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<br /> � `: 9. Condem:�ation.The prQCeeds of a�y awaN or claim foK damages,drect ar consequential,in connection with any �
<br /> condemnationorather taking at the ProEterty,ar partthereoi,or tor canveyance in iieu�f condemnatian,are herebyessigasd
<br /> artd shall be paid to Lender. . f
<br /> S �- In the event of a tofal�aking of the Property,the proceeds shau be applied to the sums secured by this Qeed oi Trus�with
<br /> f tfie excess,if any,paid to Borrower.ln the even!of a paRiai taking of the Property.un[ess Bonower and Lender athQrwise
<br /> agreeinwriting,theresnari Deapplied tathe sums secured bythisDeedof Trustsuch praportionotiheproceedsasisequaito �
<br /> ' � . tlfafpfoportionwt�ichtheamountofttiesumsseearedbythisOeeOofTrustimmediatetypriortothedateoftakingbearstoths
<br /> � fair ma►ket value oi the properry�mmediatefy prior to she date oi talang,wfth the 6alance of the prxeeds paid to 8onower. �
<br /> If the Property is abandaned by Borrawer,or�f.atter notice by Lender to 8orrower that the wndemrtor otiers tQ make an .
<br /> � award or settte a ciaim for damages,8orrowerTai{sia respond tolender r+►ithin 30 Qays afterthe date such natiCe is maited.'
<br /> Lender is authorizedto cotlect and apply the praceeds,at Lende�s option,eitherto resioration or�epair of the Properry or tn
<br /> : the sums secured by this Efeed of Trust . . - '
<br /> Untess Lertderand 8orra�rerotherwise agree in wriUag arrysuch applicatian of pruceedst.�prinCipai shali rtotextertd or ,
<br /> postpone the due date af the mflnthly installments referrea to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount oi such ..
<br /> . ' instaltrnents� " -
<br /> < - 10. BorrowerNotRaMassd.Extensionofthetimeforpaymentor�nodif+eationofamorazationofthesumssecuredbythis := . . �
<br /> Deed of Trust granted by Lender�any succ�ssor in interest of BanQwer shaU not operate to relesse,in any manner,the . � � ' .
<br /> IiabEtityoftheorig�nal8orrowerandBor►owe�ssuccessorsinteres*.:.�:darsY�altnotberequiredtocommencepraceedirtgs : •
<br /> against such successor a:r�fuse to extend tima tar payment nr Q���rise rrtad'�,`as�r.�ortiaation o!the sums secured by thia
<br /> Oeed of Trust bv reasan of any demand made by the ongicral8o�:.+�r�E and BcR�ss:�s successors in inierest •
<br /> t1. ForMarsnc�by.�.�sntler No!a iqEaNver�AR;►l�+rbearartGe b;-:�.�c!er.ar►ax��s�r��a�y�ight�r re�nee�ly here�nder vr . . - _ - - _ — --
<br /> - o�erwise attordeti by appticable►aw,shatt noi be a vKaiver of or��..�?;�de the e�ercise of any such right or remefit..The •
<br /> procurementa#insuranceofthepaymentoftaxesorotharfiensorc�:�esbyLend+ersfrallnotbeawaiveraft.ender'siightto . . ' .
<br /> acceterate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> 1Z. Rsmedtes Cumulativa All remedies prov+ded rn tt�is�eed of Trust are d�s��r�and cumutative 4Q any other right or �
<br /> `remedy under this Deed of Trust ar afforded by law ar equity, and may be ex�rcised concunentiy, independently or ,
<br /> •. ' successivety. . ' .
<br /> 13. Success�s�and Aiit�ns Bound;Juint and Several Lia�i�ty:Captian�. The cover�.:15 and agreements hereln .. ..
<br /> containe�sha!t�:nd,and the nghts hereunQer sha11 inure to,the respect�ve successors and ass b�s of Lender artd Borrower.
<br /> subject to the provisions of paragraph 1?hereof.All covsnanis aad agreements ot Borrower shall be joint artd several.The • •
<br /> • . captiansandheadingsoftheparagraphsafthisOeedof'�rustareforconvenienceonlyandarenottobeusedtointerpretot
<br /> deTine the provisions hereoi. .
<br /> 14. NOtke.E�rcepttoranynotiCerequiredunderap�'Ei,ti�?alawt��6g�ve^:�:�anothermanaer,(a)anyrtoticetoBorrower �
<br /> providedforinth:��]ee�dofTrustshaiibegivenbymailirtgsucirnoi:,.��:;er,:t;eama►ta�dressed�ta�arroweratti►ePrap�� , . -.-
<br /> Address or at such otlier address as Borrowei may designate Dy r,�,t��o Lender as A�ovided herein,and(b)any nptice ss
<br /> . tendershallbegivenby certifiedmail.returnreceiptrequPStted.to.Lenuer'saddressstatedhereinortosuchotheraddressas '
<br /> Lender may des�gnate by noticeto Borroweras provided Ea�in.Any noticepravid°�for in this[)eed otTrustshatl hedeemed
<br /> -' b have been given to Borrowei or l:ender when given i�the manner deSignateC E�2rein. � . � .
