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<br /> UI�IFORM COVENAyTS. �Owe�and 4endei C�vCtlsnt�nd ajree as follows:
<br /> (""' 1. P��t ot PM�cIMI�N I�te�tl; E're*sy�c�t wi l.�te Clur�. Bonawer shall promptiy pty when due
<br /> � the princip�l of utd interat on the debt evidenced by the Notc and aTy prepayment and Iste charges due under the IVote.
<br /> 2. Fl�ie tor T��s vi lw�ra�ee. Subjec!to applictbtt law or to a written waiver bv Lender.Borrowet shall pay
<br /> � to Lender on the day manthly paym�tf�re d�e unde�tht Note,until the Nace is ps,id i�full.a sum("Fu�ds")equ�! t�
<br /> au-t�rNfth of• (��.3diriy t�xes �nd assessments which may atlain priority ovcr this Securily Insirument; (b) yearly
<br /> lascho�d payments or �round rents on the Propeny, if�ny; (c) yearly haaard i�su�ance prcmiums; and (d} yarly
<br /> n re�ona a ma eso uaureescrow�tems.
<br /> '1'he Funds ahall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which�re insured ar guaanteed by a fedtnl or
<br /> sute�a�cy pnctudin�Lendec if l.et�der is s�ch an institution). l.en�er shall apply the Funds ta pay the escraw items.
<br /> l.ender msy not char�e for holdin�and applyinj tlx�unds,analyzing the account or verifyina the escro�v items,unlas
<br /> � Lender pys Barrower interat on the Fund�and applicable law permits Lender ta make such s chsrar. Banower and
<br /> Lende� may+jrec in w�ritine thit interat :Aall bc paid on the Funds. Unlas an a�reement is made or�pplicable Isw
<br /> roquira interat to be paid, Lender shall not be requirod to psy Bonower any interat or uminas on ihe Funds. Lender
<br /> �btll ave to Borro�ver.without char`e.an annual accountina of the Funds showina credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpae tor w�hich each debit to the Funds wa�m�de-The Funds ue pledgod as additional security for the sums securod by
<br /> tlrb Sacurity lnstsument.
<br /> If the unount oi the Funds held�y Lmder. to�ether with the futurc manthly payments of Fnnds pay�ble preor to '
<br /> tl�due data t�'the acro�►items,shall eacxed the amount required ta pay the escrow items whrn due,the eacas shafi be,
<br /> at Homo�ver's option,either promptly rcpaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on moathly payments oP Funds. If the
<br /> ; amount of the Funds hetd hh�Lender is not su�icient to pay the escrow items w�hee due.Bonower shall pay to Lender any
<br /> smount na:euary to make tapthe de5ciency in one or more payments u required by Lender.
<br /> Upon p�ymrnt in full of all sums secu�od by this Security Instrumrnt.Lender shall promptly refund to Hono�er
<br /> any Funds lfdd by Lender. IPunder pua�ph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by i.ender�Lender shall a�pl�.no later
<br /> thfa immedi�tely prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender.any Funds held by l.ender at the time of
<br /> sppfication a��credit s=ainst the sums secured by this Security Inurument.
<br /> 3. ANlieado�ot P��b. Unles�applicable law provides otherwise,all paymrnts received by 4ender under
<br /> para�raphs I u�d 2 shall be applied:flrst,to late charges due undea the Note;second.to prepsyment char6a due under the
<br /> Note;thiM,to amounts payabk under pananph 2;fourth.to int�rest due;and lut,to principil due. �
<br /> �. G�e�I�e�a. BorroMer shall psy all taaes.asxssments.charges.fines and impositions attributabte to the
<br /> Ptoperty �vhich may atuia priority,over this Sxanty Instrument. and kasebold payments or graund rents. if any.
<br /> Hotr�o�rer shal)psy thase oGtiptiens in the minner provided in pangrapA 2.ar if not paid in that manner.Horrowrer shall '
<br /> �y t�seesit�tia:��+is�sl;sa the�r-..�a:���Ym�sl.Earra�:r�!s:!!�ron:pt��f��rr.ish•c►�.R�.r�!�no*�s�f!mn►��!!s -__--.-
<br /> to be p�id w�der thi�pars�rsph. If Borroaer makes thae p�yments directly. Borrower shall promptly furnish to i.ender
<br /> raaipts evidencina the pyments. . -_
<br /> _ .. . -- . . Qe1es'e1y�e el�„,!.�11 rwn„�ts�,�jl�Ai��l��s�w��Ii�'!`�'1!»�:�53�.�*^.ww^.^.:j.^.:•:::�:.�����w j�Stwi`v^SM�iiSi��.'o��i�'L�:i'� -
<br /> �jraa�ie rrritin�to the pyment of the oblia,ation secured by the lien in a mmr�er acceptabk to Lender.(b)contats in aood 3
<br /> . faith the liirn by.o�defends apinst enforcxment of tht lim in.1t6a1 proceedinjs Mhich in the Lender's opinion opente to
<br /> . prevent the enforcemrnt of the lirn or torfeituee of any part of ihe Property:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an •
<br /> t —
<br /> ajrxmau satisi'actory ta L.ender subordinatina the lien to this Security Instrument.If l.eader determines that�ny prrt of —
<br /> the Property i�subject to a tien which may ittain priorety over this Secunty Instrummt. Lender may give Bokrawsr a
<br /> nocioG�c�rn�a che lirn.Ha+ro�er shall satisfy the lien or uke one or more of the actioas set forth above within 10 days
<br /> of the pvin�of nW ice.
