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<br /> f IP Lender req�ired mnrt��Ec in�u��►nce as�candition of makina Ihe tan secured by this Security In�tr�ment,
<br /> �orrawe�shall psy �he prrmium�required to m�intain the insurance in eRect un�il such time as the requirement far the
<br /> in�uraace te�rninatrs in aecoidAnee v�ith 8or�o+�er'�end Lender's written aar�ement or applicable law.
<br /> �. Ias�tctloR. Lender or its sgeist mAy m�lce re�.sonable entries u�n and inspGCtic+�s of'1he Property. Lender
<br /> ah#11 give Borrow e�naticc�t the time af or prior to an inspection specifyin�rrason�bk c�use faT tlie in�pection.
<br /> 9. Conde�nalloa. Tha proceeds oP�ny award ar claim far dsmsaes�direct or consequential.in connection with
<br /> any conciemnation ar ath�r takine of any part of the Property.ar fur conveyiace in lieu aE condemn�teon. are htreby
<br /> . as�ianed end slu�l!be�id to l.ende�.
<br /> In thc evcnt af a tolal t�king oP Ihe Prope�ty,lhe pracecds shall be applied to Ihr sum�secvrcd by Ihis Security
<br /> Instrument,whether or nat ihen dur,with any excess pAid to Borrawer. ln the evens of a pariial�aking aP the Prapeny,
<br /> unkxs�rrawer And Q.ender olherwise agra in writina.�he sums secu�ed by this Securily Inslrument shall be�educed by
<br /> the amount af'the proceeds multipiied by the followina iwction: (a)the total�mount a1'the sums secured immediately
<br /> bel'ore the t�king�divided by(b)Ihe fiir market value oT ti�e P�operty immediately before ths taking.Any bsdance shali be
<br /> p�id to Bcirrowcr.
<br /> , If the Pcoperty is abandoned by Bonower.or if.aRer notice by Lender to Banawer that the condemnor oRcrs to
<br /> ! m�ke an award or settle a claim fo�dam�ges,Barrower fails to respond ta L.ender within 30 days after the date the notice ia
<br /> ;� ; giv�a,Lender is�uthorized ta collect and apply the proceed�.at its optian.either to restoratio�ar repair of the Propehy or
<br /> � to the sums secured by thia Security lnstrument.whether or not Ihen due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bor�ower otherwise asrce in writing.any spplicalion of proc:eeds tu Qrincipal shall not eatend or
<br /> postpone the due datc oP the manthly psyments rePcrred to in paragraphs 1 and�or change the�muunt of'such payments.
<br /> 10. Bonow�r Not Relessed; Forbara�ce By i.ender Not a Wairer. Extcnsiao c�P the time for payment or
<br /> modification of amortization af the sums secured by this�ecurity lnstrument g�anted by Lender la any successor in
<br /> interest of Borr�wer shall not aperate Ia release the liabitity oP the arigina)Borrowc�or Barr�wer's succes.u�rs in i�tcresl.
<br /> Lender shall not De rcquired to commence proceedings ag�inst any successor in in�eres� ar rcfuse to exten� time for
<br /> payment or otherv►ise madify amoniution oPthe sums sec�ured by this Security lnstrument b} rr�.scm afany demand made
<br /> i by the original8orrower or Borrower's successars in interest.Any farbearaac�by l.ender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> ; shall not be a waivNr of ar preclude the eaercise of any right a�remedy.
<br /> � 11. 3ucces.sMS aed Assi�s Bouml:Joint sad Se�enl l.iability;CasiReers. Th�covenuntc anc�agrcemeois oP ,
<br /> this Security Instrument shall bind and beRefeg the succes.u�rs and assigns of Lender and Horrower,subjtci to the pravi�iona .
<br /> ' , otparagraph 17.8arrower's cavenants anci agrcement�shaQ be joint and se��eral.Any Horrower a•ho ca-signs this Security
<br /> �Instrument but does not eaecute the Note:fa)is ea-signing�his Sec�c�ty lnstrument only to rrc=rt�,age,grant and convey �
<br /> tbat 8orrower's interest in the Propehy under the terms c�f this Secunty Instrument;(b)is not �xrsonaUy�Cfigatcd to pay ;
<br /> the sums s��sed by this Srrurity Instrumrs�; sac!ScD ag�e�°ltta! �end�s an�1 any other Fiorrow•er ma}agrce tn extend. __.—
<br /> modify.fo�bear or make any acc�mmcidations with regard to�he terms of this Secunty Instrumcnt or�he Note wi�hout �
<br /> that Borrower iconsem. -.
<br /> 12. I.o�n Cl�arges. lf the loan seeured by�his Secutily I��trument ic cuhject ti�a law whirh�ets maaimum loan
<br /> � eharges. as� lhat law is fieally interpreted so that the imerect �u othr� Ic�an chary�:s cutictited nr lo Ix coltec�ed in
<br /> connection with thc loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a1 any surh I��an cha�ge chall he reduced hy �he amaunt , _ _
<br /> necessary�o reduce the charge t�the permitted limit;and(h)any sum�already collec.ted from liorruwer which exceeded .
<br /> pecmitted limits wil)be refunded to Borr�uer. Lender may ch�e�o make thic�efund by reci�cing the principal owed i =
<br /> � under t6e Note or i�y making a direct paynaeas t�Bbrrower.lf a refund reduces principal,�he ce+.f�c�ion will be treated as a �
<br /> � pattia!prepayment without any prepaymeni charge under the Note.
