_ _ ___ _ _ � � � ___
<br /> _ ' ' _ _ ' .. '. . _ - ._fC:. . . "_ -._. ____ ._ _ __ .
<br /> .. � ' �` ` Y_•___ ' . �
<br /> � _ . , . . , . . � " � . ' .
<br /> 6. F.la!!!!rt!OOmaO�.Le�Qer�s eertsDy asgrgneA at�compensarion awar6s aamages anG otner�pa}mertts or reaet I�erematte� 'P�oteeds l�n connect�on�v�tb . �
<br /> � �onaemnat�onoratnertaYmgot,tneProDertyorpartthereo�.artorco�Yeyancem6euatco^demnat�o�CenOershatlbeecrt�treeat�ts00t�ontocommence.appearinand �
<br /> prosecute�R�ts oxm name any actron or proceed�ngs,and shali alSO D0 enLtlCd to rrtakg Any cOmprom�50 OrSetttem@nt�n COnrt2Ct�ort xnth such takmg or Oamag@ In th@
<br /> ` • event eoy port�on o}tRe Droporty�s so taNen or Oamagea.Lender shalt have tne opt�on.�n�ts so��anQ absotute d�svet�ort.to appty an such Proceeas.after C2duci�ag;.
<br /> thtreframatleostsande�pen5esmcurreOby�!��conneetmnwrtnsucnproteeQS.u0a�3ny��debteQnesssecureQrtereCyandm5ucnorCeraslendermaydetermme.orto ; �
<br /> appty all Such Praceeds.after such QeOutt�ons.ta the restorat�ari ot tRe Property upon such conC�t�o�s as tender may determ�ne Any apO��Cadon o1 Proceeds to
<br /> mGebtedness sha��not e:tand or postpone thedue Qate ot a�y Oayn+ents under thc Nota.ar cure any aeta�it thereunUer or hareunCer
<br /> � r ° 7. RfflOf}6�1lCl�lltla►.lntQ@OL'@nt0}80troNt@ist3t}uretop2Aorm8nyOftflBCOv@nB�tSl1@te�7fOrRl3k8dnypa�(rtlBntsBqulrQQnFrQCy,OtifBtYyflct�St2kenOf , �
<br /> 1 tegetpro�eed�ngcommencedwn�cnmatenai�yaitectslender'smteresimtneProperty.lenCermay�rt�tsownd�scret�on.butwithaufotsfigat�ontoCOSO.anaw�t�outnot�ce
<br /> � tooeQemandupon8oaawersndw�thoutreteaSing9arrowerfromanyoD��gat�bn,doanyactw�icnthe6orrowe+hasagreeObutta�istodo8ndmayalsodoanyothe►actd
<br /> � deemsnaceasarYto protect the secunry hereet.8aaower sna�r.�mmea�acety�on demana meretor by lender.pay to Len�er au costsand exRenses irtcurted and sums
<br /> cspa�ete4 pY Len�er�n conneepa�wdh tpee=erc�sebK lertGec ot 2tfa toregmng nghts.tagethB�w�tn�nt2re5t therean at the rate providetl�n the Note.which 5ha�16e aAded t0 ,
<br /> � trie m0ebtedness secured�ereby Lender shait not ineur any persanat UaeiNty betause ot anythmg it may do or omd to Qofie►eu�der. . , �
<br /> � 8. Ewrtb Of Odiu1L Th@ fo��ow�ng Shall con5titute an 2vent of OBfautt under this Oeed of TrusY �
<br /> � (a) Failuretopayanymsta��mentotpnnc�palor�nteresto►anyothersumsecuredherebywhendue.Orta�turetopaywhendueanyother�nQeDteQnessot'
<br /> , �.,! 8orrower to Lender.
<br /> a
<br /> � (0} A brea�:n ot or defanit under any prov�s�on conta�ned�n tne Note.th�s 02etl ot Trust.any dacument wh�cn secares the Note,and any other
<br /> � • encumbrance upon ihe Praperty. •
<br /> (e) Awritatexetutiartorattacfimenloranysimilarpracessshallbeentere0aga�nsl8orrowerwhichshai�becomeal�ertontheProperryoranyportion , r.
<br /> � Nereof ar interest therein.
<br /> � �d) Yhere Sf►a0 be fi►eA by or agamst 8orrower an attinn under any present or future tederal.stete or other statute.law or regutation retaeng to
<br /> � • ' bankroptty.ins0lveneyorotherretieitardebtors:orthereshallbeappomtedanydustea.►eceive►oNiQuidatorofBorcawerorofallarartypartoftlteProperry.or
<br /> the rents,isSUes or profits thereof.or Borrower s�at!make any general assignment tor the Denetit of cteditofs.
