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<br /> � �UroiFORM COVEMANTS.Borrawer and Len�er cauenant artd agree as blfows: �70�j 0�Q 4 v ,
<br /> t. PaYm�nt ol Prtneipaf �nd fnieraf. Borrower shals promptty pay when due the principai of and interest on the
<br /> �ndeblednessevidence0bythet�oie,p�r�epaymentandlatechaPgesasprovidedintheNoie.andtheprincipalotandtntereston
<br /> any Future Advaaces secured by the DeeQ of Trust • �
<br /> 2. FundstorTau�sandlnwrance.Subj�cttoapplicabie�awortoawrittenwaiverbyLender,BorrowershallpaytpLender
<br /> arrB�eday monthiy instatimentsoi principal and inte�estare payabte underthe Note,unt�i the Note ispaid in tuU.asum(herein
<br /> "Funds")equal to one-twelfM af the yeariy taxes and assessments w4�ich may altain priority aver this Deed of 7rust,and
<br /> ground rents on the Ptaperty,iEany,ptus one-twelfth ofyearly prerrtium instalimentstor hazard insuranc�ptu�one-twetfth of .
<br /> ; yearfs►premium instailments tor moRgage,insuranCe,d any�all as re�ganabty estimafed initiatly and from tima to titne by
<br /> lender en Ute basis of assessmertts artd bfAS Snd�easonabte estimates thereoT.
<br /> TfteFuntfssfiatibehetdinartinstitutiontheQepositsoraccountsafwhichareinsuredorguaranteed,byaFederalorstate ` �
<br /> agertey(inciuding�ertder ii Lender is such an ins�titulion).Lettcler st►ali apply the turtds to pay said taxes.asaessments. .
<br /> . insurancepremiumsandgrourtdrents.LendermaynotcAargetorsohotdingandapplyingtheFunds,anatyzingsaidaccflunt �
<br /> orverifyingandcompilirtgsaidassessmentsandbilts,uMessLenderpaysBarrowerinterestontheFundsandapplicabielaw •
<br /> permitsLenderto malcesuch acharge.Borr�werandl.ertdermayagre¢m wMing atthetime�;`�xecutiun oifhis DeedofTrust
<br /> . that interest on the Funds shaii 6e paid to Borrawer,arid untess such agreemeret Is ma�e a.*apptficalbe law requires suct► � �
<br /> intere�i to bg paid,Lender shall not be required to pay 6orrower any interest or earnirtgs c.�se Funds Lender shail give to
<br /> Borrower,with�ut Charge,a�e annual accounhng of the Funds showing credrt&and de6its to the Funds and the purpose tor �
<br /> jh�eachdebittottteFundswasmade.The�FuRds���pledgedasadditionalsecuriryformesumssec�redbythisOeeda! - �
<br /> It the amount ot qte tund5 held by LerdEr,togeltter.��i:�:�t the fu'�.�e monthly insEallments of Fa�nds AavBble prior ta the dsts �
<br /> 'dates of taxes.��met�,insursrtce premiums a��.graund s�.�.sfiatl exceed tha amaunt requireQ to pay said te�ces,
<br /> assessments.'rnsurance Dremiums and ground rents as they fab due.such Eiccess shall be,at Borrower's option,either
<br /> promptty repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrowes�n monthty i�staitmerris oF�unds_If the amount e!�e'Funds hetd hy
<br /> _ �eadershallrtoibesufficier.t'opaytaxes,assessm�is,.insuranceprem�umsan4 �rourtdrentsastheyfa;[c�:;e.8pmpwershafl
<br /> r�.-�+to Lender any amount�s�cessary to make up th�deficiertcy w�thin 30 days�om the date notice is rr,aUed by Lender to
<br /> , 8orrower requestmg payr�;e.�4 thereof.
<br /> �, Upon payment in fuEi of ai►sums secured by this Qeed of�rust,Lendershall promptly re��;aBorrower any Funds held by �
<br /> Lender.ffunderparagrapitl8hereottheproperry issoi�orthepropeRyisothenviseacqui;e�byLender,l.ertdershallappty,
<br /> no later than immediately priortothe sate of the Property or its ac uisition by Lender,and Fu�.s held by Lender atthetime of
<br /> appiication as a Cr�Jit agai;�&t the sums secured by this Oeed a��rust.
