-��s �.':''�n�f,d ,_�w���.�.��r�cr..�'x=a�i��r�s.�t�y-:, .` .t �t .;. •� , - - �, :-�.::r . - �L`itB,c4iii�u�i;.-
<br /> 1�: . ' . .' . . .f... �. :-.. �{
<br /> --�-�--•-� � - — � .e.u�.a.ursscs.a�nrccss,�w.rE :I: �'�r
<br /> '__ -_ -��a wc:i:o5wr��uw�ua�s!} �, ✓�{-[�vtasms-cL. _
<br /> --_----_—__- -_- ---— _—— --_ - _ --- --_ 1�="__ _-
<br /> . . . . . . .y�� -_. . . . . . _ . . _ . . . ..._ _
<br /> � '_�_ � . *�::'_ . .. . . . � � � . . . . . . . � ' ., _ �
<br /> _ j�.--..,, . . _ �. . ... , t� . . ,.
<br /> . , soRROw�s��rnrs��uca+n�cs: 90.,.� �V�S�V , ` �
<br /> � BortorrecatTeustors�unQershrtdtnatthedoeumentthattne8arroweraaroaboultoe�cecu)9�sa0ee�atTrustanAnotamortgageanathatthepnwerolsateprovtde0
<br /> !or ia tM Qead of Tnnt pravlGes substtnlisfiy Ciifetert rigAts an�o0figauon5 to the BortovPers ffian d nsortgage in thee�rent ot a detauft orDreae4 ot o0ligstion undetthe
<br /> Ond of TrusR in�tuding,bul not timite0 to,the LenEers right to hare the Real Praperty sotd bytRe Trustoe wit�out any judicial proeeadfng orfo�eclosure.Borrowers
<br /> r p p n s e n t a n d v r a r r a t t t t y t t�i s a t kn o w t e d qement was exeeuted b y the,hn befare Me execution of the Oeed ot Trust
<br /> I���
<br /> _ (P� ��C�C .1. . � ar'd) Bortower
<br /> -. � h�� a o� � � . .
<br /> Debra A. O'Hara} soROw�.
<br /> ' _ PREFACE TO DEEp OF TRUST � � `
<br /> , co�re w.vo�uoR onavr+u+.rwprov..ey a..�.+n.s�wa���tnou�►ur ow�u�ca�cu�tu�ut+n. ' " ,
<br /> � � n.�re.ei..eo�v�e.oM�r oKE.��,s.o�� •
<br /> �
<br /> i O A DIfCWY610iRIGHTT�OES!liNA7�N011ESTfJ10: , � �
<br /> ,,.. . '
<br /> s TheBorrmMer�s)aei�nnWte�qethaltheyareabnuttosze�ute�eS��;�"r,3Deedo}Tn:stuponipareatestatedescribedtherein_TheBoi�rawens).anJeactfotMemil
<br /> . - �-' -�- t110�Eth1tf011l.dOhE2bydiSClaimtheirfighttOd88�gn32s��'v��AL�'+�n1U1BrBt0��pBAOftff�lf6ftl85Y�d��bT@ftr'�8s�clttlEBOt►OWvBt(S��SO�PpT�+���-- - --- ---- � -� � - -.- .
<br /> ' � ! tuturoDesituateduponsaid2atestate.TheB�nowet(s)ur,�.�d�r.:�r'+erestabGsh�sahomes2eaaonanypartolSaidQeatestatedurir.gthetimettr�DeedotTtivst �
<br /> � remainsunaatiafiedanda�ieic�ensaidrealestate,theres�aabenoti�;:^:�'.:.3ic8adeSig�ationothnmesteadmtheevBntCfatofeelosureorqustee'ssalewithrespeett0
<br /> � said Deed ot Trust ` • .