<br /> � (e) The sate.t2nsfer,assignment,conveyance or furt�er enCUmbrance ot att or any part of or arry mterest in the PropeRy.either voluntanty or . , '
<br /> invofuntanty.witrtoutthe express wntten consent ottientler
<br /> �i) If 8o�rower rs nat an mdmdual.the Sale.traosfer.assignment.conveyante or encumbrance ot more than percentol(if a corppraUOn}Rs
<br /> - - . issueG a�id oufsEa��i3,y�g 9tq:k w iit e paiir�ish�pj y�accent a O�MS►!cp�nrqsests . � . �
<br /> , ' 9. R�nNdM�ACCNKatlanUponO�taufl.lntheevenYotanyE+renlofOefauttlenQ2'rmayGecta�eat��n0ebteGn�sssecureCherebyLO6edueartdpa/abieaadthx �E ,
<br /> same shatl Mereupon become due an0 payeDte withoul any presentment,deman0,pratest ar rtotice of any kind Thereaker Lender may:
<br /> (a) OemandthatTrusteBexereisethePOWERaFSALEgranteO�erem.antlTrusteeshallthereattercauseBorrower'sinterestinthePropertytobesold , •
<br /> and the proceeds to Ee distributed.atl in tha manner prov�ded�n tne Nebraska Trust Deetls Act:
<br /> (b) Either�n person ot by agent.witb or w�thout bs�nging any act�on or proceed�ng,ar by a receiver appointeC by a courT and w�thout regard to the ,
<br /> aAequacy of itssecenty.erster uDOnandtake pussessron ot tne Praperty.or any part theteof,m�is own name or��th8 oame otthe Trustee,and doany acts which ,
<br /> � it deems necessary or Ces�rable ta preserve the vatue.marketab�l�ty or rentabddy ot the Property.or part thereof or�nterest 9herem,increase Me mcame .
<br /> theretrom or proteetthe seCunty hereof and.with or w�thout tak�ng possess�on ot tne Praperty.sue tor or mhervv+se collect 1he rents.issues anA profitsthereol.
<br /> �ntludmgthosepastdueandunpaid.andappiythesame.lesscostsandexpensesolnperationanOCOttection�nclutlingattameystees,uponanyinCebtedneSS - ,
<br /> " , secured hereby,atl in sucl►orCeras LenQer mdY determme-The erstenng upon andtaking possessiortot the Property.the to�lect�on of suCh rents.�SSUesand
<br /> , prof�fsand theapplicat�on thereotesaforesa�0.shatl not cure or warve any Cefault or not�te ot defaulthereunde►or mval�Qate any act done in responseto such
<br /> default pr pursuant to suCb notice ot Cefault and.notw�thstanemg the eontmuance in possession ot the Property or tne collect�on.reeeipt and apphcationof
<br /> , • rents,issues or profits.Trustee or Lender shatl be enbtled tp exercise evary ngnt prov:Cz3 tor�n any ot tne Loan Instruments or 6y Iaw apon occu'�-�..vtany
<br /> event ot Qetaul�inclu�i�3lhe right to exerase the power of sale.aiA ' . • � '
<br /> � (C) Comrtteroa an act�on to foreclose this OeeA ot Trust as a mortgage.appo��c a receiver.or spec�Tically enforce any ot the covenants he-a_H':.;�,�' . •
<br /> NoremeCy hereincQnferred upon or reserve0lo T�ustee or Lender�s�ntended to be exclusrve of any other remedy^?re;n or by law prov�ded or perm�tted,huteacN9ha11 De
<br /> eumu�ative.snatl be m aCdRion to evary ot�er remedy given hereunde►or now or herearier e��shng at iavi or+n eq��ty or by statute,and may be eicerc�sed concurrertly , • .
