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<br /> tJNlF�ollM Cov1EH�wTS. Botrower and Lender coveaant and aarce as follows:
<br /> (— 1. �My�t ot Pri�clNal a�i I�tera�Pn,�ywe�t aM tate Clt��. Bonowe�sl�all promptly paY when duc
<br /> ! ths ptinclp�l af and interest a�the debt evidenced by 1he Note end�ny�prepaymens and late cYarges due undec ihe N�te.
<br /> : 2V. �Y�1�krTaiMri lawrt�ee. Subject to appGc�ble!tw or to a written waiver by Ltnder,�rtc�wer shall pa�
<br /> to Lender or�the day monihty p�yments are due under the Nate.until the Note is pAid in full,� sum("Funds")equal to
<br /> onc-t�veMh oi: fa�yatly t�p �nd �ssessments which may atttin priority aver this Securityr Instrument; (b) yearly
<br /> 4�adsold paymentt or �round «nts on the Propeny. if any; (e) yearly huard insuance premiums;�nd (d) yrarly
<br /> morip�e insur�nx pramium�,if any.Th�se items ue called"acrow items.•'l.ender m�y estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> b�sis of current dstM�nd ra:oaabla estlmstea of iuturo escrow items.
<br /> The Funds shall b�e held in an institution the deposlts or accounts oP which are insured or 6uaranteed by a federal or
<br /> •tate�eecy(iecIIrrrS��xx� �eeder if Lende�is such an lnatitutian). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the ascrow items.
<br /> I�ender mty not ri�e for hold'tns and applyi�g the Funds,�nslyzi»a the�ccount or verifyin�the escrow items,�nless
<br /> i.ender pys 8or.�w�rer interat on the Fuods and spplicable law permita l,ender to niake such s chuge.Borrawes a�d
<br /> Le+�der an�y a=nee iR�rsitina that interest shdl be paid on the Funds. Unless an Adreement is m�de or ipplica�ble!ew
<br /> �q�d+��ptera�to bt Wud�I-ender shall not be roqui�ed to pay Bonower any interat or earmings an thc Funda. Lender
<br /> shal��ive to 9orro�ver��vithout chsr�e.an�nnual accounting of the Funds showing credite and debits to the Funds and ehe
<br /> purpae for Mhich each deDit to thc Funds was made.The Funds ue pledged us ndditional securl�y for the sums secured by
<br /> this Security ln:trument.
<br /> If the:mount of the Punds held by Lender,together with the future monthly pAyments of Funds p�yabla prior to
<br /> t!u due data aithe escrow�items.shall ea�ceed the amount required to p�y the esc�ow items whrn due.the eaceu shall be,
<br /> at Borrow�er•s option,either prompsly repaid to Borrower or crtdited to Borrower on monthly payments of Funds. If the
<br /> amount af the Funds held by I.ender i�not sufRcient to pay the escrow items when duc, Bocrower shall psy to Lender any
<br /> �tnount necasary ta malce up the deficiency in one ot more paymer►ts u required by Lender.
<br /> � Upon paXment in full of dl sums socured by this Security instrument. i.snder sh�U psomptly refund to Bomower
<br /> any Fund�held by Lender.lf under pansraph 19 thc Praperty is sold or acquired by Lender. Lendet shsll�pply.na later
<br /> tMn immodiately prior to the sale of the P�operty or its acquisitian by Lende�,any Funds htld by Lender�t the time of
<br /> applisation is a credit saain�t the sums secured by this Security lnstrument.
<br /> 3. A�liestto�ot�'yr�b, Unless applicable faa provides otherwise,ail payments rectived by Lender nnder
<br /> W�P���d 2 aha11 be ipplied:6rst,to late charsq due under the Nate;second.to prepsymmt charges due under the
<br /> Nate;tl�ird,to amounU pzytble under p+�ra�raph 2;fourth.to interdt due;and 1�.st,to principe!due. �
<br /> 4• �M�j•k�s. Bomower shsll pay all taxes,assessments, churges,fina ind impc�itions attribnuble to the •
<br /> PropeRy Mhich tr�y atuin ptiority.over this Security Instrument, and leaseh�ld psyments or sround rrnts. if any.
<br /> 9on+oMer shall pay thae obliaatlons in the manner provided in pangraph 2,or if aot p�id in c6�t manner, BArsnv��ckwl� �
<br /> _ - ���tt�:t�n tir,a.i�,exiiy cot�eperson o�ved p�ymmt.Barrower sh�ll promptty furnish to Lender�Il notias ofamo�utts
<br /> . to be paid under this para�ph.If Bvrro�ver makes these paymcnts directly,Barrower shall prorts,ptly furnish to 1.e�der � -
<br /> ;.. raoeipts evidmc;n�the n.v�►...•� . .. . _ -
<br /> 9orrotver shall prcrrnptiy di�cbu6e any lirn which hu priority over this Secunty ]nstrument unless 8onawer.{�) �
<br /> �roa in�rris:�a to the payment af the obliaation secured by the lie:n in a mxnner accepqble to L.ender;(b)eontests�a goad -
<br /> faith the lien by.or deknds t6ainst rnforcement of the lirn in,le�al proceodings which in the Lender's opinion operate to 4
<br /> prevent the e�forcement of the lien or forfeiture ot any psrt of the Property;or(c)securss fram the holder of the lien an Y
<br /> ast�eemer�t tuisfactory to Lender subordinating the lirn to this Securiry Instrument. If Lender determines tlnt any part af
<br /> the Piroperty is subjxt to a lirn which may atttin priority over this Security instrument, Lender may give Ho*rower a �
<br /> notioe identif�rina the 1�en• BorroMer shall satisfy the lien or take one or more oP the actions set fonh ibove within 10 days
<br /> of the pvinj of notice.
