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<br /> UNItu1t�!Co�'ENANTS &�rra�vu md Lrnder cov�n�nt snd qree as followR�
<br /> 1. Pay�t o1 Pri�clM!s�A I�IKe�t; P�y�nt�f�M!A,�ie CAwr�. Eior�c�wer sh�ll prom�►tly pay when due
<br /> � tIx princlpal af�nd intere.ct an the ckl�t evidenced by�he Nute and any prepsymen�and late ch�r6es due under Ihe Ne�e.
<br /> �. F��Is tor T�xa Mi I�wa�et. Sub}cct ta�ppiicab(e la��r to a writtt�w�iver by l.ender.Bor�ower shall�+ay
<br /> � co L.e�der on the da�►manihly P�Ym�nte��t efue und�r tlsG Nete.un�il lhr Nota ia p�id in full,��um�..Funds"�equ:l to
<br /> one-t�e1Rb M (�?�yt�rly t��►a �� �ssessmxnts wAich may atui� �ri�rity over thls Secu►ity Ans�rume�r tb) �rearly
<br /> te+�AoiQ p�yments or .rcwnd rrnt� on Ilx Property. if�ny; te) yarly h�rard insuraoce premiums; �ncf (Q) ytatiy
<br /> mo�tp�e ie�ur�nce pnmium�.if any. Thae items�re calkd"acrow itcros."Lender m�y atdmate tlte Funds due ao the
<br /> bs�ufcurrsnt data�nd rasonabk atimata M futute acrow items.
<br /> � Tbe Funds shall be heW in an institution the deposiu or ucounts oP which are insured o��wr�nteed by a fMer�l or
<br /> ttate a�aicy(includinj l.ender i!l.nxier is such an institution). t.ender sh�ll�pply the Funds to p�y the escro�v items.
<br /> l.eeder m�y nat chsr�e far holdins�nd tpplyin�the Fands,�nalyzina the�ccount or verityie�the escrow items.unlas
<br /> � Laider p�ys 8orrow�er interest on the Fu�and apptic�bk In►► permits I.ender to malce such�chsr�e.8orro�ret and
<br /> Lender an�y yra in ntitle�that interat �hall be paid on the Fund�. Unla�u�a�reement �s made or applicibk law
<br /> requita iaterest to be paid,I.ender shall nW be requirod to py 8orrawer a�ny interat or aminp an the Funds. Leeder
<br /> � �b�p�ive to HotrowKr,�ritlaut chu�e,se aenwl sc�ountin�of the Funds showin�credits a�t debit�to the Funds and the
<br /> putpwe for Mhich ach debit to tl�e Funds was mbe.The Funds ue pled�ed u additional sacurity for the sunn socund by
<br /> tha 3ecutity I�utrument�
<br /> IPthe amouat oP the Funds hdd by Lender.to�dher�rith the tLture monthly p��►ments of Funds p�►yabk prior to
<br /> - the due data d'the acro�►items.shall excad the Rmonnt required to p�y the escroM items when due,the eaass shall be. '
<br /> at Horro�rer's option.ather promptly repaid to 8orrowet or credited to Bc+rrower on monthly payment�oi Fund�. !f the
<br /> seaunt d'thc Funds hdd�by l.ender ia not sulRrient to pay the acraw items when due,Borrower shall pay to l.ender any
<br /> amount ne�xsiary to m�ice up the ckAciency in one or mate psymrnts u required by Lender.
<br /> Upon payment i�full of all mms secu�ed by this Security lnstrumrnt,l.ender shall promptly�efund to Borrower
<br /> any Fund�held by Lender.IP under panaaph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender.Lender shall apply.no later
<br /> thta imme[�a�tely ptior to the sak d'the Ptoperty or its aoquisition by Lender,any Funds held by I.ende�st the time of
<br /> applieatioo a��cradit Kairtst the aums secured by thes Security instrumrnt.
<br /> 3. ANNpitiM of payt�e�q, Unias�p�rlxabk law provides olherwise.aU p�ymrnts received by Leader under
<br /> pan�raph�i and 2 slall be appfied:6eat.to late char�es due under the Notr,second.to prepayment char�a due under the
<br /> � NotC thinf.to amounts p�yabk undrd parafnph 2;fourth,to interat due;and last.to principal due. -
<br /> 4. C�r�IJeM. Horro�rer shall p�y�Il taxes.�ssessment�,chsraa,flna and impositions attributa6k to the
<br /> Property wl�icl� may atuin priarity_over this Security lnxtrume�t. �nd kasehuld psyments or �round rent�, if sny_
<br /> 8orroMer ahatl pay thae obli6stions in�he manner pravided in p�rs�raph 2..nr if�ot paid in that manner,Borrower�hall
<br /> p�y them on iime directly to the person oMed paymrnt.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender�q notice�oP amounts
<br /> to be paid noder thif qra�aph. If Horro�ver malces these psymrnts dircctly,Horrower shall promptly fumish to Lender
<br /> �eceipts evidenc�in�ihe p�yments. ;-
<br /> BoROMer sfiall prom{wly diuhar�e any lien which hu priority over�his Security lnstrumem unles.�Barrower:(�)
<br /> yras in Mritin j to the p�yment of the obli6ation secured by tde lirn in a manner scceptabfe to Lender;tb)contests in aood
<br /> t"aith the lien Ny.or defends a�ainst enfomem+mt of thr!"een in.kµ!proceedin��vhish in the Lender`s apinion operate to ;
<br /> prevent the enfarcement of the!irn or forfeiture of ar�y psrt of the Propertp:or(c)secu�a from the hot�er of the lien ao . �; -
<br /> a�rament satistactory to l.rnder snbordinatins the lirn to this Security Instiument.If Lec�der determina thal an�part oP � _
<br /> the,Property is subjett to a lirn w�hich msy attain priority o�c,r this Security instrnmeeat. Lender may Sive Borro�ver a ?��
<br /> nMia identifyin�the lien.Borraw�er shall satisfy the lien or take one or mare of the actions sa torth abave�ithin 10 days
<br /> of the Sivins of notice.
