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<br /> gp-- 101�383
<br /> � IP Lender requitcd mon��� i:�urance a�a conditlaa af mskin�tbe lo*n sccured by this Security I�uumer►t,
<br /> Aorrower shall F►ay the F►rtmiumn required t�enaint�in Ihe in�urancc in cRrct until such timc u the ttyuirement for the
<br /> in�u��nce terminates in accordance wi�h Borrowret's and I.aeder's written�a�amcnt o��pplicable law.
<br /> - S. I�a�ectio�. t.ender or ita�=ent rt►sy make resscx�abte entries upon md inspcctions of the PrapMty. Lender
<br /> shall�ive 8orraK�er not�ce�t the time of or prior to�n inspoc:ion specityln�rasonable cause for the insp�ction.
<br /> !. CoNie�Ne�. The proceeds of any award or cl�im for damsjes,direct ar eanstquential,io connectioo with
<br /> •ny conQemnstian or olher tskin6 of iny part of Ihe Pro�rerty.or for co�veyu�ce in lieu of condemnation,are he�eby
<br /> qni jned�nd sF�ll be paid tp Lender.
<br /> ln the event of�total t�kin�of the Propeny. the proceeds sl�sll be applied ta the sums secured by this Security
<br /> In:trumrnt�whethrr or nc�i then due,with any txcess paid to B►zrrowre�. In the evrnt of a p��tisl takins of the Property.
<br /> wikss Borrower�nd l.ender otherwix ajra in w�itin�,the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br /> the amount oi'the praceeds multiplied by the folbMina tnction:(�) the total amount of the sums secured immediately
<br /> bd'orc the takinj.divided py(b)tAe falr market value of the Property imme4iately before the takina.Any balance shall t+r
<br /> p�id to Eortowe�.
<br /> !f the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if.aRer notice by Lender to Bor�ovrer th�t the condemna�oRers to
<br /> , make an Rwsrd or settle a claim for damates.Bonowsr fails to rapond to Lender within�0 dsys ailer 1he date the notice i�
<br /> pren.Lender is authorized to cdkct and apply the proceed�.at it�option.either to rcstontion or rcpair af the Propeny or
<br /> to the sumssecured by thi3 Security Instrumcnt,whether or not then due.
<br />- Unksc Lender uM Forrower othenvise asra in writin�,any�pplication of proceeds to principal shall nat extrnd or
<br /> postpone the due date af�he monthly p�yments refened to in paraaraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 10. Bor►ower Not Reka�ed; Forran�ce By I.e�dee Not a tValrer. Eatension of the time for payment ar
<br /> modiflcation of amoctization of the sams seeured by this�er.urity Insirume�t �tranted by Lender to any sucassor in
<br /> interest of Bonawer shall not operste to rekax the lia.bility af the original Borrower nr Borrower's successorc in intetest.
<br /> Lender sh�li not be required to con�mence proceedinRs against any suceecsor i� intere�t o� refuse to eatend �imc Por
<br /> payment or atherwise mcxlify amortization oPlhe sums seeured by this Securily Instrument by reacan o[any demand made
<br /> by the origins!Borrower or Borrawtr's succasars in intorest.Any forbearancc by Lender in exrrcising any right or remedy
<br /> sh�l!not bc a waive�oPor prcclude the cxercisc of any right or remedy.
<br /> 11. Sdccenors�ad Assiqns Boun�;JaiNt and Seanl I.Iabllity;Castgners. The covenan�e and ag�cemen�s of
<br /> this Security Instrurt►ent shall bind And beneflt 1lttwccessnrs snd assigns of Lender and Borrower.�ubject to the provisians
<br /> of p�t�arsph 17.Har�ov►er's covenants and aareements shal)be joint end x�eral.Any Ro�row�er who cacigns thic Securily
<br /> tnstrument but daes nct execute the Note:(a)is casigning this Security Instrumen�enty tn mongage,grant and canvey
<br /> that Horrower's interrst in thc Property under the terms of this Security I�strument;(b1 is not perscmally at+ligated to pay �
<br /> the sums securtd by this Security Instrumero;and(c)agrcCa that Lender and any othc� Horrower may agrc*e to eatend.
<br /> - modiiy.foroear oe matce any Yorommodations With re�ud tc+the term�of this Security In�trumcnt c�r the NMe without � -
<br /> th�t Borrower'sconsent.
<br /> 12. I.w�41ur�es. If the lo�n secured by this Srcurity Instrument�c�ub�ect �a a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> eharEes, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interect or other loan chargec c�llected or �u be r��itectrd i»
<br /> connecticxr with the loan exceed the permitted limits. �hen: (a) any �uch loan charge�h�ll he reduced by the amount �
<br /> necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limi�;and Ib)any�ums already rnllectrd f�om lionuw�er vrhich exreected 3
<br /> permitted lin�its wil!be refunded ta Bonower. Lender may choase t��make th�s refund by reduc+�g the princi�al owed .
<br /> under the Note or by making a di�ect payment tv Bi�rrower.If a�efimd reduces principal,�he reduction will tx IrGated as�
<br /> partia)prepaymrnt withaut any prepaymem chasge unde�Ihe Nrne. `,—
<br />_. 13 Lesislatioa AReetie� Ltader's Rights. If enactmen� or exp�ration of applicahte laws ha: the eR'ec� ot %
<br /> renderina any provision oPthe Note ar this Secunly Instrument unenforceablc arcording to rtc torms.Lender,at uc option, � .