<br /> 13. Legislation ARecting Lender•s RiRfit�. LF enactment or eapirati�n of applicable law� hac tl�e effect of
<br /> rendering aoy provision of'the Note ot thi�Security(nctrument unenf�rceahle a�ti�*rding t�it�term�,Lender,at itc opt�on, �
<br /> � ' may rrquite immediate paymrnt in full of all �ums secured M1y thic Secutit} ir..cccumen� and may inv��ke am remediec ;
<br /> : permitted by paregraph !9.lf Lender eaercises this option.Lender shall take thesceps specifie�an the,ecand paragraph af
<br /> paragraph 17. ,
<br /> 1�. Notites. Any n�tia to 8orrower provided for in this Secunty Instrucccent shall t+e�g��en,�y cielc.ering il or by
<br /> mpiling it by first class mai! unless applicable law reqwrec use of another meth��d. 'The notice .hall be 4srected to the '�''�''
<br /> Propeny Address or any other address�3orrower desig�ates by natice to Lender.Any noticr to I..ender sY�all he given by
<br /> Bnt class mail ro Lender's address stated P►.erein o:any other addrecs l.ender destgnates by Re��ce�o Hnrrower.Any notice
<br /> provided fot in this Security Instrument c[�all be damed to have t►een given to Borrower or Leader when given as prov�ded
<br /> in ehis paragroph.
<br /> lS. Gorerning Ls�r:Sevenbility. This Secunty Imtrument shall he go�rrned by frdcrul I:�w and thc l;iw of�he
<br /> jurisdiction in which�he Proper�y is located. In�he even: that any prov�swn or flau�e of thiti Serumy Inatrument or�he
<br /> Note conflicts witb applicable law,such ounflict shall not affect other provic�ons of'thi�Securu� ln�trumem�r the'4Ette
<br /> which can be ga��en efiect without the cun�iiclmg provisian.To this end the provisiunc of thi,±Serurily Instrument a�id the
<br /> Note are declared to be se�rrabte.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Co�y. Horrower shall be gwen cme rcmf,�rmed c��py��(�he N��te and��f thi.Serur,sy Im�rumcnt
<br /> 1�. Tn�ster ot the Property or a lkneficitl lnteresl in 13orroM•er. If all c�r an� r;i�� ��f the Ympetty ��r auy
<br /> tnttr�t in tt i.s totd c�r traa�Cerra!(o:sf s hestefic:sl:�:sereet e::�C�rce�ti4er s4�i�le!s:r tra:i+Cerr�Y!asie!I�e�rr:►.+rr:4��ut a�3alura!
<br /> person)without Lendei s ptior written coment, Lrndcr may,a� it���puun,reyuire u»mcd�a�e ��yment m full of all�um�
<br /> secured by this Security Ir�strument. Howe�er. Ihts opUCm shall tsnt he exe����ed iTy I.ender �f cterc�tie tti pmhiMtrd by
<br /> feders)law as of t he datt c�t this Srcu ri�y lnst rument.
<br /> If Lender exereises this option,Lender shall gi��e Rora�wer nutice of�ccclerau�m !he n�+tire�hall rnntde a�xci�Kl •_- _-_ `
<br /> of nat iess Ihan JO days from Ihe date Ihe notice��deb�ered or mailed w nh�n w hirh Hnrr��acr mu�t���all�um��ecurcd by '
<br /> this Security lastroment. I)&�rrower fails tn pay thece�um�pnur tn�he expuaunn��f th��rrr��Ki. Lender cnaF m�oke an�
<br /> remedies permittcd by ihis Sccunty Instrument ti+i�hout furthcr n��t�ce��r dcmand on 13r�rn.ue�
<br /> l�.BorroKrr'�Right to Rei�state. If Borrower meets certa�n c�ndii�<m+. Rc.rrc�urr tihall ha�c�he nght tn ha�e �
<br /> enforcement of thi�Security Inctrument d�ccon�inued at any time�+ru�r ii�thr earber af la)�clay�Ivr tiuch��thrr pen�xi a.
<br /> appheable law may spec�fy� for remstatement)hefore sale of the pr��perl� pur�uant tci an� power nf cale cc•ntanieei m tM. �
<br /> L Security lnstrument;ot(b)entry of a judgment enforc�ng�his Serunty Imtrument �'huce cc�i�drtumti are that linrr��HCr �
<br /> (a) pays l,ender all sums Nhich thrn would hr due und�r th�s Secunly� In�srwnent an�9 Ihe ti�te had nc��crclrrat�ro►
<br /> ocCWted: Ih) curec an�• deiault of any other cii�enantti nr aRreement�; (c)�►ay�all expem�. incurred in e•nfarring thiti d
<br /> Security Inssruntent, ��trluJ�og. hut nut IitnrteJ Iv. �easonahlc a0tam�ry� fee�: aud idl take� �ueh act��+n ;�� i endrr may t`
<br /> �eaSOnahly rcyuire t�� ati�urc Ihat the leen ��f thic Seruruy In�trunicnt. I.cnder'c r�FM� �� �he 1'n�pe�t� anJ Hi�trr��+cr'. �
<br /> obhgatum t�� pry thc tiuim �etute�l b} th�s Serunl� Invruiur�it �hall rnnnnuc unchai�Krd 1 p„n r�inti�.��cinrnt h� .
<br /> lic�rrowrr,th�ti Secur�t� l����rument and the rbhgah�ms secured herch� �hall remaiu full�rfTect��e a�d nn��tielcreuun had •
<br /> <�ccurred N��ue�er,ihi�nFht tc.reinstat��hall nc�t app1� �n the ra�r��f a�releratum undei rara�raph� i i��r 1'
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