<br />._. e—� --w
<br /> , � �
<br /> NoH•UN11'oRM COVEN�N7�9.Horr��wer and l.endtr futlheE covcnant am1�grcc m+fo!lows:�o�'0�"" ~
<br /> 19. Accckr�tioa; Re�s�ka. I.e+�ier �Mdl �ire aotke to Qorrawe� �Ior to �ecelentlon followleg Borroxer'�
<br /> �eex��uy cuveWUt or a�ta�et 1�lMU Stcyrity I�irw�t�¢tb�+t sot priar to�retcrnttan aAder�ragrsp!ia 13 and 17
<br /> w�kw�1ie+�Mle I�w �re�i�a otleerwMel.7'Ae �otice dall qetity:tU tAe dehMlt; (bl tl�s�ct[on reaetred 2o cdre the
<br /> � ief�1l;tt)�d�te�Not le�tfiu+30 d�ys tNa�t9�e�t�tLe�otlta i��i�e�to Borrower.by wMkb tbe dct�ult ta�e be cured;
<br /> aM(il tMt hll�rre ta cMre t1e�ti�lt o�or hfore tlie hte�pec!llei iR tl�e Aotiee�sY�esM�t te�rceler�tto�ot the�a�n�
<br /> ucw�ei y ti�i�Set�rity I��t�i ak of tlie Pro�erty.7Ue�otice�Mdl frrther Intor�&muwe�ot the rIRMt to
<br /> etlt�ts anse srccleratioa�ad fAe ri�Mt to bsla��t eosrt�ction to�sseri tlee�-ext�te++ce o!s detlalt ar a��ether
<br /> �aM�e o�Boemwtt i�acederatio�asi qk.lt tre�efa�th is aot e�eed oa or betwt tlie dite e�ec[fled[s tbe nflttce,Lender
<br /> a! It�o�tio�MsY re�lre i�b���t i�fMll o/dl a�s�ec�red�y thh Secw��ity I�atrY�rrnf withort fanher
<br /> /�i aM�y i�toke tl�e pwer of t�le aN a�y ot�re�eiia�iHer►y sNlica�le taw.l.e��Mall ae e�titkd to
<br /> aM�ef tN ex�e� i�c�rei t� Mrw�y He reMiiM Kotl�i b t� �s�i� 19, i�ciaiiN. iwt aot li�aited to�
<br /> rea�oMble�etorneri•iea�i eab ot Ntle etiie�ce.
<br /> I�tlK pwer at ak b i��oiced�Trwhe dali recor���otice ot detatilt is eseh coYntv i�ehich,��y M�t of the
<br /> Pro�.rtr i�lec•�e�u��YaU�uil co�le�ot�cY�otke f�fi���Kae�ibed by s�pca►k law to Borrawer�►wa eo e�e
<br /> .�.r N.....�a�r�tir.��a�.ARer tte ti�e�ired lr a�licy�le law.Trrstee�Mdl�ire Mbik�otke ot
<br /> �M 10 tMe�wM Mi ta tUe w�e��tserllal�y a/�Ik�i�le faw.Trwta.witMort de�a�i oN 9otrower.�11 sell tLe
<br /> Pre�ert�a!�k Nctioa ta ti�e�i�1e�t rt�ier at t�e H�e a�i�lace��n�er ti�e tet�ieslp�ted i�tY��otke o��k tn
<br /> o�e K�on�teM a�i b a�y orderTewtee ietend�.Trwtse wsy�ost�o��aale of vl or�y panx!ot�tre Pro�erty by
<br /> wMk a��acewe�t�!11�e tl�e a�1�laee d��Ketiowiy sele�ft�s�k. LeMter at ih�aipee�y Mrcl�e tl�e
<br /> Pro�t�r at uy s�k. �
<br /> U�w recei't ot My�f ot tlk �ke bi�,TrreEee t�Wl delt�er to the��c�a�er Tnnteds deed coereying the
<br /> Pro�ertr.TMe recihb t�t�e 1lratee's ret�t�it Oe ptl�t�cie e�iiesee ot tlie trot�t►/tlM stateme�b n+�de thereis. •
<br /> Trrsta sladl q*ly the�actei�ot tlie a�le fs d�e f411owiNt orier.(s)to a�C @x�e�aes ot tQt s�k.inctrdie�.but�ot li�ited
<br /> ta 7'r�K••fees a�er■iad�y aMlkabk Isw�Mi raao�a►k�ttorne��"[ees;(b)to�il suna secund by thi�Securlty
<br /> t�■e+�r,a.�tc�.wy exee��ot�ere.son a��eno..�e�.t�resN�tee eo u.