<br /> 3. AppNcation of Payr�*�s.tJnless applicable taw p:ovides otherwise,ali payments rece�ved by Lender urtder the Note
<br /> and paragraphs 1 and 2 he:�t sh�ll he appti�by Lettder first in payment of amounts payahte ta Lender by Borrowet under �
<br /> paragraph 2 hereot,then to�nterest payable on fhe Note,then to the principat of the Note,anG�hen to intereat8nd princi�nal on � •
<br /> any Future Ac.•a7ces.
<br /> 4. Char�9.dtns.Borrowers sha11 pay all taxes,assessments and other charges,hnes artd impos9tion�attribGRable to the � •
<br /> P�operty whsch may attain a priotiry aver this Deed ot Trust and Isasehold pay�;�ts or ground rents.r�arE�,in the menner
<br /> prea:�ed unCet patsg�aph 2�?reof or,i!rtot paid in su�h manner,by Borrov+ro*�.skmg�ayment,whe:f d�e,directly to the �
<br /> ga9�e LherEC�Borrower sha�:r�romptly turmsh to Le�rrr all notices of amour.ty s:as urtder thss para�sa,a_±,and in Me event
<br /> B��rucver shall make payment d�rectty, 8arrower sheti promptiy tumish ta LErder receiGis evidertc�ng such paym enta
<br /> 6orrower shall prompily discharge any lien which has priority over this Deeci of Tausx pravirrrd,that Borrower s6aQ not be �
<br /> requiredtodischargeanysuchtiensolongasBorrowershallagreeinwritingtothepaymQnt6F�,eobligationsecuredbysuch '
<br /> lien in a ma�ner acceptable to Lender,or shal!in good faiih contest such lien by,or detend en:orcement of such lien in,legal
<br /> proceedings which operate to prevent the enfarCement of the lien ol forteiture oi the Property or any part thereof. • �
<br /> 5. Nasard Inauranc�.Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured �
<br /> against foss by tire,hazards inr,Juded within the term"extended coverage",and such other hazards as Lender may requfre � .
<br /> and in such amounts and for such periods as Lender may require;provided,that Lender shall not require that the amount of '
<br /> such coverage exceed that amount o1 coverage required to pay ih2 sums secured by this Oeed of Trust '
<br /> This insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chose��;r 9orrowersublect to a�proval by Lender.provided,that • � �.,�
<br /> such 8pprova!shall not be unreasonably withheld.All premiums on msurartCe policias shall.be�aid in the manner provided K
<br /> unssr paragraph 2 hereof or,i4 not paid in such manr,�r,�y gorrower making�ayment,when due,direc�y t�thelnsur8nce
<br /> cer.r_er: .
<br /> AO insurance policies and renewals thereot shall Ge;n form acceptabte to Lender and ahall include a s;andard mort age ^ �
<br /> clauseinfavorotandintormaccepiab►etoLender.Lendershat)havetherighttoholdthepo���esandrenewalsthereo�and ; ��
<br /> Borrower shatl prompily furnish to Lender�:�renewat notices artd aU receipts o�paid prem�u�*,�.in the event o!toss.Qorr�owe► �
<br /> shall give prompt noliceta the insurance�e�rier and Lender.Lender may make praaf olloss if not made promptly by 9orrower. '
<br /> Untess lender and 6orrower othe�w�se agree in wriring,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the,
<br /> Property damaged,provided�,cn reatorat�on o►repair is economrcaUy feasibfe and the securiry ot this Deed ot Trust is no! �'
<br /> thereby impaired.II such res:�.:a�;on or repair is not econom�cally feasibte or i}the security of fhis Deed of Trust would be ,
<br /> impaired.the insuranca proceeds sha:t�e applted to the sums securqd by this Oeed Of Trust,with the excess,if any,pa�d to
<br /> Borrower.N the p�operty is abandone����otrower,or if Borrower tails to respond to lenQer within 30 days ham ttae��e �
<br /> notice is mai►e:.�.•��ender to Borrower���at the insurance carrier oHers to settle a claim tor insurance beneflts,Ler�er ia '
<br /> authorized to cG�.ec!and apply the insu:ance proceeda at Lender';,uption either to restaration or repair a!6.�e Property or to
<br /> the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> �tntess Lender and Borsarrer otherwise agree in w��.r.g,any such application of proceeds to principaf�:�atl rtot extend or
<br /> pcs:pone the due date ot tr.a mqnthly installments re`�r;YC to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereot or change th�amount of such '
<br /> installments.tt under Gar$graph 18 hereot!he Property is acquired by Lende►,au ngM,titte arsd interest o}Borrower in and to
<br /> any insurance poticies and in and to the;�r�:eeds thereof resultmg trom damagetothe Prope~:��r1or tq the sale oracquisiUon
<br /> shaU pass to Ler�r to the extent ot*re:wms secured by this Oeed ot Trust immediateiy pr;_�to such sate or acquisition.
