..; -„:t��:s,`Q�i'c��;��rr-"'�"'� �'�v�'nk�i��tk��t�w�:.�s��:�'fca:" 'F ' ^ �,�.�S�e67�:dt��iYrti�" ��.�F,F._
<br /> . �._� � ' �
<br /> . . RE-RECORDED � Fcao so+, . -
<br /> VO��� (OV gp--�.�172� Pa6e2ot2
<br /> . Trwtor(a)an��aM ot 8�n furth�r eawnana and pn�s w(th B�nrlletary a�tcitows: .
<br /> (1) To pay aD INns,iudG►►Nms.or ath�r assessmenn apainst er�properry.and m py wMn eue atr assessmeno.tau�.renta.fees.a rharqes uP��Rrover�►a
<br /> unQe►Imy Uat�►.P��+L 6arts�.or pttv�epn essipnad to Berte�riary aa add�ona!sYCxuify fi lhis Trtut Uaed.indudirtp IAose in or on putiit dCmain.
<br /> � (2� 7a irfsura and ke�p rt�.wred bu�T�r�ys and ather improvements irtdu6irg fumues artd artachments now on a►hereafter ptaced on tne prvperty to tho aacstaetion ot .
<br /> Ben2fitlary.Seuh tatuttnCe wiD bs aDAraved bY ertd dBpDSitBQ wi4t BeRBfitiaty.8Rd @rtdmSed WIIA los!payebfe tl3use t0 Bettefidaly.Any sunts So reteived by Betmfttlary
<br /> may bs usod L�p�}I fot ra�onefixuoas at 0�9 desvayed improvements or if nai so appGed may tre appiied,at the op[ion ot Benetiaary,in payrrtent ot any�nAebteQnese
<br /> ma�eed a�aimanr�d s�Grrd by Bris Tnrst bced. ,
<br /> (3) To keap as h�tmnps,fumaes,atndunants,ane oUier improvemenn nnw on a hereattar ptxed on me properry oca,piea arta�n good repvr,matntenuies,a�d
<br /> �ors�dta��mrtittrorperrtds�yecsofwaataarmryanpaim�erttof�hevai�ofthepropertyr. Beaefxx:taarymayerroerupantheyroperty+mm�cies8nearto , <
<br /> perfam any aGS atr�horii�d Mroin a in Ou Iwn apreemertt(s).
<br /> (4) b►dN evrnt Truuor(�ixrs to pay eny tiens.tudyr+encs.assessments.raxas.rants.!ee�.ar cheraes a maintain arry insurance on me proAeny.buddnge,tixnuas,
<br /> att�menm.or improvemer�as pmvided herein ar in ttie Ioan syreemenqs).BenefirJary.at ita op�an,may make such�taymenta ar previde insurance,maintenanee.or
<br /> repars and arry artn�xm paid t�eretor wi�!become part ot the principal iredeb•.edness sequed hBrehy.be immediatety dae and paysb;e artd bear inuetest 8t tha defauh�ate
<br /> ' Tr�)In defauit�aix�ss �aE payment un�t paid The advazmemaniby Benefidary af arry su�3+amaunts YH.1 in no martn�umit ttfs riybt of Benefidery tn decf�re
<br /> any of BeneS�ry's a?�er riphts and remadas.
<br /> (� �C»svenE Bsntfieiary is a party ot any Ii6aatiar►afreaing dse praper.�r or the lien of d�ts Trust Deed.incSudiny arry aaion by Benefi�ary to enioraa tnts Trtut Deed m
<br /> �y suit 6�l�l�eh B�frdar�t fs n�qrvad a deter•dar:t(ir�ud'mg oort�rnna�rt�an0 banlwptey prawedinpBl BerteF�y may irtcu[expanses arrd�ca paytnerns fa ai�atraet '
<br /> fees.abcnelg tees(m the e:tsr�t alta�vad!sy taw),msi�.eiR�sas.apPraisaf fees.artd athar eharges and arr�amc�ts sa advenred Nrifl beaamB P�of the Princii�al
<br /> tndebted�rsa sec�xed hxaby.bs immec�atery due ard payahla artd bear inmrest at the defwil raU prorided fn iho note(a�trom�ha�date o1 advanse un61 paid.
<br /> , (� My aiir�mads�Trustor(a)ar their sucoessora Qq tf�e exerrise ot eminent Qomain are hereby assigned oo Bene�ciary;and 9snefidary is hereby authpr(zed ro -
<br /> eotteetand appty Cw sartw in paymentaf arry indebtedness`m3oue or unmatureQ seoired tryr th;aTrtui Qeed.