<br /> � TheBortower(s)acknrnvledgethattheye�eabouttoexecutethetottow�ngDeedotTr�tupontherealestatedescribeGt�erem.TtfeBoftpwer(s).anAeachotthemif
<br /> more t�an one.Qo hemCy wreive tl�ei►ngnt to Ces�gnete a homesteaA pursuant theceto.Tr.e 8orrnwer�s)understanb tt�ai they Qave thu�fgtt to make a Cesigna4ion ot , . _
<br /> homesteaDanO t�at byexecuting thiS wawer,they are waivmg nghts otherwise avadable far the purpase ot aHOrAing them the OppoRUnitytC�in their ham8stead in tAe
<br /> event of a Qefault upon the Oeed ot Trust.
<br /> Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protect�on Act(Section 78-1901 et seq.Rev�se0 Statutes of the State of Nebraslw►,tne Borrowars i:�o hereby designate the real
<br /> . property desaubeA in the"095�gneUOn ot Homestead"'attached hereto anA irtcorporated here�n 6y this reference. •
<br /> , �
<br /> � 8orrower t...: " • .: .,.
<br /> . .�._.,_. .:
<br /> • , t �
<br />: i , Borrowe► ' _
<br /> �
<br /> • � THIS DEEO OF TitUST.�s made as o�!he� aay ot .Ap.l'I I._. , .t9_9Q_.oy ano among tne rrustor,Patr�Ck J. O'Hara
<br /> � and Oebra A. O'Hara� husband..a�ta1_wife_,__ .. W„ase.-:;:�,�9 aaa�ess�s _3011 .Sunfiower Drive, Crand isla�d, • . . =
<br /> •,.—
<br /> . ' NE GSSO�-5777_ (here�n�gcrr3wer'1.tbe Trustee. ��IljaID_G.. @la�.urll�a�t�mbEf"�f_the NE State Bar Assrf,� �
<br />: ' wlsosemadmgaddressis P.O�. BOX 22801--Grand. Island,..NE. �8802-2280 .__...__(nero��°Trustee°►. -`
<br /> . ane tne eorrehc�ary. __F�1►_£F!QIIl��_�1f1.{S-_----- - - - _-- ' ' '
<br /> -- --•—... -- ----- ----- - -------- '
<br /> whosemaii►.�gadCwssis �-0.__ Box_ 1507 Grand Isiand,. NE..,_j68802-1507 _ .. �
<br /> _ �. . _ _ --- -----Ihorerr.'•lenoer•l- i.
<br /> FOR VAWA9LE CONSIdfRATION�rtcwd�ng Ine inGebteOness idencrt�ea nerein and trus�nere�n creatoa.tne rece�Ot of wnieh�Y hereby aCknowtetlgetl.8onower
<br /> hereDy frrevacabiy grants.trans}ers,conveys an0 assigns to Trustee.�N TAUST Y/�TH PQWER O�Sglg tor t�e b�npt t dnd seCUnt o1 lend�r,under a d sub ct to the
<br /> terms an0 conaa�ons nerematrer se�tortn.�ne roai propeny.aescnoea as rmiows A treCt Ot land in �Ot 4, rsland Seet�on �1 and �
<br /> in the SW� of the NW,} Istand Se�tion 11, Township l0,� Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., Hali :��r�,
<br /> � County, Nebraska, more particulac�£y described as �msiows: Beginning a# the W� cornec af said ` :�
<br /> � Secxion 11, thence NO degrees 18' �a"E atong west Eine of'the NW,� of �a3d Island Section 11, a , �'
<br /> distance of 622.74 feet; to the point of 6eginning; thence co�tinuing H� de��rees 18' 20"E a
<br /> distance of 498.00 feet; thence S 89 degrees �1' 40"E a distance of 875.17 f�to thence 50 degrees �
<br /> 18' 20"W a dlstance of 498.00 feet; thence N 89 degrees 41' 40"W a distance of 875.17 feet to the
<br /> point of beginning; said tract containing County Raad Right of Way ae�c6 excepting a certain tract
<br /> deeded to Hall County by Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 78-407606 also excepting a
<br /> certain tract as recorded 1n Warranty .Oeed recorded in the Register of Deeds_Office as Document
<br /> NO. $6-1 b1173. .. . .. ... ...-- ---- ..._. . . -- � ---�-�--�---�--�� - ---��--- - ... . _ . . _ --- ---.. ... _ .._ _... .
