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<br /> IP l.encter ra�uirecl morl�t�ar insurance as a conditi�n �P makin.g the ioan�r.cured by t is �urily Insiiununt,
<br /> � Horrowcr shall paX the premium�requirc�!to m�int�in the insurancc in eA'ect until such time as�he requiremenl for the
<br /> insar�nce termin�tes in�ccord�nce we�h Botrowrr's and[.ender's wrilten agreement or appticable law.
<br /> �. 1�+ttieN. l.encfrr or its a�ent m�y make reasonable entri�a u�a�����sos�a oi thr P�cpzrty. Lender
<br /> � ahall�ive Hacrower nolice at the time oPor prior ta an inspection spec�fyirt�ressonable cause f�r the inspectlon.
<br /> !• �. '�prc�ctNis o!'any aw�trd o�ct�im t'or d�ma�.ditcrt or conscyuential�in cannection with
<br /> •ny condemna�bn or other t�kin�of any part oP the Property,or for conveyance in lieu of condemRation,are hereDy
<br /> � uai�ned�nd�hal1 be p��tn Lender.
<br /> In the event oi� tat�l takina oi the Propeny.tht proceeds sh�ll be epplied ta the sums securcd by this Security
<br /> Instrumcnt.whether or nat then due, v►rith�ny eacrss p�id to Borrower. In the eveat of a parlial t�kina oi'tl�c Property�
<br /> unksa�o�rower and Lrndet othetrrrjs�adree in w�itinf.the sums secured Ay this Security lost�ument sl�all he�cduced by
<br /> � the amount c►f Ihe prace�dY muttiplied by ti�e falbwinj fnctian:(a)the tatd amount of the sums securcd immediately
<br /> befare the takln�,djvided by�b�the fair market vafue of�he propeny immediately bef'orc the takin�.Any b�lance shap be
<br /> p�id to Borroxer.
<br /> � !f the Propeny is abando�ed by Borro�er.or if.aRer nolice by Le�der to Borrower that the condemnor oRen to
<br /> m�ka an�ward or aettk�claim for dunajes.Borrower taib to rapond to l,ender within 30 days aRer the date the notice i�
<br /> pven.Lender ls�uthorized to colkct and�ppty the prcueeds.at its option.either to�ectoration o�repair of'the Property o�
<br /> to the sums securid by shis Security Instrument�whes!!sr or not Ihen due.
<br /> Unlas Lender and 8orrow�er otherw,Ise��r�e in wtitine,�ny application oPp�oceeds to principal�hall nat eate�d ar
<br /> � postpone the due d�te of�he monthiy p�ymGnts reterred ta in paraanphs f and 2 ar chanae the amaunt of such psyments.
<br /> 16. HKrowee NM Rek� Foriqir�ce 8y l,e�ie� No� � W�t�K, E�tension of the time far payment or
<br /> modiAc��ion of�mortization of the aums secured by this Security Insirument granted by Lender ta any successa� in
<br /> intercst of Borrower sh�ll not oper�te to relesse ihe liability of the a�iRinalBo�towe�o�Borrower'c succa.a,ra in inte�est.
<br /> Ltnder shaU not be required to commence proceedinRs against any s�CCClsor io interest ar refux ta eatend time for
<br /> p�yrr�nt or atherwise modify amortization af the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made
<br /> � by the ori�inal Bo�tower or Borrawer's successors in interest.Any forbeuynce by Lender in eaercising any right or remedy
<br /> sha1)not be a waivec of or preclude the eaercise of any�iaht or remedy.
<br /> ��• �CCe�ori u�1 As�lp�B�s1;Jotet�nd Se�eral I.iabllity;Casl�s. The cavenanls and agreementc af
<br /> this Security In�trument shsll bind and beneflt�he successors and asaigm af Lender�nd Borrower,subjec�ta the provisions �
<br /> of p�n�nph 17. Borrower's covrn�nts and aaramentc sh�l)be joint and se�eral.Any Borrowcr u•hora-aianc thi�Security �
<br /> Instrument but does a4t execute the IVote:(a)is co-signing thic Security Instrument anly to mort�age.grant aed convey �
<br /> that 8arrawer't int�rest in Ihe Properly u�der the terms of ehix Security Instrumeni;tb}is nol persc�naliy obligatai to pay `
<br /> the sunts secured by this Security lnstrument;and(c)agrecs that l.ender and any other Horrovirer rnay agree to eatend, �
<br /> mnfitv,�'����i.r.,;,�e sn�acr�m�youitiuua wiin rcaard ta the terms oi this Security instrumeat�ir the Note withoul
<br /> � ths�t Bor�ower'�con.rnc. ---=
<br /> 12, l.ou�C7�ar�es. Ulhe lnan ceeured by�his Sctiun�y Instrument ic cuhjccl tu a law whieh cetc maximum l��an
<br /> chArges, And that law is P.n�lly interpreted sc� that the intorest �r nther Inan charg� r�Uc�leil t�r tn hr c�ille�i��f ��� -
<br /> - ���''s�'%'"�� :+�:�:�. ���+ ii�e penniii�i iimits, thtn: (a)any cuch lnan chargr chA!!he «tilucrd hy tfie antuunl
<br /> neees.sary to reduce the chu�e ro the permitted limit;and(b)any sums elready c�llected from t3c�rrower which caceedcvi =
<br /> permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. i,ender may choose t�� make�his refund hy reducing �he principal owed
<br /> under the Note or Ay makins a direct payment tn&�rrow•rr. lf a retund reduees pnnci�l,the reclucliun will be treated as s
<br /> p�n�al prep�yment without any prepaymrnt chargc under thc Note.