<br /> m �n 6w owntTrusmr(s)deTauhs 1n Ihe paymern when due of any sums sswred herebY(prineipal.in*erest,sEvancements.oc p.rotective advartces�,or(aus to perfmm er
<br /> obsorve anY cnmWnts and canaitians cartrained herein,in fie no:e(s).foan agreemenqs),or erry omar insvumenn,or any proceed��gs is bmught by a against Ttusmr(a)
<br /> ��a�1f�P�Y��'!BBnelfcia�Y.at i5 nP�On.maY Eeefare C�s ert6re in00btadness seafred!�ereby OD De immsSiataly due arM payahte and fie�rifoSe nd7 beaz itltereat
<br /> a[ths defardt rat!as prpvided tn tAe natets�a�d Beneficasy saay enmedidtety autnarize Tnutoa to exe�ise the Power of Sate qranted herel�in the marmer provi�d in riw
<br /> _ - .. i�Lbtaa2+t7nt�E?atQs 1Set,es,��C.�C:��IIt¢8..."s�fs:�at3y hxe�l�Se dre Fn!*t i?t����+i9 manrtar proNetod bp faw tu:tlte foteebauar ot me�tQs�s cx+r�d prop�rty. - � -
<br /> atdu!"iry tlt��ppofrt�nrrtot"a itaoeiwr�e:Paree aPFASazon.eotic�banp harobyr e�nssy�raiwd,aithout rey7ard oo U+a�ue af the propnty or�auffi�ieTi�'yth�raof m .
<br /> li�dw'�th�ind�b�s qar�d Mahy 9r t�ttn Ioan a�Nmenl(s}. D�iay by BaMfidary i�axerdtinp its riphri upon tfat�:t titi0 nolbe oonstnied as a w�hiDrth�reoi and
<br /> ery aet ot BMNfiel�ry MaivinD�11 tPae+fisdct�`.muitwill rtot be consIIued as dwahrer ot any fuwe Qefauh. If tne proaaeds tmdec Such aate x ta'e�9sure 3rQ iRSUfFdenita pay
<br /> 1M lohl ifltJibO�drNit s�ax�d h�fYby.Tn+�t{S}d0 hereby aate�9D 66 D�'ao'rJN b0und!D 98l►ihe unpaid baTenme.and B8rt8fiCiafy will b9 etrCAd to e CBfideneY I�� '
<br />. (� Stwud B�rNfieiary et�et b t:eraiar�Pawer at Sa�a 4►anted he�sin.Benefidary wiU natiy Tnutee who will ruoxd.iwhlish.end deliver to Tniatari�l aucA Noffae ot
<br /> , . p�faut and ti1�C�of Sale as thsn requir�d by Iaw and wiU in Q�e manner pravtded by Iaw.sell the properry at tAe time and ptaoe of sate ftxed in the NoGCe of Sate.either as a
<br /> � whd��er tn teparate krts.Osrmis.a imms artd in such orderasTrtxaaae wdl daem axpadient An9 Oersa►maY biA at tlie aate irrdudrnQTnrstoRe?.Tnistee.a Benefrdary.
<br /> (� Tnum►I�)�M�Y��+�u a mDY of any NoGOO a�Oa�utt or Notiw ot Sals hereunder to be ma�led by cerOfied mml m Trostnr(a)at the addreu(as)set kirQ►harein.
<br /> (t0) tlpon d�faiy B�n�t�rJ�yl.eifiar in puson ar by agar�r,with ar wiUw�n brfnpinp arry action or prooeed+np and wi0►a withaut repard to d�e vaSus ot Aie prop�rty or U�a
<br /> �uffid�noy tlMnof b�sdura���IndeStednesa aeeured lieraby,is euthod2ed and enuCed to enter upon and take possession ol the property in its owrt rtamo a ln ihe name
<br /> 01 fi�Trutw and Eo arry acu or expend any sums it deertG+necessary or deslrab!e to protect a presene ttw�ratue ot the propeny ar eny interest therein,or inaQaas the
<br /> • ineom�tMnhom;and with or without tatdrg possessron ot.the Praperry is authorized to sue for or oYrierv�ise collect the rents.issues.crops.Profits,and irt�ame thereof„
<br /> (ndudirg d�oM pstt du�and unpald.and epp.y tAe aame upcn arry indebtednesa sewred hereby a in the toan eIIreement(s). :
<br /> � No am�dy h�rMn oosshrcad upat a reaervea ro Trus�s a Bertefidary is irrended ro be exetusive o0 ar,y other remedy herein or by law pravided w�ear,ixed,but •
<br />' eaeh wi0 b�cumulativo,wlll bv irt additlpa to every other rertsedy piver.ttereuRder a now ar hereafter eriatrg at law or in equ;ty or by stafu:e,and-may ne a:erciaee
<br /> � concurranEy.indop�r�nUy�woo�sive:y. ' ;��:,
<br /> ' (tt) Tt�r(s)aekrtawletlyes dfat the Q.rs'r��^d obtipa6ons ot Trusoee wit:tra Qetertnined solery by me er��s�:avisior.s o'm.s Tr���e,���tne(Vebraska TrusT peeda : •
<br /> ' Aet and Tr�ttOt w�l not ba LeEta eseept t��ta�esfdrmance ot sud�Euues asC flblipaaons as are apecifiEally sr��L-;c�s thece,n.ar,d no fmptiEid oovenan�or oDliQafions will be �--
<br /> impo�ad upan Tnutw;Trustee will not be Garis tar acry atucr by it in good taid�and reasanabty believed by it to be a�:}�a-aed or within tne dis�xotion a nphp oS powers •
<br /> oont�nod upon tt by fiIS Trust t�d a srate law. ' .
