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<br /> _ IlNiFORMCClYFNAN'f'S BonowerandLcndercaven�ntand�arreagi�llows•
<br /> = 1. Faystit at Pttsti�al�I�terw:;P.-:�r..��an/�.�te(�ry�a. Ac+rr�wrr shall promplly pay whtn due
<br /> — the princ��l�►f�nci inttrest cx►t��e deM evickne�d by the Nate and�hy prepayment nnd late chargeS due under the Note.
<br /> _ � �!. �e�torTaxe��i I�w�ce. Subjeci to applicabie law or�a�writtcn wai��er by I.cnder,Uorrower shall pay
<br /> to Lender on�hc day ma�ihyy�y.-nc��t��re due under�he Nnte,unUl thc Note i9 paid in full,a sum("Funds")equAi to
<br /> atatwelAh oli (w) yrarly hxa�nd �sstssn�ents whieh m�y attsin priarily ovor this Securily Instrumenr its) yearly
<br /> � kael�old psyr.ients or �reunct rcnss on the Praperty, if any; (c) yr�Fly hazard ir�sur�nce pren�iums; anei (d) yeariy
<br /> a�artpK iasurarue premiums.if any.These ltems are calkd"escrow item�."l,rnd�r may estimatG�he Funds due on the
<br /> basi�ofcurrsnt dataRnd re�ot�sbk atinntes oi'future esc�ow items.
<br /> The Fund�alu�l be heW in an inuiiutbn tl�e depoaits or�ecaunts af which are insured o�susranteed Dy u fcde«I ar
<br /> �hte�rncy (incfudin�Lendes iP Lender is such an imtitutian). Lender sha10�pply the Fund�ta ryy the escrow items.
<br /> l�ender may not charRe for haldin��nd�pplyina the Funds,analyzing the�rcoun�or verifying�he escraw iteme. unless
<br /> � Lender psYs Harraweir intetat an the�unds and aM+licabk IaM r►ermits l.ender ta make+uch a charge �rrower and
<br /> i.eeder may s��a in wdtins th�l interat sh�ll be p�id on �he fiued�. Untess an�atament is made or applicable IAw
<br /> re�qulte�intere�l to be pdd�L.ender shal!no1 ae�equi�ed ta{�y Borrower�ny intercs!or earnings on Ihe Funds.l.ender
<br /> fWl�ive to Borrower.w�ithout eMir�e,an annwd accountin�Mthe Funds showin j credits aud debits to thc Funds pnd Ihe
<br /> pwrpo�t for which aich debil to Ihe Fund�wr�s m�de.The Fuods an pledjed u idditional security for the avms secured by
<br /> t�SOCYf1ly I113lNRl�tlt.
<br /> litlie amounl of the Fund�held by i,ender,toaether with the future monthly paymenta of Funds p�a�c priur to
<br /> t�e due data of the acrow item�,ehall rxoetd trie amount requirect tn p�y the escrow items wRen due,thceicess sHa[I bc,
<br /> •t Horrower's optian,either promptly rcp�id to Borrower or credited to Borruw�r on month�}p�yments oP Funds. li the
<br /> ��nount oithe Fund�heW by l.ender is not sulRcitnt to p�y the esctaw item�when due.Bonower shall pay to Lender�ny
<br /> amount aecess�ry to malce up tlie deAciency in one or more piyments u required:by Le�dc�.
<br /> Upon p�yment in full of all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument.I,ender shall promptsy rcfund to Ho:rower
<br /> any Funds held by I.rnder.IP under qr�a�aph 191he Praprny is snld o�acquircd by Lender,.Lcnder shAll apply.na later
<br /> than immediately priar ta Ihe sak of the Property or it�acquisitio�by Lender�aoy Funds hcW by Lender a� �he timc of
<br /> �pplicatlan u a credit��ainst the aum�secured by this Security Inst�umea�.