<br /> S. Htrud I�wrance. Borro�ver shal!keep the imptovements now eaisting or hercafter erated on the Propeny
<br /> insurod aaainst loss by Rrc.huirds included within the term•'catrnded covet�sge"and my other l�zsrds for which Lender E _
<br /> roquins intutxpa. Tbis insurance shall be maintained in the amounu and for the periads thu Lrnder requira. The �'
<br /> inwnnoe carrier providin�the insunna shaU be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval which shall not be .�
<br /> unruwnably v►�itbheld. �
<br /> All insunnce po►icies a�d rrnewals shall be sccepuble to Lender ared shall include a sandard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender ahall hsve the sight to hold the policies and renewals. Ii Lender requires,Borrower shall prompdy give to Lender
<br /> �Il receipta oipsid premiumsand renewal notices. In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prom�t not�cc to thc insursnce
<br /> curier tnd Lender. Lender m�y make proof of foss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Untess 1,.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in wnnng,insunnce prceeeds shall be�pplied tc►restoration or repair
<br /> of tht Prapeny damsged, if the re9tontion or repair is xonomically feasible and Lender's secunty is nat lesscned. IP the
<br /> restontion or repur is not economecally feasible or Lender's security would be lessened. the insur:ace praceais shal➢ be
<br /> •pplied to the sums sa,wrod by this Secunty Instrument, whether or not then due, with sny excas pud to 8orrower_ If
<br /> Borrwver ab�ndons tht Ptvyer4y,or daes nat ansv�rer within 30 days a notice from l,ender that the msunna carrier hu
<br /> ; Wfet�ed to settle a ciaim.then Lender may collect the iasurance�roceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to rep�ir or restore
<br /> ihe Propeny or ca Qay sur�s securecf by eh�s secur�ry t�s�rume�i.whtthst os stot ttsstt dttt.Tt�e 3��y period wiii begin
<br /> when the nolice i�6iven.
<br /> Unkss Lendtr and Bortower otherwise agrae in wnting.any applir.ation of proceeds to pnncipal shal! not eatend or
<br /> pastpone the due date af the monthly psyments referred to�n paragrsphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the p�yments- lf
<br /> under pr=gaph 19 the Property is acquired by Lrnder,Botrower's n6he to any insurance Fwliciesond pro�cceds resulting
<br /> from damage to the Propeny prior to the acquisition shall pass to 4ender to the eatent of the sums secured by this Secur�ty �
<br /> �__ instrume�.t�m�_ �.��2��;;�Ti�,it�t sc.yuisii�on.
<br /> 6. Pre�esr�tloe t�d Maiateeasce of i'rooer�;i,easehold�, Borrower shall not d�stroy.darnage or substantially
<br /> eh�nEc the Property,allow the Propeny to detenorate or commit waste. If this Secunty lnstrument �s on a leaxhold, �
<br /> �o�ver shall compJy with the provis��ns of'the Icase,and�PBorrc��er arqwra fce t�t�e to the Property,the leasehold and
<br /> feceititahsll nmt rnerge unless Lenderagrees to the merger in wnt�ng.
<br /> �. Proteriion of Leeder's Rigbb in the Property; :Nortgage lasunnce. If $orrower fa�is ta perform the �
<br /> � cavenants and ag�eements c.mnta�ned�n th�s Secunty Ins�rument,or there �s a lesal proceed�ng that may s�gn�ficantly affect
<br /> Lrnder's r�ghts i�ttte Atap�try (such as a procecding in bankruptcy, probate, for cc�ndemnat�an or tcr,:nforce iaws c�r
<br /> regulAtions),thcn Lender re-�aydc�an�3 pay for whatevcr�s necessary tc>prutecl the�alue ot�hc Prapert�,-an�'Lender�5 fl({}i[5 �`�.,
<br /> in lhe Proprrty l.ender's acnons may �nclude paying any sums secured by a lien which has pr�onty over this Srcunty ��
<br /> Instrumtnt.ap�,armg in caun, paying reas�nable attorneys'fees and entenng on the Propetty tc� maF�ce repai rs Al�hough
<br /> Lender m�y takr act�on under ih�s paragrapt►7.Lender dcxs not have to dc,so '
<br /> Any amounts Aisbursed Dy Lendrr under Ih�s paragraph 7 shall hecome adci�unnal deht of Horrc�uer�ecured by th�� ��
<br /> ___ Se:ur�ry Inc�r�ment t�nl��, Bor:ou•rr�rd Lrnder��gree tv uthcr Irrme of�+apment,thesearnount�shall hear :nleres�fmrn
<br /> __ Ihe date of d�st+utsemen� at �he Note rate and shali he pa}�atsle, w�th interc�,t, upe,n norice frc�m t..ender to Rurn,wer
<br /> __ r�qutstmg payment
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