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<br /> 90-•'' it�i 90`7
<br /> � If Lendrr rrquited moA�ye in�utt��ce u a co+tditia� oP makina thr loan secured by thi�Stcurily Ia�trument,
<br /> Bor�ower ahaU p�y the prtmium��equire�d to m�int�pn the insuraec�e in GR'cet until such time a�the reqt�irersirnt far tha
<br /> insunnce teRmin�ia in accord�nce w11h Qorrowu's�►nd l.rnder•�written agamrnt ar applicablelaw,
<br /> �. l�eetto+�• ltndtr or its a�mt may make reatoa�bk enirie4 upon and inspectioas of the Property, Lender
<br /> �''►���t�v���w��notice at the time�i'or prior to sn in�pectian specifyin�reuonsbk aux for the inipection.
<br /> �• �e�+utM�- '1'he Rraeeed�of aey a��rd or claim tor damases,direct or constQuet�ti�l,in conntcti�n�vith
<br /> sny condrmr�atlon or aeher t�kin�d'�ny part of the Propeny.or for convey�nce in lieu oi eondert�nstion. �re hueby
<br /> aai�ntd and sMll t�e pid to I.ender.
<br /> ln 1he evee�.�"�tatall�kin�of Ihe Propecty,the ptacerds shall be spplied to the sums socarod by thi�Secnrily
<br /> Initrument.wr�cther or not then due,w�ith any eace�paid to 8orrower. In the evmt of�pahia!ta�lnr oQ'the Propertl�
<br /> un1eM Horrowrer u�d Lende�o�Aer�ix�jm�n�ritin��the sums iecured by this Security lnstrument shs11 be reduted by
<br /> tLe amount nf the proceeds mWsipliad by the fdbMi��fra,:tion:(a)the tata!smaunt oi the�ims sec•ared immediately
<br /> � ��divided by(b)Ihe fai�mukq va[ue o�the propcKty immediately bei'orc Ihe qlcinj.Any b�lance:hall be
<br /> I�the Property i�aban�,pned by Bor�o�rer�r�r if.aRer notia by Lender to Bc�rroxes thu the condcmnor oQ'ers to
<br /> make an�wat+d or settk�ctaim tor dama�es,Borrowrer fail�to rapond to Lende��vilhin 3a dsys afte�the date the notice is
<br /> �iven.Lende�is authotized to collect and apply the pror.eeds,at its option.eilher to ratoration or repair of tlie Praperty or '
<br /> to the wms iecured by lhis Security Instrument,whethe�or eot then due.
<br /> Unlas[.endet and 8ortoMer olherwise�jroe in�►rritina.aey�pplication of proceeds to principai shaU not extend or
<br /> patpone the d�e date of the monthly payment�referred to ln pananphs 1 and 2 or chan6r the�mount of such p�ymeats.
<br /> 10. Borrower Not �teMa� Fo�ean�ce By t,e�e� Na � Wu.e�. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> modifkation oi smortiutio� oi the sums secured 6y this Security Instrument Rr�nted by Lender ta any successor in
<br /> interat of BorroMer sluill not operate to releue the liat+ility of the ori�inal Borrower ar BorroMer's successors in interat.
<br /> l.ende�shall not be requirtd to commence proceedinas sa�inst �ny succes.cor in interest or refuse to eslend time for
<br /> PW��a aherwise modify amortlration o1'the sums secured by ihi�Securi�y lnslrument by«ason of any dem�nd made
<br /> by the ori�inaD BorroMer or BorroMer's successors in inteiat.Any fort+a�ance by Lender in eaercisin��ny riaht ot remedy
<br /> shall oat be��►aiver of or preclude the eaercise of any ri jht or ranedy.
<br /> ��' ����A�P���+�a���Se�eru 1Jabillty;Casi�ers. The cavenants and aeretments nf
<br /> thi�Security Instrument aha11 birod and bene8t the successors and assians af Lender and Borrower,sobject to the ptavisions
<br /> of'p�n�raQh 17•Bor�oxer's co�enants and a6reements shall be joint and several.Any Be�rrawet who cas��ns Ihis Security
<br /> lnstrument but das�ot eaecuse the Note:(�)is co•si�inE this Securi�y lnstrument only ta mnrtaa�e,Srsn�and convey
<br /> that Borrpaer•s interest in the Property under the terms ot lhis Socurity Inan�mrnt;!b)is aot p;rsona!!y obti6atod ta pay �
<br /> t�e a�tasss axur�!by this�tcuriiy i�strumrnt;and(c)agreea that l,t�der and any othet Bonower m�y ssra to extend,
<br /> modUy,forbear or tr�ke any accomrnodations�vith rtsard ta the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note Withaut -
<br /> that Borrwver'�consent. _--
<br /> t{ *�_�A. . _-
<br /> - •�• •�..�.wa.�ar. ii zne ian secuted by this Security Instrument is sub,}rct to a law which sets m�ximum loan -
<br /> char�a. and that larv is finally interpreted so that the interest or other Iwn charges rnllected or to be mllectcd in "
<br /> conneetion with tAe fo�n taceed the permitted limits, then: (�� any such Iwn charge shall be reduced by Ihe amount —
<br /> neeessary to redua the eha�6e to the permitted limil;and(b)any sums already collected from Aarrc►wer which rxcexded
<br /> permitted limits wi1) be rofundtd to$orrower. Lender may choose ta make this refund by reducing Ihe principal owed ,
<br /> under the Nate or by makina a di�ecl payment to Borrowrr.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction wili be treated as a
<br /> Wrti�t propyment without any prepayment char�e under the Note. .