<br /> 1S. Uniform DRed of Trust;Goremfn�Law;Ssrnability.The form of deed of trust combines uniform covenants tor .
<br /> national use and nan-unitorm covenants with timited variations by jurisdictian to constitute a uniform securit�instrument � '' `
<br /> covering real prope�ty.This�eed oi Trust shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property�s tocated.ln •
<br /> the event that any provision or clause of this Deed oi Trust ar the Note conflicts with applicable Iaw,such conflict shalt not
<br /> aitect ather provisions of this Oeed o!7rust orthe[Vote which can be gtven eifect without the conflicting provisions,and to thls
<br /> , end the prov�sions pf the Oeed of Trusi and the Note are declared to be severabte.
<br /> 16. Borrowe�'s Copy.Borrower shall be furnished a contormed copy of the Note end of tt+is Oeed of Trust et the ttme ot .
<br /> execution or after recordation hereot �
<br /> 17. Tnnsf�r of the Property;Assumption.tf all or any part of the property or an Interest therein is 8old or transferred by •
<br /> Borrower wlthout Lender's prior�Nritte�consent,excluding(a)the creation of.a lien or encumbrance subordinate to Mis Oeed _
<br /> afTrust,(b)thecfeationofapurchasemoneysecurityinterestforhousehol�appli2rees,(c)atransterbydevisedescentotby �' �
<br /> operawen of law upon the deatb of a jointtenani or(d)the grantof any leasehold int�-�of threa yea�s or less notcontaining an �
<br />, optiv�u�purchase,Lender may,at Lender's option,declarealF 4he sums seCUred't���s;s Deed olTrustto be imrs;ediately due
<br /> artd payabte.ter�er shatl have waived such option to accelerate if,prior to the sale or transter,Lender and the peraon to ' ;
<br /> whom the Prope:�*y is to be sold or transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person is satia/aetory to . ;�
<br /> Lender and that the interest pa.yabte on the sums secured by this Oeed ot Trust shall be at such rate as Lendar shall requss�tf �
<br /> Lender fias waived the aption to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17. and if Borr�wer's successor c.�interest has
<br /> execas2ed a written assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lendor,L�nder shall retease Borrow8r tror,:�:;obligations .
<br /> under ihis Deed of Trust and the":vi ` •
<br /> li Lender exercises such option t�ccelerate,Lender shall mail Borrower r.otice of acceteration in accordance u�?th , ,
<br /> paragraph74he:eof.Suchnoticeshaltprovideaperiodotnotlessthan30daysiromthedatetben�ti�aismailedwithinw�r;�;,�i , ,.
<br /> Bo�rower may�ay the sums declared due.11 Borrower tai�s to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such perlod,te^�=� ,
<br /> may,withou!tuRher notice ar demand on Borrower,i�voke any r�medies permitted by par8graph 18 hereof.
<br />: �G�*t-UNtFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and lender furthu covenaM and apree aa foltows:
<br /> t�. Aeael�rstion;R�medias.Except as provided in peragraph 11 hereof.upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or
<br /> agreement ot Bmrcawer in this Deed of Trust,inoluding the covenants rn�ay when dueany sums secured by this Oeed otTru,.t,
<br />, Lenderpriortoae�.relerat�onshallma�Inr,ticetoBorroweraspr�vided rC,aiagrapht4hereofspecifytng:(1)thebreach;(2;�t�
<br /> • acNon required to cure such breach;(3)a date,not less than 30days trcm tha date the notice is maiiedto Borrower,by wt�c.�
<br /> such breach must bs cured;and(4)ttiat tailure to cure such breach on�r betore the date specified in the notiCe may result in
<br /> ����� -��----�-�acceteration ot the sums secured by this De�d of Tra�tand s�te of the Propeiry:The rioti�e"shall fuRher lntorm Borrower of tl�e � - - � �����---��---� �-�- �"-� --
<br /> , Nght to reinstate sfter 8ccelt�ration and the�ight to bring a oourt action to assert the non-existence of a defaut!or any other
<br /> ' detenseof Borrower to acce►eration and sate.If ihe breach is not cured on or betore 4he date speciHed in the rtotice,Lenderat
<br /> Lender's optlon may dect�re alt of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediately due and payabte without furthsr �
<br /> demand and may 6�voke the power ot sate artd any oth'er remedies permiRed by applicab1e law.lende�shall be entitled to '
<br /> col�ect all reasbnaDle costs and expenses inCUrred in pursuingthe remedies provided in the paragraph 18,mctuding,but not
<br /> iimited to,reasonabte attomey's tees. • �
<br /> 1t the power of sale is invoked,T�ustee shafc ro�ord a nottce of dotautt in each eaunty in which the Praperty or some paA
<br /> • thereofislocatedandshatlmaitcopiesoisuchnoticeinthemannerprescribedbyapplicablelawtoBorrowerandtotheother
<br /> persons arescribed by applicabte law.Aiter the Ia�se of such time as mey be required by applicable law,Yrustee shall give :. _ __- -
<br /> publ�c notice o1 sate to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustge,withoul damand on Borrower, ,
<br /> shellseUthePropertyetpubliceuctiontotheh�ghestbidaetatthetimAandptaceAnduttderthetermsdesignatedlnthenotice •
<br /> ot Sate in one or mote parcels and in such order as Trustee may determine.Trustee may postpone sale o1 all or aay parcel ot
<br /> the Properry by pubfiC enrtoancement at the time end place of eny previously schedufed sale.Lender or Lertdet's designee.