<br /> S. Hatari I�wr�ce. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing ur hercafter erected on the PropeRy
<br /> in�red spins!loss by flre.hatards included�vithin the term"extended covenae"and any other haurds far which�.ender
<br /> requira insnru�ee. This insurana shall be maintained in the amoUnts and for the periods that Lender requ�ces. The
<br /> ; iawrance carrier providina the insunnce sh�!! bc chosen by Borro�ver subjoct to Lender•s approv�!w�hich shall not be
<br /> untrasonably withhefd. ��
<br /> AQ ituurance policies and recKwals shd}be scoeptabk tQ t,cnder and shall include a standard moriasge clause. � '��
<br /> I.eader sl�sll hive the ri�ht to hold the policies and rrnewals.If Lender requira.Bonower shall promptiy give to I.ender
<br /> a12 taxipts o!'paid premiu�ss tnd renewd notices.ln the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insunnce
<br /> catrier and Lender.Lender�y make proof of lass�f not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrawrer otherwise agrcr m writ�ng,�nsurance proceeds shall be appliai to restoration or repair
<br /> of the Property damaged.�f the ratoration or repair is economically fasible and Lender's ucurity is not tessened. If'the
<br /> nttontion or rrpair is not economicsliy fasibie or l.ender's secunty would be lessenod.the insunnce proceeds shall be
<br /> sppiiad to the sums sccured by this Secunty lnstrurnent, whether or not then due.with any excess paid to Borra�er. lf
<br /> 8erm+�er abandons the Pra�erty,or does not inswer w�th�n 30 days a notice from l,ender that the iasunnce carner hu
<br /> � o�ered to settk a claim.then Lender may collcet the rnsurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or ratore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by this Secunty Instrumec�t,whether or not then due. The 30day penod will begin
<br /> whee tho flotioe is givm. .
<br /> Unkss Lender and Bottower otherwiseagree in writing,any application of proceods to principal shall not extend or
<br /> � postponc the due date of thc anonthty payments refesatd to in psragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amoant of the payments.if
<br /> uncter paragraph 19 the Pro�eny is acquired by Leetdtr.Borrower's nght to any�asurance polic�a and proceeds resulting
<br /> : � from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pus eo Lender to�he extent of the sums secured by th�s Secanty ,__--�._--
<br /> _ _..____ Inswment inamedi�telv nrior to the acquisition. •
<br /> 6. PrererraHon a�d Maietna�+ce of Pro�;Letst6oids. Borrower shall not destroy,damage or substas�tially
<br /> change the Property, allovic the Property to detenosate or commit waste. If this Secunty Instrument �s on a leasehold,
<br /> 8oaower shall camply with the provisions of the tease.and if$arrower scqu�res fee uU�to th�Propers}.the leasehold and
<br /> : fee title shsU noi merge unless Lender agrces to the r�erger�n wntmg.
<br /> 7. Psotectiow ot Lender's Righb in the Proputy: Mortgsge Insunnce. If �rrouer faiis to perforrn the �t
<br /> � cavrnantsandig�eements canta�ned�n th�s Secunty Instrument,or there�s a legal proceeding thai may sigmfieantiy afiect
<br /> [.ender's righte in the Propeny (such as a proceed3ng �n bankruptcy. probate, fot condemnahon ox t�enforce laws or
<br /> regulations),then I,ender may do and pay for whateti er�s ne�cessary to protect the�al��of the Property and Lender's nghts
<br /> in the P�operty. Lender's acnons may �neiude paying nny sums stcured by a hen u•hich has pnority o�er this Secunty ��'
<br /> _ Insttument,appeanng�n coun,paying rrasc•nable attomeys'fees and cntenng on the Pro�etty to make repa�rs Although ,'�
<br /> I.rnder may take aet►on under�h�s paragraph 7,L ender dc;�s no[have to do co '���
<br /> Any amounts disbur�rd by Lendcr und�r shis paragPaph 7 shalt become acidiuonal debt of Borrower secured by th�s ,� .'
<br /> Secunty Instrument Unlcss 8orsoaer and 4tnder agree ta��her terms of payment,these amruntc shall hear inrerect frnm
<br /> t�r date ot d�sbLrs:trtent at the .'�'o�e �ase and shaif t+� �,�yevir. N�ih �ni�rc�1, uFxm nut��e fr��m l.r���tr ��� Burrc�wer
<br /> reqursttng pa�yment
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