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<br />__ � UNIFt�RM COYENANTS Fiurrawer and Lenclrr cm�e�iant and ngrec us P�Ilow�� 9��1 O��(��
<br /> � l. P�y�t of f''rtnci�wl�ad/�terat;PIR�Set�1lRl�140 3.��£e`hnrges. tiusmwcr shnit��rumpt�y'pay w rn dur.
<br /> Ihe princip�l of and interest on the debi evidenc�d by the Note anc9 eny prepayencn�:i�id la�e ch�rges due uncier the No�e.
<br /> 2. I�'�for Tssc-��[wwr,i,iee. Suhjec�tc����lir�hie IAw e,r t�a�rrit.en w�aiter by��.endrt,flo=ruKCr sha!!pay
<br /> to l.endar an the day monthly payments�rc dut undtr the N�te,un�il ehc tVote�s paid in ft�ll, a wm i"�unds")equ�l ta
<br /> � . oae�twelfth ot: (A) ye�rly tuct� �nd assessmrnts which m�y attain priarity over this Secu�ity Instiumem; lb) s�early
<br /> Icasehold paymenty or �round rrnts an the Pr�perty, if n�y; (c) yes�ly haza�d insurance premiums; und (d) yrarly
<br /> mort�t Insur�nre pamiums.if�ny.These items�re ulled'•escraw items."Le�der n�ay�stimate thc Funds due�n Ihe
<br /> bssls o!'cnrrrnt dsta as�d seasonabk cstimairs af future eicrow items.
<br /> The Funtis sb�ll ae held i�s�institution the de�►c�sit�c►r accounty Qiwhich are insureci ar guarantecd by a fedusl�r
<br /> state�er�cX fincludinj Lende�it l,ender i.s sucl� an instilutan}. Lender sh�11 apply the �unds ro�y Ih�escrow items.
<br /> Lender may not chsr«e fa�hoWin��nd�p�,+lyins the Funds.aruilyzinB the�ccaunt or verifyin�the escrow item�,unkss
<br /> L,ender p�ys Borrawer interat on the Fu��nd�ppii�able larv permits Ler�der to make such a charae. Horrower and
<br /> L�de�msy �jree in wrilin�th�t ieterest sh�l1 be paid on the Funds. Unlaa an ai�eement is madt ar applicablr I�w
<br /> requirss interat to be pxf,l,ender�hall no1 be rtquired to p�y Bcirrower�ny interest or earninE�on the Funds.Lende�
<br /> �MI!�iMe to Borrower�without ch�r�e.�n�nnwl accountine d'the Fund�shawina credits and debits ta the Funds�nd the
<br /> purpo�e far�rhich each debit to the fiunds wat made.The Fue�fs ue pledaed�s�dditional security for the sums s�cu�ed by
<br /> thi�Sectuitx lnstrument.
<br /> lf the anwunt of the Fbnd�heW by Lender�tojethet with the future monthly payments af Funds p�yabk p�iar ta
<br /> the due d�ta oi the acm�r itema�shall excead ti�e smount required to psy the acrow items whm d�+e,the rxcess shall be,
<br /> , �t Aorro�er's option,eitha promptly repaid to�orrower or credited to Horrower on monthly payments oi'Funds. If the
<br /> amount of the Funds held by l.ende�ia not sulRcient to pay the escrow iterru when due,Ho�rower shall pay to Lender any
<br /> amount necesssr!►to make up the deAcisncy in one or more�yme�ts as�equi�ed by Lender. •
<br /> Upon�ymrnt in fu11 of�I)sums secured by thi�Security lnst.rumenl. l.ender shall promptly refund to Horrower
<br /> sny Funds held by Lknder. If under�rsaraph 19 the Property is sold c*r acquired by Leade�.l.ender shall apply.no later
<br /> th�n i�nmediately prior ta tho ssk of the Pr�peny or its acquisition by i..onder,any Funds held by Lender at the lime af
<br /> applicstion a�s credit siainst the suma secured hy this Security lnstrument.