<br /> TOgefher witb all buildmgs.improvemente.h�luras.3treets.alleys.passagoways easements nghts.pnvdeges and appurtonahc�9loCated therean ur�n anyw�se
<br /> po►Iammg fhereto.and the rents.�ssue9 and prolrt9.rflverssuns nnd i�ma�nders thereoL inclu0ing.but nat timdeA to,r.eat,ng and coolmg eqwpmeM and such personal
<br /> Dropertythati�atteen80totheimprovementssoastoconst�tuteat�xturo andtogefiherw�tntnonomosteadormantal�nterpsis.itnny.whichintoresisarahorebyreteaseA
<br /> and waived.aMaf whicn,inctudi�g reD�acemenis and add�t�ons thereto.�s hereby dectardA to bva 0art o1 the real estato sec u{atl by tha t�en ol th�s deed o!Trust and au ol tne
<br /> tarego�ng bemg rote�rOp to norem as tno'property'� .
<br /> This DeeO ot t�ust Sha�l seeurp(a)Ih0 paympM o1 ine pnnc�pa�sum and intere5f tfviOUnted Ay Botrower s notv and�or tred�t egre0me�t tl�ted April 2, •
<br /> • �g�Q__.__ _,na��ng a matunty dato o�.ALri 1_2� 199� ��tne ongma�pnnc�pai amaum of 5 6�.��fl{�.��- - and any and au
<br /> momf�eationg,owtonsions end rengwatg tho�eol o�thoroto nnd any antl alt fuluro aOY�nr.os and readva��ces hereunqer pursuant to or�E pr mu�n p�bm�ssory notes or tred�l ' .-'_--" -
<br /> ap�eEmBnis(heroinCeltetl"NOte'�.(b)t�opaym¢MO�OthBrSUmgadvencedbyLenUe/tup�ofoctMeSecuntyottheNote(cllheperf�rmanceancuvenantsnndagraampM �
<br /> . ol8orrower sef torth neram.and(d1 al�u�d�btednossen0 ob��gauony ol8onawer to Lender wnetnE.d��ect mdnect.uASO�uteor t�ntmyent and wh�ttner at�S�ng by nolo.
<br /> guaranty.overCrafe o�othprw�sc , �
<br /> 8u/rpwor.to ptotCCt fho secutdy Ut ih�s Oc24 ot TfuSt.to.enants�nd lgtees with Lende�as/olloHS � �
<br /> 1 ►iy�M�ItOV�MtI�IN1AI�t�►�/1.Bottowershallpromptlypaywhenauotnopnncipalofand�n(ereston andanyteusurt;haryesprovidedin:IheNotao►infnis (
<br /> Oeed 011r�t
<br />� 'l 'TIW.BbnOwQrrSlnDOwnO�UlthoP►OpCrty.h84thUngh}8ntl3uthorRytoconveylheVro�er�y.A��Owau.inlsfhallhc�henc�EalnAhtreDy�Saf��5t8ndpnori�er,�n ' �
<br /> � theProporly,bxteptasmayothe�wisvDBSettorthherem andthBexectdwnarddelweryo�iniyDeetlo�Ti�5ldorsnolvi'v�ateanytontri��protherUbhgaLOqluwhi�h
<br /> Boi�orior�s sub�ott