<br /> 13, t.e�isl�tlo� ARectiq Le�ier•s Ri�q, If enrc�menl or exp�rali��� c,f applicahle IaMS has the eflect ot
<br /> retxierina�ny pruvision of the Noteor this Scrurity Instrument unenforce�ble accnrding ta i�s terms,Lrnder,at itc opti�n.
<br /> may require immcdiate payment in full of all cumc cecured by thic Sec��r�ty Inslrument a�d may m��ke any rrmrdies
<br /> permiltM by paragnph 19.!f I.ender exercises this option.Lender shall lake tht steps xpec�fied�n the serand paragraph c�f
<br /> paraarAph 17. .
<br /> f�. Notieq. Any notice to Bnrrower provided for in this Security f n�trumc�!shall Me gwen hy dcl�vtrmg�t��r hy
<br /> mailina it by flrst clsss mai) unless appJ;c�ble law requires use oP anrnher mcthixi. 7'he no��ce sh;�l be dire�tcd to the
<br /> Property Address or any other address f3onawer decignates by notict to Lender Any not�ce to Lender chall be gi�en by ��
<br /> flrat clsss m�il to Lender c address stated hercin or any other address Lcnder daignatec by not�ce to Horrow�er.Any nottce
<br /> provided for i�this Stcunty Instrument shall be deemed�n ha�e bcen given to Horrower�r Lendcr when gi�•cn as provided
<br /> in this parsgnph.
<br /> 1S. Gorernl�I.�w;Se�erabiltt�. TMs 5ecunty Inc�rumen��hal!t,e g�nernrd by federal law and Ihe law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in whieh the Property is locatrct. In the ecent that any prm�cu.,;��r clau�e of th�c Seceinty InStrument or the
<br /> Note conflicts wilh a�plicable law,such conflrct�hall Rot aflect Ulher preni�tons of Ih��Se�urily� Instrumenl or Ihe Note
<br /> which can be given tA'ec�without the conflicqng provision.To ihis end the prov�sions�f tbs Sec�rity Inslrumrnt and the
<br /> Note are declared t�be sever�ble.
<br /> l� �ro»K's CoI9• �rrorver shatt he g�ven�ne ronfo�mec!copy of the Nc�te and��f t h�s Secunty In�trument.
<br /> �7. Te�a�ttler of the ProRer�y M � g������ ���crest ie Horrowcr. U aU vr any �art of'the Pru�x:rly �ir ;�ny
<br /> imerest in it is sold or tr�nsferrai(or if�beneticiu4 interest��i Borrowrr�c so1J or transfrrrcd and li�ur,.wrr�s no:a naturaf
<br /> petson) a�ithc►ut lettdeP'srtiut written c(inc2ne.L.ene�er ntay,a[it�:+��lsrsn�te�uire imn►c,itafc paymen��n fult�il aU sum�
<br /> secuted ny this Security Instrument. Nov`evrr, th�s upt�on shal!nat be exercised hy I.cnder�f e�erciu �s prnhibited by
<br /> fedenl Isrv�t��f the date of this Secutity Instrument.
<br /> 1f Lender exercis�ihis option,L,er�der shall g�ve Nutr�we�nouce irf accelerant►n The n�Uce shall pravidr a penod
<br /> otnot less th�n 30d�ys fiom Iht d�te the nntict is delivered�r madcd within whtch fi�irrou�rr mu�t pay a�l cum��ecured hy
<br /> Ihis Security Inslrument.lf Borrox•tr fails ta pay Ihes�aums prior ta the eapiratinn�f thiti prnai. 1_endct may invuke any
<br /> remedie�s petmi�ted by thisSecut�ty Instrunten�w�ihout further n�,uce or demand rni Hnrcnwer
<br /> Is.&Xtowe�'s Ri�t to RtlMState. If Borrawer meets rertain cnndih�mc, Iiorrowcr chall lia�e the nght t�ha�e
<br /> entoreentient of this Sec�rity lnstrumnu dsscon.�nued at any Ume p�nor tc�Ihc carlier��L(a 15 days(�r such o�her peri�d as
<br /> applirable taw• may sptc�fy f�r reinstaternent)F+cfort sale�f the Pr�pcny purcuam t��any ��wer of�ale contained�n th�s
<br /> 5eeurity instrumtnt;or(b)cntry uf a judgment enfnrcing this Secur�ty I�s�rumrnt 7hntic condit�nns are that F3„rmwer �
<br /> (�) pays i,endce aE! ;ams wh��h �hen would 6�e dur undrr �his �ecur�ty Instre�ment and �ne Al�te had n�� acceEerahim �
<br /> C oeeurred; (h)cures any default �f any nther c,��enanss or agreernents; �c);,.3y���{ e��+rnces inceitr��d �n enforcmg this
<br /> � Security Inctrument.�raclud�ng, but nut lim�ted tn, rras��nable�U��rneys' fee�., anc! !c;► �ake�.uch acuon as Lender may
<br /> reasonabty r�qu�re tn r�s�urp that the l�en c�f�hss Se�unty Inttrument, f.rnc�er'f nghta m �tte �'reirerty arid !�„rr��Ker'� ��
<br /> ubtt�rhe�n to pap the �ums �ccurea ny �ius Se�:u�it} Inctrument rh��i1 con�mor unrhanFerl i'�+un re��ictatement hy �
<br /> � Einrrnxtr.lhis Sc�unty in�tr unient�nd the t�bhFah�ms securecf heteby�hall rerc�ain fulh efiern�e ns►f m�acater:niun had a
<br /> ckcurred NoKC�er,tlnc nght m re�ns�ate�hall n�t apply u►the cace��f a�celeretinn unJer rarnRr�+Cg�� ���,r !7 �
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