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<br /> � ' If Lendtr required mon��Re insurance �s a condition af making the loan srcured by this Security Instrument,
<br /> Bo�rawer sh�l) p�y Ehc premiums trquirc�d to maintain the in�urance i�eRec1 unti!such time a�the requirement fur�ha
<br /> insuranct tenninatex in accard�ncc Nith Bornt�wer's�nd l,ender's written a�rament or applicable law.
<br /> �. I�tlla�. t-rades or its�tat mey rtt�ke rtax�n�bk tntria upon�ad in:pections of the Prapeny. Lender
<br /> s�ull�ive Hor[a�ve�notict�t thc time of or prior to an insprction specifying ressan�ble cause for the inspection.
<br /> �• C.a�i�tio�• 7'he pia�#.�f tny a�rard or clsim far damages,direct or con�equentia},in connecqc�n with
<br /> •ny candemnatan o!other ukin6 af�ny pan of the Property. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby
<br /> usi jnal and ahsf!be p�id�o Lcnder.
<br /> !n the evrnt of a tota)takina of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums cecured by this Security
<br /> rnstrument.whether or ncat then ds�e. aith any eactss paid to Bono�ver. in the event of s partial takina oi the Property�
<br /> unle�Harrower and Lender otherwise�ree in wrritina,the sums secured by this Secutity lnstrument shall be reduoed by
<br /> . tbe�moun� of the praacd�multipNed by the followi,na f'raction: (a)the tatal amount of the sums secured immadiately ,
<br /> : bd'orc tbe takin j.divided by(b)the Cair muket value of tLt Property immediately befare the takina. Any balance shaU be
<br /> paid to Borro�rer.
<br /> - If the Property is ab�ndoned by Borrower.or if.after notice by Lender to Horrower that the condemnor oR'ers to
<br /> make an��rard or settle s claim for dam��es.Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the�otice is
<br /> pven,Ler�der is authorized ta coilecc a.ad apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Prope»y or '
<br /> to tlu sums securod by this Security lnstrument,whether or nvt then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Horro�ver otherwise�ara in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend nr
<br /> , postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in puaaraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of auch payments.
<br /> 10. Horrower Not Rekared; Forbearuce By i.�e�Na a Wd.er, Eatension of the time for paymrnt o�
<br /> modification of smortiution af the s�ms secured by this Security lnstrument granted by L,ender to any successor in
<br /> interat of Horto�ver stull not operate to releue the liability of the original Borrower or Aorrower's successors in intera�
<br /> L�kr shsll not be required to commence proceedinas against any s�ccessar in interest or refuse to eatend time for
<br /> , payment or otberwise modify amo»ization af the sums socured by ehis Securi:y Instrument by reason of any demand made
<br /> by the o�iainal Borrow�er or 8onower's successors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in eaercising any right or remedy
<br /> , sh�tll not be a waiver of or ptecluda the exercise of any right or cemedy.
<br /> 1�• S�ece�oes ud A�tiv Hou�d:.ioi�t aad Se�eral I.ia6ility:Coa�ip�ers. The covenints and asraments oP '
<br /> this Security Instrumrnt shall bind and benefit the successors and usigns of'Lender and Borrower.subject to the provisions
<br /> of pan�nph 1 T.Borrower's covenanu and agreements shatl be joint and several.Any Borrowtr who casigns this Security
<br /> Instn►m�mt but daes not ezecate the I�iote:(a)is casi�ein�q this Sexurity Instrument anly to mortgage.grant and convey '
<br /> _ ; tluu Borrower's intetest in the ProQertv under the terms af this Security incrn�mrnt;(b?is not�r-,,a:sa:ly;.bl,g:t;.�io y�y —
<br /> the sums secured by this Security lnstrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may aaree to extend,
<br /> : tt�odify.forbar or make any accommodations with regud ta the terms of this Secunty lnstrument or the Note�ithout �
<br /> that Borro�ver's wnsent.
<br /> - IZ. i.oM�. If the toan secured by this Stcuriiy Instrument is subjoct to a law which sets muimum loan
<br /> 7 chu�a, and that l�w is 6nally interpretal so that the interest or other loan charges collxted or to be collected in
<br /> , connection with the lvan eaceed the pertnitted limits, thrn: (a)any such lean clurge shsll be rMuced by the amount
<br /> ' necess�ry to reduce the charge to the permrtt�limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Bonower which exaeded �.'�
<br /> permitted limits wi1)be refunded to Bono�ver. Lender �ecay choose to make this refund by roducing the prineipal uwed
<br /> � under tfie Note or by making a derect paymrnt to Borro,�tr.g€a refund reduces principal,the reduction will De treattd u s
<br /> � psrtia�g�epsymrnt without any prepayment charge undea ch�Note.