<br /> d. P��urvstionandMalntenaaee�lPrap�rty;Leasthotds;Gondornlnlums,Ptartn�d.UnitO�vNopcnMb.Borrowershatl---- . -... . ... .-.-.. .--..- ..- .... -. .
<br /> � -��--------�---keep the Property ln�good reDeir�n�sh811 not CommiCwBSte or permit imp airma�!�ot deteriora'ion oi the P►operty artd sha(I
<br /> Comply withtheprovisions�s"aeyleaseilthisDeedofTruslisonaheasehotd-tlth;s0eedofTres�i�onaunitinacondomiNum
<br /> or a planaed un�t development,Barrower shall perfo�m all o18or►ower's obligations unaer•�:~e declaration or covenants
<br /> creating or gqvermng the condominium o�planned unit develapmen�the by-laws�end oe���rons of the condomini�m or
<br /> planned unif derE;opment,and constituent dacuments.tf a condominium or ptanrted unit C:aelopment rider is excuted by
<br /> Borrower and recarded togeiher w�th this Deed a4 Trust,the covenanfs and a�greements of such r�der shal!be incorpo�eted
<br /> into and shatt amend and supplement the couenants and agrQements of this Daed ot Trust as it the nder were a part hereof.
<br /> T. Protktian ol L�ndfr's SsauNty.tl6orrower fails to pertorm the covenants and agreements contained In this Deed of
<br /> Trust,or�f any action or proceeding is commenced with materialiy aNects Lender's interest�n the Property,inCluding but no!
<br /> limiterf to,eminentdomain,insotvency.cddeenfo�cement,or arrangementsor proceedinqs invofving a bankrupt or decedent, • _--—
<br /> then Lender at Lender's optlon.upon no4ice to Bonower,may make such appearances,d+sbu►se such sums artd fake such •
<br /> aCtionasisnecessarytoprotectLender'Sintetestincluding butnoi�imifedto.disbu►semantolreasonableatto►rtey'steesand �
<br /> . entry uponthePropeKytomakerepairs.ltlenderrequiredmoR ageinsuranceasaconditionolmakingfheloansecuredby '
<br /> the Deed o1 Trust.Barrower Shall pay the premiums reqwred�o maintam such insurance in effect until such tlme�s the '
<br /> requirementforsuchinsurAnceterminatesinaccordancewithBarower'sandLender'swrittenagreemenforeppttcatbelaw.
<br /> 8ortower shall pay the amount of aU m�ttgege insurance perm�ums in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by L"ender pursuan! to this parapraph 7, wlih inteiest thereon, shafl 6eCOrhe addltiQna�
<br /> �<<db�►t6tit�8SSUfBonowerseCUrelfbythlg(IH846tTruSt UnlessBorrowe�andlenderagreetoathertermso}payment,such ' '�
<br />: a�no�1!±t9 ghall be payable upon noUce Itosn Lender ta Borrvwei requeyting paymerst hereol,arid s�ieii bver interest from the � y`
<br /> . d�teofdisbursemenfettheratepayablefromtimetotimeonoutstanding prineipalundettheNoteuntesspaym�ntotinterest �aC�
<br /> a4 such rato wo�td be contrary to applic�ble law. in which event such smounts shali bear vnterest at the higAest rAte V,
<br /> perm�ss�bte under epphcable law.Noth�ng contamed in this paragraph 7 shal►requ�rc�t.eryder 1a incur any axpensa or take nny �,,,,�
<br /> actron hereunder �' - � �
<br /> a. tnip�CHon.i.c_�r,de�rr�ay m��ke ar c�uso t.�Gb rnt�(fE�rE35vn�t�t�gnt►ieS upb1�.ind irispt;GltU�S U)fhe Prqperty,Acovided �tG�
<br /> that lender shau givo Bbrrow�r nc,�,�E p�,or t�s►r,y su�n rnst��:Gfinn specify�ng r��,�r,r,��ptF•�:,,use therefore reiated to Lander's r.
<br /> �nteteSt�n thn Pt6pE.�tty , ,
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