<br /> may rtquire+mmediatc�ayment.�n full��f aR sums secured by th��Security In��rument and may invnke ar.y remcdies
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.If I.ender exercises this option,l.ender shall talce the steps sprcified in the second paragraph of
<br /> paragraph 17. ,�
<br /> !4. Notiees. Any noticc to Botrower providrd for nz this Security Instrumem�ha{)bc g�ven by delrvenng�t or by F''
<br /> :��
<br /> mailing it by 6rst class mail unless applicable law requirec u�e of another methad. 7'hr nnt�ce �hall be directeci to the •
<br /> Property Addras or any other addrcss Borrower designates by notice to[,cnder. Any nonce a�Lender chall he given by
<br /> first class mail ta l,ensier's adds�ss stated hereie�c�r anv other address Lcnder deSiFnatcr by oour.e tu Hnrrc►wer. Ar�c noticc
<br /> provided for in th�s Sccurity lnstrument s�hall be deemed to have been g��en ta i�rrow•er nr Lender when g��•en as provided
<br /> in this psrsgraph.
<br /> IS. Go*ernieg lJw;Seret�blliCy. This Secun�y Instrument shall be go�crned by federal law and the lax of thr
<br /> jurisdiction in which tF�e Praperty is 1c�cated. in the evem that any provisc.zn or clau�e nf th��Secumy In�trumeni or the
<br /> Note con8icts with aF�t#icable law,such rnnflict shall not affect nther prn��sions of th��Secunty In�tcumeot or the Note
<br /> which ean be given effeet without theconflicting provfsion. To th�s end thr prov�sumc of th��Secunty Snstrument and the
<br /> Noce are dtCta[zd io ar scverahle.
<br /> rF Borro�rer•s Cooy. I3�.Trrower sfiall be given cme conformed cupy of�hr f�i�te an�of this Securitp Instrument.
<br /> tT. Trs�fer of the ProOtrty or a Beaeficitl Intettst in Borror�er. If aU ��r any part �f the f'rupcny o� any
<br /> intercst in it is sold ar iransferred(or if a benefictal interest m linrr�►wer�s sold or transferrcd and fic�rrower�s not a natural
<br /> person)without Ltnder's Rrinr written conscnt, Lender may,at its optwn, reywre immed��,tr paymcnt in fuU��f,�U�um�
<br /> securcd by this Security In�trumene. Nowe�er, this uptir�n shall nu� be cneiciscd by Lender iE exercisc �s pr��hiniteJ by
<br /> fccieral law as of thrdate of this Sccurit}�Instrurticnt. --_-_-�--_
<br /> if E.ender exerets�s lhis opt��n,Lender shaU gire fk�rrc�wer nuuce af ercrlcraaum Th:n�rtice�hall�n»�de a ren�kl !
<br /> of not Icys than 30 days from the date the no»ct is deh�ered or ma�led a�thm K tuch&�rrc�wer mu�t pay all wm�.eY,ured hy
<br /> Ihis Securily InSUUment If I3orr�w•er fads te��ay these cumc pne�r�o�he enpir�i„�n uf thic�wx1, lxnder inay in<<�i�e any
<br /> reitttdsespermittcd by this Secunty Instrument w�tbout funher nnnce�,r demand an Harr�•ucr
<br /> tA.BorsaKer's Rfght to Rttnstste. If Borrouer mre�s cenam c�mduinnti. Bnrrowcr tihail ha�c the ngtn t��hatic
<br /> enfarc�ntien!nf thi�Stcunty Inst�ument discont►nued at any[�me pr�nr tn the earlier of la)5 day�I��r w.h other pen�rd a, ��
<br /> appticable lau• may specify fat reinstatementl before satr�•f the Pro�xrt} purtiu�ne tu any p��ucr�:f cale�c,nt,�incd n� lht.
<br /> ! Secutity tnstrUment;�r t�i entry of a�udgment ea�furr�n�tMs 5ecuna} In:trun►ri�� Thu.c u,nd�ucm+are t6at Il��rr��wrr
<br /> � 1al pays l.rnder ail sums which then r►ould bc due undet th�s Se��i�ty fn�trument and the tinte harf ni�:uceier�u���c `�+
<br /> occutrcci; (h)Cu►cw any defaulf �,f any o:he� cc��enant�or agrrrrnents; (C) (1�}S �I) CR(1('11�C� IlitUfTCIS irz cntaress,e �hi� ~
<br /> SeCUt�ly 1n�trurnent, i�cludr;ig. but n<3t hmited to, reasnnable altorney S'Tres, an�f td► taAcS Su�h actum :tc 1 c•���icr ma� ��
<br /> tcasanably reqwre 1��a�5ure that thc(ren ��f this Sccur�ly Instsument. I.crtder'� right� �n thr IR���crt� .�nd li��rs��wr�'. ►
<br /> c�bglhi�n tn ra� the �ums �e�:ured h� th�c ����E�t�. �r��tsur:�,r.t that! ;:,;,rouc .,r,,;f�ir,F,c.; i ��•:� r�•:�r.i��c�s•cn� n� •
<br /> Hottivr►tt,IhaS Scce�nt� tn.trument ane!thec�hhgatenns cc�urexf hereb�bh�l{temam fuil} efYtt���e 3,il�u•,sL.elerete��it hJ,!
<br /> �xcurred Hnwe�er,tthnnght ta+re�nsws�eshallnnt applr m the�;�tirt�jdCaCICf811��I1(f[SLIPf�l.lid�fa�t�� !t��� i
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