<br /> � �
<br /> 90--- �019��
<br /> l�w� preeen�ly be�i�g ane (1) month £ollowin� �he
<br /> recQrdat�on of eAid NotiCe of �e�EAU�t� �n� Ncvtfce
<br /> of Qefa�lt anci Notir� ca.f Se+le h�ving b�en given as
<br /> required by l�+�r, TRUSTEE, w�.thmuC demand on
<br /> � TRUSTORS, shAll eell eeid property on the dexe �nd
<br /> a� the tiiae �nd plaGe deoignt�t0a in said Notice of
<br /> Sele, at public anct:ton to the higheet bidder, the
<br /> �::rcha4� pr�c� psya�ble in ta�ful maney o! the
<br /> United State� At the tfa�e of sale. The pereon
<br /> conduating the ee1Q mAy� for any cauae he dee�z
<br /> expedi�nt, postpane the eele from time to time
<br /> until it ehall be completed And in every euch case,
<br /> notice of poatponement ehall be given by public
<br /> �ecl�rAtion thereof by euch per�on at the time and
<br /> placa last appointed for the salet provided, if the
<br /> sale is poitpo�ed for longer than one (1) day
<br /> beyond the day dasignated in the Notice of Sale,
<br /> � no�ice thereof ahall be given in the eame manner as
<br /> the oriqinai Notice of Sale. TRU6T$E ehall execute
<br /> and deliver to the pur�haeer its Deed conveying '
<br /> � said praper�y so sold, but withou� �n�r ccrven�nt ar
<br /> wArr�enty, expraas csr implfed. Th� recita�ls in the
<br /> Dee� of any matte=s or f�+ata sYtasl be cancluefve
<br /> prcof of the tre�thfulness thereof. 11ny peraon,
<br /> inaxuding HENEFICI.�RY, ena� puzehase at Ehe aale. �
<br /> �RtISTOR hereby cer�e�ants ta w�rraat and defend the
<br /> tit�e of the abov� property to purchaser at eale.
<br /> � D. When the TRUSTEE sella the truat property purauant to
<br /> the powera gr�nted herein, the TRqSTEE ahall �pply the �
<br /> proceeda from the sale of such property in tl�e following
<br /> order o� prioritys
<br /> (�) �'� the c��t an� expense of exerci s f ng the p�wer of ' -
<br /> s�le and of the sale, including attorney fees, �
<br /> evidence of t�tle and other sale expenses, and a ;
<br /> truetee's fee nat to exceed on� nercent c1:� �f ttiA
<br /> _:-- groaa 9a�e prfco: - • -- -- ----
<br /> (2) To the payment of �he obligation aecured by this
<br /> beed of Tr�st and Trust Deed Note;
<br /> (3) To the payment of junioz Trust Deeds, mortgages, or
<br /> other 2ienholders;
<br /> (4) The Da�ance, if a�y, to the person or persons
<br /> leqally entitled thexeto.
<br /> E. Upon the occurrence of any default I�ereunder, �
<br /> BENEFICIARY shall have, in addition ta such other
<br /> options as may be granted herein, the further option to
<br /> forec]oee this Deed of Trust in the manner provided by
<br /> law for far�cl.osures of mortgages on real property.
<br /> F. BENEFICIARY may from time to ti�e substitute a successor
<br /> as aucceasars to any TRUSTEE named herein oz acting
<br /> herevnder. Upon such a�peintment, and without
<br /> � canveyence tA the successar �'RUSTEE, the latter shall be
<br /> veatec7 with ell ritle, powers, and du�ies con�eried u on
<br /> a�y TRB�xES he�e;n named vr actfng hereunder. Each such
<br /> appc�intrnent and substitution shall be made by written
<br /> in�trument and executed by HENEFICIARY, rontafning
<br /> reference to this Deed of Trust and its place of record, =----�---
<br /> which, wheR recorded in the affice of the Register of
<br /> �eeds of �he county or cotanties in whici� said property
<br /> is sitt���ec�, shall be conclusive proof of pro�er
<br /> a�ppointment o� the successar 'TRUSTEE. The foregAing
<br /> power of substi.�ution and the procedure therefor shall
<br /> not be �xc,tu�iv� of the power and proccdure provided for
<br /> � by law for the substitutian of a TRUSTEE in the place of
<br /> the TRUSTEE named herein.
<br /> ti
<br /> G. �'RUSTORS covenant and agree that upon any conveyance, �
<br /> �d
<br /> assignment or transfer of their interest in the premises '
<br /> �- 3 -
<br /> �
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