<br /> 13. L�Slatio■ A}[ati�� Leader+s Rt�ts. If enactment or expiration of applicable laws has the effxt of
<br /> renderina any provision of the Note or this Security lnstrument unenforccable accordmg to its terms,Lender,at its option,
<br /> may require immediate pa�rment in full a!'ati sums secured by this Security ln;trument and may invoke any remedies
<br /> permitted by pusgnph 19. If Lrnder eaercises this option,Lender shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph of
<br /> puagraph 17. .�
<br /> 14. Noticw, Any notice to Borroaor pro�ided for in this Security Instrument shall be�c�en by defivering it or by � �
<br /> mailin6 it by first cl�ss mail unless applicablr taw requires use of another method. The not�cc shatl be directod to the
<br /> Property Address or any other addras Bonoaer designates by notue to Lender Any notice to Lender shall be given!sy
<br /> first class mail to Lender's address stated hetem or any other address Lender designates by natice to Borrower.Any aotice
<br /> providod�for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been g�ven to Borrawer or Lender when gfirer�as provided
<br /> in this p�ragnph.
<br /> IS. GgferniaQ Lw;Se�erab;lity. This Secunty lnstrument shall be governed by fedcraf law and the!aw of the
<br /> jutisdiction in which the Property is located. �n the event that any prov�s�on or clause af this Serurity Instrument or the
<br /> Note conflicts with applicabk bve.such conflict shall not afPect other prov�tiJOns of th�s Secuntq instrument or the N�te
<br /> , whieh can be given effxt without the conflicl�ng provision, to this end the prov�s�ons of this Scccsrity lnst�aa�ent and thc
<br /> Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borraxer$Copy. 8orrower s�rsF�.be g�rrn c,nr ronforr;te�capy of the Note and o�t�sg Security Instrumr.�*__
<br /> t3. Te�a�tfet oi the Pra'erty or � HereRcial Inttrest ie g�oervwer, If all or any pan of the Property or arry •
<br /> interest m it is sold or transfened(or if a benefic�ai interest in Borrower�s sold ar transferred and Horrower osn.ot a natural
<br /> person)without L.ender's prior written consent.Lender may,at its opuon.requ�re immediate payment�n f���of all sums
<br /> secuted by this Security Instrutnent. However, th�s option shall not tx exerc�sed by Lender if eaerc�se�s proh�b�ted by
<br /> Federal Is�w�s of the datt of this Secunty lnstrument. '- �
<br /> if iender exercises IMs option.Lender sha11 g�ve Borrower notice of acceleration.The n�cr:,e shall prov�de a penod
<br /> of nat las than 3�J days from the date the not�ce is del�vercd or mailed with�n w�hich�orrower must pay all cums secured by
<br /> this Stcurity Instrument.(f 8orrower ta�ls to pay these sums pnor to Ihe e�ep�rat�on of this penod. l,ender may�nvoke any
<br /> remed�ts permitted by this Stcunty Instrument without further nouce or demand on Born>wcr.
<br /> 18.Borroxt�'s Rigs3 to Reinstate. 1f Bonower mcets cenam cnndtu�ns, Karr�wer shal{ have the right to have
<br /> enCorcement of th�s Secunty lnstrument d�scont�nued at any nme prror to the eariier of (a)5 days(ot such other pennci as �
<br /> L appltcable law may specify for reinstatement)before sale of the Prnperty pursuant to an} puwer c�t sale conta�ned�n this
<br /> Secunty lnstrume�!:or(b)eaitry of a�udgment enfarcin�th�s Secunty ln�trument Thme cond�t�cros are that $orrower
<br /> , (a) pays Lend�r all suens wh�ch then would txe dur undet th�s Se�:ur��y Imtrument and the tiote had no ac.celerat�un n•
<br /> necurred: (b) cures any defauit <�f any athtt co�•enants ot agreements. (c► pa�s all expenseti incurred in enforcinF ihiy ��
<br /> — Securuy Instrume�t,mclud�ng. Aut not i�mueri to, reasonable�ttorney�' fecw. and (d► take5 wch act�em ati l.ender may �
<br /> rqsonabl� reqwre to assure that the I�en of this Srcunty Instrument, I.endet't nghtti ir� the F'r��pertti and iinrrc�wer'ti
<br /> ,.,
<br /> obhgattost to pay the sums securtd by th�s 5ecunty lnstrument �hel! cuntmuc unchanRed � �xm tcin�tatrmeni hy
<br /> _ Borro�•er.th�s 5ecunty Inctr��men�nnd thenhlev;�hc�►as seiure�t::re'�y�hal.rrmain fuflti �fle�ti�c ati dn.�e«rieratu�n he�
<br />�- occurred Nowetier,thiti nght t�re�nst�te�hap no�appty m the ca•r��f a<<c•Icra�iun undcr pareKra�h. I i ,�r !'
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