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<br /> during the �erm of the lnan �ecurad hereby, the �
<br /> L�€NEF�CIARY shall have the opi:ion af declaring the
<br /> un��id b��anGe imtnecl3ately c�ue �nd paya�aP, and if said
<br /> _ � eum remaine anpaid for fifteen (1S) days theredit�r,
<br /> HENEFICIARY cen cAUee Np��.CE of Defa�u�t to be given and
<br /> � the prr.mises be sold ae provided herein.
<br /> H. As adc�itional aad ca2�.atera�l Fecurity fdr the 1pA�1� and
<br /> effective forthwith upon filing oF a Notice of Defa�u�t,
<br /> � thie instrument shel 1 serve as a�n as�ignment by the
<br /> Z`RU3TORS ta the TRUSTEE, of �11 rente and revenuea
<br /> result3ng from the property, and TRUSTEB is authorized
<br /> to t�ke posaession of the prvperty, rent or le�ae the
<br /> aame on terms it deeme beet �nd to collect the renta
<br /> dnd revenues And �ipply the same upon tinpaid interest,
<br /> principal, taxee or insurance premiume ar for
<br /> � -� maintenance and preaervation of the premiees.
<br /> I. The w�iver by T�tUS�EE or BENEFiCIAFtY of �any default of
<br /> TAtI�RS under thf� Deed af Trust, on one �ecasion,
<br /> ehaT� not be or be deemed �o be a waiver of any ot2�er or
<br /> afmilar de€�ults subsequece�ly occurring.
<br /> J. xf title to any part of the propexty herein ehr�ll be
<br /> � taken in aondemn�tian proceedinga, by riqht oF eminent
<br /> danain, or eimilar action, or ehalx be sold under threat
<br /> of candemnation, all awards, damagea �+nd proceeda are
<br /> hereby aesigned and sha].1 be paid to the BENEFICIARY,
<br /> who shall apply auch pAyment, or any part thereof� in
<br /> its sole diacretion, to th� aum due at that time on
<br /> thia Oeed of Trust and Trugt Oeed Note, with any balAnce
<br /> � ebove the amount due hereunder pa�yable to the TRUSTORS. : �'
<br /> K. The BENE�ICIARY, ite agents or representatives, are �
<br /> hereby authorized to enter, at any reaeonable time, upon
<br /> ---__- �:s ��_ �i ��� Lrvsc praper'ty ror tne purposes of -
<br /> inapec�inq the aeme And for the purpose of performing
<br /> any of the acts it is autharized to perform under the `;;.
<br /> terms of this Deed of Tr�ast and other accompanyinq x
<br /> do�umenta.
<br /> L. This Deed o� Truat and all accompanying documents are 1`
<br /> subjert to, constructed and governed by the laws of the
<br /> State of Nebraska for al� purposes.
<br /> M. in the event any one ar more of the provi sions contained x
<br /> in this Deed of Txust, Trust Deed Note, or any other ��
<br /> fnetrument given in coanerti on with this transaction,
<br /> ahall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or
<br /> unenforceable in any rspect, such invalidity,
<br /> illega�lity, or unenforcedbflity shall, at the option of
<br /> the 88NEFI�TARY, not af#eet Any other provisfoas of thas
<br /> Deed of Truat or Trust Deed Note, bnt thi s Deed of Trust
<br /> and Trust Deed Note shall be construed as if auch
<br /> inva�lid, illegal or unenforceeble pravision had never
<br /> been contained therean, it being the intention oF the
<br /> parties that the provisions of this Deed of Trust are
<br /> dec3er�d t� be severable,
<br /> N. This Deed of Truat ghall inure to and bind the heirs,
<br /> devisees, persona� representatives, successora and
<br /> assigns of the parties hereto. " �
<br /> The TR(SSTORS reguest that a capy of any Notice of
<br /> Default and o� any Natice of Sale hereunder be r�ailed tfl
<br /> them at the address herein set forth� or such other address
<br /> as they may pravic3e to the TRU�TEE and AENEFZ�IARY. TRllSTOR� ��
<br /> ; fu=ther state ti�at they have g�ven the $ENFFICIARY a writterv
<br /> , � acknowledgment which states that as TRUSTORS, they
<br /> understt�nd that the document that they are �xecuting herein r.
<br /> is a beed of Trust and not a mortgage, and that the ��awer of �
<br /> sale pravfded for in this Deed of Tru�t provides
<br /> �. substantfally different rights and obligatidns than a +
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