<br /> (�2) TM(nuQAty and rasponaibi►ity of Tnissar(j�mr3t".�a part of the t�nsideraUOn tar tt�oblipations seeured hereby. Shoutd Truamr(e)setf,transfer.a oonvay tha .
<br /> • prop�rry d�sar(b�d IMr�(n.wiC�out pria wrim�r►mnsent at�nafic(ary,Beneficiary,at ita op6on,mey dedare the en5re indebtedness immediatety eue and payabta arb may
<br /> protNd in fi��nforcwnMt ot in r{phts as on uty otMr default • .
<br /> (13) /Wlprxn�nt of R«fts inel�np ProeNda ot ARneral Leasas. Truamr(s)hereby auipns.transfers.and aomreys to Beneficiary all rente,royaltlei,bonuses,and delay
<br /> many�a oth�r proa�d�tl�ae may from tlrtw to tlms beearna Ew and payable urtest any�eat esrate leaae a�mder arry at,pa�,pravel�rodi,oP other mineral teu�o!any . "
<br /> kind includnp peothum�t resaurcea now ex�sunp ar that may hereatter wme into eaistence,tovering the prope:iy or any paR tAereot All such sums so rotoived by , _•�,
<br /> Bar»fic�r wir b��ptis�ta�indeoiadnes�sawrea nemoy;a�ttenehaary.ai rts cpao�may axn o+�er ana Qen�er ro ire�ra(s}or meir suoeessora�n�nrereat:ar�y a a�►os --
<br /> audt sumsw(Anut pr�ju6qe r�eny af Besefldaye riphts m take and rerairt(ucure aums,arM wlthaut preju4ice to eny of tts other rlphts under this Trust Oeed. This ossipnment `
<br /> wiA W eansL�sQ ro Ea a prtivision lor B+s pay�+�ertt a reEuebon o1 the debc aibjeet to the Benefidays option as hereinbefore pravided,tndepeedent of the►ian on the properry. 2
<br /> Upan pay�ar„in MI o1 the Gebt and dis r�royanee of t�i�Truat Deed ot reca�d.e+ia as�pnmem vnil eecor�e�r.opera6ve and of no tunner fo�re a*sdelrecs.
<br /> (t�} T!�e opt,�nants tontalned In O�is Te,�3;0�ed will be desmed to be se+r��3bte;in Ihe event O�at arry poF,.c�ot tAia Trust Oaea ia determirod�o be vo�o'urenforaeab►e, '.
<br /> Out Q�WrtnAatAn will nOlBtfeCt the vahdiry ot the rArttaiNnp p�r:on�ot the TN7t Oeed.
<br /> � _ � /,_ �r ��
<br /> l_ !*,�l�"Z� � �t�e!�Y ' _ r t•t,�;f/ .'S • `%i`l, L�%. / ,
<br /> Ro ert L. � der l�anc L. M er ` � ` �'
<br /> ,
<br /> ' . ,s�s�:.'.
<br /> : .;�.
<br /> 1f��/( y Sg.
<br /> ' couruTV oF 1
<br /> . Onthis,��r,day_ot. /i�;•r ,,_ :�:� _,A.D.,19_�'r 5,betororre,allotaryPdU'ic,.person�:lyappearad
<br /> --.._.------. . - -�----..-- �-- --..
<br /> Robex L. Mad� and N ��cL_L.�_1�!ader� husb nd and wifQ
<br /> to me know to be the person(s)namad in and���t-�s'e:xAcuted the foregaing Acknowtedgment an�7cust Deed and ticknowledgeC that thev„
<br /> executedthesameas their vo(ur;L.riaxa.ddaed. ' `
<br /> (SEAL) ����isu ~__—_-___..,,,_.;1 ,f / ' �"(`�1`-,�.l./j l� .
<br /> � �,��g1 (type or pnnt nemo under aignature)
<br /> / Notary Public in and for said Counry and Steta
<br /> My comrnlssion expiras '�-`�`
<br /> . . i�
<br /> . 7t
<br /> � L ° �
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