __ __ _ . —. ___ . .
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<br /> �
<br /> 11CKNOWLEDGEiIAENY OF D�ED O� TRUST �Q---i,d,�j,,2$
<br /> �f�USY'l'3R ii�/1n THIS BEFCJHE 51t3NItVti:
<br /> � T�uekx undarst�nd�that ths dacumsnl th�t Trualor t�about to execute i�e peed ot T�ust end�o!a mortga�e�nd th�t Ma�owsr
<br /> af�pl�Arov{d�d fM In th�D�+ld of T�u�t provtds�eu0�t�ntially ditfe�e�t riphts and obiiyation�to Tru�tor than s mortpafle In ths�vMt
<br /> ot��tault or bnpch of oblig�tbn undsr tha Qeed ot Trus�includlnp,bul not umited to,tha�endar's ri�h!to have the Pto�ry lold
<br /> , by Ht! TrosNrs wlthout�ny {udiciel procsad;np.T�uatar rspresents and warrants that t�is ecknowisdqament w�s ox�cuted by
<br /> . � Ttu�lot bvfora fhe execuHan�f Ma Dssd at Trust
<br /> . C �^ � .
<br /> , . `f �9�. Lindr �, Truatar Husband f �
<br /> � f
<br /> (DeLa► F. Li dshl. Trustor Wito)
<br /> I
<br /> THIS DEE�OF TRUST, is made as pf the 13 dgy Q!� Apr�� .19`a0 by�nd amonfl
<br /> ; .
<br /> � theTfUilOf. _• �1- L�*�d�h� nd 13a4tt F. L.indah� HLE�nd 6. W�4.L �
<br /> i whoae mtU�n�addreas 1s �111 1�1. �Lts Sf.sssl, �=r�nA rni,��� Ns (herein"Trustor;'whether one or more). •
<br /> ' the Trustee, �illiam G, Blackbura. 3 m�mbar of �he NE State Hais Aesn. .
<br /> ,
<br /> whOM rtliliNnp add�eSB is p- n_ �Y ����� �ranr� Tplend� ASE 6880Z�2290 � (herein"Ttu9teA"),dnd
<br /> , the Qeneflciary, - Fivs Point,s Hanlc .
<br /> whole mailinpaddressla p- a- �Y ��07- 5�,3� agland. NE 68802-1507 �R�4�,,��������
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,lncludin��ende►'a ext2nsion o1 credit ide�tilied herein to i�e A_ .f,�j��
<br /> . . �
<br /> �• D�ta F. Lindahl. Hu�bana3 �, Wife _ (horein"Borrowe�",whether ane or morel and the ttust herein created, �
<br /> , the recelpt oi which is hereby aefcnawtedged, Trustor hereby irrevocably grants, t��nsiers. conveKs and assigns to Trustee,IN ' �
<br /> TRUST,WITH ROWER OF SALE,ior t�te benef�t and security ot Lender,under and sub�ect t0 the te►ms e�d conditio�s herelnaRet Set , .�
<br /> fonh,the teal p�operty,desc�ibed as toUows: �._ -=-
<br /> � Lot ThYSe (3) in Siock Sixtesn (16) in waiiich�e Adcl3tion to the City of Grand ---
<br /> Ialand. Hall County, Hebraaks ;-
<br /> i To ethbr wlth ztl buitdin 9,im rovements.t�xtures.st�eets,alle s. passa ewa s.easements, n hts, r�vil es and a -�
<br /> O 9 P Y S Y 9 D e9 PPurte-
<br /> , : nances located thereon or in anywise perta�n�ng thereto,and the rents. �ssues and prat�ts,reversions and rema+nders thereof,and
<br /> . auch personal property thai i�attached to the�mprovements so as to canst�tute a fixture,mclud�ng,but no1 I�mited to. heatin�and
<br /> • • coolinp equipmen�and toQethe►wrth the nomestead or mant�l�nterests,d any,wn�cn mterests are norehy ce�eased and wa�ved:ail
<br /> ' t of which,includin�replacements and add�tions thpreto,is horoby dociated to be a part ei the roal estate secured ty the lien o!thia
<br /> Oeed ot Ttust and all ot the foreyoing being re�e��to nere�n as tne �•p�oN_��rty".
<br /> . ThFS Deed at Trust shall seCu�e{a)thg payment ut tre�:�T��c�pal sum and mterest ewdenced �by a nrom�ssory note o�credit
<br /> . ,�
<br /> apreementdated _..4,��90�_ _ __�_. �av�r�a matunty date o1 �__10/13/93_ .
<br /> in the oriyinal prmcipal amount ot S ���;e��_____—�_ ,and any and a�' modfi;;at�ans, extens�ons and renewals
<br /> ' lheteof or thgreto end any and dll luture advances and readvances ta Borrower (or any ot them it more than one) hereunder `�
<br /> � � p�rsuant to pne or more prom�sso��otes or cred�t ac�reements(r.ere+n calied"Nate"►,(��the payment Ut othe►sunes advancc�d by . —
<br /> Lender to protect the securiry ct the.Note:(c)the�+ertormance ot an covenants and egreements of Tr�sto►set lorth here,n,end(d)all =.