<br /> �. Hasr�I�w�a�ee. Borrower shall keep the imprQ��ements now eaistina or herpfter erected on�he Property
<br /> insuted asainst loss by fire,haurds inctuded within the term"extmded coveraae"and aay other hazards far which Lender ;
<br /> roquira insurance. This insunnce sitaQl be msi�tained in the amount� and for the period� that l.ender requires. The ' �',.
<br /> insurana carrier providinZ the insurarfa shall be chosen by 8orrow�er subject to Lender's approval which shall not be ��;
<br /> unna�onrDly withheW.
<br /> Alt insunnce policia and renewals shalf be accepttble to Lender snd shal! inciude s standard mortaaae clause. �
<br /> I.ender�hall have the riaht to hold tAe policia and renewals. ]f Lender requ�ra. Borrower shall promptly�ive to Lender �
<br /> all re�eipts otpaid premiums and«ne�val notices. ln thc event of loss,Borrower sha116i�t prompt notice to the inSannce
<br /> carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if not m�de promptly by 8orrower.
<br /> Unlas Lender aed Hor�ower otherwix agree ie wntin�,insur�nce prcxeeds shall be applied to restoration or repair
<br /> of the Propehy damaEed.if the ratoration or repair is economically feuzble and Lender's secutity is aot lessened. If�he
<br /> ratotation or rcpair is nat economially feasible or Lender's socurity would be lessened,the insunnce procreds shall be
<br /> applisd to the sums securaf by this Security Instrument. whetAer or not then due. with any exctu paid to Bo�:Qwer. If
<br /> Botrowa�Mndons the Praperty.or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insur�nce carrier hss
<br /> olFered to settle s claim,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds.Lender�nay use the Qroceeds to repair or ratore
<br /> the Propeny or ta pay:urru secuted by this Secunty Instrument, whether or not then due. The 3tT-dsy period will be6in
<br /> Mhen the notia is 6iven.
<br /> IIrtl�e,s L,ender md Borrowr•otherwise a�rrt in er�iti��,aay a�+plic.qtic�n nf psecr.ds to pnacipa!shall not tr.�tnd or
<br /> postpor.t.Eltt durdsie oFibe maailsty paymeats reter►ed to in�att�rgr�pAs t sn�i 2 or change the amount of the payments. if
<br /> ondrr p�rs=rsph 19 the Ptopeny i�acquircd Dy Lender.Horrawer's riaht to any msurance policies and prceeeds resulting
<br /> from damaae ta the Propeny ptior to the uqu�sition shall p�ss to Lender to the extent of�he sums secured b��hts Secunty
<br /> Instrument immediately prior to the acquisiuon.
<br /> i Praerratioe ud Mdett�ao�Pmpe�;Letttic(ds. Borrower shall nat desttoy,damage or substantially ''"�-
<br /> ch�nte the Property. slbw the Property to detenorete or commu waste. ➢i th�s Secunc� Instrument �s on a leasehotd, �
<br /> 8ortower shal!comply with the provis�ons of the le�se,and if 8orrnwer acqu�res fee ti�te to the Yroperty.the leasehald and
<br /> fre titk shall not mer6e unlrss ILender s6rees to the merger m wntmg.
<br /> l. Protechoe ot l.tsder•s RI�Yb in tAe Property; Mortg�ge Insunncr. lf Bortowtr fazls to perform the
<br /> covenants and aareements conained in Ihis Sccunty Instrr�ment.or there�s a legat procee�mg Ihat may significarttly�ffxt �';
<br /> l.ender's nghts in the Property (such as a proceedmg in btnkrupicy, probatt, for c�:.�emn�t�on or �o enfora Iaws ur ��°
<br /> L reaulations),then Le�nder may do and pay for whatever is nccesx�ty to protMt the value vf�he property and Lender's nghts ��
<br /> in the Proprrty. Lender's acteons may mclude paying any sums secured by a lien Rh�ch has pr�onsy ovet th�s Security �
<br /> [nstra�mem.appeanng in coun,paying reasonab4e attarnrys'fees ared entenng on the Property to malce repairs Al�haugh �
<br /> Lender may take action under th�s paragrapA 7,Lender does rttst have to do sa ���
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender unaet this paragt�pf�7 shal)become add�tronal debt of 8orrower escuteA by thts
<br /> Secunty Instrumenl Unlesa Botrowtr and Lendtr agree tn other�erms of payment,these amounts shall l�ear�nterect from �
<br /> the date of d�sburscment at the Note tate and s;:,sl) be payablc, w•�Ih rotcrest, upon nonce from Lr_nder �a HnrroNer '�
<br /> request�ng paymenc
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