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<br /> reglacements in reapect e� comp�n�n�- P�r.t:� �,C ;+�ict� irt�i�aticzn
<br /> well. _
<br /> � 3, p��ig�eions. 5uch easem�nt ancS ye`ant ��f i���ga righ�s �
<br /> herein conveYed by Grantors tc� Grante�g. th�i� hc:i rs, saccesaors �
<br /> and ass igas. are cand itianed upon Gr,antc:u:x and an}� �►���5Q9�ent , .
<br /> owner of Granteea' Trace hearin� all. �x�cn�c�, r.unnQCt�r1 with the
<br /> , operativn of the irrigatidn well which is the� .Y�it��ect �fc thi� �
<br /> � agreer�ent. including al� h�rs�pc�war char���n a:� may. b�: as�essad
<br /> f�s �ts operativn, ared shaLl also iademni�y and t►old Gra�4tors, .
<br /> ti�eir heirs, successors and assigns, harmlc��z� ��c��n anY liens or
<br /> encumbrances attributable to such irrir�atfun well and equipmsnt
<br /> connected therewith as well as any liability i.n r�s��ct tv the _� �__ _
<br /> injury �f any pe�son while us�ng such easemant with -Che i���►f�- -- - -
<br /> sion or at the direction of the Grantees. their h�irs, successars �
<br /> and ass igns. '
<br /> 4. Maintenance nf Condition. This conveyance hy the ig ,
<br /> Grantors to t e Grantees, thc r.hefts, succes�ors and assfgns, • .
<br /> � �urther made upon the conditfon that such. Grantce., heirs, s�c-
<br /> eessors and. assigns shall maintafn the irrigati�n w�lt �and all � •
<br /> re�ated equipmene used to transn�rt water f.rc�m thQ Grant�rs '
<br /> Tract to the Grantees' Tract, in good order s� thac thc�re wilt be
<br /> no leakage or seepage and in order to assure that the use ��. such
<br /> irrigation well will not unreasonabty interf.ere witH rh� n�rmal ,
<br /> . usage'of Grantors' Tract. -
<br /> IN W1TN6SS WHEREOF , we have hereunto set our hands on this � ; --:
<br /> � day of � 1990. ` � i' .`
<br /> t'�r1 �_ -
<br /> . , '� ; �j a, ,. �,; _
<br /> t ,,..,-,�--. �,t .� . n ..���— ,,
<br /> Ar�en Petersbn
<br /> � ' ' � . . .�4�. �/`�� " �1�.�. -� , • ..}'-
<br /> Gre�chen K. Pecveson ��;
<br /> � "G antors" �
<br /> �,,
<br /> � ./� _r.. -__ .
<br /> � 1 t„�- . ..1.
<br /> Rc� er.t L. Si ers '�
<br /> , ���.
<br /> ,
<br /> g�tity Siemc:rs � µ�
<br /> . "�rancc�c�r•"
<br /> . ,,..�' .
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