<br /> , 3. A�Iletlb�o/Psy�b. Unless applicabk taw p•ovides otfienvise,all payments received by Lender under
<br /> p�rajaphs 1 and 2 shall be spplitd:flrst.ta late char�a due under Ihr IVc►te;sernnd,to prepayme�t charses due under the
<br /> Note;third�to�mc�uots�yablr under para�nph 2;faur�h.to intere�t duc;and la.�t,ta principal due.
<br /> 4. Glar�IaeM. Borrowcr shall pay all taaes.auecsments,chsr6�.s,8nes and impositiana attributabk to the
<br /> P�operty which msy �ttain priority.aver thic Security Inslrument, and leasehold �+aymentc or g�aund rents, iP any.
<br /> BorroMer shsll piey these obli�ations in the manner provided in psragr,�ph 2,o�if not p�id i�that m,�nner.Borrowcr shap
<br /> p�y them on time cEirectly to the person owod paymenl.Dorrawer shalt promptly furnish to Lender all noticec of smaunts
<br /> . to be paid under tf�i�paraaraph. IP Borrower makes these p�ymcnts Jcrectiy, Borrnwer shall promptly furnich to Lender �
<br /> rtceipts tviden�ina�he payments.
<br /> Borrawer shail promplly dischu6e any lien wl�ich has prionty over thi�Secunty Instrumen� unlcss Ii�umwer. (a)
<br /> a�rea in�ritin�to the�symenl of Ihe obli�ation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabk to Lender;(b)coote:tts in gc�od �_;�
<br /> faith the Nen by.or deknds aaainsl rnforcement of the lien in,legxl praceedings whicb in the Lender'g opinion�perate to
<br /> prevrnt the rnfoocement of the lien�r forfeiture or any par�oP�he Properly;i�r(r)ucures from �he holder of the lien an -
<br /> ureernent sstisfictary to Lende�subordinatina�he lien to�his Secunty Instrumem. If I.ender determines tha�any part of =
<br /> ----- �f.'eI'QO�I�Y_�S SI1bICd� [O� �ltll 1AbICfI_�Y allf/fi�utnrit�nvnr fhie C�ra�ri(� /�«c,.��,wn�.«nF I.":'.:�^:.^.'.:s ri.::A«:..�.:::w
<br /> iiOitCt Wtflitfying f�iC Iitil.Surrawer s�wtt ss�tisiy ti�e lirn.x take one or morc oi'the actions set fonh above within tU days ' -
<br /> of the Sivin�of notice. --
<br /> S. HasaN l�ra�e. Bor�ower chall keep�he impro��ere�e�zts ni�w rxistin�or hertafter erectcd nn�he 1'roperly �
<br /> insured a�inst loss by fire,hszards included within Ihe term"exta�de�i raver�ge"and any oNxr ha�ardc fi+r which l.ender �
<br /> requires insurance. This insurance ahall be maintained in �he amounis and for the pericxls that Lender reqairex. The
<br /> inwrance prricr providin� the insurance shall be ehosrtii by &�rrower subject io l,ender's a�proval which shal!n�t bc
<br /> unrea�onably withheid.
<br /> All insunr�ee palicits and reneRals sh�l)be acceptable to Lendet and shall include a st�ndard mortgage clauce. � .