<br /> tnCepenCenty qr successivefyr• - ` ---
<br /> . 10. TruitN.TNe Trustee may resi9n at any time without cause.and LenOp.r may at any timr_an0 vntnout cause appo�nt a sutcessor or subst�tute Trustee Trustee '� " •
<br /> � shall nOt be Iiable fo►any fOSS or damage untess Que to achonable negu�ence or wdlful misconduct.ana Sha��not be reqwred to take any act�on m conneCtion w�:h ihe �
<br /> � enfotCement of this pee0 of Trust unless mQemndied.m wntmg.for all costs.compensaUOn or es,�penses which may be associate0 Iherewd� In add�twn,trustee may ,
<br /> DECOmeapurChaSeratany9ateotttf9Property(�utliciatorunderthepowerolsalegrantedherem).post0onethesateotalloranyport�onolthoproperty.asprovidedbylaw: ' -�
<br /> ar se11 the PropeRy as a whote.or in separate parcels or lots . -
<br /> 11. Futun Adwnt!!.���n request of Borrower,Lender may.at ds Opt�on.make atldiUonal antl future aavances a�d read�ances to Borrower Such aavanGes and _
<br /> r¢advences.witn interestther��.9ha11 be secured by th�s Oeed ot Trust A1 no lime shall the pnnc�pat amount of the mCebtedness secu*ed by I��s Oee4 01 Trusr,.n���n- , _
<br /> etudingsumsaQvaneeatopres��c".rnesecuntyatth�sdeedot7rust.eac�edtheony�na�prmc�pd:o�.tount;tatedtierean.oro.. _Ci�r44��Q�_�__.whres-��rw . , _
<br /> greater. '�
<br /> 5:
<br /> /2. Mhip7trneous PrqvlNons. �
<br /> • , (a► 80rtOMN�NOt R�NWd.EHtens�on of the bme(or payrt a:,�c-moditicat�on ot amorutairon c`'he sums secured by th��tica4 0!Taust granted by •
<br /> LenCer to any succe�-..sor m mterest ol8orrower sha{!��j operate to:�i»se.m any manner,the I�ahdrty ot::�o or�y�=s Borrower and 2�-:ower'ssuccessors m , _
<br /> mterest.Lenders.*�':r.;�tberequvetltoCOmmftnce."1:.�odmgsaga:�stSUCh,9utc@SSOro��CfuSet06MtBndt�m9t3°p2yrneMOrOthE�wiSBmOCdy8�110rt�13UOD
<br /> ot the sums Setut6�@�+'his Deed of Trust by reaso^•�any demanCS maCe by the ong�nal8orrower an0 Borrower'S successors m mterest }
<br /> t
<br /> � (b) LMdtfs��aw�fn.WdhoutatlecUngthehabi6lyotanyo'•`�s�Rersonhablelorthepaymemotanyobhgat�onheremmentioneC.antlwtlhoutBtteCtm9 '
<br /> the I�Bn or c�arge of th�s Oeed of Trust upon any poA�on ot the PtoO�r.r�ol then or f heretofore relnasedas seCUnty for Ihe tull amou�f o1 all unpB�C obl�gat�ons.
<br /> L9i1dB�may.irom t�me to time 8n0 w�'�+:.:t nOtiCe U)retease any pe.�1 so liable.(u1 eatend the matunty o�alter any Of the tBrmS Gt a-��5ach obligati0ns,��ii) _
<br /> ; grantothermdutgences.(�v)release9:�econvey,orcausetobereleaseCOrreconveyetlatanvtuneatLenCer'sopt�onsanyparcel.por,,ororalioltneProperty. • • �
<br /> � (v)tekB or!@t025B 3�y Oth9IOf 8dditidnal security`:%:�-�:•obl�gat�on here�n menl�oned.or(v��make compo9rt�ons or Otner arrangemonts w�'h d¢btors::+r8tat�on �
<br /> thereto ;•�.