<br /> prBSent and tuture ind�btedness and oblig�tions of Borrower�or any ot them it more tnan one)to Lender whethQr direct,indirecl,
<br /> absolute or contmqent and whether ans:ng by note,gu%�ranty,overdraf:or Q±nerw�se Yhe Note,th�s OPed oi Trust and any and 811
<br /> . other dxuents thet seCwe the Note or otherw�se exacuted m connecUOn trF•Q•,v�th,inc:ud�ng w�t�put hmilaUOn guarante3s,secunry
<br /> , agreements and assi�nments o1 Ieases and rentc.shall be re�erred to nerem as the Cesa Instruments'"
<br /> • Trusior covenants and agrees w:^h Lertder as to.lows�•
<br /> t• Paynwnt ot Ind�bt�dn�.F��:.�^debte0ness secc►ea���:-e5y snaii be pa�d whan due
<br />, 2. Titl�.TruStor+s thg pwner of the Prope�ty.has thp r�gnt an�authzs�ty to convey the Pro�enL•, �na warrants that the ��en
<br /> created hereby is a fiars'and prepr t�en on the Properry, except for��e�s ard encumbrances set t;,..-�� ey Trustor m wr�t�ng and
<br />: delivered to Lender�v�'eexecuti�n ot th�s DeEdo}3rust,and the exocutia�and dehvery ot th�s Ge��'Trust t7o9s nvt wolate any �
<br /> COntreCt O►Other Obii�8tlon to wh,c,h Trustor is sub�eCt
<br /> • 3_ T�xts,MHSS�nU.T:�R���to��e�iet:r.yuer:cy��•:r„ac;.specrai assessmer r_-e-.J dil Ottlgt C�a:yes ac��nst tne Property
<br /> � now or nereaiter Isvied.
<br /> 4. Irnu�ane�,To t�ep the Froperty�nsured aga�nst damage by hre.rarascss�ncludea w�thm the��rm �dxtended cov8rage",and
<br /> 9uCh Oth@r hA28rds eS F ettder mey require.in amounts�nd w,th compa^�es acceptable te Lender,r.�m�ng Lender as 8n additipnal
<br /> namsd I�sured,with ioss payable b the Lender. In case of Ioss under swc►:��l�c�es,the Lender �s authonzed to ad�ust, couect and
<br /> compromise,a►I claimsthereunder and shall have the opUOn Q�:.��ply�ng a �C�part of t!^e�r•aurance proceecSs p►to any�riatebt�dnes9 -- -
<br /> o&�t1:3::ia"�v'3y o�d i�SuCh Gtder 8�Le��dn��rr3y dai�rnn��e.��•i t�t1�b Tr�atur to oe us��cr tho repa�r or resrorat�on of ti,e Property ,
<br /> Or;ir.',fOr.any oiher pu�pose or objeCt S2t�S1aCtGry t0 Lende�w�tnout afteCt�rg�r�i,en ot tn�s Deed ot Trust far the tuii amount yecu►�d
<br /> hereby betore Such peyment ever took ptace. Any app��cat�on ot procee:�s r� inCebtedness�•haEl ^�!extend or postpone the due �
<br /> date ot any paymenta under the Nate,or cu�e any default tnereun�er o. �!ereunder
<br /> � S. EiCtow.URon written demand by Lectder,7►ustOr shali pay to Lender. �n such mann�r as L.en�er �nay des�gnate,s��Mic:enl
<br /> sums to enabte Lender to pey as they become due onz or marQ ot the fotlawmg.t��ai�tar.es assessments antl other chargss aga�nsi
<br /> th�Properly,(r+j!he prem�ums on the praporty in�urance requ��ed hps�unde:.�nd( :the prem�ums on any mortgage msurar.ce
<br /> L reqwrad by�ender.
<br /> 6. MakiAlnane�. R�p�irs and Campllanee wlth L�w�. Trustor snati kp�p tne Property �n gootl Cpndd�on and repa�r, s�an
<br /> prompt(}t tepeir, or reulaCe ariy impravement whi�h may be damaged or destruyeo s�au not comm�r pr perrn�r ��y x•dste or
<br /> cl8tenflrmt�on of the PrOperty, Sh�ll nof remOve demol�sh pr Ss�bStantiaHy alter any o' •�e •mu�vven�ents on tne PropQrty snaii not �
<br />, C0�11f111f,SuNt�r or perm�f,eny act to be done m or upon the Prpperry m violat�on ot an y iaw-ordm�nce o�regv�aoon,and sn<3�i pay and
<br /> promptly discharge nt Yrustor's cosi and expense a4 I�ens.�ncumbrances a�q c��arges �e��c�d +mposed ��as�essed ag��nst 11�e
<br /> propBrly or any p�rt there0t r' '�'"
<br /> � C�ntnlnt�Omala.lender�s hereby Ass��ned a�t cflmpens;�t+on.t:Nar�4 d�magr:s��na o;ne�Faym.e�'�ty�r rc��et s+�eie�n�ster r ,
<br /> ..�(QCOfTds"}�n conne.^.tinn W+1�+f:Dn�c�mnat�Qn nr QihEt t�h�n�Lt�ng P�0*;�•(YC.'C3•t eh�7CD! Cc 1G�40^c6r3�.CB�r.:,�u 0�a.vi�drnirrd.
<br /> fIOR Lender sha�►bo a�st�dvd nt+ts opt�on t�co�ssmenc� aDpec'lr �n i{nd V<<�SCI.u1(` -�+�:!+ONr���;�r+t iS':�il(i �h p' i�<<�ltt'd��QS r��'d
<br /> ;hil�l L115U bB Ct1t�1�Ed i0 ntOkC tl��y CUmprOm�SC Ur 50tt�Cn�ent ,n «�nn��it�����.th 5..���1.�kir.;(:• QJnt��E �•, �nP�.E:�+1 d� � ��W;;••, t.�
<br /> hBa 3lDltrcarv;,�..:�...��Osw6.ne.�,i G9 �
<br /> 0t98BNt:.,n�.On�.fct(a -.m:o��.�re�•oSn.�;;•q:s.a ..�, a�•...�� r.a>,�.�•
<br /> _ �.,,�..---
<br /> ._._ -�: �- �._ . _-- . _ . . . . _..
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