<br /> 3 Te1��.A�M�11Nffl(�.Tb QJy WhUb UUL'01�Tda�9$DEGiaE D5503SfnCbl98nd$�1 Ulhrq�hil�qC50!)d�ii5t Ihp V�OpE��ty dny},UL��n+���»"���Cmcln�by�f!�dE�,tO pJy tU
<br /> � LBnAnr 8oen BmuuM 83 may QB 9�i���ue��)f60flDGi0 1�l�lCa(1c�fV V�Y Suth f9xl9.OSSCSSn�Cn15 br tlther ch�rqc5 as they bCavme Aue � �
<br />. ' a (MyNf1��TokCO�T�o�ropo�tymSUrcA�gfinSt�:lmagarbyf�r�n�rardS�r�CtudedWdh�ntnptP�m r+trr�dCOCb+E+t7QP in�fsuc+�ut„r•�nar.n�tcasl�ndc�may (Q
<br /> �QQ���ff tf�pmqunfqandN�d�1.COthQ3'��69BLCbp1001@tOtbnWl enAM�th1o55p7y�h1(!tOthnE.ender I�caSevt�nss�mders!Kttpoirt�ra thptpndrr�cauthnn7edtvad�irsf � {�
<br /> CU��C`C18hdCOmptp�-.+500!IC�d�T.41MPPBU^dCtDRdSh81ih�7�Gt�:CUpirpll(/tN`p1Y�h)ARb/�3rtUtpft' r�Stie:t•::�•�e�u:P�tc1�.l�if4:tn�,!,:1i•htP:l+•r�.SP�a2•O�iL•tPG/h�at�ngut,h ! :f,
<br /> _ arCc!aslCt�der rr:a�Celr,rm�no l��tte!he Hn.,:.aer tot+c i:sr,.ift,r tr�t`e(.(�S:r(.e IH41Ul:�1�:�tY h11n(.:'.;.(:<ir(�..�(...�f.:���i�{l:l•tF't(�t+:(�+�C[:f�r t�ir�E't�C.l:�:t:4(f�,�'i:(I l+°��<1�:t ' -
<br /> . ri•(/�r++J�OH[���(t��hnl.enry}�1p4LL'C�L!jrUS!!�llt�Clti1!3m!�t!^!C(!C�.tt��t�ereh�!:rtnrC3tnr.R��l.••-trRr_r•lr:::r.��!.t.^•� .it.i:{•; x..lf:.,,,:�!,��c: .nd�_!ul��•4�l�t••:lr.,.t.V+.�!! L- e
<br />' , er)!Ff}�niStter:Yl�;t:rtRlhRrfitC*t7IIfOtlFdr�L'BImi;RTSifnQPilfipfj'ttnnr��;r�an�(t�sl�_rft'_pr(',r�.�a.rn.•<nn.,�.y.�j - - ..
<br /> �i MIM��MflC/�I��H��fl�C.OTj1111flC11RU11��Wi.ff�,.���AOr gr..��i �nClr FI.�.i'��.;.�.}� . .,��� . , ,..f t� . u,t ��..�� - .� i•...�.�n�r.,��..r• �� �..�..r.� r,� .
<br />- � ' �nq,.:,feR�.�r,t rtn�._n n.al F��rNn•��;�,���;�dets�nreh ;�:�"<<r;:,��..,..,�.�:rrm�r�yn f�n.t.��...,.:,.;,..�,�ar,-. �r.��i••�-: , . , , . . �-�• • . .�.�•.!r�-,-..r'��
<br />_ . . . .. . .---..:... . _ ._ _ . . . . .. . � . .. .
<br />_ -a'�•/-� �+.R�^O�O:PF,[�.tSi;nlreP:-��.r.r�'qi:p�l�,,,ii. �'n/t:�i�i•t:d(C:'n:.l:lr,�tl:t'.;�i:i•(t��� i�. , .�n.;ii�� ��� .. ....al. , r . �rr • 1•.ul� ..i ��1..i.. . ,� f . -
<br /> �.:i� �:-.'
<br /> ., ..
<br />_ E'�.1 t�u�n�d�':�:r:p+,�,J.'ithjruri•l�fl'�•�-�dnr;�rr.5,•��r�.`���F.�:�.:r��'SI-B�Sl�fC.ilrs:�.iil'E!*4a'��7�' t•���. ��r'.y . •• � � i.. ..�•(•�r . ..� ��� . .t .. �.��1., � � �
<br /> ��
<br /> '
<br />