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<br /> � If L.endt� requiard morttke inaur�nce �s�condition c�t m�king the loan securrd by this Security fnstrument,
<br /> Bossower ahall pay th� premiums rrauirc.�ta mointain the iflsuganee i�eR'ec�unlil such time as thc�equirGmeat for the
<br /> insur�:l�nninat�s irt accordance wiih Bormwer'�tnd Lender's wtitten a�mment or applicabte tsw.
<br /> �: �ct�, Lender or it�uent m�y nuke re�an�bk entries u�+on �nd inspections oP the Prop�rty. Lender
<br /> shall�ive BKn�notioe at eMe time of ar Prior to an inspettion spaifying reasonable cause for thc inspection.
<br /> �:"'CbNiewMtie�. The procetds�f�ny award or cl�im for damages,direct or cansequcotisl,in connectian with
<br /> any conckmn�tion a other takin� oP an�r �n ut the Property. or for com•epsncr in I�cu af candemnation,a�t hertby
<br /> aaip�ed u�d�hall tx p�id to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a tot�! takina of the Property.the proceeds shall be applied to the suma secured by this Security
<br /> lnstrue�t,w�hetljer ar nd then due,�vith any eacets p�id to Borrowrer. !n the evert�t of a partial t�lcin�of the Property.
<br /> unle�Borraw�er a�d I.tnder Mherwise sirer in rvritin�,the sums secured by �his Security lnstrument shsll be reducxd by
<br /> the amount of the proceeds multiptiod by the fdbwins tn�ction:(�) the tatal amount af Ihe sums aecura!immedNtely
<br /> befae tbe taicin�.divided by(b)the fdt muket value of the PropenY�mmedia�ely before the takinj. Any bdance sl�all ba�
<br /> pid to Borro�ver.
<br /> , lf the FroQerty is�b�ndoned by Bonawer.or if.aRer natice by l.ender ta Borrower thst the condemnor offers to
<br /> m�lce an aw►ard or settk a cltim for dams�es,$onower fails ta respond to Lender w�ithin 30 dsys aRer the date the notice is
<br /> �i�en,Lender is autherizal ta cailect and apply tht procetds,at its option,e�ther to rcstarAtion o�repair of the Property or '
<br /> to the tums secured by this Security Instrument. whether ar nat then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise s�ree in writ�ng.�ny�pplication of proceeds to principal shall nat extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of�he monthty paymrnts rofened to in g>asaanphs 1 and 2 or chAngt the amount of such paymrnts.
<br /> 10. Ho�rower Not Reka�ed; Parbeu��ce By Le�dc� Nol• 1Vaiver. Eatension af the time for payment or
<br /> � modil9c.ation af amortization of the sums secured by this Security instrurr�ent granted by Lender to any succeswr in
<br /> interat oP Borrowrer shall not operate to relase the liabifity af thr ongtnal Bonower or Borrov�er's successors in i�terest.
<br /> l.ender shall not be required to commence proceedin6s saainst any succes�r m interest or afuse to extead time for
<br /> pyment or othtrwise modify amortizatian of the sums secured by this Secunty Inctrumen�by reason oiany demand made
<br /> by the oripnal Borrower ar Borrower's succasors in interat.Any forbearancr by Lendcr�n eaercising any right or remedy
<br /> sball not be s+r�iver of or pteclude the eaercise of any ri�ht or remody. .
<br /> � 11. SwcceNOn a�d Asrips Borad;JMwt aN Se�en! Li�ality;Co-si�ers. The covmants and�6reements of •
<br /> tbu Security lrtstrumrnt shall birtd and benefit the succe.csors and ass�gns af l.ender and Borrower,sub�ect to the provisions
<br /> of paragaph 17.Hortt�wer's covenants snd aarermenis shall be jo�nt and se�•esal.Anp Borrowcr wha casigns this Security
<br /> Instrument but doa nnl eaecute the Note:(a)is co-signing th�s Secunty lnstrument only to tr�ortgage,grant and convey •
<br /> ' :�tLi�i:8:'K'S 2��-t�t i�!he PtQ�s'*.y_�!!!�•�!h.t.�c nf�hic G�curity Inct rumtnr,Ihl sc��n� �v�nal�y�fj�l�o*tKi !t+�Y � " _-
<br /> the wmt securod by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that l.ender and any other Borrower may sEree to eatmd. �
<br /> modify,torbatr or malce any aocommod,ations with regard ta the terms af this Secunty Instrument or the Note withaut �
<br /> - iltiLlfL1ITO�YCr�SCdt15CIf[. _ -
<br /> ; �2. Loa C�r�a. lf the loan secured by�his Secunty fnstrument �s subject to a law which sets m�aimum loan � _
<br /> chu�a, and ehat larv is finally interpreted so that the mterest or other loan charges collectcd or to be colkctod in
<br /> , conr�ection with the Io�n eace+ed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the smount
<br /> , rxassary to reduce the char6e to the permitted tim�t;and(b)any sums alteady collected fcom Harrower which exceedod
<br /> s permitte�'�emits will be rePonded to Borrower. Lender may choase to make th�s refund by reducing the principal owed
<br /> unde�the IKote or by makina a direct p�ymenc to Horrower. lf�retund reduces princ�pal,the reduction will be treated u a
<br /> partial prepayment without any prepayment ch�rge under the Notc.