<br /> may purchase the Property at any sale. •
<br /> , Uponrecelptof�aymentofthepriceb�d,T�usteeshalldet►vertathepu►chaserTrustee'sdeedconveyingtheProperfysold.
<br /> _ Ttssrec.�taEsiathaTru�teesdeedsfsat,b8pfiiiiS�3Gi6t3+fif}6t1C6Uft�i6ttUi►►Ufitif;SlBtftffiftiifSfrTFit#blirttrbift.'irtJblb68iiSif6{�Ylyf ' �.
<br /> � thep�oceedsolthesateintt�etpltowingorder:(a)toatlreasonabtecostsanderpensesotthesate,including,butnotlimitedto, , �
<br /> � T�ustee'stee3 of not mare than _�cb ottneg►osssate prrce,reasonabte attorney 9 t�o98nd cosis ott�tte evrdence: �
<br /> tb)to 811 sum9 seCUrdd by this Oeed of Trust;and(c)the excess.�f any,ta the persan or persons tegally entitled thereto.
<br /> tY. Bor�owu'a Ri�t to RNnl�tat�.Natwithstanding Lender'sa.„.e teratran ot the Sums socured by this Qeed ot Trust, �.�
<br /> �orrower shall havothe right to havo any prdceedings beguri by Len�er to entorco the Deed af T�ust p�sc�nttnued at any time c�.�
<br /> priar to tR�eaN,or ta occur o!1��Ihn t�ith day betoro tho sale ut fhe Pro�erry pursuam to 1he power otsate contained in the Deed �Gb�
<br />„ � � ot Trus!{u►entry of��udgm�nt enfarc�ng this beed ol7rust if {a}6arrower p�ys LendQr all sums wh'rch w�utd be then dUe �
<br />,- utfdet lh�s 69eed of Trust,the Nntd c�nd notes secunnfl Futuro d�v�ncas.�1 any.had na aceeie�ut�on occurgd.(bi E3orrower fi�
<br />° E:tt��3 Rf1 bf@ar.ItN�:(�}:1hy f�ShfAf tOVE:rf{fn1S bi itgtQ@�TTQf�iS V��ili/UWE�►CUhtSt!tE�}t�t ttt�S Qdpf1 O}TtU51�C}[3b!�dW�t p8}f5'S1! - ,
<br /> • � ff!iiSfl���U�f3t�►[if*+t�e��;tt�tF}ffiT�,}tsy(Ei�f1l�:�t:(�Trt{STP.f7c�+'s/6iCm�ih�e�vf7nnnlSiTn�fi1!�r��rrr�ntS�6fR��fZYyYF/Ct5tf17t[lEi[ffRl�iiS� �
<br /> � 3��:i�,f7►�i���af�lu�e��r���mr3!e��d�:r:ar�c�Trusteesr�rnetir�5E�4C�rt>v�d��mpara�rri{��>>f;t,E•:t,��t,�r=iit��l,r�y.E�uti�Utlrm�ted �
<br />- s,> reeiS��nitUi��.�tv�krr.i•�'t fct!s :irrf r�r c3ur��,�.�,T ta�es;ur.���ict�ur����endESt rn,�y te;:sv���jb��rcqwrc�to::sstire fhat thc}t�en ot .
<br />- tr��;/7�!F�d ut t�_,•:' 1.����ip�<<_�nryrESt n�thf•F'r�,�t:rf�Flrt(S�Fintr�,rn�t ti nl,hsf,�t�:�!•t����:��lh��,�r•:�.:�•��,•��:!1,;rh�>:t���e•�f r,t i�:rst _
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