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<br /> � - , � _ � . - � - . ---� -- . �
<br /> RE REGOROEO . . I
<br /> _ a � . �`101�78(1 � . - � Q��� `� �o�2R.�, � �
<br /> r
<br /> � � �nw f.r,�,c�.dn otsu�t�i � . .
<br /> � -
<br /> � At�dr0YY1.EDGMENT: � '
<br /> � . � The undersipngd Tnistot(a}he�eby aetatcwlsdges arxf unde,stiMs that(a)tl�e seeun'ty dowmerd bebw t�b�exewted fs a Trust Deed and not a
<br /> natlpap�and(b)tl�e power atrate prov'sds�tor in tRe Trtist Oeed provides s�stantia8�r d�t�ereni rights aery abSSaIIOns ta tAe 7rustor(s)th�a
<br /> mn�q�e in fie event af a dei�t a�twctf of ob�atian. The Trusmr(s}turther represerrts end eQrses that dris oertifiwtion has beert read and
<br /> { oxrari�d in aonneo5on with.twt pdor m.d�a Trusxxs'�xeou0on of tAe fottawinp Tnist Deed
<br /> f s ct .t$�I{L-
<br /> .�,t , ?;,
<br /> G — � �
<br /> ��Robert L. Mader Nan , L. c3er �
<br /> � 7F/S ACKNOWLEDt'aMfJiT YUST 8E 81G+NED�PRIOR T+0 EI�CliT10l1 OF 1AUSt OEED- _ � .. .
<br /> � , �;>:�:.: � , - . .
<br /> " [ This'frust Qeedan�iJ4s i ynmeMof Nent��eiet�edto in 6�e a6ove aekna�ntis mad�tr.i� ,,,3(1�, day,a!'
<br /> f Macc -���- .i9�„_.by�damoti� Itobert L_ Made= and Nanc� T._ I�aBer.;.
<br /> , l h,�s��a �`�,�'__��R . . . .
<br /> •Truator(s)'whot�i asd
<br /> .,.� � Far.n Credit j - . 'Trustae:qrhosema�'ngad�sais ,: .
<br /> :,,;: ' .
<br /> .,..
<br /> - �s . . � - 1Qb'Sauth i�i S�et. YJ�aFsat:.a�c�'•..68I�2 ,ars� ='� Crec�it Hank �f, (lmaha � .- . --- ..
<br /> -:;�;• •Bsr��y.•wfiose maii�g�dMss i�206 SoutR�t9�i8tr�ee�Omaha.Nebraska 6810�in aoasiderafwn nf tt�e advanoelyl Benef�aarY oa T�ustxtst at •
<br /> the principil sum s�eafisd beTar,�raaetpt of�i�herebY ac�awladqed and ar►Y 1�ue.ad66ond.ur ptotecti�ad��aes made ta ar are 6ehai#of _
<br /> Trustor{s)at Bsnefida�ys opron.Tcu:bt(s)rtevocaL�i7t f�ss!�s.,corneya and assi�ts b Ttustee.lN IAUST.VYITH POWER OF SJ1LE.Iw�e D�,r..�',t .
<br /> and sewrity ot Benefrcia�y. rts sucoessocs arsd ass�gns.wti�cand subject to the terms and can�i6ons of tl�is Trosi Deed.the property.tocateaii,'�' "
<br /> • ' Ha11- ' ' Counnj.Sta�ot Nebraska.and descnbed as taZ�� '
<br /> _ �:• .. . at4!'o It�. .�. .
<br /> • � A tract o� 2attd lying Ncrth of thQ Ne�erly Burli.ngt�n '
<br /> Northern, ,'Lac. right—of—way line and �icst of the
<br /> NTesterly ��5. Higir+�ay 281 richt—of—way �line i.n the �
<br /> NE} ------ -------------- ------------------------ 1 21N 10��T 6tYt P "' . • �
<br /> Ii�r..'�?.Pt�Rz� EiER£ZItT BY THZS REFEREMiCE_ : . . . � ;.;�: .
<br />- . � , . ��' ;tir,,��.
<br />� . ' i � . .. - .. , �i,����
<br /> t .
<br /> ��
<br /> . i �_ . �a
<br /> � . �.
<br /> , k
<br /> . � . ;.
<br /> - �•
<br /> . `�..
<br /> . . .. �•.
<br /> toDettierw(Qf dl Truator's tiph�title.and interest in the property.naw a!x��'�ter aequired,irtcludng: at9 9uit6nps.fixhires.aops,and Improvements ' �:
<br /> now on or tqro�fterptaced upon 9ie propeAy:aN appurtenances,water.r��,. a:on,and draisca�e riphcs;aH renb,iatues.usei,incame,profits,and rights
<br /> to posses=ion:d a i,�as�y►av�el.rock,or othe►mineraJs o!wh�ver r,�Ye,indudrp peo�al resaurtes:all P��P�nY that may n0egraf�`p • I �'a.s.
<br />, belonp b a h�nN�t baaorne an intepral p�rt of the red esta�wtwd�e�at��ed or de4chsd.inelu6rg arry appuAo+ranoss and aocoutrements of arty � : .