<br /> 13. I.e�islaHo� AReetiN= Lender's Ri=hts. If enaetment or exp�rauon of appGcable laws has the effect of
<br /> renderin6 any provisioR of'the Note or this Security Instrument untnforceable accarding to its terms,[.ender,at its aption. ,
<br /> may requiRe immediate payment t2 Ea1l af all sums secured by this Secunty� Inctrumen[ and may �nvoke anv remrdies
<br /> petmittedlty puagraph 19.1P Lencf�e."cercises th�s option.Lendtr shal)take the steps spec�fied ��the secnnd paragraph of '
<br /> P��6nPh 17. ,�',
<br /> ; 14. Notkes. t�1,�y notice to Borrower provided tor�n this Sec�ccsQ�lnstrument shall be giaen by del�vcnng�t or by � �
<br /> muling it by fint clas�anail unless applicable law requ�res use af another anetht►d. The notrce sl�aU be dtrected to the �
<br /> Property Addras or any other address Borrowrr designates by notice to Lender. Ans;not�ce ta Lender shall tx g�ven by
<br /> 6rst class mail to Ltnder's address stated herein or any othes a.�dress Lender designates by nouc�to Borrawer. ,F1ay notice
<br /> provided for in this Secunty Instrumem shal!be deemed co t�atic ber:�gc,tirn to Horrower or Lender when given as prov�ded
<br /> in this pangraph.
<br /> 1S. GgYernje�Lsw;SrtSrabillty. Th�s Secunty lnstrumrnt stsaPf t�e governcd bv frderat law and the law of tht
<br /> jurisdietion in which the Properts�cs located. ln tht event Fl�at any ptov�sion or clauc�af th�s Secunty Insiruea�eni or the
<br /> . Note conAicts with applicable f:w.s�ch conAut shaU not ai�eet other prnvii�on�of th�s Sec:unty Instrument�r the Note
<br /> w6ich can be given effect w�thout the confltctsr.g �roviston. To th�s end,EAe prvc�sions a�f t'his Secunty Instrument and ttae
<br /> Note are declared:ac�tx s�everable.
<br /> td. P,oi'ro�sa�"b�o��. &�t�t'uwc� sliai3 c*r givm Lme conform�ci a�py e�f Ine'�i�fe anJ itif'16i�Seeunty instrumena
<br /> � 17. Tt�nsfer ot the Proptrty or a Bene�icisl Interest in Horrowe�. 1f ail ar ;�ny part c�f the Yropeaty ar an�:
<br /> interest ita it is so{d or transferrcd E�r�f a beneficial interest in Botrower�s s�ld or tr.�ns!�erred and Borrower�s rt��a�c�durai
<br /> person)�virhout i,ender's pnar wntten c�nsent, Lender may.at rts option,reyuire�mmediatc payment�n full�fat! sums
<br /> seeuted by th�s Secunty Instrument. Hawever, th�s opuon shall not be exerc�sa! by l,ender�f eaerr�se �5 proh�b�ted by ___ __ __
<br /> _. federa!law as of the drte of this Secunty Ins�rument. " '
<br /> If Lendtr eaetcises this aption.Lender shall give Borrower notice of ac:.eleration The nvtice shall provide a penod
<br /> ' of nat l�ss than 30 days fram Ihe date the rtotice�s deltveted or maiitd N��thin wh�ch Banou er must pay all�e,ms secured by
<br /> this 5ecurity Instrument. If$orrower fails to pay these sums pr�or tn the e�p�ranon of this penc�d.Lender may�nvoke any
<br /> remedies permitted by this Srcunty lnstrument w�thout further nottceor demand�n Hormwer
<br /> 18.Borroiver's Right to ReinsUte. lf�rtowec mcets certa�n �ond�tinns, Borrc�++�er shall ha�e the nght tn have t
<br /> enforcement oPth�s Stcurity�Instrument d�scnnt�nued at any t�me pr�or tu tl�e earl�er nf (a) 5 days Inr tiuch�>ther per�sxi as �
<br /> L �pplicable law may spec�fy� for tein�tatement)be�'arr salr af thc Prnj,er t� pur�uant �c�any puwer nf�a1c coniamcd �r► tMs
<br /> Seeunt} lnstrumrnt,ur(b>ei�try of a��dRmen�enfore�nq this Sec urny- lntitrument 7'h�r�e cnnd�ui�m are thal E3�rrawer 3
<br /> (a)pays Lendet all lumc wfich then w�nuld lx due under this Secunty Imtrumen� anel the tiote had nu acceltrat�on r..
<br /> accurred, Ibl curcs �eny defaul� of an} other �o�•�nants ot agreementti Icl �ays all cxprntieti rncurr�d in enf�rnnR th�y �
<br /> �erurity instrumene, mcludins. but rot l�mtied to, rea�cmable attc�rne��' fer� an�i �d► tbketi�u�h acn�m �� I.ender may �
<br /> rtasonably reyuirc tn assutc Ihat the hen af this Secunty lnctrurnent. 1 cnc3er'� r ight� �n th� Prt���rrty and F3ntn�wcr'� :,
<br /> vbligatt�n tc� pay the tiumc �ecureti h} th��,Ses.unty IsiStrurneret tihall �nritimse un�harfgn3 l�ry�r. reintita:emrr�t h�
<br /> __ Korrowet,t�aisSecurit.r fnstrument and ihenbllgalli�hs�tcuted hetchy�.t,al��rrnnif- fuliti rftf��i�.e d�If f1n;l.�elrr�u��r� ha�f
<br /> _- �xcurred Hc�we�er,thi�n�ht t��remtitate tihall nu: ap�+lr in ahe ca�e ��f a, ,rlrrn�::�n .�n�}�•r�,�e!egr�fihti 1 � <�r 1'
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