<br /> 3. A�Ikatia ot Py��b. Unks,+applirabk law provida otherwise,all payments rcceived by Lender umier
<br /> p�ruraphs 1 and 2 shall be ap�licd:Ant.ta tate chuQesdue under�he Nate;sccond,to prepaymcnl ch�rgcc ciue uncicr[hc
<br /> Note;third,to�mouots payNbk under p�»sraph 2;fcwrth,to interest due;and tast,to principal due.
<br /> �. CMa�es;lde�s. Borrower ah�ll pay all taze�,assessment�.char6es, fines and imposiliona attributable tu the
<br /> Propeny which may atuin priority over shis Security Instrumenl. and laseheld paymems or ground rents, if any.
<br /> Bor�ower shall psy Ihese obliaations in the manner provided in pata�raph 2.ar if no�paid in that manner,l�.,rrnwer shall
<br /> p�y them an time directly to the person owed payment.Borrower�haU promptly furnish tn Lender sll n�tices of amounts
<br /> ' ta Dc paid under this p�r�jraph. It eonower makes Ihest paymenis di�ectly,BorroweP shall promptly furnish ta l.ender
<br /> roceipts evidencina Ihc psymrnts.
<br /> Borrov�er shali promptly diseharse any lien which hsa priarity aver�his Sccuri�y tnstrument unles.�Borrowrr:(a)
<br /> a6tea in writicta to the paymenl of the obliption secu�ed by the lieo in s manner acceptaAle to L.ender;(b)contcsts in gc�od
<br /> faith the iien by,or defends a�aiest enforcemml of Ihe lien in,leaa)�►rocadi�gs which ia the I.ender'a opinion operate Iv � ��.�
<br /> pre►ent�he mforremmt of�he lien o�forfeiture of�nv wrt of the Pronertv:or(cl sxnres fr�n►ihc hnlcirr.,P�h�I���A�
<br /> �::._
<br /> x�reemeat sa�isfactory te�Lendtr subc�rdiast'sn6lhe lien to thn Security Insirument.lf E,��id�cicterniinrs�hat any�rt of
<br /> � the Property is subject to�tien which m�y attsin priority o�•er�his Securily Instrument. Lrndcr may give Bc►rrower a
<br /> natice identiPyi�6 the lien.Borrower shtll satisfy the lien or take one or more oP the utions set fonh above within 10 days •;�';;::'
<br /> aithe givin�of notice.
<br /> S. Hazvd I�w��ute Borrower shall keep Ihe improvementc now caisting or hercaRer erected an�he Ptoper�y �
<br /> insured aaainst loss by flre,hazsrcf�included within the term••eatended caverage"and any othtr hazardi f�r which Lender ��
<br /> ttquires insurance. This insurance shal! be msinlained in the amnunts and for �he periadc thal I.ender requirts. The
<br /> ; insurance carriec r�ovidin�the insuranoe yhaU be chosen by Bor�ower subject to l.ender's approv;�l which shall nnt be
<br /> unteasonably withheld.
<br /> . AI{incu�ance policits and renewals shall he a�.,ceptabte�� Lender and shall inrlude a s�andard mungagc ctsu�c.