<br /> �C) ForMapne�by LenNr Hot�Walv�I.Any fo�bearance oy Lender�n e�erc�s�ng any nghf or remetly hereunGer.or otherw�se a"^.='GO:.'%i�;r%iCablo � �
<br /> tBW.Sh8tIt101b08W8ivBtOlOJplBClud0th99x@tC198018ny4utAlightO�r@mBdy Thyptocurom@n10f�nSUfifnCAOflhBpBYmfn10118xOSG`.�"�:"`��=i"'�0lCh8/g09 ' ;
<br /> by Lender shall not be a warver o1 Lender's nght to accelerate t�e�o�'�nty of the mdebteCness secured Ay th�s Oeed of Trust
<br /> (tla suee...on a�a a.q�s eo��a;do1M ana 9Wtra1 LbLllity;C�ptlons.T�e covenaMS and ag�eements here�n contained shali b�nd,aod the ngMs
<br /> , hereunCe►sha11 inure fo.the respectwe sucCOSSOrs ar.�agsigns ot Lender and 8orrower,suD�oct to tha prov�s�o�s o1 paragraph 8(e)hereof All covenanis and
<br /> agrctementsofBar�awershallGe�o�ntanCSevere�Thecaptionsandheadmgsofthep°•agraphsofthisOeedotTruste�etorconvemonceonlyandarenottpbo
<br /> � used to mte�pret or Gkbne the provistons heraol
<br /> (e) RpwatlarNOUCN.Thepartie9�eroUyre�uestl�atacopyotanynohceot0etaufthereundorandacopyotan�nol�tootsatehereuntlo�nema�tetlto
<br /> - �� � � � eachparty(o1h�sOeeacfTrustatth�aQdross'sottoiih'abbveinth'ama�.�_�pie9cn0eO�yapplicabtetaw�E�ceptforenyotho�not�cereqin�ecfunderapphca�lo-�-- -��- � �-- -- ��
<br /> ' law to Ee given in anc:`�2�manne�.a�y nobca0►ovidetl tor in tnis OeFO at Trust sh�u bc gi�en by mai�ing sutb noUCO bvi ce�ld�o0 man addressed to tho other
<br /> p8rttB9.8t the80C�e55501 tOrth ebove
<br /> � Any nodce prov�Ce�tOS m thi9 Oeed ol Trust 9ha11 bo deefne0 to havA Deon g�van to Borrower or Lbndor whon grvan m tho mannvr des�gnated herem
<br /> , (f) It1�ellon.LendermaymekeorCeusetobbma0ereasonab�oontnesuponan0�nspect�onsoltheP�oDerty,prov�dedthatLondor9hallg�veBorrowor
<br /> notiCO pnor to any sueh mspoction spCaly�ng reasunablo ceusfl t�eretor related to Lander's intorosS i�tho Proporly ' ,
<br /> (y) R�COn��y�ne�.Uponpaymon1o1811sumsseturedbyth�sOeeCOlTrust.Lendersn211requesttrusieotoreconveythoProportyandshatlsurrendur
<br /> fhis Oeod ot Ttus1 an0 et�notes ovidtfnc�ng mCebtedness secured by th�s Deed ot Tru9f to Trusteo Trust�o snatl reconvoy the Proporty w�thaut warra�ty and
<br /> w�thout tfiargo tv tho persan o�pe+9o�s legalty entdled tAeruto Sucb porson or porsong sha11 pay a�1 costs o1 recordat�an.d any_
<br /> �h) Vanon�lVrop�rtr.9�GUrItyApre�nuM.AsaGd�t�onalsecuntyforlhopaymontotthoNotoant��tures.eqwDmanf.nndotherpersonalproportyused _____T--
<br /> mtonnetUO�w�ththprealestatpor�mprovementsloCatoOlherCOn,and�otot�arwiSOdecfare0ordeemodtoboapartollhorealastatosecwadhereby,shallbv • �
<br />' SuU)ocltoasgcunty�nterestinlavoroHheLondetundaHheNehrasNaUn�tormCommercialCade Th�ginstium�ntshallboconsUuedasa5etuntyAgreamonl '
<br /> under ea�d Code.and tho Lendar shall havo e�l the nght9 and rvmenie9 01 a secureA party undor sa iA Code m add�t�on to the nghts and remed�og Crealod under •
<br /> ' end attord80 tho Lender putsuent to thts deetl ot lrust �
<br /> p) S�wpYWtr.InlheeventtAatanYOrows�onotfh�s04edofTruslcun0�ctwdhayphcablolawo�aredeclaredinval�dmotherw�saunontorceabtc.such �
<br /> � Contl�Clor�n�aUddySAa���4faflBC!lh0othptprow�S�aoso11hi9DeedolTrustorlheNotewhichta�betl�vent�ltectvnthouttheconlbctmgp�ows�on,and{nth�s �
<br /> - rrid f6v prov�sitins of(he�bad 6f T�uSfand IIi6 NoTr)afA QE�t6t�Q f6 6Ft 36Y8ru6tv ' ' ' ' "
<br /> � � H6/fON�b1 ha7 QROCUtBO 1hr9 UBB�Oi Tru51 t�A C�10 Mrn}tOt�BbOVb ,� �
<br /> �,� ��.-- .
<br /> trick J��ar.a) �3ur",x�� '�
<br /> . � l � C� . �%�Q.-t � �
<br /> � �.- . �.��
<br /> . ( ebra E!. U'_Hara) Eior�u�+r, �'
<br /> . � �
<br /> , ' �
<br />