<br /> 13. I.e�bl�t{o■ ARectl� LeNder•s Rt�ta, If enactment or eapiratian of applica6le laws has t�c effxt of �
<br /> renderiat any provision of the Note or this 5ecurity Instrument unenferoeable according to i�s terms,Lender,at its option, �
<br /> msy requite immediate payment in ful) af all sums secured by this Security lnstrument and may invoke any «medies .
<br /> . . permittod by p�raanph 19.!f Lender eaercises this option.Lender shal)take the stepc specified�n the second puagraph of �
<br /> aMmph i�.
<br /> 1�• Nlotfep. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shal�he given by delrvcring it or by ��
<br /> mailina it by firsl elass m:il unless applicable law requires use of�nother method. The nat�ce shall be directed to the
<br /> property Addres.s ot any other sddrcss Borrower designates by notice to I.ender.A ny notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> Arst clsss m�il to Lender's address stated herem or any other address Lender des�gnates by notice to Barrower.Any notice
<br /> pravided for in this Security L�nstrument shall l�e deemed to have been g�ven to&�rrnwer o�l.ender when given as prov�ded
<br /> in this panaraph.
<br /> 1S. C�ernisg l,aw;Se�erability. Tfi{�Securi�y �ns�rument<hall hc ge�verned by federa) law and thc law of�he
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. !n the event that any provisian or clauce of thi�Secunty Instrument or the
<br /> Note contficb with�pplicable law,such conflict shall not affeet other prov�sions of thts Security lnstrurttent or the Nate
<br /> whichcan beaiven effect witAout the conflicting provision To Ih�s end the prov�s�onc of th�s Secunty Instramtnt and the
<br /> Note are declared to be severab�e.
<br /> 16. BotrowK's�y, �rrowtr sha�!be Riven ont conf�rme�f�•apy af the Nole and�of tt!ss Securtiy Instsumem.
<br /> �7• T�ti aj� i'�oRerty or a �t�ef'telal Tnt�rr�t 1� Borrower. If afi or any part oi'the propeny or any
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest an 8orrower ic tiold ar transferred and Bocmwer i�no�a natural
<br /> person)without I.endet's pnor a•ritten constr.t, l.endet may,a�its aption,rrqu�re immM�ate payment in fuU of all sums
<br /> sccured by this Secutity Instrurnent However, th�s opt�on shall not bc exerctseti by Lender�f exercise is prohibit�d by
<br /> fedenllaw as of the date oPthis Security Instrument.
<br /> .==----
<br /> f Lender exercises this opt�on,Lender shall give Borrow�er notice of acceleraUon.7he nc�tcn shall provide a penod �
<br /> of not less than 30 days from the date the nouce ic del�vered or mailed w�th,n wh►ch 8orroNer must pay all cums secured by
<br /> this Security lnstrument.lf Bcrnower fails to pay these sums prior to the exp�ration�f this penocl,Lender ma� �nvoke any
<br /> remedies perntitted by thisSee:�caty Instrument without further not�ce at demand on Borrower
<br /> 1S.Borrower's Rlg6t to Reinshte. if Horrower meets cenaFr.c�nd�tionc,�rrower chai!have the nght t�have
<br /> enfortement of thes Security lnstrumem disec��siinued at any t�me pner to the eaNitr of (a)S dass lar such other penod as wr�
<br /> applicable Isw msy specify for reinstatement)before sate of the Pra rt '
<br /> L5ecurity Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgmem enfotc��ag�hts SecurPty Inst um ntlt Those�nd�t or�,are that�nBorrowers �
<br /> (a) psys Lendet all sums wh�ch then would be dut under this Secuti�y Instrument and the !`a,te had no acceleral�on `�
<br /> - oce�rred; (b)cures any default oP any other covenants or agreements. (c� pays all e�penctti rn:utred m enforcing Ih�s �
<br /> Security Instrument,includtng, but not I�m�ted to, reasonable attorneyc' fees,and(d) takec Surh act�on as l.ender may ��
<br /> reasonably require ta assure thnt thc hen of this Secunty In�trumeni, l,ender'c nghtc m ihe F'roperty and 13orrc�wer'S
<br /> obLgation lo pay the sums securtd by th�s Serunly Inetrument �hall coreunue unrhanged l��x,n reiri��atemenl by � ±
<br />_ Borrower,th�s Security Inslrument�nd�he�bhgahans sra�rcd herehy tihall remain Pully efiect��e ee�f ni�ac�elerauon had
<br />_- occurred.Hnw�ver,ih�s teght so retnstate shatl nut appiy sn the rate nt accrlcratwn under paraRrarhti 1 +��r I?
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