<br /> struature or ro�Idaxs sewred hereby:a11 above aKd below prarnd irti�a¢on 6quipment and aaoeseories;end aM lease�,permits.lieenses.a Pm�te9es. ' j
<br /> appuRerwnt or mnappurtanant b ths propeRy.now or hersaftw iuued,e,ctended a renewed by Trustcr(s).any Stsf�.the United State�.or any � .. .
<br /> dpparbn�nt.bur��t,imbvmw�talrty.ot a�ency the�aot.The krepdnp is eoliediwly refattad b in this document as the'Property' � .
<br /> . ... ... _.. . .--- ---------- -----...-------------------------—--....---.---- �----— ------._ . . _
<br /> —�------- -�--------- ---.....----�-----�---. _._.. _._.... _
<br /> n Is undwstoo0 aeb qn�d bMwNn Tru�toK�)�nd B�Ilcl�ry thN IhN Trust DNd 1�phr�to wwn: ,
<br /> (a) Promiuory note(s)sxxuled by Troslor(y b Benefiaary detcribed as follows:
<br /> � � O�t�of Net� Princicsl Amount
<br /> � Match 30, 1990 $60,400.00 ' �
<br /> , � ' I
<br /> , payaDle a000rdin�to the Iecros ot B�noce(a),and any addenaoma to,reamcrU=ation a restructuricg of 9fe rrote(s). , :
<br /> i �4j Th�rsp�yment in fufl by Trostior(s)d any and alt futurg and�dd��onai roans w aAv�aes whi�may be made by Benefidary,at its option,at tAe ' . -- -
<br /> re�quest ol,and b w for�er�coount o1 Trustor(s),ar any of them,lor any purpose.pWs interest on NI loa�s a advanoea,under nny note(s)or other I f__,_�__-
<br /> instrurrNM(�)eno0ilyirg,reflnar�cinD.ext�+p,renewinp,reimatizinp.a restructurinp.new exi:5np.or addaonai Mdebf�dness a any part theroot,
<br /> ' W paya6M�cooreinp to dw terms of the notep)a otl+eT instrument(s}; prov�ded. however.ft�at ths total principat indebtadness outstandnp arb �
<br /> � aecur�dherebyd�nyonetlmswillnotexoee0fhesumo} SI}{TY THC�USAIJA FOUR HtJNDRk:A AHA NO/1QQ--------------
<br /> �� ------�----�-------------��—`--�---0OLLARS(i�p.400.00 ) exolusive of interest and protecevv �
<br /> aQv�nas�ut�otli�d MrNn at In ths ta�n snt s).: avidod hstlwr.dat THIS PARAGRAPFI SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE A COMA7ITMENT TO '
<br /> . , bRKE FtJRTHEit�R AQQiTi6NAL ADV1tNCE5 tN ANV 11NK7t1Ni 1tT l�t�l1►T1ME.WHETFiER fik NC�T THE TOTAL FiifNCiPJi1.iNDE6YE0�iE5S !�
<br /> �i A90YE HIS BEEN ADWUiCED. � •
<br /> L ' ► .�
<br /> (o) Ths repaymeht in fu11 Gy Truator(s)01 alf�mounts advancad by Banofic�ary at its opton.to a on behalf of Truata(s)es protective advancos� �
<br /> au�orise0 hervin,in 1hs to�n qr�ement(e),ot in otMt inabument(9)Wh�ch ewdenoe euch edv8nces,ptus intareat on all auch advancos.payabb as � ,� �
<br /> �, provid�rd in Ihe nate(s),ban ptewnent{e).ar o9tet instnanont�s). y �
<br /> (dj Ths payment in tutl of ery end�!olt�nr pdst prosont.ar tuturu,dr�►te or cant�rrgont,dnbtg ar�d tmat�oos o►'tsustbr(s)ta Bc►nehaary a}any nature r '. �
<br /> ' !� � whaGtob�+ ' ��%
<br /> , ' Th,s Ttu�t OelKlutill tse du9 �4�rch .l , !0 i C}� -___-=-_c- __or upon tn�{�ymont u,N,:i of n11 sun�3 SoGY3fttd hOf[1by , r +
<br /> : j 3•�3'af[q��wsr.a'n�tn�TrosID+(a7 hoida ts��my�ttl�mth��Lhba�6as:t:bud u�v�or>� �a:Tra9td*iSp r:as{�c�d p��d�u�}u?a�,rtrv:r ts(s�e:ar-3 t�ti,.�•CC�P�e �., �
<br />- . ttS"a,ihf!QU ptOpM!y i�kM�l1d CfDir O!�1F L:ln!Ah0 U�4Und)tif�G!!.9YO�L*8i5CUmfrI�:RB 0��Ot0�0 8'��fi�at(rus:�'{6)R..YY.7rtM�n�++i di•'u�:d i}-o taoL'b�► �i'
<br />' Trus:7r(s1 eiDlT�tr.qjansl d�t?8m.ut��wmCmsyevet ?ru�l�faj�fs�rtme��wass and ro;_�:cstuJS a:•.gt;s a`dvucat.�a^wdrond Q s'�n;�.n�shvu l'•�b�c.•G•�, ,,.
<br /> � ' tr�d tO R+9�'JO't�OD6JiAlA OiDL�( '
<br />.t. .. .. . f ; . . . . .. . . . . . � .
<br /> ... ._s . ._�� �
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