<br /> 20. Lenaer Is Possessbn. Upon acceleration under p�ragraph 19 or abandonmem of�he Propc�ty. I.cndcr fin
<br /> persan, by a6en� or by judieially appainted reeeiver)shal)be eotiltecS to enter upcm, take pocrec.sinn oP and mn�age the
<br /> Property and ta colleet the rents of tt�Propeny including thae pasl due.Any rentc collected b�r Len�e�or the rrceiver
<br /> shall be applied flrot to p�ymrnt of Ihe casts of ma�aEement of the Property and callection of rc�cts, including. bw not
<br /> � limited ta,receive�'s feq,premiums on receiver's bonds and reawnable attomeyc'fecs,and then tc�the sumc sccuttd by
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> 21.Recowaya�ce.Upan psyment of sll sums xcured by thii Security Inctromem, Lender ch3l1 requect Tru�tec to � .
<br /> � reeonvey the Property and sh�ll surrender this Security lnstrumeat and a�t notes evidencing debt cecured by thic Security .
<br /> Instrument to Tr�istec.Trustee shall�econvey the Prapeny without warrscxcy and without chargc to the per�on or penanc
<br /> kgally entitled to it.Sueh person o�persans chall pay sny recordation coctc.
<br /> 22.�nbst�lalr Trnstr.l.ensler,a!its Qption,mey�rom lime t�tim�remove 7rustec and ap�int a cuccec�r�ructee _
<br /> ta any Trusta appointed heret+nder by an instrument recarded in the county in which t?�i�Security Inctrument i�recorded. '
<br /> Without conveyance oP the P�opehy,the succ�.so�trustee sh�li sticceecl to aU the•title.pawer and duties conferred upon �
<br /> Trusta herein and by applicabk law.
<br /> --- ' 23.Repsst for Nolices.Bonower reqaests ihat coptes oi Iite noticts af deiauit an��aie i�c unt to �ormwer s
<br /> address which is the Propeny Addrcsx. _
<br /> 24.Riiers to t�isSecYrity I�atnuneet.lf one or more ridcrs arc executeci by 13�rmwer anJ rccordcd t��gcthcr wiih
<br />, this Security lnstrutr�tnt,!he covenants and agrecments of each such nder�h�li be inc�r�rated into and shall amend and '
<br /> suppkment the covenants and aaraments of chis Sesurity Ins�rum�nt ac if the ndrr{s) were a pan of this Sccur�ty
<br /> Instrnmmt.[Check applicabk boa(es)�
<br /> � Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider `] 2-� Family R�der
<br /> [] Gnduated Paymrnt Rider [] Planned Unit Develapment Rider
<br /> � � �IOther(s) [specifjJ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
<br /> BV SIdN1NG BEi.ow, Borrower accepts and agrees to terms and covenants contained in th�s Security
<br /> Instrument and in arty�rider(s)ea►�uted by Bonowcr and record w' �'
<br /> ' : ,
<br /> G� ......(Seal)
<br /> ......... . ...................... ..... ......... .. ...
<br /> � LBE MCCUE Ow°`
<br /> � � � � `� �f
<br /> ,�,,,,�.:�i.!s.r..c.s�C.....��r:�s-!�c�I.� �S.!�..}?.........(Seal)
<br /> [SO+c• MMw T1w t.�ne Fa AekeN.Aea�nwnel
<br /> STATB OF ........NESR9SKA.............
<br /> cOtJMY OP ........H9IJ................... �SS:
<br /> ._--_= _
<br /> The fcxegoing instn�ment was acknowteeiFed bePore me thi�..........4T'H.PAY.QE.APRLI.....�.9.9�................
<br /> (dace)
<br /> M► •••....•............ROSERT.LEE.tIGCUE.APID.PATRIC.L'�.R�B�CCA.MCGU�..HUS�f9N.4.A�`IU.WIF.�.......
<br /> (person(s)acAnowledging) '�
<br /> � �--,
<br />• My Commiuian eapires: ,:/�`y� / � /�'�� i^ ^ �
<br /> �a��lr��1■� fr��:�s'� . '� /{. /t�-�Q_t�.�...�nr.� ���
<br /> �r�.1�A� � ... , �
<br /> �M� Notary F�ublrc �.
<br /> Th�s i�sttr;���errt woti preparc�3 t�y .................................... . ............ . ... .... .......................
<br /> �
<br /> .- , :,.
<br /> - ,. � - - - -- _
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<br /> �:;.
<br /> � :: .. -- -- - , . _ _ , _ - - � - ..- - .._ .. - --- . ...._ .- - - --..-- --
<br /> . . .
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