<br /> Lender shsll have Ihe right to hold tht policies�nd renewals. If Lender requires. Horrower shall promptly give to l.a�dtr �
<br /> •11 receipts oP Mtid premiums and trnewal notice�. 1n�he event of loss.Bomiwer shall give prompt nutice to the insurance '�
<br /> carrier and Lender.L.ender may m�ke proof of las if not made prompt ly by[iorr�wer. �',
<br /> Unless Lender�nd Borrower otherwise agr+ee en writin�,insur.nc��rcxeeds shall bc applied to rataration or rep:.ir
<br /> oE'the Property damaaod,if the rtstbntion or rtpait is economicaliy ftasible and Lcnd=r's securtty is not te,csencd.lf tht �
<br /> ratoration or repair is not economically fas�ble or l,end�r's ucunty wauld be lessened,the�nsurance proceeAs shall be
<br /> applied to Ihe sums secured tiy this Security Instrument,whether or not then due,with aoy e�cesc paid to Borrou•er. If
<br /> , Borrower abandons the Property.or doe�no�answer within 30 days a notice from Le�der that the insurance carrier has
<br /> offered to settle�claim,then!„ender may coltc+ct Ihe insunnce proceeds.Lender may use�he proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the Propeny or to pay sun�t socured by this Securit�� instrument,whether or not chen due.The 30-dsy pencad will begin
<br /> when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless l.ender anct Betrower otherwisc agree in�riting,any application of pnxerds to prmc�pal shall nnt e�tend��r
<br /> postpone thedtt�datt of ihe monthly payttrents�efcrrcd to in parographs 1 and 2 or change t�re arnount of the pa�ment� Cf
<br /> under�ngnpis t9�he Praperty is scquirmd by Lendcc,Barrnwer'c rip,ht ta an}�r�surance�x�I�+:�tc and preeeetlt te�ulhng
<br /> fro�da�gt t�sht E'ro�sty;prior ta tht acq�isstior���a{i pa�t��{.encfer ta tite excent of the sumc secure�l�.ty thi�5ccunty
<br /> Iastrument imme4iateiy priar ta the arquisition.
<br /> 6. Ptesttrltioe and'.O�si�tHaat!olpro�erty;Ltatelw�d�, gprrow•er chall rt4�t deztm�,damagc c.r.ub�tanua(I� �
<br /> s::� change the Proixi�ty. �Itow the Property ta deteriar�te ar c�mmit waste. If this Security IRStrument ic on ;� IeaceholQ.
<br /> Horrowershai!c��mply with the provisiorss of the lease.and if Honower acquires fee title[o�he Propert}.the leasehold and
<br /> fee tiU s{►ali no�merge un�ess I„ender agrees to the merger m K�i�ing.
<br /> �. ProtectioA ot t.ende�•s Ri�hts in tht Prooefiy; ;�tortRaRe Insurancr. [f Borrc�wer failc tn E+eriorrn the '`—-"--
<br /> cov s%,{an t s a n d a g rc e m e n t s c o n t a i n t d i n t his S ecuri t}•(nstrument,or t here is a legai rr�kee�ing that may cigeiihranUy afTect �
<br /> Le�A1et's rights in the t�roperty (s;,�eh as a pr�ceeding ia bankruptry, pmbate, fnr condemnat�on�r to en(orce law� �,r
<br /> rg;�ulations).:hen l.ender may do and pay fot��h�te�•et is rteces.�ary�to protect the�aluenf the Propert} and Lender's riRhtti
<br /> ��i�the Praperty. Lender's actions m�y include paying any sums secured by a lien wluch has Cnonty o�er this Secunt}
<br /> ,.�nstrument,appeareng in cuurt,paymg reasoreable attomey.s'fees and entenng�n c he Pr�reny to rt�akc re�r:�i� Although r
<br /> ;`Lendrr may lake action under�h�s par3graph'�.I.ender dnes nat ha�e to do sn «
<br /> /�ny�amountsdtsbursM by Lender under�his paragraph 7 shal!brcome addinonal deht ntBnrr�wer�crured b� this �
<br /> � Sect�rity Instrumcnt.Unl'ess Eic�rrow�et and Ltnderagree toother tcrms oPpayment. thece am��unts�fiatl he�r�nterest fr<+m
<br /> _ the datc nf dicburument at the Note ratc and shall be payabfc, wtth �nteresl. u�mn nc�t�ce frnm Lcnder t�• Borm�►er `:
<br /> requesting paynnent �
<br /> ���
<br /> �t� �
<br /> - �r,
<br /> _p,fl',t
<br /> :F�`.•
<br />. . �„S^b' . . _ — __ •.��,� —'— y,���' . __'4��H��r��c�v-4� _. � — __'�.+�rr.,'_
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