<br /> Lender sha11 have the riaht to hatd the policies and renewalo. If Lendtr requires,Banower shall promptly g�ve ta l,endcr
<br /> ' sl)rxeipts oi'p�id prcmiums ond rcnewal notices. In the event of los.c.Barrower shali give�Srompt notise to the ir�surance
<br /> carrier and l.ender.Lender m�y mske proof of Inss if not made promptfy by Borrawer. '
<br /> Unkss Lettder and 8orrower otherwix ag�ee in w�itin�.insurance prnceeds shall be a�splied to restoratian nr repav '��
<br /> of the Propehy damaaeci,iP the restontion or repair ic economically f�asible and Lender's secur�ty is not lasened. If the
<br /> � restoratior�or reEwir is not economically fea,Sible or Lender i security w��uld be tessened,Ihe�nsurance proceeds shall tx
<br /> spplied to the sums secured by this Secutity Instrument. whether nr not then due. w�th nnv eacess paid to f3orrower. If
<br /> Botrower eb�ndor�s the Property,or does not answ•er within 30 days a notice from l.ender�hat the insurartce carner hac
<br /> oRerad to seule a claim,then Lender may c�ltect�he in�urance proceects. I.ender may ux the proceeds to repair er restore
<br /> the Property or to�►ay sums secured by this Secunty Instrumenl,whether or not then due Thc�O�day peciod wtll beg�n
<br /> whcr�the noti�e is aiven. ,
<br /> ` Unles�L.tader aod I3arrowu olherwise agree�n writ�ng,any application c+f praceeds to pnncipal shall not extend or
<br /> pasep���e tht due date of the monthiy payments referred.ta in pa�agraphc I and 2 or rhange�he artcount of the paymcnts. If
<br /> under p�rs�taph 19 tht Propersy is�equired by I.ender.Einrrower'c right to any�ncurance pc�lierrs and proeeedc recult�ng
<br /> from damaae to the propeny pria�to the acqu�sition shaU pass to Lender to�he exlent of the cums secured by�his Secunty
<br /> lnstrumrnt immcdiately pri�r ta the ac�uis�tivn.
<br /> �• ��������'i'�t������5'i Ltastiwids. Fi�rr��wer tihall no�de�iroy,damage or cubStanUally
<br /> c1�an6e tt�e Property. albw the Property to deteriorate�r commit w•aste. If�h�s Secunty Inslrument �c on a ltaseh��ld.
<br /> Borrower shaU ea�nply w�i�h the provisic►ns af ti�e Iease,and if Hc�rrower acqu�rec See nlle to the Prn�►erty,the leaxhold and
<br /> fee:itk shall nt►t rrtier�e unksc l,ender agrces t�ihe mecger in wnling ,-,_ -^__-_
<br /> 7. PrMeetios ot I.e�•s Ri�b in tbe Prooerty; !�tortga�c Insurence. If lic,rr��,�er fa�tc tr� perfonn ti�c '
<br /> eovenantsar�d agreementsconta�ned in this Secunty lustrument,nr therr��:�IeFal po�•recding that may Sign�ficanUy afTect
<br /> Lender s riahts in the Properly(such as a prueeeding in bankruptcy, pr��hate, fnr rnndernnahcm ��r to enf.�rce IaN� c�r
<br /> re�ulttions).then E,crtder may do and pay far whattver is neressary to F+ratect the Faluc of the Praperty and I.endrr's nghts
<br /> in thr Properly. 1_cndtr's actiuns may includc ptying any sums secureJ hy a I�cn which has pnc.nt} u.er th�c Secunty
<br /> Instrument,appearinR in court,pay�ng reasonabl�attomrys'fees and enter�ng on the Pmperty to make repairc Allhough r
<br /> L.ender may take arnon undcr Ih►s paragraph�,Ler�der doeS not hati e�n do�n ��
<br /> L �,ny:.mountsdisbursedby Lencfer under Ihts paragrapb 7 shall t�erornea�ldiu�n�il deht of Fi:,rn,wer scti:ured hy tt��s
<br /> Secunry Insirument Unlas E3orrow•er;�nd Lencler agree to c��her termc of�ayment,thrce am��untc tih�ll bear interect fr��m
<br /> the date oP disbursement at thr :'Votc rate an� shal) be p�yahle, wrth iriterest, up�+n n���i�e fn�m Lender te� E�.rmuer �'
<br /> request�ng payment
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